An Unexpected Development

By TeraWatt

Firelord Azulon was a hard man. With a full-blown war being his late father's legacy, he had to be. With a conflict of this size he not only had to worry about the enemy nations but his own people. History had shown that wars can make one's own citizens prone to insurrection. Morale MUST be kept high. News from the warfront MUST be encouraging and positive. But most importantly, the Royal Family MUST be looked upon as their only hope; the perfect embodiment of their culture and beliefs. More than that, the average citizen had to believe that the royals represented their voice in the government. That when one declares a war, any loyal Fire Nation citizen, in the same circumstances,would do the same in their place.

The war was a costly affair. Not just in lives but in livelihood. Their sons and a few outstanding daughters were trained up to fight and sent far away; the remaining population living on rations and propaganda. Discontent could be more dangerous than an invasion.

This is why Firelord Azulon was almost shaking in rage at the spectacle his second son's family had just made of themselves.

His second son, Ozai, had been called forth to present his family to Azulon. The reason for this was that Zuko had just turned seven. Traditionally, any child in the Firelord's household would be presented at this point to showcase their skills. The Firelord was then to approve if the child was to be considered part of the line of succession. If not, the child could not become Firelord even if the rest of the family had died. In recent years, an impressive display of firebending was a typical choice due to the war.

What had happened however, was not only an affront to tradition, but an insult to Zuko. Ozai came parading in extolling the virtues and skills of his prodigy daughter. Zuko was never even mentioned and looked disturbingly cowed. After Ozai had Zuko's younger sister display her skills in what should have been his presentation, Zuko made to stand. But Azulon had had enough.

"OZAI! How dare you spit on centuries of tradition! This is Zuko's presentation. Not your daughter's." Azulon was almost shaking with rage. The eternal flames of the throne were meters higher than normal.

"Get out of my sight and take the girl with you. I will speak with you later. Ursa and Zuko will stay here."

Ozai sketched out a bow and hurried out of the throne room as fast as he could without running, Azula at his heels. Azulon waited until they were gone before he walked down form the throne and bade the remaining woman and boy to stand. Azulon stood before Zuko and looked down at him. Zuko averted his eyes in shame.

"He had no right to do that, my grandson. I assume he has made no effort to prepare you for this day. He has acted shamefully. He presumed to pass you over in favour of a younger sibling and disregarded centuries of tradition in MY throne room. He has not only insulted you, my grandson, he has insulted me and this entire family. He presumes to insinuate that a child of MY lineage is not worthy of consideration. There will be consequences."

Zuko looked unsure at what was being said. True Ozai had never given him the time of day and HAD shamed him in front of the Firelord, but he was still his father. He didn't want anything bad to happen to him.

Azulon turned to Ursa who had been silent for the entire event.

"Prepare for a long voyage, daughter. I am sending your family and yourself on a long sojourn. I expect you and Ozai to return here after dinner tonight. His actions will have consequences."

He turned to Zuko.

"Your presentation is postponed for five years. My expectations will be much higher and your sister's presentation will be a year after yours. You are in for a trying five years my honoured grandson."

He then dismissed the two of them and thought about what he would say that evening.






Ozai and Ursa arrived that evening as directed. They knelt before Azulon who was pacing before them.

"Father -"

"BE SILENT! You blasted FOOL! Do you have ANY idea of what you have DONE?"

Azulon's rage broke over Ozai like a tsunami.

"Were it not for my intervention you would have singlehandedly destabilised my rule! Do you know nothing about the true purpose of the presentation? Did you not consider it was a necessary tool to secure the loyalty of our citizens through awe and respect?"

Ozai stayed silent and kept his eyes on the floor.

"Did you not consider" Azulon continued "that there were carefully chosen civilian witnesses put in place to secretly and accidentally overhear and witness the entire presentation? Witnesses, I might add that are even now relating to the capital exactly what happened with that debacle."

Ozai didn't like where this was heading. His father was fuming mad even though hour had passed since his indiscretion.

"I should challenge you to an Agni Kai or banish you for your behaviour today. The siege of Ba Sing Sei is still ongoing with no clear end in sight. A prolonged siege was always inevitable and bad for morale but I had planned to use Zuko's presentation to rally the people behind our family. Now, I have THIS to deal with on top of the siege. Our family's strength is our UNITY. Our UNITED FRONT! Now I am forced to change years' worth of planning to compensate for your stupidity."

Azulon paused and took a calming breath before turning to his daughter in law.

"Ursa, how long until your family is ready to depart?"

Ozai's eyes widened, not hearing Ursa's quiet response. His father had indicated that despite what he wanted to do with Ozai, he could not just banish him. They were still being sent away?

Azulon turned his back to Ozai, facing the throne and squared his shoulders. In a voice that commanded a nation, he passed judgment on his son.

"Prince Ozai, you have defied my rule and insult me further by disregarding your duties to my grandson. I have postponed his presentation for five years. Until he passes his presentation, you are not permitted to enter this city, nor are you considered in line for the throne. You WILL do your duty to your son or you will not stand to inherit ANYTHING. I am recalling Iroh and Lu Ten from the siege. There are also new conditions to Zuko's presentation. He must be proficient in firebending, two different weapons,tactics, our family history and our laws. He is also to have at least one impressive deed to his name. You will leave as soon as you are ready to depart. Do you understand my orders, Citizen Ozai?"

Ozai was stunned. He answered in the affirmative not wishing to incite a harsher punishment.

Ozai and Ursa made to leave and Azulon gripped his son's arm in a steel grip. The Firelord glared at his son directly into his eyes.

"You WILL get your house in order boy! Do not presume to think that I will be unaware of your actions or inactions while you are beyond the walls of the Caldera. I am fully aware that the Secretariat of the Dai Li has just recovered from a head cold, that the only daughter of the Northern Watertribe Chieftain is spirit-touched and that a Guru who knew the Avatar's mentor has taken up residence in the Eastern Airtemple. The Lady Ursa is in charge of finding tutors and mentors for Prince Zuko. Princess Azula will have similar high goals to reach but I will think on them further and contact Lady Ursa about them."

Azulon pulled a frozen Ozai close so Azulon's mouth hissed directly into his son's ear.

"And if you ever presume to insult my grandson or myself like this again, I will burn your face off."

Azulon released his temporarily disinherited son and Ozai positively fled from the room.

Ursa lingered behind. She hadn't just been called to witness Ozai being rebuked. Azulon had more to say to her.

"My daughter, I have had a vision. . ."