++++++ I bet you're saying MonsterSlut! What are you doing? Finish your bazillion fics you've already started!

I'm on a Percy Jackson bender at the moment, Twilight too...so MIX MIX MIX!

I'm sure there are uber amounts of Daughters of Hades fics out there so I'm adding to them-if there isn't, enjoy the first!

There probably is.

I do not own

Enjoy ++++++


It was raining in Forks.

It always rained in Forks.

Puddles of cold, drenching rain had begun to form in the ground beneath her feet as she stood there, soaked to the bone.


All gone.

Never to come back again.

There was no body buried beneath the muddy ground, there was nothing left to burry. Nothing left but ash and a few charred bones. The marbled ebony stone, finely carved stood as a mocking reminder of the happiness they'd once had, the family and the laughter that woke her up every morning.

Her mother was dead and it was all her fault.

The skies, covered in angry grey clouds, rumbled and shook, as if they were feeling the same pain that she felt. That thought made her laugh, if the skies had their way, she would be dead.

Once upon a time life was good, life was happy.

But it's true what they say, a child of Hades never gets a happy ending.

She wanted to try and bring her back, but right now she wasn't in the right frame of mind. Even though it was against the rules.

She was never one for rules.

"Hey kiddo." Boots splashed through the mud, feet kept warm by a pair of black, muddy boots that were standard issue of all Police Officers, especially the Chief of Police. "Let's get you out of the rain, you'll catch a cold."

Unwilling to move, away, her knees wobbled and she collapsed in the mud, tears rolling down her face, salty tears mixed in with the cold rain. He caught her, he was the only family left to her now, an uncle she'd never met and a cousin she never knew she even had. Charlie Swan, Chief of Police, the stranger and uncle who knew nothing about her was the only family she had left and the person the courts had given sole custody to due to being unable to find her father.

"Hey, Mels, it's okay," he mumbled in her ear, calling her by the name her mother used to call her, even when she was angry. "There's a big piece of pecan pie waiting at home for you if you're hungry."

Home? Her home was in New York City, Manhattan Island to be precise.

Seeming to sense the change in her mood, Charlie linked his arm under hers and stood her back up. "Hey, your mother wouldn't want you to fall apart like this. You're a strong you woman. Just like her. Please come inside."

He was trying.

"Mels?" that voice belonged to her cousin, Bella. The two girls had only met at the airport yesterday but she had already taken over mothering her. "Would you like to come inside?" She stood there with an umbrella protecting her from the rain and a towel. With the cemetery being not so far from the Swan residence, it had been easy for Bella to guess where her father had gone.

She had lost people before, good people, but this loss was eating her up inside. It was he fault, the creature was after her, it had locked onto her scent and chased her, it had attacked her but they had died.

Looking down at the tombstone beside the fading tombstones of her grandparent, she memorized every line and every curve of the letters carved in stone.


Jasmine Swan-Cooper

Born 7th January 1975

Died April 19th 2011

Mother. Wife. Friend.

Unborn Cooper


To be protected in Heaven

Gone but not forgotten


Charlie handed his niece off to Bella with a frown. "Take her inside and get her dry. She'll catch a cold." The three of them made their way back to the house, all parties involved knew that it would take time for her to see this as a home.

The living room of the Swan residence was full of mourners. They fell into an instant hush when they saw her, some at the back were whispering. "Ignore them," Bella whispered in her ear, the two girls ascending the stairs. "I was the subject of gossip for months after I moved her. The shiny new toy. Wait until you start school on Monday. You'll see what I mean."

Bella left her cousin at the bathroom door before coming back with some comfortable sweatpants and a familiar orange shirt. "Put these on and come back to my room. I smuggled food up before coming to look for you."

She closed the door and peeled off her soaking wet and muddy clothing. As she dressed, she found herself staring her reflection in the bathroom mirror. The jade eyes staring back at her were surrounded by ruined mascara, oddly enough, the black makeup popped on her deathly pale skin. She brushed out her ebony curls and washed her face.

Bella was waiting outside the door when she came out. "Looks much better." The two girls returned to Bella's bedroom and sat comfortably on her bed. "I know you don't want to be here but family is family. I'd like to be friends with you. Its weird having a cousin I don't know. I knew I had an aunt but Charlie-I mean dad, he said that he didn't know if she was alive or anything cause she hadn't been heard from in so long. Than out of the blue he gets a call about you. It's weird, hey?"

She managed to crack a smile. "I have cousins," she told her. "My dad-my real dad's sibling's kids."

Bella raised an eyebrow. "You've met your dad?" she asked me.

She was obviously fishing, but it was nice to put two syllables together without crying. It was nice to think about someone other than her mother… "Yeah. He's kinda odd. Looks like an old school guitarist most of the time. He can't look after me. Where he lives, it's impossible." Inside she was laughing at the idea of living with her father in the Underworld, having been there several times she would have hated the view. "I have a half-brother too. A half-sister as well but she died. We go to summer camp together."

Bella looked down at the t-shirt her cousin was wearing. "Camp Half-Blood? What a weird name for a summer camp."

She shrugged. "Its home for three months of the year. I love it…I always will. I will be going back next summer. Trust me." She slumped back on Bella's bed and stared at the roof, it wasn't her roof but she was sure that she would get used to it, given time.

Bella cleared her throat and started talking about her boyfriend and his family the Cullen's. Mels was sure that she would meet them at school come Monday.

++++++ So what do you think about Mels? She won't be a Mary Sue, she has her faults. I wanna ship her with a Hermes kid or do I ship her with one of the Twilight crew?

Bella will be slightly OOC in this as well.

Warning! ++++++