Lazy Note: Hey there, Strangers. This is a just a little bonus chapter, and nothing more.


The branches hung low with the weight of the snow, shaking under the weight as it piled on from the sky. The snow flakes were tiny, silent, seemingly deafening the morning area around Blackwell Academy. Strangely enough, there were minimal clouds in the sky, and the sun was able to smile down at the layers of snow. The snow was blinding, and the silence was broken when Max stepped out of the dorms in her worn boots. With the snow crunching under her feet, she headed towards the front of the school.

The morning had been one of the best she had had in a long time. She awoke to surrounding warmth and an even heartbeat against her back. She still felt her cheeks flush when she thought about it, but blamed it on the chilly air and snow fall.

Last night had been many things; heated, fast, awkward, and fun. It was much different than she expected it to be, especially after all the stories Chloe told her. But, being with someone like Warren made her stomach tighten around the fluttering butterflies, and her nerves became aflame. Warren was almost too sweet; his actions, his smell, his taste, all so sweet. He was safe, and gentle. Max had gotten lucky, and she didn't regret taking the chance she did last night. They were just going to have to reschedule their Twin Peaks marathon for another night.

When she reached the front, she spotted Chloe's beat up truck. She was careful to avoid patches of ice as she focused on tighten the scarf around her love bitten neck. Warren had left his mark on her, and she didn't want the whole world to see it. Well, not yet.

Chloe was jamming to some song Max had never heard, tapping her hands on the steering wheel and bobbing her head in the rhythm. Max quickly opened the door, sliding into the passenger seat with a huff.

"Finally!" Chloe gasped dramatically. "I'm freezing my ass off!" She started the truck, and the engine roared to life.

"Sorry, I got caught up," Max replied sheepishly. She buckled herself up, hearing Chloe snort.

"With you're boy toy?" Chloe pulled out onto the road, heading towards the Two Whale diner.

Max felt herself instantly heat up, memories of Warren's soft kisses on her bare shoulder this morning becoming vivid enough to make her shiver.

"No, dummy," Max's voice was uneven, and she wrapped her arms around herself. Chloe shot her a look.

"You liar." Chloe smirked. "What? He show up this morning with cake or something?"

"Why cake?" Max asked, attempting to steer the conversation away from it's doomed location.

"What's wrong with cake? If someone brought me cake in the morning, I'd probably bone them hard enough to see stars." Chloe wiggled her brows at Max, who almost choked on her own air.

"Wowzer," Max coughed. "Didn't realize you were that passionate about cake..."

Chloe chuckled, glancing over at Max. As she turned a corner, she cranked her neck to get a full look, her eyes darting over Max's tense figure.

"Hey, you look weird," Chloe commented.

Max shot her a mock offensive look. "Oh, do I now?" Max could feel her pulse quickening as she wondered if the stories of the after glow of sex were true. Was it written all over her face?

"Yeah, why're you all bundled up like that? It's not that cold. And you're all red and shit," she wrinkled her nose, "you're not sick, are you?"

"I'm fine," Max lied. How could it be so cold out side when she felt this warm?

Instead of paying close attention to the roads, Chloe continued to sneak suspicious glances at Max. But, it wasn't until they parted in the Two Whales parking lot that she noticed something red on Max's neck.

As Max undid her seat belt, she was surprised with Chloe reached over and yanked her scarf down to reveal the hickey placed upon her neck. Max froze, starring in horror as Chloe's jaw dropped and her eyes searched Max's. Realization hit Chloe, and she sat back in her seat with a wide smile.

"...You and Warren did the nasty, didn't you?"

"C-Chloe!" Max jerked the scarf around to hide her neck as she avoided Chloe's bright eyes.

"Oh, I don't think so! You can't hide it from me! You fucking slept with him!"

"Could you say it a bit louder!? I don't think the fisherman heard you!"

Chloe smirked, and rolled her window down. "My best friend is no longer a pure-"

"Chloe!" Max reached over and yanked a giggling Chloe away from the window. "I'm un-bestfriending you for that!"

"I'm sorry! Sorry! I'm just excited!"

Max buried her face in her scarf, wanting nothing more than to crawl in a hole and cease to exist. She felt Chloe nudge her.

"Max! Don't leave me hanging! Give me the horny details!"

"Oh, my God..."

"Tell me about your ape foreplay!"

"My what?!" Max exclaimed, glaring at Chloe.

"Yeah, did he, like, bang on his chest and make weird monkey noises and shit?" Chloe asked.

"I cannot believe we're talking about this..."

"This is important! Was it weird? You guys used a condom, right?"

Max sighed. "Yeah, we used a condom."

Chloe gave a sigh of relief. "Good, because I'm not ready to become an aunt. Or your personal babysitter for your hipster monkey children."

Max rolled her eyes. "Can we go in now?"

"Not yet!" Chloe grabbed her jacket sleeve to prevent Max from getting out of the car. "Was it good?"

Max wasn't going to answer that.

Chloe bit her lip to hold back the shit eating grin attempting to break out on her face. "He totally went all ape on you, didn't he?"

"Ugh." With a flustered face and a nervous feeling in her belly, she got out of the truck. She continued to answer most - well, a few - of Chloe's questions about her night with Warren.

Ape foreplay?


Thanks for reading!
