Disclaimer: I do not own anything related to Naruto. Just my crazy ideas.
Rated: M
It's pretty tame in this chapter but it gets worse in later chapters.

Naruto sighed as he walked up the long walk to Sasuke's manor. He was surprised that after four months Sasuke finally invited him over by himself. Four long months and nothing but small talk and trying to beat crap out of each other during training. They hadn't had a moment to themselves since then. He rang the doorbell and looked around the porch trying not to laugh as he saw the cat statues. Then he remembered the Uchiha's worshiped cats or something like that. A maid answered the door and asked him to remove his shoes. That was another thing he couldn't believe Sasuke had a maid. Then again Sasuke's house was huge and most likely hard to clean by oneself. Shaking the thought away he took them off and she took them from him. She opened a side door setting his shoes inside, and quickly shut the door after.

The maid led him to the kitchen where Sasuke was looking at some papers. Naruto was always astounded by the huge house the Uchiha lived in, alone. 'Damn rich people' he thought as he looked at grand kitchen and one of the dining areas. The huge open windows that lined the far wall showing of the outside, only a small part of the back yard that was the rock garden. Across from Sasuke sat a bowl of steaming ramen made just for Naruto. Sasuke still hadn't looked up yet, not once, and Naruto wondered why he had been invited over if Sasuke was busy.

"Hey Teme!" Sasuke looked up from the papers, and waved him over with a warm smile Naruto wasn't used to. Naruto's own smile grew and walked over sitting in front of the ramen. "This for me?" Sasuke smiled and nodded. Quickly putting the papers back into order, and set them aside as Naruto ate. The maid served them tea and took the papers leaving them alone. Naruto tried to shake off the unsettling vibe in the room as he greedily ate the ramen.

"I know you don't know why I called you here on such short notice, but I needed to tell you. I know I've basically ignored you except during training, and the bi-weekly team dinners." Naruto was listening intently as Sasuke danced around what he really wanted to say. Naruto didn't like this at all knowing Sasuke never dance around anything. He was always blunt and spoke quickly and sharply. Then he finally said it. Naruto choked on the ramen and started coughing uncontrollably. Sasuke looked at him nervously as Naruto was finally able to breathe semi normally as he drank the tea to help clear his throat.

"What did you say?" Naruto said hoarsely.

"I said while I was gone those years I realized something while I was there. I realized that I'm gay. I also came to the conclusion that I am in love with you. That's why I came with you after I fought with Sai." Naruto shook his head not believing this was actually happening. He stood up running his hands through his hair. He definitely shouldn't have shown up. He'd cancelled his lunch date with Hinata for this.

"I'm sorry Sasuke but I can't. I'm in a relationship." He watched confusion and hurt flash through Sasuke's eyes and had to look away from them. "Hinata and I have been together for a year now. I love her and I can be Hokage if I'm with her. If I'm with you I can't be Hokage and being Hokage is my dream." He looked at Sasuke who had a strange look on his face. "Thanks for the ramen but I have to go I don't think it's a good idea I overstay my welcome." Naruto started to leave till he tripped falling to the floor. He groaned out in pain as his cheek had smacked on the floor, and he could already feel it bruising. He gasped as he was flipped onto his back and Sasuke straddled him.

"No I won't give up on you. You're mine Naruto." Naruto looked at him shocked. "You're just dragging that poor Hyuga girl along. Using her because she loves you and you'll force yourself to be with her just for the sake of the village. For your dream. Really Naruto you say I've changed, but what have your precious Kohona done to you." Sasuke whispered into his ear and pulled away seeing the tears form in the other's eyes. He kissed the tearing blond, who snapped out of his depression as a tongue begged for entrance. He tried to push Sasuke off of him, and Sasuke bit his lip in retaliation. Naruto opened his mouth for Sasuke, and used the kiss to finally push Sasuke off of him. He stumbled out into the hall way.

"Shoes! Shoes now!" He basically shouted at the maid, who jumped nervously.

"Please stay Master will not be happy." She said getting his shoes from the closet none-the-less. Naruto felt a spark of sympathy for her but he could feel Sasuke's eyes on him from the hallway. He winced as he was shoved up against the doorway roughly.

"It's okay you don't understand your feelings for me right now but you will." Sasuke ran his hands down Naruto's sides pressing his arousal against Naruto's ass. Naruto gagged completely disgusted and turned quickly punching Sasuke full force. Naruto watched him fall back halfway down the hall and snapped out of his shock. He pulled on his shoes and left the house as quickly as he could without looking like he was running away. The maid turned and was eye level with her Master's red Sharingan eyes, even though Sasuke was a good head and half taller than her.

"I-I-I'm so sorry Master." She started to heal his nose wiping up the blood with a clean handkerchief.

"Do not worry Yuji, the blond is unpredictable. Go send word to the Hokage that I wish to speak to her and the consul immediately. Tell them it's of extreme importance and give this code to her if she doesn't listen the first time. Then I'll need you to go get groceries for dinner tonight. Make sure the Grand dining room is cleaned and set for team seven's dinner. Be quick you only have six hours."

"Are you really going to sink that low? He is the man you love." Sasuke glared at her making her tremble and regret speaking.

"Aren't you forgetting that I promised you your freedom when Naruto became mine?" She froze and nodded solemnly. "You should be willing to do whatever it takes right? Besides love makes you do crazy things." She looked away as she finished healing his nose. Smiling at the good job she pulled on her coat getting ready to go to the Hokage's office.

Naruto was halfway to Hinata's before he changed his mind. How could he possibly tell her his best friend had tried to force himself on him? He collapsed to his knees in the middle of the street tears falling down steadily to the dirt below. Sakura was leaving a shop and almost tripped over him. "Naruto?" He barely looked up at her but it was enough for her to see his tears and blood. "Who beat you up?"

"S-Sasuke. H-he tried to force himself on me." Sakura looked at him shocked and started whipping up the blood on his chin with a tissue. She looked around seeing people stare at them, so she helped him to his feet.

"Let's go get you cleaned up okay? It's quicker to your place. You can tell me all about it when we get to your apartment. alright?" Naruto nodded keeping his head down as Sakura led them to his place. He unlocked the door and headed numbly to his bed. He kicked off his shoes and sat down. "Tell me what happened from the start." Naruto quickly explained and Sakura pulled him into her arms. She pulled away and started to heal his lip and cheek as much as she could. "I'm so sorry. You need to talk to him after tonight's dinner and be more assertive when telling him no. I'm serious about asking you to talk to him after dinner tonight. If you need me I'll be waiting in the hallway. Think about what you're going to say. I have to go. I have to do a couple hours at the hospital to cover for one of the other doctors. Be at my apartment and we can walk to his place together, alright?"

"Of course Sakura, and thank you. You really are the best."

"You're going to be okay. I'll see you tonight." She left locking the door behind her. He let out a frustrated scream. "How dare you Sasuke?! How could you do that!?" He collapsed completely onto his bed shaking from the anger. He felt angry tears fall down his face as he was unable to control himself further. He heard a snicker and he jumped to his feet, kunai in hand. Kiba froze as Naruto almost slit his throat on impulse.

"Woah dude chill." Naruto finally focused on the intruder and dropped his arm sliding the kunai back under his pillow. He quickly wiped his tears and glared at Kiba starting to get angry. Kiba smiled at him.

"Kiba you scared the hell out of me! What are you doing here? How did you even get in?" Kiba pointed to the open window in Naruto's kitchen. "How long have you been here?"

"Since you screamed. I'm here to give you a message from Hinata she says she wants to come over tonight, but she doesn't know when you'll be done."
"Tell her nine o'clock."

"So what did Sasuke do?" Kiba smirked at him and Naruto glared.

"That Teme doesn't understand no or that I'm in a relationship. He attacked my face!" Kiba looked closer noticing the now faint bite mark and bruise. Kiba cringed and pulled away. "Don't tell Hinata I'll tell her tonight."

"Alright." Kiba started to leave through the window and looked back. "Be careful we both know how persistent Sasuke can be. He'll probably sink low and try to trick you. Keep your guard up."

"Thanks, Kiba." Kiba waved and jumped from the window. Naruto went over and shut said window. He smiled softly he had friends that cared about him and that made him feel slightly better. He climbed back into bed needing a nap after the day's events. He set an alarm and quickly fell asleep not waiting to think about what happened. A few hours later his alarm went off and he got up getting into the shower, not noticing he had another unwanted visitor. He stripped down leaving the door open and climbed into the steaming water. The intruder watched with a smile as the blond slowly cleaned himself still half asleep. Said intruder quickly hid under Naruto's bed, as he got out of the shower, and dried himself off.

Naruto not knowing he had an audience slowly dressed, with a perfect view of Naruto, in a pair of dark jeans, a t-shirt with the Uzumaki swirl on the front and some dress shoes Sakura had bought him. He combed through his hair and sighed as it didn't help at all. He pulled out some cologne Hinata got him and sprayed it without thinking. He cursed loudly, Sasuke was going to think this was for him. He looked at the time and sighed he had a half hour till Sakura would almost be done getting ready. He sat on his bed and thought about what he was going to tell Sasuke till he left to Sakura's apartment. The intruder smiling as Sasuke listened to the curses being flown at himself.

Sakura heard the knock and finished pulling on her dress zipping it as much as she could before opening the door. Naruto smiled at her. "You look beautiful. Need help?" She nodded smiling and turned around when Naruto shut the door. She was grateful for Naruto he was like a brother to her. Although she sometimes wished he didn't see her like that but she loved him unconditionally. They had grown so close during the years Sasuke was gone. It was hard not to think of him as a brother and her a sister. He zipped up the dress and she walked back to the bathroom. He followed watching her finish her make-up. "I know what I'm going to say to Sasuke."

"That's great! See Naruto you're going to do well. If he doesn't get it I'll knock him around for you." Naruto laughed.

"Just let me do my thing if I need your help I'll call for you." Sakura smiled and pulled on her heels. They started to leave and Sakura locked her door. She turned around to, Naruto holding his arm out to her and she laughed taking it. They slowly made their way to the Uchiha manor having a good time as they went. They knocked on the front door and waited. The maid opened the door as Kakashi was walking up the long walk. They took their shoes off and made their way to the dining hall. Sasuke was already sitting but stood as they entered welcoming them. Sakura sat across from Sasuke and before Naruto could sit next to her Kakashi sat down. Naruto swallowed his pride and sat down next to Sasuke.

"I'm glad we could all be here today." Sasuke grabbed Naruto's knee squeezing it softly. Naruto froze under the grip, and Sakura shot a worried glance at him. He smiled reassuringly at her, and knocked Sasuke's hand away. "Yuji and I worked very hard on dinner. I hope you can enjoy it." Sasuke clamped his hand down harder, and Naruto flinched enough for Kakashi to notice. Yuji set down Sasuke's food then Naruto's plate.

"Just let him." She whispered pulling away to give Sakura and Kakashi their food. Naruto glanced at Sasuke and saw a tiny little smirk on his lips. No way in hell was he going to let Sasuke get away with this. He dug his nails into Sasuke's joints in his fingers. The other hissed softly pulling away his throbbing hand. Naruto smirked and started eating happy Sasuke didn't touch him again.

"I'd like to talk to you after." Naruto said quietly so only Sasuke could hear. He nodded one curt nod to show Naruto he heard him. Team seven laughed and carried on as they had before. Sasuke hid his discomfort on missing out so much. The others had so many experiences and private jokes he'd never understand. As dessert was being served Kakashi stood excusing himself from their evening. They ate the dessert in silence and Sakura got up after finishing.

"I'll be leaving as well. See you tomorrow Naruto." Sakura left the dining hall but waited in the hallway. Sasuke turned to Naruto gripping his chin pulling him into a deep kiss. Naruto pushed him away panting.

"Stop! Just stop. I don't care what you say. I don't love you. I'm not using Hinata! I love her I want to marry her. All you can say is that you love me and you want me. I just think you're horny and just want to take it out on someone. You think I'll be easy so you go after me, but I think of you as a friend, a brother! Yet every time we're alone you try to jump my bones! Sasuke you need to respect me, just because you're an Uchiha doesn't mean you get everything you want!" Naruto finished huffing a little. Sasuke blinked a couple times before he smiled a cruel smile.

"Does your beloved know about how many times we've kissed? How you gave me entrance into your mouth so easily. That cute little moan when I sat on your stomach last time. Does she know how easily you give into me?" Sasuke said leaning forward. Naruto leaned away until he fell out of his chair. Sasuke pushed it out of the way and sat on Naruto's stomach earning the same gasp-like moan.

"I-I-I don't…" Naruto looked up at Sasuke horrified. "You can't! G-get off of me! Get off now!" Sasuke smiled and leaned down gripping Naruto's hands tightly above his head. He inhaled Naruto's cologne moaning from the smell. Naruto flinched trembling under the insane raven. He let out a cry of pain as Sasuke bit his neck roughly. "STOP IT!" Sasuke let out a low breathy laugh and licked his handiwork. He pulled away seeing tears in the blond's eyes. He let go of Naruto's hands to cup his face. He leaned down to kiss him and Naruto punched him. He knocked Sasuke off and scrambled away from him towards the hallway. Naruto grunted as Sasuke tackled him to the ground.

"No! You're staying the night!" Sasuke said loudly and Naruto elbowed him in the ribs.

"Like hell I am gōkan-han!" Naruto shouted and Sasuke let go shocked. He kicked the other boy off and made it into the hallway where Sakura stood in complete shock. He picked her up and ran down the hallway. He looked back to see Sasuke who looked pissed off that Sakura had heard the whole thing.

"Get back here Naruto!" He felt his skin crawl at the demand. They had almost reached the door when he realized it would be bad to grab their shoes. "You can't escape from me Naruto. I won't let you."

"Do you absolutely need those heels?" Naruto asked Sakura, who shook her head no. "Good because right now those shoes you bought me mean nothing to me."

"Just get us out of here before he starts throwing kunai." Naruto kicked the front door open, and kept running not looking back once. He set Sakura down and collapsed to his knees in front of her apartment. "I didn't think it was that bad Naruto. You have to avoid him as much as possible I'll never leave you alone with him again. Do you want to spend the night here? I've got a comfy couch."

"No Hinata was coming over at…Hinata's coming over. You don't think he'd hurt her do you?" Sakura didn't know what to say and Naruto paled running for his apartment. He made it to his floor and saw Hinata knocking. She turned and saw him. "Hey." He rushed over to her and looked her over. "Are you okay? Have you seen Sasuke?"

"Yeah I'm fine. No I haven't seen him, why?" She looked him up and down noticing he didn't have shoes on and had a few bruises. "Are you okay Naruto? Your feet are bleeding! Let's hurry and get you patched up." Naruto searched for his keys and couldn't find them. He sighed frustrated and pulled out the hide-a-key unlocking the door. They went inside. He sat on the sink in the bathroom as she cleaned and bandaged his feet. "I have bad news Naruto." He froze trying not to shake.

"You're breaking up with me, aren't you?"

"Sort of." Naruto's heart shattered and had to hold onto the counter to keep from falling. "It's not my choice I'm being forced into an arranged marriage. I'm leaving in two days for the Sand, to become Gaara's wife. I want you to know I would give anything to be with you by your side for the rest of my days but fate is cruel. I brought you a present to remember me by." She pulled a small box from her bag and handed it to him. Inside was a watch. "Turn it over." On the inside was the Hyuga and Uzumaki symbols together as one, along the side had their names. "Until you find someone else that is special to you. Just know I do and will always love you Naruto." She kissed him as they both started to cry. Then there was a knock on the door.

"Please tell me that isn't for you." He whispered looking into her light purple eyes. She looked at him wiping her tears.

"It's Neji I have to go home and pack." She put the watch on him and helped him down off the counter. He walked her to the door and they kissed. He opened the door but they didn't break apart until Neji coughed. "I love you Naruto."

"I love you m-more Hinata." He didn't shut the door until they were long gone. He locked the door and slid down to the floor. "Am I never meant to be happy?" He crawled to his bed and stripped down to his boxers crying. He looked around the cold apartment and saw that the same window, he knew he shut and locked, lay opened again. The intruder had left but he looked around the apartment in case Sasuke decided to come here. He locked the window again and turned when he heard the apartment door slightly creak as it opened. He turned but no one was there. The door was shut and still locked. "I must be losing it." He rubbed the back of his neck and climbed back into bed. He closed his eyes as a hand clamped down around his mouth.

"Don't scream Naruto." Naruto's eyes widened as Sasuke crawled under the covers with him. "I'll let your mouth go if you don't scream." Naruto nodded slightly and Sasuke let go and tied his hands together with chakra string attaching it to the bed. "Don't worry I'm not going to rape you."

"You could've fooled me gōkan-han." Sasuke slammed his fist into Naruto's side making him cry out soundlessly as the wind was knocked out of his lungs.

"Don't call me that again Naruto. Get some sleep you have a big day tomorrow." Naruto didn't really want to know what that meant since he had the day off tomorrow. He trembled as Sasuke kissed his neck holding back moans of pleasure but one escaped. "Mmm is that your weak spot?" He ask gently playing with his hair.

"Please just let me go. I can't sleep like this. P-please Sasuke." Sasuke sighed and untied his hands.

"Fine but you stay right here if you try to get off this bed you won't like it." Naruto swallowed nervously and moved away from Sasuke. "No come back here." He pulled Naruto back to him and trapped Naruto's thigh in between his. "You're going to stay right next to me." Naruto winced as the other rubbed his knee along his crack.

"Take off your shirt I want to play with you."

"You have two seconds to stop or I'll scream." Sasuke sighed and rested his chin on Naruto's shoulder. "I am not your boyfriend. I'm your best friend and I'm just going to pretend this is a sleepover. I'm also going to pretend you're just drunk off your ass. Now go to bed."

"Okay. You'll give into me soon enough." Naruto rolled his eyes and tried to sleep. "Oh by the way here's your keys you dropped them when we were fighting." Sasuke said listening to the others loud snores and smiled. Oh how he missed those loud reassuring noises and cuddled closer to Naruto. He put the keys on the nightstand.

In the morning Naruto woke alone and sighed in relief. He was about to get in the shower when an Anbu ninja crawled through his window scaring him. The ninja waited for him to collect himself before glaring at the ninja. "Can no one knock?" The ninja started laughing and Naruto glared not recognizing the laugh. "What do you want?"

"Lady Hokage requests your presence immediately." Naruto sighed this was his day off couldn't they remember that. "She would've left you alone since you don't have duty today but it's urgent. I've been ordered to drag you there if you don't go soon."

"Tell Granny I'll be there as soon as I can." The ninja nodded crawling through the window again. Naruto sighed and started to shower. He dressed in his ninja outfit and headed over to the office after eating. He arrived as Kakashi was leaving and went inside. "Morning Granny. I actually have a question for you. I was wondering if I could get a month away from the village to train more with my jutsu?"

"No Naruto. I have a mission for you someone who asked for you specifically they paid extra. It's a job protecting someone. It'll be for three months. You'll stay there meals will be provided. You just have to sign the acceptance document." She quickly took out the document and handed him the address. His eyes widened.

"Really? I'm protecting Sasuke? No I won't do it. You can't force me." Tsunade shook her head as Naruto started to panic. He dropped the address in shock feeling like he was going to puke.

"Naruto if you do not accept this mission I will strip you of you ninja title. You have to accept this mission. I am not happy about this but the elders have forced my hand. It was by the Uchiha's request and he plans on ruining your life if you do not agree." Naruto felt anger spring in his chest.

"H-He's going to rape me. Lately he's been trying to jump my bones. Sakura can testify to this! He even stole my keys and made me sleep next to him last night! Please Tsunade don't make me do this." Her resolve almost broke at the pain and fear in the other's voice. But this was official business, she wasn't allowed to let her personal feelings interfere.

"It's only three months Naruto you can avoid him." He grabbed the pen and signed where she told him too. He threw the pen back onto the desk angrily. "You need to be there in an hour, lunch will be waiting for you."

"Pervy Sage never would've let this happen. He would've said screw you to Sasuke. Now I see how much you actually care about me. I'm just a tool that everyone uses, and I thought you were different."

"Naruto! That's not true!" He blew her off not responding and went home screaming into his pillows. He looked at the time, and knew he had about forty minutes before he had to go to Sasuke. He packed a bag putting inside; a weeks' worth of clothes, pictures of his friends and family, and scrolls. He looked around his apartment knowing he wouldn't see it in a long time. He frowned curling up on his bed, as he lay there an idea teased him. He could just leave he would be stripped of his ninja status so what. He could start anew somewhere else, some land where they didn't know of him. He'd have to change his hair and hide his scars but that didn't bother him.

Tsunade watched Naruto storm out of her office and she felt her own anger grow. She finalized the paperwork and called an Anbu in to deliver the paperwork to Sasuke. She called Sasuke after the Anbu left. "The paperwork is on its way over now. Naruto will be there in an hour. You better treat him kindly do you understand me Uchiha?"

"The thing is Lady Hokage you and your advisors gave him to me. I can do whatever I want, as long as he does what he's told he won't get hurt. He's mine he belongs to me. He brought this on himself, I told him he would regret it and he wouldn't listen. Now you can't help him, even if you could've prevented it you wouldn't want an Uchiha as an enemy." Then he hung up. She slammed the handle down smashing the phone and her desk to slivers. She curled up on her chair hating what she did to Naruto even though she fought for it not to happen, it was fruitless. She hoped Naruto would be able to forgive her one day, though it was very unlikely.

Naruto looked at the time and cringed he was supposed to be at Sasuke's in ten minutes. Even if he ran he'd never make it. He made a quick lunch and ate it as he walked keeping his eyes on the ground. By the time he knocked on Sasuke's door he was almost fifty minutes late, because of his still sore feet. Yuji opened the door and took his shoes. She put them away and tried to take his bag but he wouldn't let her. She pulled out a piece of paper hidden behind the shoes and shut the door. She happily led Naruto to Sasuke's study. She opened the doors and ushered Naruto into one of the seats handing Sasuke the paper. Sasuke's eyes never left Naruto's as he signed the paper and handed it back to Yuji.

"Here's the bank note for your indentured servitude. Your new identification and everything you need will be given to you at the bank as well. Everything as promised for helping me get Naruto." Said boy's jaw dropped as she processed all the information and smiled. She hugged him and he looked extremely annoyed making Naruto smirk inwardly at the scene. Yuji smiled apologetically at Naruto and ran out of the study as quickly as possible.

"I see you're willing to go to any lengths to get me to spend the night with you. Release me from this stupid contract. I never want to see you again. I'd rather lose my life here than have you touch me. I'd rather die than be your boyfriend. I'm going to go home and pretend this never happened."

"You might want to look at what you signed before you leave." Naruto looked at the paper in Sasuke's right hand. He took it and started to read.

I Naruto Uzumaki hereby give up my citizenship to Sasuke Uchiha in order to foster peace between the Uchiha's and the Hidden Leaf Village. I shall do all that Sasuke says till he releases me or Sasuke dies. I Lady Tsunade Senju witness this was done of both parties free will. This is binding with the seal of the Hokage and the Elders of the Hidden Leaf.

Demeta: Well that's chapter one of The Blond Prize. This story has been haunting me for the better part of a year and I finally decided that it was time to write it all down. To note gōkan-han, means rapist.
Naruto: Why? I don't want to be his slave!
Sasuke: I have no problem with this. Are we going to be kinky?
Demeta: I am not revealing spoilers!
Naruto: Please review.
Sasuke: She writes faster with reviews and I want to know what happens.