So just an update! I'm sorry- I promised myself I wouldn't do this because I know the disappointment of receiving a notification on story you've been waiting forever on, only to get an update instead -but I need to get some things out into the open.

Currently, I have been rewriting a lot of the older chapters of The Butterfly Effect because I have been improving my writing over the years and have noticed some plot holes as a result. As a writer, you go through multiple drafts of trial and error. There is TONS of story, but my scope is so huge it's hard to narrow down exactly what I want to write and motivate myself to move forward with it. I've even considered writing Sora and Kairi out of the story entirely so they could have their own spin-off because I need to get my priorities straight.

So any new updates might be awhile because I'm literally changing the entire world Lila first ends up on when she arrives in the Kingdom Hearts universe, so please be patient with me. I promise that I'm not deleting the story and that most of the scenarios from story will not be lost, just altered with some updated dialogue, locations, and in-character development. Hopefully the next time you see an email notification in your Inbox, it will be that this chapter will be gone and replaced with an actual KH chapter. I also hope you guys are staying safe during this crazy time we're all living in that is Pandemic 2020! Stay safe, be well informed, and exercise social distancing!


And NOW for the main reason that I posted this update message- the mysterious Guest reviewer (you know who you are).



...I'm DONE with your harassment. It was one thing for me to allow it to go unaddressed for so long, since it upped my review count on my stories so people would be more likely to notice my story in search engines, but this has been going on for FOUR. YEARS. FOUR! -of you just constantly berating me for updates and changes you want me to impliment because you want my story to be exactly like the one that it replaced, one might I add that was filled with inappropriate behavior, contained sexual harassment, and cringeworthy OOC moments that makes me consider deleting it from existance. You have yelled at me for simply posting a new chapter or story, and have spammed them just to get attention.

The worst part is you CLEARLY know when I update, so I know you have a Fanfiction account and that you get notifications when I update anything because I've seen you review my other stories that I publish with the exact same questions- questions BTW that I can't even answer because you are a GUEST reviewer -but you purposely sign in as a Guest just so you can spam my stories endlessly for updates and suggestions because Fanfiction doesn't let you review the same chapter twice. Just so you know, originally I was willing to have an actual discussion on my story if you had valid criticisms you wanted to address. However, you have made it impossible for me to contact you because you refuse to contact me under an actual username.

Because of this, I have to go out of my way to talk to you in a way that ruins the experience for my other readers so you WILL see it, so let's get one thing straight: This. is. NOT. the. Girl. and. the. Keyblade. ANYMORE.

It will NEVER be the old story. The ONLY thing I was keeping from that story was the premise of a KH fan ending up in an AU Kingdom Hearts universe that has Riku as a traveling companion. That's it. Stop asking. The only reason that story still exists is because I worked hard on it years ago, and I hate for it to all go to waste- but you make me want to delete it all together just to spite you. Hell, you make me want to randomly kill off Yuffie from my story because you have mentioned her dozens of times. I've complained about you to my college roommate so many times that she has suggested that I should delete my account on Fanfiction just to escape your harassment- and you know what? I've considered it. People like you are why writers leave Fanfiction to go pursue other fanfic sites. It stresses the writers out when all we want is to know people enjoy our writing.

This will be the last time I will ever address this childish behavior because feeding your ego and need for attention is not my problem. Consider all of your reviews from this moment onward deleted and gone.