Shocked that you're seeing an update? Well so am I. Actually I found this as a rough draft on my laptop a few days ago when I decided to go through my stories. I. Was. Shook. I honestly have no idea when I wrote this. So, I did some tweaking, added a few more things and BAM! This update was born. I think I might just finish this story and keep it online for a while before deleting it. Anyway, enjoy…if you can.

Today is one of those bad days; not even a drink or a party could fix it.. That did not necessarily mean he did not try his absolute best to drink himself better. It was ironic how the very thing that helped lead to the destruction of his relationship, was the very thing he also sought solace in. But alas he takes another deep gulp. Today was one of those days where his soul mourned her like the body mourned the loss of a vital organ. He did not understand how he was still alive because her loss affected him like the loss of a heart or kidney would. How was he still putting one foot before the other?

He sits on his bed in his overpriced apartment thinking of her. Her presence still lingers in his room; her scent still infused in the bedsheet underneath he sleeps. On the walls of each room invisible sceneries are painted of her occupying the spaces doing menial things that still somehow took his breath away. He misses her. He misses listening to her sing for him. He misses how her eyes used to light up when he spoke of the family they would one day create. His existence feels empty. All his dreams were coming true; he was going to be signed in a few weeks. But without her it felt like he was going through the motions. He was barely living, merely existing like an apparition with no peace for its soul.

Sam had thought he had loved the women who had entered his life before her. He was wrong. As painful as breakups usually are in said moment, they could never compare to what he was feeling since losing her. He knew she was 'the one'. He knew he would never love any woman on this earth as much as he loved her. No other lover's touch, laughter, love could rival hers. She has ruined him.

He sighs as he logs onto Facebook on his laptop, impatiently tapping his finger as he waits for his news feed to pop up. He sees notifications waiting for his attention, but he ignores them, rather choosing to search for her name. She pops up seconds later, and he sees that they are still friends. He clicks on her name, his mouth suddenly turning dry in anticipation. What greets him, however, are the exact same last post which has been pinned on her wall for the last few months. It's a photo of them in front of a rising sun. He had forced her into going on a hike with him that morning, and even though she complained at first, once they reached the peak of the hiking trail and she could see the beauty of the world beneath them, she thanked him for taking her with.

That was the day he wanted to propose to her.

He had the ring burning a hole into his pocket. He had a speech resting on her tongue. But he chocked. She had no idea why he was stuttering and bashful, for Samuel Evans was never shy. But he could not explain to her how overwhelming the moment and her beauty was. She kissed him irregardless and told him they had to go back because she had an assignment that needed finishing.

He told himself he would propose to her after she handed in the assignment a few days later. But then life got into…well rather friends got in the way. He was invited to parties with expensive booze and pretty girls who kept on reminding him how special he was. People threw themselves at him and honestly attention and popularity was just as much a drug as cocaine. He had lost himself in that lifestyle. He had also lost her.

Alas he goes into his messages, going into the one-sided dialogue box he had going on with her. All the messages were still left on unread. She was last active months ago. Irregardless he still sends a new message follows behind the 35 others.

'Mercedes, please answer your phone. I'm sorry. I miss you.'

He cannot think of anything else to type as his previous messages, filled with intricacies and descriptions of his turmoil and penitence already explored the depths of his emotions for her. All he could do now is hope she would answer that damned phone that always seemed to be off.

'Sam, she does not deserve this. Stop. You're hurting her more.'

That was what Rachel had told him when he told her he planned on driving to Cleveland in the hopes of somehow finding her in that big city. Rachel told him she needed space and when she was ready she would reach out to him. When he tried ignoring her, she gave him a thorough dressing-down and made it clear that Mercedes owed him nothing. And by him going to Cleveland he's doing nothing more than disregarding her wishes of not seeing him. She told him that he was selfish and that he was going to ease his guilt and make himself feel better whilst disregarding her emotions.

He decided not to go.

His hands tightened around the bottle neck before throwing it against the wall. It shatters, alcohol drops raining down with fragments of glass.

He screwed up.

Santana Lopez was probably the greatest friend in history; and if this stunt she was about to pull worked she deserved a damned Nobel Peace Prize. She was about to reconciled Trouty Mouth with a family that hated his guts. What she was about to do is something 'saint level' so that man better worship the ground she walks on if this were to work. Also, she expects he and Mercedes' next caramel creation to be named in her honour. She had to do this now, for in two weeks he would have to go to training camp and then Mr Military man would have free access to Miss Mercedes Jones. The things she did for the damn sea creature next to her, never ceases to amaze her.

"Santana, what's going on?"

Sam asked for the sixth time since climbing in her car. They dropped Aria off at Mike's for a playdate with his kids, per Santana's request, only to end up at a gym with aboxing headgear in hand.

"What are we doing here? I already worked out at home this morning. And you're not dressed for working out." He continued running his over her red summer dress. He jokingly thought that she would lead him to his death as he followed her down a narrow hallway.

He was left even more confused when he found a large boxing ring and a familiar family sitting on a string of benches next to it.


Before he can continue his sentence, another deep voice interrupted.

"Who are you? Another one of his girlfriends?"

"Vincent." The Jones matriarch hissed disapprovingly at the apparent disrespect in her son

Santana answers the large man, that once knocked her best friend out:

"Well, Terry Cruz, I can honestly tell you I don't swing that way. I prefer to stick to my own species- mermen aren't my type." Santana said causing Sam to glare at her. The man, Santana had learned was named Vincent through Mercedes' father with whom she had gone to orchestrate this whole exchange, couldn't help but grin at her in amusement.

Of course, the woman and man would develop a mutual respect based on belittling him.

"So, you are all probably wondering why I brought you all here," she asked crossing the ring, her arms still holding theheadgear securely underneath her armpit. A murmur or agreement rang out with numerous heads nod.

"Well, today, my testosterone-filled friends…" she paused running her eyes over the Jones males. "Today I present you with the opportunity to beat the living shit out of Trouty Mouth here."

"Santana…" Sam hissed. The girl was really planning on having him murdered today.

She ignored him rather focusing her attention on the pastor in front of whom she just cursed.

"Sorry there, Pastor J." She apologized. "You know I still need to learn how to filter my language."

She did not sound that sorry, but that was not the issue here, the issue here was that Santana just basically signed his death sentence. So much for friendship.

"So, who wants to go first?" She asked with a grin.

Immediately a vindictive smile grows on the largest man's face, causing Sam to gulp.

"Santana, how is him killing me going to help me get Mercedes back." He whispered as Mercedes' brothers helped Vincent with his boxing gloves. As the man made his way inside the boxing ring Santana explained the rationale for planning this event:

"You need a good ass-kicking, Sam. And, sometimes only a thorough ass-kicking can help you sort out pent up aggression. So by giving them the opportunity to take out their pent up feelings towards you, your relationship with them might improve somewhat. This needs to happen. You're the asshole treaded their baby like dirt and impregnated her. Sometimes conflict is the very thing you need to clear the air. There's a method to the madness. Auntie 'Tana's got you boo." She said before placing the headgearon his head and securing it. "Just try not to die. I don't want your kid crying on me at your funeral." She says as she secured the gloves around his wrists.

Before Sam could respond to the pure madness in her hypothesis, a mouthguard was shoved into his open mount before he was shoved into the side of the boxing ring. He had no choice but to enter the boxing ring and face Goliath. Unlike David, Sam unfortunately, did not own a slingshot with which to face this giant.

Sam lasted for exactly 2 seconds in the ring before he fell backwards disorientated. He gazes up at the spinning ceiling above him. He waited for another punch to come- for the man to thoroughly beat him senseless. But what he saw was a brown hand reaching out towards. Tentatively he raised his wrist, allowing the man to pick him up.

The man looked at him with sharp dark eyes, causing Sam to swallow down the lump in his throat.

"I still don't like you, but you're my niece's dad, so I'll try to contain myself." He drops his voice a few octaves lower lending to it an insidious tone. "But if you hurt my sister or little Aria, I will hurt you in unimaginable ways, kay. I guess you and I are stuck with each other, so we might as well be cordial."

Sam could only stare at him with wide eyes. Sam was never much of a fighter, even if his toned lengthy body spoke of hidden strength, Sam knew he would never survive a brawl with the man in front of him.

Pacified by the response from Sam Vincent decides to focus his attention on his family.

"She's right, hitting the shit out of him is fun. Who's next."

"I want some of this!" Dante said, getting to his feet. "It's my turn now."

Sam sighed, knowing that today would be a long painful day. He however does throw Santana a small grateful smile. He knows his relationship with the Jones is still far from being perfect, but there was hope- especially if the man that showed him the most animosity could somehow acknowledge him as an important and lasting character in his family gave him hope

Santana grinned cockily. Part one of her plan seemed to be a success. Now it was part to take out the big guns and all she needed was little Aria to help her.

Aria *proudly smiles as she leans over the Latina woman to look at the baby looking up at her with awe*: Auntie 'Tana, isn't he cute? He is my baby brother, you know.

Santana: Did it just fart? *She moves her gaze to her best friend sitting on the couch across from her* Teach your guppies manners, Sam.

Sam * rolls eyes*: I can't get over the fact that you come into my home to insult me and my children.

Aria: *rests her head on Santana's shoulder* Auntie 'Tana, are you being mean to daddy again?

Santana: Yes, I'm helping him develop a well-rounded personality. Also, your dad is really annoying.

Aria: Am I annoying too?

Santana: *cannot help but grin* Nah, you're kinda perfect.

Aria: And baby Sammy?

Santana *gently allows him to hold her finger in his small fist*: He's pretty perfect too, even though he's a guppy.

Sam: I make perfect kids *Sam says proudly with an inflated ego*

Santana: All thanks to me that is.

Sam: *smiles at Santana* Yeah….thanks for that

Santana: *Shrugs* I'm still waiting for that island and a kid to be named after me.

Sam: The next one.

Mercedes: *Snorts as she enters the room* You're probably going to carry the next one, right Sam? I'm done with babies.

Santana: *interjects* Well male seahorses do carry the babies, so it's not like it's biologically impossible for him since….you know…he's Aquaman and all….

*Mercedes laughs*

*Sam gives her a deadpan stare*

*Aria has no idea what's going on*

Sam: Aria, your Auntie 'Tana is being mean to me. Make her stop.

Aria: *Disapprovingly looks at Santana* Don't be mean Auntie 'Tana, you're gonna make Daddy cry, like that time we watched the Lion King.

*Mercedes and Santana snicker*

Sam: The death of Mufasa gets me every time, okay. I'm not a robot, like you people.

Mercedes: Whatever you say, babe.

I'm winging this, but I think the next update will perhaps be the second last chapter and part two of Santana's 'Get Samcedes Back Together' plan. Mercedes' got a lot to think about and Aria will be the catalyst.

Anyway, feel free to check out my Glee Fic: The Night We Met, if you please. Also, if you wanna send me a message etc, I have Instagram (lalatitus96) and twitter (laretiaq).

And review?

'Kay Byeeeeeeeeeee.