Reviews for Champions
ShingaKirionna chapter 20 . 7/16/2019
I am begging you, update this please! It's a really good idea, this story. And honestly I'm curious to see if Micheal's black aura has a meaningcough* some kind of side effect of shadow Pokemon *coughand how Ash and Serena will react to what Micheal's been doing.
Pizzalover chapter 20 . 8/2/2017
Oh, and in addition Aura Guardian...
You have a love and passion for your ideas, you let your imagination and creativity run wild. You've turned a concept into your own design, and that's beautiful. Countless people truly enjoy your work, and the ability to make others smile is the most amazing super power.
I can tell you work hard to please yourself and others, since you always answer your fan's comments at the end of each chapter and take their ideas and questions into account when writing the next chapter to your adventure.
Why am I saying all this extra stuff? Well, it's really directed towards the haters of your story. So people like Cutesaralisa and other haters, just ignore their rude words. They're just jealous of the fact that they can't paint a story like you can. It's always easier to destroy than create, and it takes a weak person to bully you and make you feel less of yourself. It takes a strong person to be kind and make you feel like your worth it.
Anywho, cheers!

Pizzalover chapter 20 . 7/31/2017
Hey man, I'm sorry about the way you feel. I completely agree, the new S&M series has been a terrible blow to the fans. I understand what you mean.
But at the same time, I have a question for you: What is FanFiction? Well, here's what I think. FanFiction is the voice of the fans, what they want. You started to write Champions because you had a love for what you imagined, your ideas, your creativity. And you kept going forward, expanding your image and taking feedback from others to make this story a great one. Countless others like me truly enjoy your work, and it's not just because it's X and Y. It's because you put in the effort to make it your own adventure.
Screw S&M. This is YOUR story. If you hate the writers and what they've done to Ash and the anime, then express it by continuing to write how the story should go. Rebel against conformity, and give yourself and others like me what we believe, that XY&Z should have ended differently, and that you can show us the right way. Don't let those idiots stop you from what you've been trying to accomplish.
There isn't a single writer on this website that's ever made me this motivated to help and support them in their writing. But I see so much passion and love in your writing.
Since I'm a writer, too, I get the whole big hiatus in writing. It happens to me on a daily basis. But if you really do want to find inspiration, then do this: Look around. Listen to your fans, and the fans of the anime. Watch the fans vids of XY&Z on YouTube. Watch PRB12 (love that guy). See other Pokemon X and Y comics. This rings true for all writers: the support you gain from the world around you and the people who enter your life, can motivate you to go places that you could have never imagined.
I'm cheering for you, Aura Guardian! DON'T GIVE UP!

Guest chapter 20 . 6/19/2017
i know how you feel in fact i hope we all get to see serena and ash meet again and get married together as a couple in the future as husband and wife in the pokemon series and beyond. we all will remain amourshippers and we all will continue to support amourshipping for all time. as a fellow amourshipper i have this to say to you and to all my fellow amourshippers around the globe who support amourshipping, amourshipper and proud, remember that dudes and dudettes and keep up the good serenaandashshipping work dude.
Cutesaralisa chapter 20 . 6/19/2017
3 words: you are stupid

If you hate him for a cheap Braixen, why you even made this fic ?, you know what, go and f*ck yourself, that's isn't a reason to leave a fanfic in progress.
Arkilos chapter 6 . 6/10/2017
I'm not sure if I have already reviewed this story, I guess I could have checked. I do remember reading this in the past. (Hello fuest reviewer, hopefully you'll recognize me.) any way, I feel Micheal is little bit of an extra charater, as I have a faint memmory of him not having his own plot line. (Or his own actions) instead it seems he just there.

Try giving him his own story. So that he doesn't feel like an extra character that doesn't need to be there.
Pizzalover chapter 19 . 11/21/2016
Oh man, I can't keep up with your new chapters! Anyway, nice job with the last two chapters, but are you going to be doing a lot of chapters that are completely based off the TV series? I love your work and characters, but I also like it a whole lot when you branch off into your own adventures and tales of the trio.

Still, awesome job!

Aurora chapter 19 . 11/21/2016
I do like this fic, and I think you made some good choices for this story, ie making Ash smarter. But, there is something bothering me to the point of giving up, and that is Michael gary stuing all over the fic. It is seriously annoying! I really, really, really wish you'd drop him, But I guess it is small chance as he is your self insert :P What keeps me is the rest of the story, But he is really testing me. Your story, your decision, But in my opinion the less we see of him the better. Right now it frankly reads like awesome, superpoweful oh so interesting Michael's story with Ash just tagging along. And I am not really interested in Reading about gary stu Michael.
Guest chapter 19 . 11/20/2016
looks like things just got a little curious yet nice job on this amourshipping chapter, and as a fellow amourshipper i have this to say to you and to all my fellow amourshippers around the globe who support amourshipping, amourshipper and proud, remember that dudes and dudettes and keep up the good serenaandashshipping work dude.
Guest chapter 18 . 11/15/2016
(smiles) ooh a deviant art comic eh that sound interesting, in fact i support amourshipping and we will all remain amourshippers and support amourshipping for all time. in fact i hope we all get to see serena and ash get married together in the future as husband and wife in the pokemon series and beyond. as a fellow amourshipper i have this to say to you and to all my fellow amourshippers around the globe who support amourshipping, amourshipper and proud, remember that dudes and dudettes and keep up the good serenaandashshipping work dude.
AnonymousAccount1001 chapter 18 . 11/14/2016
Please keep going! Bringing Michael from XD into XY? That makes me unfathomably happy. Only Wes and Rui could make me happier, something I plan on doing in my own fic!

And I too have read the "In the bed" series. Fucking hilarious, I need more of that in my life.
Orchestra Of Order chapter 1 . 11/14/2016
Guest chapter 17 . 11/7/2016
yet we all seen the clip of serena and ash moment in fact it filled my heart with hope, joy and a lot more in fact we will remain amourshippers and will always support amourshipping for all time, i hope we all get to see serena and ash get married together in the future as husband and wife in the series. as a fellow amourshipper i have this to say to you and to all my fellow amourshippers around the globe who support amourshipping, amourshipper and proud, remember that dudes and dudettes and keep up the good serenaandashshipping work dude.
Pizzalover chapter 17 . 11/5/2016
Oh man, I loved this chapter with the professor getting kidnapped! It sort of gave me chills when you wrote how Michael's eyes turned black with the coat, so I can't wait until we learn more about the full extent of Michael's powers. Also can't wait to see the motives you chose behind Team Flare briefly kidnapping Sycamore.

Burgernator chapter 8 . 11/5/2016
If you ever read the 20 page comic, "In the Bed" (It's a DeviantArt comic, w/ a more comedic yet sex-filled version between Ash and Serena) by DarkGargo, you could have easily (well at least HINTED) lead onto something similar, that would gradually lead to Gargo's story ( art/In-the-Bed-1-566852305)
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