Disclaimer: I do not own Divergent. Credit goes to Veronica Roth.
I do not own the 'flirt' collection. Credit goes to that author as well.
The idea to combine the two is mine. All OC's are property of missalohahula.

Dauntless Relationship Chronicles
Part 1: Best Friend

Summary: She can walk into any place and guys immediately begin to drool all over her. One flip of her hair and they all come flocking over. She's gorgeous, she's sexy, she's desirous and she's not you. You're her best friend. Stand next to one another and you know that every guy would pick her at the speed of light. It's just the way the male population is. At least that's what you thought…

Saturday nights were the same whenever I went out with Marlene. It would always start with us walking into a club, bar or some other local watering hole where she continued her search for the love of her life. Marlene had a motto to life and perhaps it was similar to 'yolo' but it was deeper than that for her and I knew it because I was there.

Marlene and I have been best friends for a very long time. So of course who else does Marlene Steward, tall gorgeous and blonde ask to come with her on a Saturday night to look for the love of her life? Why it is none other than me, plain and an 'okay' pretty Myra Kerr.

The Pit was one of the best bars around, minus the fact that there was always an ample supply of drunken girls throwing their panties up on the bar. And if you're wondering, yes there really is a small metal bar with panties that hang from it above the bar.

Regardless of that we would go there whenever Marlene grew tired of one man and wanted another. And like I said there was never any shortage for her. Who wouldn't want her? The girl literally screamed sex as she walked. You know those girls who do anything and say the most ridiculous things and yet the man still things their hot as hell? Well, Marlene was that girl. And while the Pit was dark and had tons of girls willing to fly their panties up onto the bar, Marlene stood out among the crowd.

Whenever she walked in all heads would turn to her. Even though a raunchy song was playing, Marlene would always hit the dance floor first. That's how she got attention. Again, not like it mattered much what she did, she got the attention either way. But there she was dancing and swaying her lips like a lighthouse calling to wandering ships. And there I was right next to her, attempting to do the same but failing drastically. How could I compare next to her?

After a few songs, aching feet and a small thirst working itself up I bowed out and away from Marlene who was quickly snatched up by some tall blonde guy who looked half decent. The only problem was that I knew exactly what Marlene was looking for and something told me he wasn't it.

She started a list from high school that consisted of high school quarterback to drummer in the marching band. As we got older, it only expanded from there to hold various nationalities and backgrounds. But the one thing remained the same, she wanted true love.

I knew exactly what it was for her. It was someone who loved the Green Bay Packers and the Chicago Bulls as much as her, someone who loved to eat chocolate cake, Cap'n Crunch cereal, pistachios and peanut M&Ms as much as her, someone who enjoyed kicking back with some Netflix on a rainy day, someone who could make her feel comfortable enough to use baggy jeans and loose shirts because apparently getting gorgeous every day is hard work. The most important detail though was a secret between us. Marlene especially wanted that someone to know what it was like to lose their father at such a young age, help a young single mother to struggle and know the true meaning of bravery against all odds.

I would argue that she'd never find that guy at a bar called the Pit with lacey under garments hanging above the alcohol but this is usually where she met them. Tonight was going to be the same as every other night.

You see we've worked it out that the key for every guy is to get to know the friend because obviously if they get in with the friend then they're in with the girl. I left the dance floor to sit at the bar, pulling down my tight black skirt as I went waiting for my first victim. It had become a game for me, really. They would ask about Marlene in the hopes of leaving with her when in reality I would burn them to the ground for her.

"You with that hot chick over there," a short guy bumped my shoulder slightly as if to flirt with me.

"If you mean the blonde, then yes," I replied.

"She available," he leaned in way too close for comfort.

"I guess," I shrugged. "You see her therapist that the judge appointed her with has forbidden her from dating men. She kind of goes a little psychotic on them and ends up in jail, if you know what I mean," I nudged him and started to smile. "But if you're thinking about it then why not, right? Just don't tell her your real name." I leaned in close to him too. "She hunted down the last man that left her," I whispered.

And just like that he quickly darted away.

"Hello. What can I get for you tonight," asked the bartender.

He was not that bad looking. Who am I kidding? The man was hot as hell. The bartender that stood before me was tall, had that shaggy brown hair and those sweet dimples when he smiled.

"A Coke please," I answered quickly smiling as he pulled out a glass and started to make my coke.

"Not drinking tonight?"

"I need to keep my game on," I nodded.

And as I mentioned the game was getting my excuses ready for the numerous amount of men who would soon be lining up to speak to me. Now why would they want to speak to me? I already told you. To a guy the best way to get to a girl is to get to her best friend.

The bartender settled my glass down, "Anything else?"

"Can I have that with a cherry on top please," I finished.

"What the lady wants, the lady shall receive," he replied pulling a cherry from the bin and putting it in my glass.

I felt rather brave and reached over to take a couple cherries from there and popped it into my drink. It got a chuckle from him as he shook his head and turned to get me a small dish placing a couple more cherries inside.

"Aw, such a gentlemen," I said. "I hope you're not giving me some sort of sweetheart deal here. You know I'm not giving up anything just for a bowl of cherries."

The bartender laughed. "No, I hardly expect that sort of thing."

What man would expect anything from me anyways? As mentioned before, Marlene and I entered the same time and though all heads turned, even a few women, they were all looking at her.

"Does your friend need anything?"

"My friend," I titled my head.

"The blonde," he nodded to Marlene.

See, even the bartender noticed her.

"I'm assuming you two came together?"

"We did," I nodded.

"Would she want something to drink," he repeated.

"Alcohol doesn't do well with her medication. We don't want to mess with those meds," I smiled. "If not she'll go crazy. Unless you're into that sort of thing then by all means get her some tequila. She'll give you a pair of underwear for your bar."

The bartender snapped his towel at me playfully. "I'm not into your friend. I was just asking if she wants a drink so I can make it. It is part of my job to serve the patrons here."

I stared at him in disbelief. He wasn't into Marlene? Was he blind? For a moment I continued to stare until he smiled. Those damn dimples came back out and I almost melted against the chair.

"No," I shook my head. "I believe she is okay for now. What made you ask me, though? Thought you could get to the girl by going through her friend right," I smiled.

That was a typical approach, asking me if she wanted anything to drink.

"Again, I'm just trying to serve the customers in the bar," he held out his hands over the bar and then popped his head over my shoulder to look past me.

I turned and noticed a man with dark hair and a weird looking mustache. Strike one.

"Hey, you're friends with the blonde aren't you?"

There was a gap in between his teeth. Strike two.

"Yes I am."

"What's her deal? Is she single?"

And then I noticed the strike three in the form of a golden band on his left hand. Really douchebag?

"Yeah," I sighed starting my act. "It really is sad though. Her last boyfriend left her because she's getting incarcerated tomorrow."

"What," the guy looked shocked.

I rolled my eyes. "In a strange turn of events, can you believe that he is the one pressing charges? I mean he is the one who cheated on her and yet she gets sent to prison?"

"What did she do," he discreetly tucked his left hand into his pocket. Too late I saw the ring, you cheating bastard.

"She caught him with another woman and took a machete out on them," I moved my hand in a slashing gesture and made the sound from Pscyho. "She'll be out in ten years I believe but she's searching for a pen pal to keep her time occupied," I lifted a cherry out of my coke and bit it off the stem. "You should go over and introduce yourself while you can. Like I said, tomorrow she'll be locked up. Go at least give her your address!"

The guy stood there bewildered for a brief moment before walking away back to his friends.

"Really," a sarcastic tone came from over the bar.

I jumped a bit surprised to see that the bartender had been listening to the conversation.

"You told him a better excuse than what you told me."

"Maybe if I knew you'd be listening in, I would have come up with something more dramatic for you."

"Won't she be upset that you made up some ridiculous lie about her going to jail to get rid of some guy?"

"To be honest she enjoys it. We laugh about it and considering the guy I just chased away, please," I waved him off grabbing another cherry from the bowl he gave me and dipping it in my Coca Cola, "she'll thank me later."

He looked skeptical at first but then two guys off to the side of me wanting to order drinks caught his attention. It was not long until I had gotten my third victim of the evening. I don't even know why I keep track. But I had told the guy almost the same thing as I told the bartender. I didn't think having a girl on medication to manage anger was something that scared away the men like that. Perhaps I'll use that in the future as well.

It was not long until the bartender came back and asked if I wanted a refill on my Coke.

"No, I'm good," I smiled.

"Are you sure, I can give you a bit of lime instead of the cherries," he pointed to the bowl that I failed to notice was running empty.

"Well in that case, may I please have another Coke but this time with a lime," I smiled as did he.

I was given a new glass with a cherry and a lime wedge on the side and hanging on the rim next to the lime was a cute umbrella.

"How fancy," I commented.

"I try. So I'm assuming your lies keep the weird guys away from your friend?"

I moved the umbrella around, stirring the cubes of ice in my drink that was mixing with cherry and lime juices. "Marlene finds the ones that she's interested in. I keep the rest out of her way."

"What if she liked those three men you already turned down?"

So he was keeping track as well.

"Believe me she wouldn't have," I replied, "she has a list."

"A list," he smirked.

"Yes, a list."

The bartender shook his head with a small chuckle before holding up a finger as if telling me to hold our conversation. He went to the right of me to take a couple other orders of patrons who had walked in and demanded to have their thirst quenched.

"How long have you two been friends," he asked upon his return.

"A long time," I answered wondering why I was telling him these things and also why he was insistent upon asking me about it.

"It seems like there's some story behind that."

"I think I should save that for another night."

"Well," he smirked, "I'm here every weekend."

"I'll remember to write that put that into my phone," I smiled as he shook his head.

"What's your name other than Marlene's personal bodyguard?"

I couldn't help but smile. "Myra, Myra Kerr."

He offered his hand. "Edward Mathis. It's a pleasure to meet you."

I loved the feel of his hands. Dammit. This guy was handsome and had strong hands. As much as I wanted to think about other things that he could do with those strong hands, another victim had made his presence known.

"Can I buy you a drink?"

The slimy fingers brushed along my arm and I turned to see an equally handsome guy staring at me. I knew his intentions though. He wasn't here for me. He was here for Marlene. They always were. And I knew the game that he was playing at. I had seen it done so many times. Let me butter you up and pretend that I like your hair or I'm interested in what you do when really I want to bang your friend over there. I always loved these ones. Why?

"I was just about to order a glass of bourbon on the rocks," I turned to Edward who looked down but still smiled.

He knew what I was doing.

"I think that one," I pointed to the glass which I knew would be expensive.

The guy simply nodded to Edward who began to make it. I knew from a previous victim a couple months ago that the glass was expensive. The guy must have been really desperate to get with Marlene if he was willing to dish out that type money on one drink for her talking to her best friend.

"Thank you," I smiled and batted my eyes at him as Edward set the glass down.

Right away the guy went in for the kill. "What can you tell me about friend?"


The guy shook his head a little. "Blondie out there," he pointed to Marlene. "I saw you two come here together. I assumed that you were friends with her."

"I am," I nodded then I titled my head and put on the act, "wait are you interested in her?"

"Well, yeah," he shrugged with his smile.

"You're just what the doctor ordered for her," I snapped my fingers, "literally. They just let her out of the facility," I reached for his hand. "They said that she needed to find someone stable you know," I nodded, "someone that will help her keep track of her medication intake," I whispered.

"Maybe now isn't the right time," he pulled his hand back.

"Are you sure," I pouted.

The guy eyed out the drink he just bought me, let out a huff and then walked away. I turned to see Edward smiling at me. He motioned with two fingers for me to come close. The same time I leaned over the bar so did he.

"Why don't you just tell them that she has a boyfriend?"

His breath was not warm. Rather it was hot on my cheek and it caused a shudder to run through me. It burned me to my core. I have no idea why.

I pulled back and saw that charming smile.

"They try even harder," I answered honestly.

Edward shrugged. "Tell them you're her girlfriend."

I smacked the bar countertop. "Are you kidding? Then they are even more interested in her."

He laughed, "Must be hard coming up with excuses."

"Not really," I shook my head getting rid of the lime and setting it down in the napkin. "I've turned it into a sort of game. One night, I made up excuses about possible rashes. Tonight, the whole mentally unstable and possibly criminal record routine seems to be working."

"You've made a career out of it then?"

"I have," I agreed as we both started to laugh.

This was nice but I knew it wouldn't last. No guy was ever interested in the best friend when they could have a tall glass of 'Marlene'.

"Well Miss CEO of the Dishonesty Company," Edward began. Why did he have to be funny and good looking? "Did you need a refill on your Coke or are you going to enjoy that top shelf bourbon you stuck that poor guy with?"

I started to giggle. Since when the hell do I do that? "Another Coke, please."

"Cherries this time, or did you like the lime," he asked.

"I think I'll stick with the cherries. Although the lime was not half bad," I pointed out.

"I wanted to give you an option," he smiled.

I looked over at the dancefloor to find Marlene. I found that she had moved from a group of college frat boys over to a few other daring prospects that looked like your everyday average Joes. But right now she was grinding up against someone who looked like he finished working at some type of law firm or something. He didn't stand a chance. Maybe for tonight only but I knew he was not on the list for what she wanted in real love. Then I noticed another guy start to make a beeline for me.