"What do you mean there's no cure?" Inuyasha yelled as Kaede wiped Miroku's head with a wet cloth.

"I mean just that. We have not found a cure for this strain of poison. I have something to alleviate some of the pain...but alas the monk will perish in a few days." She said calmly, looking down at Miroku with sadness in his eyes. Inuyasha punched the ground, anger radiating off him. He got up and headed for the door.

"Stupid Miroku, there were other ways we could have killed it..." He said quietly to himself while walking away. Kagome sat with Kaede and Miroku, whose color had gotten worse. She looked down at her fallen friend, tears in her eyes.

"So that's it...he's really..." She couldn't finish. Swallowing hard, she looked at Kaede. "Sango doesn't know yet..." Kaede bowed her head, almost looking ashamed.

"I knew this would be the prognosis...So I sent her to gather my herbs...I figured he should tell her." Miroku stirred, slowly opening his eyes.

"Miroku..." Kagome said, choking back a sob. He slowly turned his head towards Kagome, wincing in pain.

"I'm going to die...aren't I?" He already knew the answer. "Where is Sango?" Kaede dabbed his forehead once again, looking down at the dying man.

"I sent her to get me some herbs. They will help with the pain in the bite..." He weakly nodded his head.

"When will she...be back...I'd really like to see her."

"She will return any moment now. We will give you a moment with her before I start treatment." Miroku closed his eyes, dreading his next question.

"How long do I have left?" Kagome teared up again, turning her head away. Kaede exhaled before speaking.

"A few days..." Just as she said this, the door opened and Sango ran in with armfuls of herbs. Noticing Miroku awake, she almost dropped them.

"Miroku! You are awake! I've brought the herbs to heal the poison!" She said excitedly, placing the herbs next to him. Kaede and Kagome looked at each other, and in a silent agreement stood up. Sango looked up, confused.

"Where are you two going?" She asked, worried.

"I think ye should have a moment together before I start." Her and Kagome walked out, leaving Sango and Miroku alone. Sango sat next to Miroku and brushed his hair out of his face.

"I'm so glad you are going to be okay Miroku...I was so worried. Don't ever do that again! There's always another way..."

"Sango..." He weakly said, putting his hand on hers and lightly squeezing it. "Listen to me...okay? I need you to be strong...be strong for me okay?" She felt her heart drop as he said this. She wrapped his fingers around hers, holding his hand gently.

"What do you mean Miroku...everything is going to be okay..." He exhaled, his heart breaking.

"Those herbs...all they are for is to alleviate some of the pain...this strain of poison...it has no cure." Sango could hear nothing but the blood rushing through her ears. Her body began to shake as the tears forced their way up into her eyes.

"W...what? There has to be a way..." She began to sob. Miroku felt a lump form in his throat, seeing her like this causing his heart to shatter.

"There is no cure...I have a few days left." Her cries got louder and more uncontrollable.

"Why did you have to do this Miroku?!" She yelled. Miroku looked her in the eyes, tears forming in them.

"I had to do it...because you were in danger Sango. If i hadn't...it would have bitten you...and I wouldn't be able to live with that on my conscious. It would have killed all of you..." He took his hand out of hers and placed it on her cheek, wiping her tears away.

"Miroku...you didn't have to be a hero." He slightly smiled, running his thumb across her cheek.

"Sango...I should have told you a long time ago. I know I've done alot of things I shouldn't have...and I've kept things from you. This is not how I wanted you to find out...but if I have to die...I'm glad it's because I was protecting the woman I love..." Sango's jaw dropped. Did he really just say that? She was speechless.

"I should have been telling you every single day, how beautiful you are, how you always brighten my day when you are around...my only regret in life, is not telling you that I love you sooner than now." Her sobs grew stronger. She couldn't believe what she was hearing.

"Miroku...I...I love you too. I'm going to find a cure...you are going to live." She felt a pressure from his hand, and before she knew it he was pulling her down and pressing his lips to hers. She sobbed into his mouth, returning his kiss. She felt his body go limp, and she pulled away to find him unconscious. She stood, walking outside to get Kaede.

"We will find a way..." She said as she walked out the door. Kaede was sitting outside the door with her head bowed, stewing the herbs in a strange potion; Kagome helping with a second brew.

"He's ready for you now..." She said flatly, looking down at the two women. They stood up, taking the pots with them, but Sango stopped Kagome.

"We have to think of a cure." She said urgently, tears flowing down her face. Kagome looked at her friend, tears in her eyes as well.

"I have an idea...but I don't know if it will work." Sango perked up, grabbing Kagome gently by the shoulders.

"Anything...tell me the idea!" She said. Kagome lifted the jewel fragment from around her neck.

"If there's a way to get him to my time period...I'm positive there should be some sort of cure...we have alot of anti venom and medicines...there might possibly be a way to cure him." Sango's face lit up as she embraced her friend.

"We shall try tomorrow morning! We have to...he sacrificed himself to save us...we can save him!" She walked back into the hut with Kagome, sitting next to him and taking his hand in hers.

"We will save you Miroku...just hold on."