0 : Prologue

This is my first story on this website. I don't know what you readers would think of my story, but I will post this chapter so you guys would rate my style of writing. So don't be too harsh, okay? I'm a noob at this kind of stuff.

This story is based on the Kübler-Ross Model 5 Stages of Grief. Usually, the person who will die, or lost someone dear to her/him will experience these stages (in no particular order): Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, and Acceptance.

So, there will be 5 chapters (not counting the Prologue, Intro, and Epilogue) about Dipper going to his loved ones' dreams and giving one last goodbye.


Disclaimer: I do not own Gravity Falls. The show belongs to Disney and its creator, Alex Hirsch.

The Mystery Shack was attacked.

They were attacked by Goblins of various sizes. They had sharp teeth, yellow eyes, green scaly skin, and for the smaller ones, clothing and possible weapons and armors.

The attack was unexpected. Ford had been asleep when they attacked. And they attacked from below the ground.

Now, they are fighting back the Goblins. Dipper with magic gauntlets given by Ford, Stan with his brass knuckles, Ford with his futuristic rifle, and Mabel with her grappling hook.

Ford was handling his own ground fine. 30 years of experience exploring the multiverse, he learns a thing or two (or a lot) about fighting. But, he was worried about his family.

Stan was fighting back, Hard. Ever since he was a kid, he was unnaturally strong. And even though he never learns proper fighting technique, when you're running from the law for years, you will fight a lot of guys.

Dipper was –sorta- fine. Training from Grunkle Stan, he can –barely- hold on.

Mabel, however, was not used to this kind of fighting. Despite this though, Mabel is really kicking some butt.


The Goblin Leader was getting annoyed. If he couldn't defeat the Pines Family, his deal with that big and white haired boy would be off. Ford knows, that if a Goblin Leader is gone, the goblins would be confused and retreat. Before Ford can aim his rifle at the Goblin Leader, multiple goblins caught Ford off guard and knocking him on the ground. Stan saw this, and rushes in to help him.

Meanwhile, out of the corner of his eye, Dipper saw a giant Goblin, wearing armor plates and wielding a giant sword, ready to stab his oblivious twin sister from behind.

"Mabel, LOOK OUT!" Dipper yelled. His protective brother instinct took over. He ran fast to Mabel and push her out of harm…..

and gets himself impaled by the giant goblin's huge sword.

Dipper screamed, he felt pain surging all over him. His blood splattered on Mabel's face, which was horrified at the sight.

After he was freed by Stan from the swarming goblins, Ford saw the terrible scene. His Great-Nephew was impaled by a Goblin's sword. Without even a second thought, he aimed at the Leader's head and fired his rifle, killing the Leader.

Mabel is holding Dipper in her hands, tears falling from her eyes. "D-Dipper?" She choked. Dipper holds her hand and reply with a weak smile. "A-At least you're s-safe" his lips trembling, pain was overtaking all of his body, and with a final breath, he closed his eyes.

Ford and Stan rushed to the young twins. "NO! DIPPER!" Mabel shouted. Ford checked Dipper's pulse. "Is he?!" Stan asked, dying (poor choice of words) to know.

Ford feels his eyes getting watery, and shakes his head.

So, Thumbs up? Thumbs down? Let me know what you think, Kay?