Ash Ketchum's return to Pallet Town was one of bitter-sweet feelings for the 17 year old. On the one hand, he got to return to his home, family, and best friends, he was also coming home empty handed. Ash had ended up in the top 8 of the Vertress Conference. And, all though he had spent the last few weeks on several ferries having a great time, he felt as if he let his friends down, human and Pokemon alike. And now he was dealing with the hardest part of losing, the self doubt. He never blamed his Pokemon for the loses, but he did come close with Charizard, he wouldn't think of it. They weren't the ones calling the plays, he was. After each loss, he always thought of what he didn't do. Pikachu, always the optimist, didn't let him stay down this dangerous path of thought and easily cheered him up.

When Ash approached his home, he saw the ever present Mr Mime. As always, Mimey was sweeping with an apron on. 'Why he was sweeping the front yard', Ash thought to himself, he would never know. "Hi Mimey!" was Ash's words to the Pokemon, "Long time, no see!" The psychic type just looked at him as if he was crazy for a second, but he went back to sweeping.

When Ash walked into his home, the immediate smell of the most delicious food he had ever eaten had filled his senses. It smelled like his mother was baking cookies, chocolate chip if he wasn't wrong. "Mimey, are you done outside? I need help with Ash's cookies." She called to the nonexistent mime upon hearing the front door close.

"Well, I'm not Mimey, but I would be more than happy to help!" Ash called back.

Delia came rushing out of the kitchen, wearing a hairnet. "Ash, your home!" she exclaimed, clearly surprised. "I thought you were supposed to be back in a couple of days!"

He was able to board an earlier ferry to get home, largely because he was already on said ferry. "Well, after the Conference, Cilan, Iris, and I all went on a trip through the Decolore Islands and afterwards the cruise liner we were on let off in Olivine City and I took a ferry to Vermillion. I just needed to fly the rest of the way here." Ash told his mother while she cleaned up the house.

"Ash, if you want, I can whip up something for you. Why don't you just go clean up?" Ash took his mother's advice and went up stairs.

As he entered the room, he did what he usually did after a journey. First, he unpacked his backpack of clothing, much of which was dirty, and put his sleeping bag in his closet. Next, he set some mementos on a shelf, one of which was an old pink ribbon, like the type you see on sun hats. Ash always had it, but he couldn't remember why. Something about someone he met a long time ago. He then shed himself of his current clothing, donning just a clean black shirt and a pair of shorts, plus his shoes.

As he descended the stairs, he told his mom he was going to see his Pokemon. Pikachu had also appeared out of the kitchen, sucking on a ketchup packet his mother had given him. The two then walked up to Professor Oak's lab and knocked on the door. It took a few moments for the door to open, as the professor was probably busy. However upon opening the door, Oak's expression had changed to one of joy. "Ash, my boy, aren't you a bit early back from the Unova Region?" asked the older man. Ash explained to him how he got back so soon and handed him his Pokedex. Oak was always interested in receiving his Pokedex because he sometimes added small notes to Pokemon he had seen and he had an uncanny knack to just stumble upon legendary Pokemon that rarely were ever studied. Ash, of course, asked to go see his Pokemon. "Of course, come on in!"

As the happy reunion between Pokemon and trainer commenced, three shady figures observed the happy scene, unknown to our hero.

"Everyone remember our mission?" shrilled one of them, a woman.

"This one we should have no problem with whatsoever." a second one said, a deep male voice.

The third one just looked on the scene below, with a look in his eyes that almost looked like yearning.

"James? You better not screw this up." the woman shrilled again, this time to the third member of the group.

"You guys ever think about leaving Team Rocket?" he asked, suddenly changing the subject.

"No, where would I go? Where would you go?" said the second figure, with a tone that said "Duh".

"I don't know, but there has got to be a nice place out there to settle down." the third one said.

"Get your head out of the clouds," the woman said, "Team Rocket is your life. Now, we get to work."

Author's Notes

So, what did you think? Should I keep going? This one is shorter than most of the rest of the ones I'm going to write because it just sets the stage for the next chapter.

I hope to have the next one up in about a week. See you then!