Okay guys, a Zootopia story? What kind of guy am I? Now I'm doing movies? What will I do next?! A book! Who knows, just enjoy.

Okay, my name's Jake Cohill. I'm just a regular kid who had Weird stuff happen to him. I lived in the outskirts a city called Chicago, in the USA. I was born and raised there until I was fifteen then this story happened.

I may not be the best author out there but I want to write this story down so others can know about it. And who knows, I might even be able to get his back to the human world.

This story is going to be in my perspective, since that's the only one I know. Hopefully I'll get Judy and Nick to get their sides. This story starts in the forest as I walk home from a lousy bowling game my friends invited me too. You could hear the highway in the distance. I know now it was stupid for me to ditch my friends and take a shortcut through a forest I've only been in once, but that's me I guess.

It was October. A week from Halloween. So all the weirdos were out and about. And the smell of pine cones were in the air. Enough. Let's get to the story.

I walk through the forest, still kinda shaken up from the fall I took a while back in the forest. When I hear a tiny shriek-like sound from the foliage. I stop for a second and look towards the direction it came from.

I start to go in that direction just to maybe stop my boredom for a second. The ground turns into mud. I clear some bushes to uncover a pond I never would've found otherwise. I step into the small clearing and look around. This is obviously we're that noise came from.

Then I saw it. There was some shaking near a bush. I noted there was some blood around it. I fast-walk to it to see what was going on, I peered around the bush that was blocking my view.

There I saw a fox and a rabbit. Definitely not having a dinner party or whatever you say. There was blood all around. My arms flailing I push the fox away. It runs away in terror from me. I look down to the rabbit on the ground. I gasp.

It's stomach was almost ripped open and there was a scar across its neck. It makes a small noise. Good, it was still alive. I pick it up carefully using some clean tissues I had in my pocket to try to stop the bleeding. This bunny was not going to live. I cradle it in my arms carefully and head for home. It wasn't far from here. If I hurried I could get there before the inevitable.

A minute later I was rushing inside my house I shared with two roommates. Both of them were gone so it was just me and this bunny. "Poor thing.." I could hear myself think. I didn't really know what to say. Actually I couldn't say anything. In an car accident my vocal cords snapped making it almost impossible to speak.

I lay the rabbit on the kitchen counter and gathered any medicine that might come in handy and got to work. After a couple minutes of wiping up blood and applying bandages and the such. I was done. I cradle it in my arms, I could see the fear in its eyes. After me saving it, it still was afraid.

I guess that's how nature works.

I wake up in an alleyway. "Oww..." I say, dazed. "Where am I?-wait." I could speak! After ten years of sign language I could actually have a conversation! I clear my throat so I could hear my own voice clearly. "Testing, one, two, three... Huh." My voice sounded weird to me. I guess at the time I couldn't believe I could speak.

I peer out of the alleyway, tipping my hat a bit down to keep the sun out of my eyes. The street was empty except for a few cars. I go back into the alleyway to check what I had. Phone, wallet, my portable charger I happened to grab. I had everything. Then why did I wake up in an alleyway?

I walk out on the sidewalk and walk down it. I had to find a friend. Or better, a cop. Maybe the Chicago police department can help find out what happened to me. Or maybe I shouldn't. No I should. It would be best.

I spy a parked cop car. A block away. But before I could get to it I interrupted by two voices I could hear in an alleyway I was passing. It didn't sound friendly at all so I decided to help. I cautiously sneak in the alleyway and listen.

"Listen buddy, I'm not playing any games."

"I know, I know. I was just a little late is all."

"I know, that's the problem bud. This is the third time, three strikes your out." I heard a cock of a gun, so that when I decided to intervene.

"Listen! I'll get it to you."

"I can't wait longer."

Before I could do anything I suddenly heard sirens and footsteps, all seeming to come right behind the dumpster. I was hiding behind. I froze. Thinking of something to do. My mind was blank.

"Drop the weapon." I heard a clatter. Followed by footsteps and a, "Put your hands where we can see them!"

I looks like this situation was handled so I got ready to try and get out of there. But I heard footsteps coming in my direction, a jingle jangle of keys and muttering from the criminal.

Judy's POV

I got my radio out and radioed in that we apprehended the suspect when my I heard a knew noise a couple yards away behind a dumpster. My ears perked and I decided to investigate. "Another job well done." Nick says to me.

"Shh!" I whisper to him quickly. He raises an eyebrow but stays quiet. I sneak to the dumpster and peek around it just in time to see a hooded figure trying to sneak out of the alleyway. "Hey!" I yell, but the figure bolts out.

Jake's POV

Hey, I know I shouldn't have ran but I panicked! I ran out of there without even looking back. Now, bolting down the sidewalk I could tell there was someone chasing me. I was just kinda a weird feeling. After a moment of running and look back.

Instead of a police officer I expected, there was nothing. I had to look down a bit to actually see notice them. Sure enough a rabbit and a fox were chasing after me. Both wearing a police outfit.

Confused. I skid to a stop and turn around to get a better look. I just stared.

The bunny skidded to stop the same I did, but the fox didn't even notice and ran into the rabbit, making them both fall over. I just stared, confused. They both stood up quickly and the bunny said, "Your under arrest." At that point they had me. But nothing can stop me from falling then. With a, "Talking.. animals..." I fell to the ground.

Nick's POV

He just fell, straight on the ground, nose sticking straight up. His hat falling off his head and floating away in the wind. I had to laugh then, taking my sunglasses off. Then I noticed what was wrong. "What animal is this?" Judy says.

Hope you all like it! More coming soon.