Author Note: Rstreighart here with a GamerXFamiliar of Zero Crossover. Sheer curiosity made me decide to try this concept out. Watching anime like Shomin Sample, Mahouka Koukou no Rettosei, and One Punch Man to name a very few made me realize that most people wouldn't last in an anime even if it weren't action oriented. And a person with vast potential for change like a Gamer makes it easy to break the universe you choose if you're not careful. So the everyone is stronger, so even Guiche won't be a simple matter. So how would you survive if you don't necessarily want to help the person you're bound to, even if it's your Main Quest?




{User Interface}

[Game Commands]

Disclaimer: I do not own FAmiliar of Zero, The Gamer, or any referenced media. Just me

The story of Louise Françoise Le Blanc de La Vallière, or Louise de La Vallière for short, and her ascension from mage who has never cast a spell to legend started with one such phrase. She would eventually become an essential part of her country's forces and even gain the favor of the Queen herself. Her rise was all but completely triggered by one sentence, and the help of a rather "odd" familiar.

"Just you wait! I'll conjure up a familiar so divine, beautiful, and powerful that it will be better than ANYTHING you'll be able to cook up!" Louise taunted before storming down the stairs of the Headmaster's tower.

Momentarily stunned, the two young women who were teasing Louise stopped to ask their quiet friend if the young girl could be telling the truth. The petite bluenette replied as simple, "I don't know" and went back to her reading. The truth of the matter though, was that Louise could not be more uncertain about how well her familiar summoning spell would go. She mulled over it as she pulled a nightgown over her head that matched the vibrant pink color of her hair. The last thought that entered her mind before she rested for the night was, "I wish I hadn't said that."

The next day was time to show and prove and Louise knew it. If the summon failed like every other spell or the familiar was less than amazing, her classmates would never let her live it down. Especially after she bragged about how spectacular her familiar would be, Kirshe and Montmorency would never let up. While a world away, someone important who she had never met yet worried about the lives of his family she focused on her esteem. But enough of that at the moment.

Louise sat back and watched as all of her classmates summoned their familiars one by one. The creatures ranged from common birds and felines, to her classmate Guiche's mole and her antagonizer Kirshe's teacher known as Mister Colbert spoke up, "Now, was that everyone?"

Kirshe made it her job to inform otherwise. "Miss Vallière hasn't went yet.

Shakily, Louise stood in the middle of the field and kept her calm facade though she was sweating bullets. Ignoring all of the whispers and joke at her expense she started her chant. "My servant, that exists somewhere in this universe! My divine, beautiful, and powerful familiar! I wish and assert from the bottom of my heart… Answer my guidance!" She waved her wand in a circle above her head then point before….

Chapter 1

I awakened with a start, not really aware of what I had done the night before. Wherever I was that was little light to see. Waking up on a barely passing for warm floor was Not something I expected. First I made sure that everything was still intact, hands and legs moved freely so there was nothing pointing at me being trapped here.

Looking further down the hall, or room I was in I saw a mirror. In a dimly lit place. A place I've never seen before... I'm fucked. Nothing else in this room to do BUT to look at the mirror so I see myself as always, chocolate skin and dark brown hair. Wait, do I see a little tinge of blue in my brown eyes? Beyond that curious detail, little bars hovered beside me showed info like strength and dexterity. Already doubting my own sanity at this point, I kinda just ran with it when I heard the random voice.

{Dear mister hero, summoned across dimensions... You have been called upon to help the destined child to reach her potential.}

My first thought was still where the hell was I but now who the hell is talking since I could see literally nothing. Everything seemed to be working correctly in my body so I didn't completely freak out. The voice responded too quickly to gather many other thoughts.

{Your task is to protect the young Void Mistress and for that task you've been deemed weak! Far too weak to adequately accomplish what is needed of you, therefore you have been gifted with the "Gamer" gemstone which allows you to grow tremendously based upon your video games. Viewing your Guide will teach you the basic information that you will need.}

After those words were said, instantly color began to flood my vision and further freak me out before settling on a light green.

Back on Halkeginia

Loiuse extended her wand in front of her, an explosion triggered and knocked everyone back. Time seemed to stand still for everyone but one of the summoned humans. I attempted to look around through the smoke but failed. Then guessed that this was a paused moment for me to access the menus.


{This is the tutorial portion of the 'Gamer Days: FamiliarSaga' and your way of understanding this world. Firstly, your interface is opened by the mental command [Options]. This leads you to the [Character], [Status], [Inventory], [Quests], [Skills] and any other interfaces you may unlock. Each of these can be accessed quickly by mental command. Please take the time to test your interface.}


Name: Raphael the Colorless Level 1 Commoner Exp to next Lv 100

Health Points 100XLvl +1/2Strength X 10 + Modifiers) 220 (330)

Special Points 100XLvl +1/2Wisdom X 10 + Modifiers) 185 (370)

Strength 4

Dexterity 2

Vitality 4 (1 vit equals 25 hp)

Wisdom 2

Intelligence 3(1 int equals 25 sp)

Charisma 13

"Raphael is a man new to the world and unaware of its contents. Summoned as a protecter of an important mage, he has to get strong enough to shield his charge.."


Speed (Dexterity + Modifiers) 2

Defense (1/4Strength +1/2Vitality + Modifiers) 3

Energy Well - "Due to his physiology, Raphael's body produces a moderate amount more energy than the average person" Adds 50% more Hp and Sp is doubled

Healthy - Your body is fully operational, no status debuff.

Newbie protection - Prevents negative status and debuff during tutorial.

{No titles to equip}


{Passive Skills}

Gamer's Mind Level Max – Allows calm thought and a peaceful state of mind

Gamer's Body Level MAX – Grants a body that allows the user to live like a game, forgoing physical damage for pain. After sleeping in bed You restore all HP SP and status effects.

Language Mastery Level MAX – Due to the complications of having to relearn languages your Gamer Body is fitted with an auto-translator function.

Cooking Lv 4 - Able to cook basic meal, but nothing fancy

Exp to next Lv 255

Unarmed Combat Lv 5 - "Got deez hands for yo ass!" Adds 2.5% damage when unequipped

Exp to next Lv 300

{Active Skills}

Over-clock Lv 2 - Through intense focus your DEX, INT, and WIS increase by 50%

Uses 50 sp per minute

Causes fatigue after duration.

Exp to next Lv 128

{Concluding the tutorial, this [Game] comes in two difficulties. [Normal] mode simply allows you the basic experience of leveling and Skillcraft. [Kill the Jack] or [Hard] mode allows for more freedom of Skillcraft, at the expense of more difficult and intelligent enemies.}

The first thought that came to mind is that either decision would end in my death if I don't watch myself. [Normal] would mean as long as I'm careful I'd have less chances of dying, but [Kill the Jack] would help me more since skills for any occasion would keep me out of tough situations.

{Kill the Jack selected. A.I. Has been formatted to prevent Jack of All Trades characters. +1 reality class perk. Locked until Lvl 20}

"Well, seeing as though I'm caught up in this shit I may as well figure it out. [Exit]"

Time returned to normal and the shock wave from the explosion was finally allowed to hit me as I barely braced myself from falling over. The other boy beside me wasn't as lucky, as he fell over on his behind. The loud cries of surprise quickly dimmed though, as if things like that happened enough to be commonplace. I offered to help the other guy up as I was noticing the smoke clearing away.

When the dust settled the entire courtyard took in the presence of the summons. It was a man standing six feet tall with dark brown skin that matched his even darker hair. His facial expression looked solemn yet resigned. The young man he was helping up however simply looked confused.

"Hm.. Two familiars, and both of them human? This is truly the first time this has happened" Mr. Colbert said in a curious, yet still professional tone.

"But summoning TWO plebeians… I messed up! Can I have another try?"

"I'm sorry, but traditions must be upheld."

"Be grateful, normally a commoner would never receive a privilege such as this!" Louise said. "My name is Louise Françoise Le Blanc de La Vallière. Pentagon that rules the five powers, bless this individual and make him my familiar."

As she finished her chant Louise stood on the tips of her toes to bring her lips close enough for a kiss. The young boy, a japanese kid, if my eyes works well enough accepted the kiss, but was hit with a violent burst of pain. Louise, with her ever-reddening face shot me a look that was ordering me to kneel. My body simply acted on its own. With no real pain felt, I ended having to tote the kid to "our" room.

Louise's Bedroom

The walk to the room was absolutely silent, so most of my time was spent looking around and trying to ignore the little pink haired girl attempting to size me up. Her facial expression cycled through more of them then I would have ever expected. I guess she has a lot on her plate.

"So what are you supposed to be? Even though you looking slightly Germanian I KNOW their commoners wouldn't even stoop to such dress! Are you some sort of brute, like a half orc?"

"First, I'm an African American. Second, what's a Germanian? And third what kind of stupid are you really?" I retorted.

"How dare you talk to a noble with such disrespect?!" Louise fumed

"Simple. I'm pulled away from home to fuck-knows where, kissed and bound to a sketchy contract, and the one who is the blame for this acts like I've done HER some sorta disservice. Ya get me?"

"You should be honored to serve a noble!"

"Well do you at least have a name? It wouldn't do for a master to not know the names of her familiars."

"The name's Raphael the colorless, I'm a freelancer."

"I'm Hiraga Saito, high school student."

"Then Raphael will be my bodyguard and Saito will be my personal servant.."

"Sure sure..."

{My Noble Master: Story Quest}

{Find out Louise and Saito's destiny}

{Help Louise and Saito grow into their destined roles}

{Mission Success: New Game Plus}

{Mission Fail: Death or Confinement to this World}


{In an attempt to assist the player the U.I has anticipated your inquiry. The power of the [Gamer] is not sustainable in the world you once belonged to, therefore there is no way back. Contact [Support] for any future issues}

During my own little breakdown, apparently Louise and Saito had been conversing and the boy convinced himself that he was dreaming, only to be painfully convinced that it wasn't a dream and that they weren't on Earth anymore. He even took care of proving it with his notebook computer. By the time I had came to, Louise was explaining that the Summon Servant Spell was only one way. Both of us familiars were stuck.

"So I guess we're all stuck together then huh?" I said with a dry chuckle.

Saito chimed in, "...Yeah, all right, I guess I'm really your familiar."

"I see you're still not used to formal speech. It should be, 'Is there something you wish to address, master?'" corrected Louise, one finger raised as if lecturing. The gesture was cute, but the tone irked my nerves.

"Not in hell. Not doin that." I deadpanned.

I was pointedly ignored as Louise continued, "A familiar exists to protect its master! The task of protecting them from any and all enemies is a duty of the highest priority! But that might be a little bit problematic for you. Saito That's why I'm only making you do things I'm fairly sure you can do: laundry, cleaning, and other miscellaneous tasks. And the brute can be my bodyguard I guess..."

She then abruptly ended the discussion as she discarded her clothes and tossed them onto her new familiars. Saito was right in the middle of a loud outburst and I quickly covered his mouth. His enthusiastic expression made it obvious that he wouldn't mind a free show and I figured, hell why not let him get a show, she did throw her skirt on his head.

"Wash them. Even a dull witted familiar like should be able to understand this much."

"You NEED to wash your own damn clothes."

"No noble would bother with such trifles if there is a servant around!" Louise countered immediately.

"I see no servants here, just two lost and most like kidnapped familiars."

I think I saw her reaching for her wand, but I guess she thought against it. Louise seemed to completely disregard the fact that two strange males were in the room as she stripped. She even went so far as to turn of the lamp and lie down. A more amoral man would be having a field day with this. I had thought to share a disturbing joke with Saito but he seemed to be having a mental debate with himself. But I still needed to try to offer some assistance, since we were in the same(kinda) boat.

"Well kid, hope you kissed ya mama before whatever the hell dragged us here. My power told me that I was stuck here until she fulfills some sort of grand fuckin quest."

"What quest? And what do you mean power?" Saito hysterically demanded.

"We were summoned to help our stripper of a summoner reach her full potential, and if your setup is anything like mine then that means no more family til we get her settled. And power... I was given a body that allows me to live like a video game character. I figure that if we exploit it right, we can get back home soon enough."

"I'm sorry Raphael, but I'm gonna need some time to think about all this." Saito whispered before he turned around and covered his head with a bed-sheet.

Now that left a lot more moonlight to figure out how to keep from panicking. I'm away from home with no real way to contact my family, stuck in some fantasy setting that even my above-average survivability says I'm too weak. To top it all off I have to deal with the "commoners are inferior" mindset in order to access the real important information.

This will be a blend of my odd sense of humor and an up-hill climb to survival. Hopefully it'll draw you in as I weave together unique tale.