A/N: I'm gonna mess with the timeline a little bit here, indulge me. This takes place SIX MONTHS before Fitz's second term would begin, so they're in July. The upcoming January would be the start of his second term.

5 Months Later

Finally, at one o'clock in the morning, Olivia hears the elevator ding.

She's off the couch and across the apartment in seconds, opening the door before he can knock.

"Hi," he breathes, with tired eyes, and the soft, gentle smile he's usually wearing when they get to see each other again after a few days apart.

"Hi," she says softly, barely keeping her eyes open.

"Goodnight, guys," Fitz says, only just managing the sentiment to his agents before she drags him inside and shuts the door, "I'm sorry I took so long."

"It's fine," she sighs, turning him around and peeling his coat off.

"The situation over in East Sudan is just so damn unstable right now, I feel like I'm getting a new briefing every fifteen minutes—"

She hums in acknowledgement, walking around to shut all the lights off, and then taking his hand to pull him into her bedroom.

"—I was in the Sit Room five different times today, that's five times more often than I'd like to be in that room—"

He keeps talking while she stops him next to the bed and takes his suit off one piece at a time, until he's just in his boxers, and then he keeps talking while she nudges him into the bathroom and hands him his toothbrush; he talks through a mouthful of toothpaste, looking at her in the mirror while she leans against the wall behind him, stifling yawn after yawn. As soon as he wipes his mouth, she turns him around and pushes him back into the bedroom, 'mmm-ing' and nodding along behind him.

When she not-so-gently shoves him into bed, he finally laughs and acknowledges what's been happening for the past five minutes.

"Liv, what are you doing?"

She yawns spectacularly and walks around to her side of the bed, shutting the light off as she slides in.

"M'tired," she sighs, nudging his arm out of the way, "Day was too long. So, too long. Too tired."

"Your day was so too long?" he soothes, wrapping her into his arms, "I'm sorry."

"Shhh," she sighs, throwing her arm over his chest, "I'm sleeping now."

"You could've gone to sleep hours ago," he chuckles, sliding down against the pillows, "I would've let myself in."

Liv hums and burrows deeper into him. "Mmm-mmm. Waited for you."

"Go to sleep, Livvie," he murmurs, pressing his lips against her hair.


The next morning…


Warm, and tingly.


No, not cold shivers…the other kind…the good kind…

Olivia wakes up to his lips against the back of her neck, dragging slowly back and forth, with tiny little flicks of his tongue that make her shiver. His breath is warm and humid on her skin, and he has one arm looped around her waist, pressing her hips back against his. He's hard against her back, and she makes a soft noise of contentment, refusing to open her eyes just yet. She's kicked her pajama pants off sometime in the night, which isn't uncommon when he's heating up her bed, so their bare legs are tangled together. He deliberately blows a cool breath against the back of her neck, and her back arches involuntarily; she reaches back and rakes her fingers through his hair, blindly looking for his mouth. She lets him guide her into a kiss, humming happily when he swipes his tongue over her bottom lip.

"You need another haircut, mister," she murmurs, closing her fist around a handful of his thick, wavy hair.

He grins against her mouth. "Cyrus says my approval rating is higher when my hair's longer. Gives me more boyish charm."

She has to open her eyes, so she can roll them at him. "You're no more 'boyish' than I am."

Fitz cradles her cheek and kisses her 'good morning'—the soft, sweet kiss she's gotten used to getting from him when they wake up.

"Morning," he rasps, kissing her cheek, and then her neck.

"Good morning," she sighs, turning over to face him and sliding her leg around his hip, "It is a good morning."

He chuckles and groans softly, running his hand up the outside of her bare thigh, slipping his fingers underneath the thin strip of lace at her hip, and then over the soft skin of her ass; he grasps a handful and pulls her into his cock, grinding their hips together.

"Missed you," she breathes, between slow kisses, "You smell good, what is that?"

"Dunno," he murmurs, parting his lips for her tongue, "Soap? Still can't wear cologne. Headache."

She hums in understanding, trying to press herself even closer to him, biting his bottom lip. He doesn't let her push him onto his back, resisting his most comfortable position. She sucks in a breath when he rolls them over the opposite way, thinking he's forgotten, and reaches up to gently cradle his head in her hands, to steady him—

—but when he looks down at her his eyes are dark and aroused, and he doesn't look dizzy at all.

He's leaning forward, he's looking down at her, and he doesn't look dizzy.

"Wait," Liv breathes, looking up at him in shock, "You—when did you—"

"Physical therapy's been paying off," he grins, coming down onto his elbows, settling his weight on top of her, "I wanted to wait until I had it down, to surprise you. Obviously I couldn't tell her why I needed to do so much hands-and-knees work, but—"

She giggles into his mouth, sliding her fingers through his hair. He rolls his hips forward, grinding his erection against her core, and she moans softly, wrapping her arms around his back to pull him closer. He kisses her; a long, slow press, with a few firm strokes of his tongue in time with the rock of his hips.

"Oh, I've wanted you like this," she murmurs breathlessly, swallowing, rubbing her hands over his back, "Wanted you like this as soon as you woke up."

"Me too," he sighs, kissing her again, and again, "It's all good. But sometimes—"

"—I know," she breathes, dragging his bottom lip between her teeth, catching it again and sucking on it.

Sometimes she just wants his weight on top of her, pressing her into the mattress, keeping her warm and safe. Sometimes she just wants him to be in control, to be over her and around her and inside of her all at once; she wants to clasp his hands and let him hold her down, to let go, for him to let go and show her the full landscape of his dominant side. She wraps her legs around his hips and moans again, not able to hold in all the feelings of anticipation, and dizzying arousal, and the hot, wet—

He lifts some of his weight off of her and to the side.

"Wha—where are you going?" she breathes, opening her eyes.

"Right here," Fitz grins, propping himself up on his side, "Oh, don't you worry. I have every intention of fucking you in that position in a little while, don't you even worry."

She catches her lip between her teeth and grins back at him, pulling him into a kiss, sighing softly when he cups her breast through her shirt.

She's soft and warm under his palm, and he can't stop touching her; he can never stop touching her. He kisses her and drags his hand across her belly, over her inner thighs, but before he can go further she hums and tenses up a little. She takes his hand and laces their fingers together, looking at him like she's just remembered something.

"Just—before we—"

"Are you okay?" he asks, brows furrowed.

She takes a breath and clears her throat, closing her eyes for a second and then opening them again.

"I—just…I haven't had time to get a wax."

"A wax?"

"Yes. A wax. You know—"

She flicks her eyes down pointedly, waiting until the realization dawns on his face.

"Oh. Okay," he says slowly, confused, "And?"

In a completely uncharacteristic reaction, her cheeks flush and she starts to stammer a little as he eyes her with amusement. "—I just realized—and we've never—I don't know, I just wanted to mention it, in case—"

"—in case I care about that?" he asks, cupping her between her thighs, rubbing slowly with the heel of his hand.

"Well…yes," she breathes, still flustered, slightly confused by his reaction.

Slowly, he leans down and kisses her, still massaging firmly with slow, purposeful pressure. Her thighs open for him instinctually, hips rocking into his hand.

"So, Olivia Pope—" he murmurs against her mouth, enjoying the way she's struggling to keep her eyes open, "—is asking me what I think about pubic hair?"

"I guess—I guess I am," she sighs, cupping his cheek, shifting against him when she feels the slip of wetness between her thighs.

He ghosts his lips across her face, dragging his hand up and then sliding it underneath her panties.

"I started having sex in the seventies, baby," he grins, pulling back to see more of her face as he slips his middle finger between her folds.

Her laughter mixes with a soft moan, and he feels her body relax completely into his touch, back into the level of trust and contentment he's used to feeling from her in bed.

"Everybody had a bush back then, I couldn't care less," he laughs, pressing his finger inside of her, "You do what you want. Okay?"

She laughs softly, nodding, breath catching when he starts to play with her.

"Fuck, you're wet," he whispers against her lips, smoothly sliding in finger in and out, then up, then back in, "I missed you."

He's so sexy that she can't do anything but whimper helplessly, catching his mouth in a deep kiss. He finds her clit easily and starts to rub it with light circles, slow and easy. She shudders and digs her nails into his arms, and he can tell if he keeps going she's already going to be too sensitive, so he goes back to long strokes; he presses two fingers inside of her, drawing slippery arousal out and over her clit. She's controlling their kisses, dragging her mouth over his in a languid rhythm, and his breath catches when she bites him.

Fitz gets up onto his knees and crawls between her thighs, unceremoniously sliding his fingers into the sides of her thong to pull it off.

"Haven't tasted you like this in a while, either," he rasps, dragging his mouth down her inner thighs.

Her breath catches, hips flexing. "No, you haven't. Sitting on your face has been fun, though."

He chuckles, grinning wickedly. "Sure has."

She smiles and reaches for him as he makes himself comfortable, running her hands through his hair, cradling his face while he kisses her lower belly. He reaches up and takes her hands, rubbing his lips across her pubic bone. She's fuzzier than he's ever seen her, but he's not completely sure he would've even noticed if she hadn't mentioned it.

"Hmm. Hardly a bush," he grins, opening his mouth to exhale a warm breath over her core.

Olivia laughs and props herself up on her elbows. "I didn't say I had a—ooh…"

He hums softly and starts to eat her, kissing her slowly, dragging his lips over her sensitive skin. Sighing, he closes his eyes and listens to her intently, using the sounds she's making to figure out what she wants. She's sensitive today, jumping and whimpering any time his touch is too focused, so he keeps his tongue flat and gives her more pressure.

"Ooh…yeah," she sighs, hands relaxing in his hair.

She lets herself drift away on the waves of pleasure for a few minutes, rocking and unbuttoning her pajamas when she feels herself flush hot, cupping her breasts.

"I can't wait, baby, c'mere," she pants, sitting up and reaching for him.

He sits up on his knees and she carefully pushes his boxers down, wrapping her hand around his erection. She strokes him a few times, and then takes him into her mouth, moaning softly when she feels him fill a little more.

And then, before he even realizes it's happening, it's too much.

"Jesus," he whispers, squeezing his eyes closed.

Sex feels completely overwhelming sometimes, like his brain is having trouble processing so much sensation. It feels like it happens randomly, and he can never put his finger on one specific thing that triggers the 'haywire' sensation. Sometimes, his brain just spins and short circuits, and he can't organize any of his thoughts or focus on anything; it's the most impossible feeling to describe, no matter how many times he tries.

"Ahh…okay, wait," he gasps, gently pressing on her shoulders to get her to stop.

She looks up at his face and instantly recognizes what's happening; she stops touching him immediately, knowing he needs a minute for the annoying symptom to pass.

"Sorry, one second," he rasps, covering his eyes with his hand, which almost always helps.

"Shhh, stop," she murmurs, shaking her head, "You know better than to apologize. Take your time."

He hums and sinks back onto his heels, breathing slowly. "Fuck."

"Is it worse?" Liv asks softly, brows furrowing.

"No," he sighs, still covering his eyes, "I just feel like I'm always trading one fucking problem for another fucking problem."

It's difficult to watch him feel so helpless, and she frowns, murmuring to him quietly. "Take a minute. I'll be right here."

After a few moments, Fitz takes a deep breath and lays down next to her, rubbing his eyes before he finally opens them again. He turns his head to look at her, and she's already looking back, greeting him with a gentle smile.

"Hi," she murmurs, reaching out to cradle his cheek.

He can't help but soften when she looks at him like that, and he smiles back, sighing again. "Hi."

"Better?" she asks, rubbing his cheekbone with her thumb.

"Yeah," he says softly, eyes flicking down to her lips and back up again, "Too much stress lately, I think. I haven't been sleeping enough. Just frustrating."

"I know," she soothes quietly, leaning in to nuzzle her nose next to his, "Baby steps."

"Hate baby steps," he rasps, reaching out to touch her.

She rubs her mouth across his, feeling his warm breath against her lips. Her pajama shirt is unbuttoned but she's still wearing it, and he parts the fabric to cup her breast, rubbing a circle around her nipple. She sighs and kisses him slowly, cradling his face in both hands.

Between kisses, she swallows and leans in to whisper against his ear. "You wanna keep—"


Slowly, she reaches down to wrap her hand around his softening cock, gingerly increasing pressure.

"This okay?" she asks, watching him carefully.

After a moment, he groans quietly and closes his eyes. "Yeah. Don't stop."

She uses her hand to coax his erection back, pressing warm kisses against his neck, sucking on his earlobe, murmuring to him softly. She can tell he's still taking a minute, letting her touch bring him back into the moment, and she's gentle with him. As soon as he's feeling balanced again, he starts to move more; he peels her shirt off, tosses it away, and then presses her onto her back. She moans into their next kiss, wrapping her legs around his hips.

"You feel so good," she whispers, letting her thighs fall open when she feels him reach down to guide himself.

Before he presses inside of her, he pauses, staring down at her hungrily; he brushes his lips across hers, catching her sighs in his mouth.

"Don't look at me like that, mister," she murmurs, trailing her hands up and down his arms.

"Why?" he asks, low and soft, teasing her with the tip of his cock.

Because I can't breathe when you do.

She shakes her head and swallows, breaths quick and shallow with anticipation. "Please."

He pushes and rocks, adjusts his angle a little, and then sinks into her, stretching her with one smooth thrust. She pants and splays her hands over his lower back, pressing her hips up to take him, relaxing all of her muscles while they settle together. He nuzzles in to kiss her neck and groans, rocking his hips through a couple of long, slow thrusts. Slipping his hand in between them, he presses his thumb against her clit and rubs firmly; she whimpers and her hands fly up to grip his hair, dragging him into a kiss.

"Baby," she gasps, hips and thighs trembling with sensitivity.

She moans and sobs into his mouth, letting him coax one, and then another wave of warm, wetness between them; he pulls his thumb away and soothes her breathless pants with slow kisses, settling onto both elbows. She's not passive underneath him, but she is submissive; her body is relaxed under his weight, only shifting to accommodate the movement of his hips, completely letting him control their slow rhythm. He bends a knee underneath himself to bear some of his weight, and pulls her hands away from his body. Her eyes flutter open when he drags them both above her head, lacing their fingers together and pressing her into the bed. She squeezes his hands and stares up at him breathlessly, flexing her muscles around the thickness of his cock, watching the way it makes his nostrils flare. He hums and grunts softly, lengthening his strokes, putting more weight behind them.

His body feels incredible on top of her, and she's missed this kind of sex so much— "Fitz…Fitz…"

Fitz growls deep in his throat, tenderly pressing his lips against her cheek, kissing a path across her jaw from right to left. He's still pressing her down, stroking perfectly inside her, and she moans when his teeth close around a patch of skin on her breast. She whimpers while he sucks a mark there, and then soothes the indentations with his tongue, dragging his mouth over her nipple.

"Let go," she whispers, ready to touch him again.

He presses a kiss to each of her palms after he untangles their hands, letting her pull him into a kiss. She moans into his mouth and slides her tongue across his, catching his soft grunts as he starts to pour all of his focus into his movements. Sliding her arms around his neck, she arches her back and draws him down into her embrace, dragging her fingers through his hair.

"So wet…so…feels so fucking good…"

He murmurs into her neck, against her ear, and loops his arm underneath her thigh, groaning at the change in pressure.

"Oh…that's so good," she moans, pressing her hands into his back, and then his butt.

His next few groans are strained and desperate, hips starting to jerk off rhythm.

"I have to…I can't…fuck…"

He shudders into his orgasm, chest heaving against her, all of his muscles tense; and then he collapses onto her, rocking and sliding a palm underneath her to press her hips up. As soon as he can breathe, he draws her into a long, slow kiss and slides his hand between them. Her body is still tight and sensitive, and he experiments with pressing deep inside her, watching her brows furrow.

"Need me to pull out?" he rasps, cradling her cheek with his other hand, smoothing her forehead.

She bites her lip and shakes her head, hands moving over him restlessly; through his hair and over his arms, across his back and back into his hair. He presses the pad of his thumb over her clit and gives her pressure to rock against, concentrating on sliding down when she rocks up. She whimpers and stills a little, resting her palms against the back of his neck. When she gets closer, she starts to pant and he leans down to whisper to her, feathering his lips over her face until she comes. She falls over the edge in long, breathless moans, and then soft whimpers, pulling him in to kiss her while she comes down.

Fifteen minutes later…

"You need to relax today," she tells him softly, scolding him in the gentle way she does when he's forgetting to take his recovery seriously, "Who do I need to call?"

She props her head on her hand, looking down at him accusingly.

"Nobody," he chuckles, "I already took a light day today, just a couple phone calls. I'm just tired, but I feel it—"

"—go back to sleep," she urges, starting to stroke her fingers through his hair, "It's not even nine."

"I will fall asleep if you do that, and you know it," he grins, eyes already heavy-lidded.

"Do what?" she smirks, completely aware that he's powerless against the soothing rhythm.

"If I'm going back to sleep you are too," he yawns, tugging her down to lay against his chest.

He's only a little surprised when she smiles gently and comes to him without complaint, because he can read the exhaustion on her face too. He brings her close and wraps her up, sighing as he starts to rub the soft skin on her arm, up and down. They're quiet for a few minutes, but he can tell she's not dozing off by the way she's breathing, the flutter of eyelashes against his neck.



She stops, and then takes another breath.

"I'm pretty sure that I'm pregnant."

Fitz closes his eyes on a long sigh, pressing a kiss into her hair.

"Yeah," he murmurs, holding her tighter, "I think you are, too."

The early changes in her are subtle, but they're there.

The exhaustion.

The smallest bit of heaviness, fullness, in her usually slim, petite midsection.

The sensitivity during every part of their lovemaking, lately.

He feels her breath catch, and he rubs a warm circle over her back, reading everything she's feeling in her body language.

"I'm scared," she whispers, swallowing, "I know we—I know we talked about it. But we've barely tried, and now—god, are we insane? We're insane."

"Do you think we should find out for sure? Before we go any further?" he soothes, still rubbing her back.

"No," she breathes, closing her eyes, "Just tell me again. Tell me the plan again."

"It's your plan."

"I know," she says impatiently, "But tell me again. Please."

Fitz takes a deep breath, resting his lips against her forehead. "You're only going to be by yourself for the first six months—"

"—if I'm pregnant—"

"If you're pregnant," he says gently, smiling a little, "For the first six months, I'll be with you as often as I can. Like right now. At least four nights a week, like I promised. Have I kept my promise?"

"Yes," she says softly, nuzzling in closer under his chin, "Keep going—"

"Then, after I'm free, we're going to be together—"

"—you're going to resent us. Both of us—"

"—I'm not," he says patiently, "I'm not going to resent you. I could never resent you. I don't want another term. I didn't want another term before I was shot, or after I was shot, or before you came to stay with me, or after I came to stay with you—"

"—Fitz," she whispers, quickly untucking her face and propping herself up to look at him, "I'm serious."

And she is serious; her eyes are big, swimming with tears, and she looks absolutely stricken.

"Livvie," he murmurs, cradling her face in two hands, "I'll tell you this as many times as you need to hear it. From the depths of my soul, I do not want another term. I don't want it. I'm not sure I even wanted this first term, and you know that. You knew that. Otherwise, Defiance—"

"—this isn't about Defiance," she whispers, sniffling.

"—it is about Defiance," he says firmly, stroking her cheekbones, "I wouldn't have won, I couldn't have won because I didn't want it. You knew that, Liv. You knew I was lying to myself, and you wanted to give me the lie, even though you knew it was a lie."

He's right, of course.

They've been through this already, and god, this man and his patience.

She stares into his eyes, looking for the truth and finding only the truth there. It's a truth that she's still wrapping her brain around, but she knows it won't change.

"Do you believe me?" he prods gently, prompting her to say it.

Slowly, after a few seconds, she nods. Because she does believe him, even if the insecurity and fear are still right on top of her, waiting to jump in at every opportunity.

"You want to be with me?" she asks quietly, barely above a whisper.

"Oh, sweetheart," he sighs, cupping her chin, "I want to be with you. I don't think I've ever wanted anything more."

She chokes on a sound that's half sob, half relieved laugh, and it makes him smile.

"Do you want to be with me?" he asks seriously, with wide eyes, although he knows the answer, "Because, comparatively, I have a lot more baggage—"

She interrupts him with a kiss; a soft, warm, 'I love you' kiss.

"I want to be with you," she murmurs against his lips, "I want to be with you, and I—"

She stops to swallow, and breathe.

"—I want to have a baby with you."

He grins, unable to stop himself whenever he hears her say it.

"Well," he sighs, shaking his head in wonder, "I'm pretty sure we made one already, so."

"I'm pretty sure we did, too," she nods, blinking against the tears that flood her eyes.

"Do you want to find out for sure?" he asks again, leaving the actual test-taking decision up to her.

She draws her index finger across his lips, contemplating.

"No," she says softly, tucking herself back into his arms, head pillowed on his chest, "One more minute."

"Okay," he agrees, nuzzling into her hair, "One more minute."

A/N: You guys know I've written Olitz babies in one series and one series only, but for some reason...they just led me here! It just felt like the right way for this little series to progress. This will not be another "Firsts" kind of a thing. But I think it could be interesting to explore how this could unfold in a couple more chapters. There are some plot holes I'll have to deal with, like maybe we're gonna pretend Teddy never happened LOL. I hope you're all staying safe and healthy, physically and mentally. I would love to know your thoughts on this chapter! Thank you for reading!