A/N: I've been waiting for Zootopia for such a long time, and now that it's finally here, I'm happy to begin spinning my own, obviously dark, tale for the world and it's inhabitants. Thanks for taking a peek!

"Savage..." A medium pitched male voice echoed out into a room of animals. It was the dead of night. Some of the animals were standing freely with their arms behind their backs like they were waiting for something. The other less fortunate animals were tied down with zip ties and gagged with white shop towels, keeping their jaws from clamping down and her words muffled at worst, nullified at best. Each animal present was of different species, gender and height, but the standing animals all wore red hooded jackets with black, tribal designs. The hoods pulled firmly over their heads and faces to hide their stoic expressions. The animals on the floor, however, were wearing business wear, suits, dresses, name tags and expensive ties. They were hostages, trembling, subdued and completely terrorized by what was happening before them. Even if they couldn't explain it.

The hostages were rounded up and thrown about in a small circle, about fifteen hostages in total. Each hostage had their own personal thug standing over them and guarded them with next to no visual cue, since they didn't even look like they could see through their hoods and they had no visible weapons on them. About twelve feet from them was their previous business meeting, or at least the table where it was being held. Coffee, water bottles, calculators, legal pads and name plates all stood within the naked paws of a fox, who was pacing on the table like he was contemplating the universe all at once.

"Savage?!" The fox repeated himself, he was about five-foot two, stamping back and forth across business ledgers, expensive note cards, stationery and pens that were stacked neatly at his feet. These hooded intruders had barged in during a business meeting where the executives were discussing earnings reports, employee satisfaction and goal summaries. But the meeting was cut short and now they were at the mercy of, what was clearly, a dangerous psychopath who stomped down on their proposals while shouting-

"SAVAGE?!" He barked again, "Do they really believe that was uncultured, uncivilized, against nature?! "

The hostages on the floor all followed the fox with their eyes as he complained. His twenty, or so, followers watching quietly with their hands still firmly tucked behind their backs, showing no signs of diverting attention or even speaking.

"You animals," The fox continued, "You animals believe that this world is more civilized, more modern?! That we evolved?! Can you imagine what our ancestors must be thinking of us right now?! WHY-are we wearing clothes when there is nothing wrong with the predatory stance? Or the grazing form? WHY-are we driving vehicles when we should still be embracing all of our muscle groups?! WHY-are we living inside walls, pumping thousands-no-MILLIONS of dollars of energy to freeze one side of this city, and broil the other? Is THAT not unnatural? Is that NOT uncivilized? Is that NOT against what nature intended?!"

The hostages continued to tremble while this madman shouted. His own hood was down firmly over his face, only revealing his thin orange muzzle and black lips as he spoke, but he could clearly still see just fine. He demonstrated this by picking up a pen, and gnashing it in his teeth, spitting black ink all over the table and nearby floor.

"This world we live in, is full of false promises. False hopes and shattered dreams. How can any of us hope to achieve anything when we believe we've already reached the top of the mountain?"

A hostage on the floor began to shout, as if they had something to say in protest. A badger woman with large hips and a four dollar suit. She clearly wasn't the most successful executive in the room, and was going to be the first to act against these intruders.

The fox turned to the woman who was trying to pull herself to her feet, but her heavy set nature betrayed her ability to rise without the use of her arms. She instead, slowly rolled in place, balancing on her large chest, then rolling back onto a shoulder and snarling past her cloth gag.

"Ungag her." The fox declared to the hooded follower standing above the hostage. His order was followed instantly and without missing a beat the badger began spewing obscenities at fox on top of the table.

"What the hell is your problem, fox?! Why you screaming at us about what some other animals done did last week?! What's this gotta do with Plastics Multi-Purpose International?!" The badger shouted while still lying on her side, doing her best to keep her own chest out of her mouth as she snarled and screamed.

"Pardon me?!" The fox stepped forward and off the table, landing in the ink he'd previously spilled and began pacing towards the badger.

The hostages all followed the fox with their eyes as he approached the badger and got in her face, slowly pulling his hood away from his face to reveal his pale green eyes. He was thin in appearance. His fur tone was more of a pale orange than a rich orange like most foxes, and his ears were gently speckled with holes like he'd been attacked by moths while pretending to be a wool sweater, which would have been his most distinguishing feature if not for his black eye liner. That everyone could clearly tell was black eye liner and not depression marks under his darkened eyes.

"PMPI is one of the most successful businesses in this god-forsaken city and enables the masses to believe that we are better off without our superior senses, our superior abilities, our superior nature."

"Superior?!" The woman protested, "What's so damn superior about eatin' with your fingers and claws when you can hold a plastic fork, or spoon, or drink from a plastic cup. Have you any idea how much cleaner it is to use a cup or a bowl instead of your bare hands?"
"Cleaner..." The fox snarled down at the badger. "When did we animals become so weak that we fear germs?"
"What?! Germs are bad for your health! They cause diseases and sickness!"
"Germs." The fox snickered, "Are a part of nature, and if we didn't hide from them, we would overcome them."

"Uh... News flash!" The badger shouted again, "The Rattles was a terrible disease that caused muscle spasms, paleness, restlessness, and listlessness. It comes from contaminated sources that have been in contact with decomposing matter, and can even resist most antibiotics and soaps under the right conditions, and can be found in trace amounts in roughly any freely flowing source of ground water. However using a plastic filter on any faucet or hose head can guarantee a 99.99% resistance against catching the disease."

The fox stood up firm and began to wipe his face dry, not enjoying being spat on by a know it all business woman.
"Interesting rebuttal, should I then tell my children, and my children's children to purchase PMPI filters and drink from PMPI cups and only consume water from PMPI certified water sources? And what of that .01% chance? What if I, my son, or my son's son were to catch this disease? Who is responsible?"

"What kind of question is that?!" The badger woman growled up at the fox.
"It's a question with an answer. It's my fault obviously, and it's my son's fault, and it's my son's son's fault. We were the ones who drank the contaminated water. We were the ones who purchased into the idea of living and being safe. We were the ones who bought into the dream that this land, this modern civilization is safe enough to ignore all our base instincts and only do what we are told because we are told."

"Water is SAFE to drink!"
"And what of this senseless modern world?! Is THAT safe!?"
"Of course it's safe!" The badger surprisingly rose to her feet suddenly. "I don't know who you are, or what these strange friends of your got in store, but arguing about drinking water aint gunna get anything accomplished. Now if you all can get the hell out of my way, I'm callin the police."

"Apprehend her." The fox snapped his fingers, which got the badger grabbed by two hooded intruders immediately.
"Get your paws offa me!" The badger snarled and turned to bite at one of the hooded figures who merely stood their ground as badger's teeth sank into the jacket of their forearm.
"You seem to think that all that you do is correct." The fox snorted, now stepping back up to the badger who was furiously tearing into the arm, only finding herself with a mouth full of jacket fibers and lining.

"What the hell-" The badger stopped biting and turned back to the fox. "What are you talking about anyway!? Why are you doing all this?"
"I am here to see the world return to a state that was less arbitrary, less glossy, more-savage." He explained as he pulled his paws out of his jacket, revealing a syringe rolling with blue liquid.

"Night Howlers?! Oh hell no!" The badger began fighting more and more but still to no avail. The fox, however, spun around and turned to the other hostages on the floor.
"Wait-" The badger called, "What are you doing?! What do you think you're doing?! Leave those animals alone!"

"Stand them up." The fox commanded, to which all the hostages were quickly seized and brought to their feet, causing panic and whimpering to escape meekly past their gags.

"What are you doing?!" The badger shouted again.
"Your name." The fox turned to the badger, glaring at her out of one eye, holding the syringe in his out stretched, pale brown paw.

"Bianca Mosley." She answered, entering a slightly panicked state.
The fox nodded, glad that she wasn't lying, he could clearly see her name on her name tag. But none of these animals were of any real use to him. PMPI wasn't a threat to the world, it was merely a stepping stone that needing to be sunk back down into the murk so that the water could continue to flow unimpeded.

The badger watched in horror as the fox had all the hostages lined up and he slowly began to inject each one of them twice, once through their clothes in any random place, the second was straight to the base of their necks. Pumping a full vial of the blue fluid straight into their bodies and placing the syringe back into his coat, only to produce another and continued the process, whispering something to each of them as he hit animal by animal.

As expected, each of the animals that was injected fell to the ground and began trembling, snarling, growling, writhing around in pain like their bodies had been lit on fire. Even through all the growling and mild roaring, the badger, Miss Bianca, could still make out what the fox was whispering to them.

'Kill Bianca Mosley'

The fox snapped his fingers, and the badger was released from the grip of the two hooded figures, holding her in place. She didn't waste any time running away, only to be quickly hunted by her now savage co-workers. They were deers, goats, lions and bears, ripping through the zip ties that held them in place and mauling the gags that kept them quiet.

"How will your evolved technology save you now?" The fox muttered as the wild hostages charged away from him.
"IF I HAD A GUN I'D SHOW YOU!" The badger still managed to retort as she kicked open the door to the meeting room and ran down the hall, trying to make her way to the elevators.

Behind her, all she could hear was angry growling and bleating as she slammed into the call button with her shoulder, and only then did she remember that she was on the sixtieth floor of a corporation, that elevator was going to take a minute.

"Damn!" She cursed and turned away from the elevator doors to begin running towards the stairs instead. The snarling, that was seemingly right on her heels only a moment ago, was now getting closer and closer. Bianca smashed into the door to the stairwell with her shoulder, which she was now glad was so heavy set, but the door didn't budge.

"Damn damn!" The door was locked, only the elevators were operational after 7pm. She stood up, hearing the elevator door 'bing' and slide open, but right as Bianca motioned to head back, a lion and a brown bear rounded the corner, barreling towards her. She had no choice but to turn and run the other way, towards the only other option available... the window.

The badger exhaled deeply, now feeling, hearing, and processing every step she made while running. Each time her naked foot slapped down on the polished marble tile, she felt the shockwave of all the hard and long hours, all the lonely nights where she was forced to entertain and please herself, all the work she had put into this company, her career, her existence as a woman, now coming to a staggering close. Was this how it was going to end, jumping from a sixtieth story window and splattered on the pavement below? Better this than being eaten alive.

The glass didn't stand a chance.

As reinforced as it claimed it was, it had no choice but to buckle and shatter under the mighty weight of a dire badgers last fleeting chance at survival, or in this case, self-inflicted suicide. The shards of glass echoed in every direction as Bianca Mosley went tumbling down past multiple stories of her own business. She didn't own it. She didn't run it. She barely even made a dent in its operation from day to day, in truth-she was a small part of many who were more there to be blamed if things went wrong than be praised if they all went right. And in these last few moments she finally began to understand what that insane fox had truly meant when he was rattling on.

This world that we live in, this society, this technology, this modern image. It takes all we have, and gives...



"Quiet night huh?" Officer Pete Benson yawned while adjusting his badge, to rest firmer on his perfectly sculpted chest and ironed uniform. He was a Grey Wolf, tall, strong, and sworn to protect the peace. He'd been a part of the ZPD for nearly four years, and ever since the Night Howler incident one week ago, this has been the most boring patrol of his career.
"No it's perfect!" Exclaimed his partner, Jane Swift, a tall cheetah woman of 24, and as green as the day she was sworn in. Her tan fur and dark spots looked in perfect form, and her green eyes were twinkling into Pete's smoked blue orbs with excitement and anticipation. She was expecting to do something exciting like Officer's Judy and Nick always end up doing, but Pete wasn't banking on it.

"What do you think we'll end up chasing after first?!" Jane asked with extreme enthusiasm. "Gun smugglers?! Bank Robbers? Eco Terrorists?!"
"Haha!" Pete laughed, "We'll first, be heading up Maple Street, then Cotton Avenue, then we'll probably swing by the Park District on our way past Sahara Square. We're on patrol tonight Rookie, nothing exciting ever happens while patrolling."
"Oh." The cheetahs ears slumped back-then perked up. "Aw, I'm sure something exciting will happen right? Or do you have to be a meter maid in order to get all the excitement around here?"
"Haha, good one." Pete pulled his cap off and set it on the dash board. "But don't take it too seriously, you'll get your time to shine as an officer of the ZPD soon enough. Be thankful for those slow nights. It's a lot better to know that nothing is going on, than everything, right?"

Jane nodded with a bold smile, "Uh huh! And I bet you've seen soooo much action, right?"
"Oh boy, have I." Pete smiled, turning his vision back on the road, turning up Maple Street and talking while approaching a red light. "I've seen plenty of action in this town. It's where any animal can be whatever they want to be, and some animals just want to be criminals. So we have to take em down, and bring em in."

Jane was beaming with envy. "That's soooo cool!"
"Hey, rookie! Sit up straight." Pete smiled at her, "We're on duty after all, no need to get all Clawhauser on me."
"The big guy at the front desk?" Jane thought out loud, "Is he...?"
"Oh he's a great guy, works the desk to give the people something friendly to see when they step into the ZPD. I've known him for years." Pete praised on, glancing up at the red light, waiting for it to turn green.

"I couldn't imagine a desk job. When I signed up, this is what I wanted to do more than anything!"
"What, sit at a red light?" Pete chuckled, tapping his claws against the steering wheel growing impatient.
"No! Get out on the streets! I love my uniform, I love my job, I want to love patrol too." Jane continued to spill.

"Rookies." Pete exhaled with a smile, "Always so excited to get out until they see their first piece of-" BLAM!

A body violently crashed into the hood of the police car, splattering red blood across the wind shield and the surrounding street. "-A-action." Pete barely managed to finish his sentence, as the light then turned green.



Nick's nose wrinkled and unfurled multiple times as he caught the scent of something tasty. But he was too tired to get up, he just wanted to lay in bed for another five minutes, or another ten hours, it didn't matter. Sleeping in a bed felt so much better than nuzzling up against old news papers, or bumming a place to crash in the back of a van. The bed was soft, the blankets were warm, and the comforting nuzzle of a soft bunny's cheek against his naked chest made for the perfect place to sleep. Except for the fact that the bunny was missing.

"Carrots?" Nick mumbled out into the small room of Judy's apartment.
"Nick?" Judy responded, from somewhere in the small room, causing Nick's ears to turn in the direction of her voice. This still didn't stop him from reaching out for her.
"What cha cookin?" Nick asked, slowly rolling over to cuddle the bunny, forgetting that she was already out of bed.

"Oh nothing." Judy giggled and bounced over to the bed to stoke Nick's chin with her soft paws. "I just figured that since it's our first day off we could celebrate with something you would like."

Nick's nose caught a better whiff of what was cooking, and he nearly shot straight out of bed when his brain told him it was a blue berry pie. "Whoa!" He rose to grab Judy, who was barely dressed in anything more than a tank top and panties, and pulled her into his arms. "It smells heavenly!"

"Well, it's a special occasion isn't it?" Judy smiled into Nick's green eyes, dragging her other soft paw across his muzzle, holding his nose against hers. "It's our first day off together."
"Carrots, you've been saying that since you saw it on the schedule." Nick smiled back into her purple eyes, nearly becoming hypnotized in her passionate gaze. "The whole department knows."

"Yeah!" A shout came from within the walls, "Happy Day off heroes!" Shouted their gazelle neighbors, who were still only virtually inches away from their private lives.
"Uh, thanks guys." Nick laughed off the intrusion. "Oh and if you really wanna win a fist fight, you gotta aim for the throat, not just the face."

"Nick?!" Judy protested, "Don't tell them that!"
"What?" Nick grinned, winking back at his bunny. "It's my civic duty as a protector of the peace to protect the peace, and what better peace than peace of mind?"

Within only a moment after his last statement, there was a loud pop-then the thump of two bodies hitting the floor.

"See." Nick licked his lips, giving Judy a sly glance. "Peace..."
"Nick." Judy huffed mildly knowing that her neighbors were lying on their floor unconscious from a domestic dispute that was encouraged by her partner, and she really needed to go investigate and see if they needed medical attention. But the gaze Nick was giving her had her hesitating. The vulpine's gaze only became more intense as Judy fell onto her back on their bed and he descended upon her, sinking his fangs gently into her neck fur. A swift gasp escaped her lips as his paws began to course down her neck and chest, creeping further down her stomach to reach the band of her underwear.

"Nick..." Judy gasped, her foot quickly patting the bed with anticipation.
"Day off, right? We should... enjoy it." Nick suggestively murred, while dragging his nose up her neck until their noses were touching. He smiled down into her eyes with a warm smile planted on his cheeks.

"Y-yes." Judy nervously answered, unsure of what else to even say. Her heart was thumping in her chest, her ears were flat against the bed. Her breathe was coming in shorter and shorter bursts and her clothes were coming off with professional ease against Nick's large, agile paws. Her underwear went soaring onto her desk as Nick finally decided to collapse his frame directly above hers, placing his paws on each side of Judy's head.

"Carrots..." Nick called down to her, while he maneuvered his frame between her spreading thighs. "I've never been this happy before."
"N-neither have I." Judy admitted, smiling up at him. "I-I was always... thrilled, and wary of foxes."
"Oh I could tell." He gently chuckled and bent forward slowly, easing his lips towards hers.
"Nick..." Judy exhaled and arched her back, bringing her lips up closer to his, only for their noses to suddenly bump-and began sniffing rapidly, catching the unmistakable odor of something burning.

"OH SHI-" They shouted in tandem and flipped out of bed like their house was on fire.

Because it was.


"Who's apartment was it?" A zebra asked within the crowd of confused citizens.
"Somebody on the fifth floor." A hippo answered, "It's too early in the morning for all this though."
"Hey-at least no one got hurt." A rat called up to the chattering pair.
"Not with Officer Judy Hopps on the case!" A sheep cried, pointing to the Officer in question.

Standing next to two unconscious gazelle's were Officers Nick Wilde and Judy Hopps, hastily dressed in their uniforms and completely out of breathe.

"Way to go Officers!" A black panther commented.
"How'd they get here so fast?!" Asked a wolf.
"They're first responders, they always arrive on the scene first." A random coyote then spoke up.
"Wow, ZPD is so cool." A hyena spoke up, brushing themselves off.

Judy and Nick were barely able to keep themselves from nervously laughing as everyone commented and commended them on their efforts. They kept exchanging glances but mostly had to inform people that everything was alright and there was no reason to panic.

After a few moments, Zootopia Fire Fighthers exited the apartment building and removed their large masks, revealing tiger and husky collectively.

"Is everything okay?!" "Did anyone get hurt?" "Is anything burned?!" Questions began assaulting the fire fighters.
"No, no, everything seems to be in order." The tiger answered. "It appears the only real damage was to the exact room of the apartment where the fire had started, but it's not bad enough to condemn the building or anything-so everyone can now go back to their homes."

"We'll pull the fans out of the fifth hallway momentarily." The husky added as people began piling back into the apartment buildings.

"Well, that's a promising start to a morning." Nick grinned, stepping away from the gazelles as ZEMT's approached. "Have at em boys."
"Thank you sir." The Zootopia Emergency Medical Technician saluted Nick and Judy as he joined the other technician with lifting the gazelles on stretchers and placing them inside the ambulance.

"I hope they're okay." Judy wrinkled her nose, now feeling in the dumps. Setting her apartment on fire, aiding in the injury of two civilians and bombing what was turning out to be an interesting morning wasn't what she had planned for the start of their day off together.

"They'll be fine." Nick told her as he stepped up to the bunny, helping her adjust her vest so she didn't look like she ran out of a burning building.
"Well-" Judy began to protest.
"They're gazelles, those horns mean they got a thick skull." The fox merely grinned, covering up his own mild discomfort.
"But you told them to strike each other in the throats, Nick." Judy frowned.
"You didn't get a good look at them did you?" Nick's smile seemed to never leave his face. "They each have swollen cheeks. Knock out from blunt trauma-to the face, not the neck, they'll walk it off and be eavesdropping in on our conversations in no less than twenty hours."

"Nick." Judy exhaled and stepped into him, placing her head on his chest. He instinctively wrapped his arms around her. "Our home... it's ruined."
"No... nothing like that, Carrots." Nick tried to comfort her glancing up at their apartment where the ZFD fire fighters were pulling out the fan. "Well... everything will smell like cooked blue berry pie!"

Judy's ears were still slumped back. Nick's comforting hug and petting were helping, but it was nearly one thirty in the morning and they now had nowhere to stay, they would have to grab a hotel room for the night which, wasn't what she had planned for their day off.

"You know what's strange, Carrots?" Nick began to spin into his usual, redirection angle to make situations better.
"What?" Judy plainly asked, trying to hide her disappointment still.
"The people said we were the first responders." He answered quickly, still stroking her ears and back.
"We are." Judy sniffed invisible tears. "We're ZPD after all."
"Yeah, but..." Nick paused intentionally. "We're not on duty soooo where are the first responders?"

Judy paused herself, thinking about it too. Where were the ZPD? Was there something that was keeping the night shift from getting here on time? But as she came to that conclusion, the red and blue lights came up the road and parked next to the Fire Truck and Ambulance which was preparing to pull away.

"Speak of the devil." Nick slowly released Judy, and stepped towards the vehicle as they shut their lights off and engaged the parking break. "Guys!" Nick shouted to the officer exiting the vehicle.
"WILDE!" A rhino came stumbling out of the vehicle. "HOPPS!"

Instantly, both of them came charging to his side. "Officer Duns, what's wrong?! What happened?"
The Rhino was completely out of breath like he'd somehow ran the entire way here, but his shoulder radio was going crazy with easily six or seven animals shouting on it at once.

"Officers! I'm sorry but Chief Bogo has requested you on site immediately. There's been-"
"OH GOD-BAR THE DOOR! BAR THE DOOR!" His shoulder screamed, causing the Rhino to turn and shut off the radio.

"What's happening?!" Judy demanded stepping up to the breathless officer, he was clearly so nervous he was out of breath.
"Officers." The rhino cleared his throat, "There's a situation. We need you on site, immediately."

A/N: Again, thanks for giving this a peek. Don't catch the rattles!