Hi everyone! Another chapter is here! I will try to be more consistent with my writing and uploading chapters. I just need to figure out how often I will be uploading and I will let you all know. I hope you enjoy this one! Let me know what you think :)


I wanted him, and that was a fact, but was I any better then the rest of them? It was the question that always lingered in my mind whenever I shared air with this man, but he wasn't just a man. He was something else entirely and he seemed to be oblivious to all the female attention aimed at him. They would beg for a scrap of attention and when he gifted them with just a look or an order they would rejoice and thrive of it, hoping that one day they would get lucky. Was I any better? I asked the question again but this time louder. After all, I wanted his attention just as badly as they did, and it didn't matter how much I wanted to deny it. I couldn't do that anymore. I wanted to know how it felt to be completely taken by him, to feel the rough side and the gentle side I knew he would have in bed. He would rock my world and he knew it. Cocky bastard.

I smirked but I knew it was true.

What made me different to all of them was that I resisted, each and every single attempt of his so far to get to me. I ran. Something that I knew I could do well and something that always got me out of trouble. Was it any different here? No. Because if I was to keep running, I wouldn't be in this too big office, sitting in front of this too big desk, in front of a man that had more money then sense and could ruin me whenever he pleased.

What are you doing?

The second question I came back to, but I already knew the answer, I was just too much of a coward to admit it to myself. I was doing this for Jose, but I was also doing this for my own satisfaction. I didn't know what Grey had in mind right now but what I was certain of, is that he was going to play with me just like he always did. Well Mr Grey, let's dance, but let me remind you it takes two to tango and I wasn't sure whether I was going to follow your lead. If it got to risky I would run and never look back.

I gazed at him through my sunglasses that were still in place. ''Miss Steele, let's discuss shall we,'' He rounded his desk and sat down in his black leather chair.

''Like I said in the car, what is there left to discuss?''

He sighed and rolled his eyes but when his eyes returned to mine, I saw humour.

''Is something funny? As I recall this was a business meeting and I would appreciate it if we kept it this way.''

''I don't think we can call this a business meeting anymore, don't you think?''

''And why do you say that?'' I paused and took my sunglasses off, placing them on the desk. Christian watched my every move. ''I need Jose to get signed by you. If he doesn't, it lets the whole market place know that he lost a major client because his work didn't make the cut. But me and you both know that he is the best photographer you are going to get in Seattle. So why not get straight to the point and why don't you just sign it.'' I take a document out of my bag that I have prepared and kept with me in case a situation like this occurred, and to my luck, it has. I place it in front of him. ''The terms are the same as the ones that you two discussed in the meeting that I was in as well. Please sign just… there.'' I point to the dotted lines at the bottom of the page.

He licked his lips and leaned forward, clasping his hands together instead of taking the pen I offered. ''You think I was going to give in so easy, without getting something in return, I already told you that I do.'' I was irritated and I was going to let him know.

''Right, let me make it crystal clear what you are getting, you are getting talented work from a very talented man,''

''A man that I cannot trust you mean,'' he leans back in his chair.

I rubbed my face with my hands, feeling more irritated by the second. ''So, we back at this, now are we?''

''Yes of course we are,'' he raises his voice slightly. ''A man that arrives late to his meeting that he arranged himself, may I remind you. Tells me two things. One he doesn't take his job seriously. Tw-''

''That's bullshit, and you know it,'' I stood up unable to stop fidgeting in my seat anymore. ''Why don't you just tell me what you want! All you have been doing is playing around with me, and it's getting boring, Christian.'' I go for honesty, hoping to get him to open up.

I don't get a response, instead his eyes narrowed, and I felt myself getting more flustered. I didn't know why I kept doing this to myself, letting this back and forth interaction carry on. It was pointless, I knew he wasn't going to budge and give me that signature and even if I was here on my knees begging, he wasn't going to change his mind. I was wasting my time.

''I better go,'' I grabbed the legal documents I prepared off his desk and turned to leave, while trying to stuff them all back into my bag. I reached the door and yanked on the handle, but it just wouldn't budge. I tried again and again. It was useless. No wonder he didn't wrestle me to the ground, he locked the damn door. I pinched the bridge of my nose trying not to lose my temper.

''Christian, open the door.'' I asked evenly.

I felt his gaze slide over my profile and it was almost painful to keep my eyes firmly placed on the frosted glass doors in front of me. My heart was racing again and I just couldn't stop feeling jumbled and off my game. Where was the confident Ana gone? She seemed to take the wise option and run from this man, something that I just couldn't do, and God knows why as that was the rational thing to do.

I felt him come up behind me. The fresh mint mouth-watering scent hit me like a brick wall and the now too familiar ache between my legs, magnified. I just could not stop it, no one could. I didn't want to turn around, one look into those grey eyes and I knew I would lose the battle.

''Turn around,'' he whispers and touches me gently on the shoulder. God, I wanted to, but I just didn't want to give in, I was just as stubborn as he was.

He chuckles lightly.

''Let me out Christian,'' to my surprise I sound a lot more assertive then I feel. Please make me stay. My dark side wants to play.

His hand moves slowly down my body but to my disappointment it stops at my hip, ''I know you want to stay.'' He breathes down my neck. A slight sigh escaped my lips before I could stop it. ''Do you want to know how I know that?''

All I can do is nod.

I feel his smile against my neck as he continues to whisper into my ear, ''I can hear your rapid breaths and you're blushing'' There was a dangerous purr I could hear in his voice and it made him even more sexier. If that was even possible. He was so close I could feel the warmth of this big and hard body. I wanted it all over me but I was never going to admit that to him. I knew I was falling under his spell and it was happening way too fast. Having him this close to me was going to make running impossible, besides he locked the damn door. I mentally roll my eyes and hope that he'll get bored of my lack of cooperation of turning around and he'll let me go. But I doubt that will happen.

His other hand moves to my other hip and he starts to turn me, but I don't stop it. My body feels like its on fire and its because of him. My mind is being turn between wanting him to throw me over his shoulder and spread me over his desk and the sensible side that's yelling at me to get the hell out.

He lowers his head and presses his lips into the crook of my neck. I bite my lip to stop the moan from escaping. ''Christian,'' I say breathlessly.

''Yes?,'' He asks but doesn't stop kissing my neck, deliberately doing it slowly. ''You were saying?'' he's grinning, I can feel it.

I turn around fully, so I am facing him. ''You need to open the door bef-'' He sealed his mouth over my lips, shutting me up completely before I could finish my sentence. Taking me completely by surprise as I lost my balance slightly and pressed my body against the door, he followed without removing his lips from mine. He pulls back and looks at me, probably looking for any sign of resistance or a fight, but I couldn't give that to him, and he knew it. He smirks before diving in for another kiss, his lips are a lot softer then I would have imagined. His skilled tongue is seeking entrance into my mouth but I don't give in. I have one last ounce of self-control left.

''You're so stubborn'' he breaks the kiss off. ''I'm sorry to say this, baby, but you've lost,''

I frown but I am quickly distracted when his lips make contact with my neck again. His feather like kisses are making me shiver but I try to ignore it the best way I can, but its hopeless. He's right there and he's not planning on going anywhere.

My lips part as a moan manages to escape and Christian takes full advantage of that. His lips touch mine again but because I parted my lips, his tongue enters without any resistance. As soon as it connects with mine… I can't hold back anymore, and I kiss him back. He hums his approval. I love the way he kisses, he's being gentle yet firm at the same time and I love it.

I drop my bag and my arms reach up to his hair, and I pull on his copper waves, tugging him closer to me. I craved to touch him, I needed to touch him more then I needed my next breath. It was getting overwhelming too fast but he did not give me the time to think or to process anything, he just kept kissing me. I didn't want him to stop. My hands travel down his body and press firmly against his toned chest. I want this shirt off and so I start to unbutton it and pull it off of him, while still trying to continue my assault on his beautiful mouth.

His hands move from my hips and he places them over mine, preventing me from taking off his shirt. No. What is he doing? I have been longing to touch his bare chest and so I attempt to move my hands from his grip, but he stops kissing me.

''Why did you stop?'' I pant trying to force air into my lungs.

But he doesn't say anything and instead his lips kiss that sensitive spot behind my ear. God that feels so good. I grab hold of his shirt and pull him even closer then he was before. I can feel his smile again but my self-control is long gone, I am almost to the point of begging. ''Slow down,'' he says as he bites down on my earlobe and I press down on my lip, hard, as I feel pleasure pulsing through my body. ''My pace,'' he orders but I want to laugh at his pathetic words. I hook my right leg around his waist and pull him to me, but it's quickly removed and placed back down by his strong hands. What the hell? Confused more then ever I go in for a kiss, but he annoyingly pulls back from me. He can't be serious! He's got me hot and wet for him and he's messing around! No man has ever resisted my touch but here he is, in the flesh.

I lick my lips, enjoying the way his pupils dilate. ''Why are you being annoying? I thought this is what you wanted?'' I wink and roll my hips, so they brush against the bulge in his trousers. You aren't so in control like you thought, Grey. My inner self is doing cartwheels.

His hands quickly move to my hips to still my movements. ''My pace,'' his words slowly roll of his tongue. ''I say when,'' He moves one hand from my hip and starts to draw circles on my belly. ''And I say how,'' he can't be serious. Control freak and all I am not having it. I need him my way and on my terms.

I go to grab his belt but he knows what my intentions are and so he quickly grabs hold of both my wrists and pins them with one hand, above my head. I try to move them, but I can't. He is driving me senseless and he knows it by the knowing smile he's got going on. ''This red dress of yours has been driving me crazy ever since I saw it on you in that interview,'' My mouth has completely gone dry as I listen. ''I've wanted to rip it off you and see you completely exposed in front of me,'' I gasp. ''I couldn't back then but I have very good self-control, Anastasia.'' I swallow at the mention of my name but remain quiet. ''You see, I know exactly what you are trying to do.'' He continues. ''You want me to fuck you, right here, right now. But that's not going to happen.'' His lips now a thin line. I could almost see him contemplating on what to do next, his mind working in overdrive.

''What do you want?'' I throw the question out there and study his face, noting how hard he worked to keep his features neutral. ''Well?'' I press.

He was the one to look away first. Impossible, that's exactly what he was. A minute before he was about to shred this little red dress into pieces and enjoy every piece of my body. Now, he appeared more distant then ever. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes and instead flexed my hands slightly in his grip. He let go of me then. It felt like ripping off a plaster when he moved away from me, creating an arms-length gap between us. Ridiculous that's what this was. I was puzzled and not understanding why he's mood changed so quickly, one minute we craved each other and the next he appeared so… cold.

I clicked my tongue. ''What the hell is going on?'' I deserved answers and I wasn't leaving without them. ''One minute you are all over me and now you won't even look at me.''

He still avoided eye contact. ''You need to leave,'' What!

A laugh of disbelief escaped as I shook my head. ''You got to be kidding me,''

Christian started to move further away from me as he walked towards his desk again.

''What do you want!'' I shout at his back. Unable to keep my emotions in anymore. I knew I was messed up, I knew I had too many issues to even count and I knew I was not far from going crazy but I for sure did not deserve to be thrown around like trash. He did not have any right to do this, to lead me on and then tell me to leave.

He stopped and sighed. ''You need to leave,'' he repeated again as he sat down in that leather chair and switched on the computer. I could not believe what I was witnessing, he completely wanted to shut me out and pretend like I never walked into this office. Unbelievable.

''So what… now you're going to just ignore me,'' oh no Grey. I would not back down so quickly not until you start talking. I tried to gather some of my scattered confidence as I started walking towards his desk, my heels clicking was the only sound filling the large space around us. I watched as Christian's hands hovered over the keyboard, ready to type something, his face full of focus. He was pretending that I wasn't even there, like I was a ghost.

If this was some sort of game to him then I was going to have a little fun as well. My confidence was sky high again and I sighed in relief. I could do this. I could make him suffer. After all I knew he found my body attractive and I had skills not a lot of woman possessed. His face became more tensed the closer I got to him and by the time I rounded his desk I wasn't sure he was breathing. I felt great satisfaction when he tried but failed to keep his gaze on the computer in front of him.

I sat on top of his desk my legs dangling. I reached up to unbound my hair from my bun, my chest pushed forward slightly, my back curving from the movement. I could almost feel his hunger and when my hair tumbled down my back I swear I could hear him gasp.

''What are you doing, Anastasia?'' He said at last, breaking the silence.

I ignored him just like he did me. Instead I reached for the hem of my dress and pulled it up slightly so I could get myself more comfortable on his desk. His eyes clouded over as he saw more of my bare thigh exposed to him. I felt powerful which is not something that I was familiar with when I was with him, he always took the power. ''Don't push me,'' His voice strained as he watched me run my hands through my hair, readjusting it and fluffing it up, not caring for his so-called warning.

I gathered my hair and brushed it to one side, revealing more of my neck to him. ''Anastasia, I am warning you, now.'' He growled like a feral animal which only made me bolder. I went as far as pushing the strap of my dress down when he moved. He was so quick I didn't even know he was moving until he was right in front of me, in-between my legs, settled in. His hands on either side of my thighs. My face a picture of full satisfaction as he looked up into my eyes.

''I told you to leave,'' He was almost panting.

''I don't follow orders,'' I throw back at him.

''What do you want, Anastasia?'' His nails scrapped on the wood beneath them.

''I asked you that first if I recall correctly,''

''You don't want to know what I want,'' His eyes travelled down my profile, his eyes darkening further.

''Tell me,'' I pushed regardless of every nerve in my body protesting and telling me to drop it. Deep down I knew I should not push him too far.

He locked his eyes with mine again, ''I want you standing just by that door, '' He looked towards it and so did I. ''Head down, legs spread shoulder width apart.'' I didn't take my eyes off that door as I pictured it. ''You would be waiting for me to come to you,'' I wasn't sure whether I was feeling fear or excitement or both. ''I would take this dress off you and probably forbid you from wearing it again as all it has been doing is teasing me to the point of pain.'' I swallowed and turned my head towards him again but did not dare to meet his gaze, it was too intense for me. ''I would take your hand and walk you towards my desk, spreading you all over it.'' I shivered as his knuckles brushed against my cheek. ''I would use my tie to restrain your hands and you would already be wet from thinking about what I could and would do to you,'' I looked down at the desk I was sitting on. God I swear I could orgasm by having him continue this dirty talk. I should be screaming at the mention of restraint, but I wasn't.

''I want you looking at me all curious, wondering what I will do with your body,'' he continued. ''I want to teach and show you how good we would be together and how well you would submit to me.'' I roll my eyes at the last comment.

''Me and you both know that's not going to happen,''

He grinned at me, row of perfectly straight white teeth. He was the definition of male perfection. ''But angel, I gave you a way out. I told you to get out.'' He murmured. ''But you came over here all on you own.''

I scowled at him ''So what that I am attracted to you, most women probably are.''

''Try it my way,'' he said simply.

I didn't know what came over me, but I was considering his offer. I was being utterly crazy.

''If you don't want to then I promise to leave you alone but I must say I would be disappointed,'' he added. ''All you have to do is say that you don't want to see me ever again,'' Easy enough I thought.

He waited for my answer and I tried to say that I didn't want to see him again, but I couldn't get my lips to cooperate. They just wouldn't form the words. The silence lengthened and I was getting more annoyed at myself.

''You can't say it, can you.'' the corners of his lips lifted.

''No of course I can,'' I sneered at him

''Well I am waiting,''

''Fuck you,''

He shook his head as a laugh erupted from his lips. ''I take it I got my answer.'' He moved away from me and winked. ''We need to work on that filthy mouth of yours,''

''Fuck you,'' I said it again just to annoy him.


I still stared at the door of my office long after she left. Recalling over and over again that first kiss of ours. Our lips crashed into each other but quickly moulded together so perfectly. I was rubbing my face with my hand to try and clear the image for a while so I could get some work done but it was like asking me not to breath. Absurd.

She hasn't yet agreed to be mine, but she also didn't say no either, there was still hope. My little trick worked too well, I didn't expect her to take the bait so easily, but she did. All I had to do was pull back, that's all it took for her to come to me willingly. There was light in the tunnel, and I was getting closer to my desired result. I just had to do it slowly, ease her into my world. After all she was a complete beginner. I just knew she would be perfect as a submissive I just had to let her see it.

There's a knock on my door which drags me back to my office again. ''Come in,'' I cleared my throat and stood up, buttoning up my suit.

''Mr Grey?'' Amanda's sheepish smile meets me.

''Yes, Amanda?'' I give her the smile I only reserve for woman and watch as she flushes a light shade of pink.

''I just wanted to show you the amendments I made to your schedule,'' She passes me her tablet which I take and frown at.

''Alterations?'' I look down at the neatly organised dairy. I didn't ask her to make alterations? Or did I? I try to run through my morning with business in mind but all I seem to picture are those plump pink lips and big blue hunger filled eyes. Focus Grey!

''Sorry, Sir, I should have given you this earlier,'' She pauses to took in a stray of blonde her behind her ear. ''After I received the email with the changes you made this morning, I thought I should change your schedule accordingly.''

Realisation hits. ''Thank you, Amanda, I completely forgot about that. Good job,'' God she was organised. I liked that about her, always being a step ahead.

She blushes further at my compliment.

''Un-fucking believable,'' Ethan practically shouts in a way of greeting as he barges into my office. ''That asshole,'' He sits in my desk chair and clenches his jaw.

''Amanda, would you give us a minute,'' I don't look at her and instead focus on my brother. What has cruelled up his ass?

''Of course, Mr Grey,'' She practically whispers.

Once I hear the door click shut, I speak to him. ''Ethan, what are you doing here?'' it is now that I notice his wrinkled untucked shirt and open collar.

''Why do you think I am here, Christian?'' his tone even louder.

I feel myself tense. This can't be about Anastasia, he can't know about her. ''I don't know that's why I am asking,''

''Fuck sake, do you not get informed of anything in this fucking place,'' He spits it at me, like poison. What the hell is wrong with him? There is nothing that I have done to piss him off lately. ''Dorian fucking Ward wants to drop us''

I rub my hands together. Well this is something that I was not expecting. ''Do you know why?'' I start with a calm tone trying to neutralise Elliot.

''Again another piece of information that you should have known hours ago.'' I can almost feel the fury radiating of him. ''Where the hell have you been for the last few hours as it sure as hell wasn't here in this office.'' He pushes all the content of my desk onto the floor with a loud crash.

I take in even and steady breaths and clench my hands together, fighting the urge to punch him in the face. Instead I say, ''You need to calm down, Elliot,''

He looks at me as if I grew two heads, ''Don't you dare tell me to calm down, this is on you.'' He stands and walks towards the window with crossed arms over his chest. ''He is our biggest client and you didn't even know that he wants to drop us,'' he clicked his tongue.

''Hold on a minute, this isn't on me, I didn't tell him to drop us.'' I snap at him. Long gone the calm and collected Grey.

''Well you might as well have,''

''What is that supposed to mean?'' I frown.

''You took away his voice Christian,'' he turned to look at me and throws his arms in the air. ''You made him think that he doesn't have a word to say in his business, that you-'' he points me, ''was going to decide everything for him.''

I bit the inside of my check and ran my hand through my hair, almost pulling it all out. ''This business idea of his will not get passed the conference room if I don't take the lead. But I never once said to him that he doesn't have a say in anything, and you know it.''

''But you made him feel like that. You don't have to say it for a client to think that.'' He unbuttoned his shirt further.

''What do you want me to do about it?'' I yell.

''You my friend are going to arrange a meeting with him to prevent this from happening. I don't care what strings you have to pull but he cannot drop us. Regardless how much of an asshole he is, we need him, his business is worth millions.''

I offer him a slight nod.

''I don't know why your head is not in the game Christian, but it better be in the game and it better be in the game fucking soon.'' And with that note he storms out my office.


She has seriously got under my skin.

I can't seem to focus for more then five minutes at a time. She's not yours. I kept repeating it and couldn't get it out. But it was true. We shared a kiss but even if it changed so much between us… made this need between us so much stronger, she could still change her mind. The longer she was away from me she could forget how good it was between us, but I would not let that happen. Yes, I had to ease her slowly into my world and I would give her time to process but I would only give her a few days that's all I could handle. It made me restless knowing how close I was to calling her mine and yet she was still just out of my reach but if this was to work, I had to be patient.

For now, I had to get some work done and sort things out with Dorian Ward. Easier said then done but my brother was right my head has not been in the game, I've been too busy with Anastasia. She's already distracted me from my mother, my sister and now my job but I knew that the moment she says 'yes' to our arrangement I will be able to be the CEO this company needs and spend more time with my family.

I pressed the button on my desk to connect with Amanda, ''Amanda, can you get Mr Ward on the phone for me,'' My voice full of authority and control again, good. First step fix our connections with Ward even if all I wanted was to be buried balls deep in Anastasia. She would have to wait. I had to do this right. She would come to me just like she did today.

''Of course, Mr Grey,'' she cleared her throat.

''Good, let me know when he is ready for me,''

After an hour of intense interaction with Dorian Ward and myself I finally got him to not drop us. The guy was hard work, he made me promise that he was now was getting sixty percent of the profit and not the fifty percent split we originally discussed. But like Elliot said I pulled every string I could think of and this was the only one that would make that bastard stay and nothing was going to change his mind. I don't know what it was that kept me from throwing the phone across the room, but I resisted. I was pissed. Ward knew I was his puppet and that I would agree to the impossible and I hated myself for it.


I deserved it.

It was my fault and now I paid the price, but I could already picture Elliot stomping back into my office and throwing a tantrum yet again about how I agreed for Ward to get sixty percent profit when it was us that were doing most of the work. I swallowed my pride… I had to then. Backed into a corner and there was no way out is what I would have to tell Elliot. I had to get us a better deal, then I already had, the investor will have to put more money into the project so that we could have more money to play with and more profit in the end.

My phone, that I still clenched in my left hand, started ringing. ''Grey,''

''Mr Grey, its Taylor,'' Well… has he got anything? The anticipation was killing me. ''I got something that you might want to have a look at,''

''What is it?''

''Its something I think you need to see in person, I'll be there in thirty minutes,''

''Okay,'' was all I said before ending the call.

I stared at the pictures that Taylor brought to me and I couldn't breathe. It nearly made me feel sick, my stomach turning. My hands were trembling the longer I stared at those blue eyes I know so well, but they seemed so different to what I was used to at looking. They weren't full of life. They weren't full of hunger. They were empty and filled with fear. Her whole face was swollen. Those eyes were barely staying open.

Then I saw blood and I swear my heart was nearly torn into two pieces.

She had bruises on every single part of her body that was not covered with her clothes. Her neck was the worst, dark purple and black bruises covered it. She was so slim I didn't know how she was able to stand for these photos. My eyes scanning further even if I wanted to tare them away. What has she endured? I flicked to the next picture and this one showed her hands which had multiple cuts on then some so deep that she already had bandages on. I picked up the next picture and this one showed her back.

A shaky breath left my parted lips. ''Oh my god,'' I whispered to myself but I'm sure Taylor could hear.

Her whole back was covered in cuts, some were old and some could not be any older then a few days. She was still bleeding through the bandages that were applied, they did nothing to cover up the horror that filled the page. She was beaten, to the point where she ended up in hospital. I put the photos down and put my palms flat on the desk as I leaned on them.

''Taylor? What is this?'' I asked the question even though the pictures spoke the answers more clearly then any words could.

''Anastasia was abused, beaten and tortured. I do not know by who. I am working on that, but I manged to find these pictures that were very safely tucked away from prying eyes. I also found a never-ending list of therapists, that she was seeing but the list stops at Doctor Flynn. It seems she has been seeing him for a while now. He was working in New York and he now moved to Seattle. Anastasia seemed to move too.''

''Taylor… so you are telling me that this fucker is still out there…''

I could hear him swallow. ''I do not know, Sir, I am still trying to get a name, but it seemed to be buried even further then these… pictures.'' Taylor rarely stumbled through words. ''All I know is that it was a male that has done this'' he paused. ''You told me to report as soon as I found something, so I stopped what I was doing and came straight here.''

''I understand, Taylor,'' I didn't know I could feel this much rage. I didn't know I could feel so out of control and yet it happened. Someone hurt Anastasia. They were going to pay for what they done. As soon as I get the name of the monster that dared to lay a finger on her they would wish they were never born. I would make them suffer, suffer more then they made my angel suffer. They would not and I repeat not get away with this. ''Get me more Taylor, I need everything.'' I couldn't stop looking at those pictures. They only spurred my rage on further.

''Of course, Sir, I will contact you as soon as I get more.'' He turned on his heel and left.

I was now alone. Unwelcome tears ran down my cheeks. I was so angry that I wasn't there to save her. She suffered so much, and no one was there to fucking help her. I wiped at my eyes. But I was here now, and I was going to protect her at all costs. She would never ever suffer like this again.