Hello to anyone reading this! I'm a fan of RWBY and I thought it would be fun to do a retelling of the show. Hope you enjoy!

RWBY is owned by Rooster Teeth. Done in memory of Monty Oum.


A lone figure stood at the edge of a cliff, illuminated by the moon. Her blood red cape fluttered around as the harsh, icy wind gusted past her. She stared down at the stone grave below her. She lowered her hood, snowflakes falling onto her black and red hair.

"Hey mom," she said, smiling sadly. She rocked back and forth on her heels; coming here at night always made her nervous. "I'm doing pretty good at Signal. Uncle Qrow's been teaching me some new techniques for Crescent Rose," she laughed. "He almost got fired last week; something about telling the students to do whatever they want since he was hungover." She shivered, and pulled her cloak closer to her body. "I really miss you," she sighed. She opened the small pouch she carried with her and withdrew a single black rose. She knelt down before the grave and placed it on the snow. She felt hot tears begin to run down her cheeks, and she rubbed her eyes with the palm of her hand; the tears felt warm against her chilled skin. "Happy birthday, mom," she said.

Sniffling, she turned away from the grave and began to walk back towards the forest surrounding the cliff. The bare, black branches intertwined above her head, creating a canopy of dead wood that blotted out the moon's light. The girl heard cawing and spun around to find the source; it might be a young Nevermore calling out to other Grimm. Unable to locate the bird the girl shrugged and continued on her way. She walked for several minutes; the only sound being the crunch of the snow beneath her boots and her sniffling as she tried to stop crying.

She stepped into a clearing and immediately froze; a pack of Beowolves were in the clearing, tearing apart a deer and fighting over the meat. She began to back into the trees when she heard a sharp, loud crack reverberate across the clearing. She gasped and looked down; she had stepped on a branch. She looked back up and saw the pack staring at her, blood dripping from their snouts. Neither party moved.

One of the wolves, the alpha if she were to take a guess, let loose a howl and began to charge at her. With blinding speed the girl drew her weapon, aimed, and fired at the wolf. The top half of the wolf's head exploded into a shower of blood, brains, and skull fragments. The wolf slumped to the ground as the other members of the pack began to charge at the girl. The girl fired off another shot, blowing off one of the wolves head's, before leaping out of the way of one of the wolf's claws. She pressed a button on her weapon and it unfolded itself and took the form of a large, razor sharp scythe. The girl twirled the scythe around as she got into the stance her uncle had taught her. One of the wolves swiped at her and she swung her scythe, chopping off the limb. Blood gushed from the wound and splattered over the girl's face. She gagged at the smell but did not let it distract her. Before the wolf could attack her with its other claw she swung her scythe, decapitating it in one swift motion. She heard one of the wolves behind her and she ducked and rolled out of the way. The wolf stumbled over itself in confusion. The girl took this opportunity to cut the wolf in half, warm intestines and other organs spilling out of the dead wolf as it fell to ground.

She was breathing heavy now; this was her first real fight against the Grimm. But she refused to end up like the deer she saw earlier. Another wolf attacked her from the front and she jumped out of the way of the wolf's attack. As the wolf lunged past her she swung her scythe, taking out the wolf's legs. The wolf fell to the ground and let out an anguished scream. With sweat stinging her eyes the girl turned her attention to the two remaining wolves. They hadn't attacked her yet and had been circling while she dealt with their siblings. The two wolves glanced at each other before they began to attack her simultaneously, one from the right and one from the left. The girl grimaced and stood her ground, she was going to have to take them on at the same time. The two wolves leapt into the air, their claws outstretched and ready to tear her into a thousand meaty pieces. At the last second the girl swung her scythe in a circle, slicing off the hands of the two wolves. The wolves screamed and landed behind the girl. She spun around and barely had time to dodge one of the wolves before the other was practically on top of her. She dodged their leaps and snapping jaws before swinging her scythe; praying that she hit one of them. She felt her scythe make contact and one of the wolves fell to the ground, its jaw and lower head was ripped off; its tongue swung loosely and blood poured from the wound.

The final wolf stopped its attack for a moment to look at its fallen comrade. It turned to the girl and started at her; its eyes were full of unbridled hate. The girl gnashed her teeth together as she leaned against her scythe for support; she couldn't keep fighting for very long. The wolf let out a howl before leaping at her, its jaws wide open. The girl screamed and swung her scythe, splitting the wolf's head in half. The wolf's corpse fell to the ground, spasming and convulsing before going still.

The girl fell to her knees, gasping for breath. She looked around the clearing, and vomited at the sight of the carnage. After catching her breath, and cleaning her face, she stumbled to her feet and glanced over at the wolf she had chopped the legs off of. It was pitifully crawling towards her and growling. She collapsed her scythe back into its sniper rifle form and walked up to the wolf, pressing the muzzle against the wolfs temple. She pulled the trigger and the wolf's head disintegrated into a red, chunky mist.

The girl sighed and holstered her weapon. She left the clearing and made her way back home as quickly as possible. That was an ordeal she did not expect to go through on her mother's birthday.


She stepped onto the stage and into the blinding lights. She heard an announcer say her name and it was met with applause. She didn't care. She closed her eyes and began to sing, her mind wandering as she recited the song's she had been practicing for months.

Her father stared at her in shock, his eyebrows raised.

"Do you want to run that by me again?" he asked. She took a breath to steady her nerves and steal herself for the inevitable outburst.

"I will be attending Beacon Academy, in Vale." She bit her lip and watched her father. His face betrayed no emotion and this frightened her. He raised his hand, she flinched, and stroked his moustache.

"Why?" he finally asked.

"I want to be a Huntress." Surprise shot through her father's eyes.

"A Huntress?" She nodded. "Weiss that is too dangerous for you. You can barely handle Winter's training sessions when she's here, how do you expect to survive as a Huntress?" She didn't have a response for him. "Atlas Academy offers Huntress training. Why not go there so I can keep an eye on you?"

"No!" she said before clamping her mouth shut. Her father furrowed his brow.


"I mean, why deal with all that paper work when I've already been accepted into Beacon?" she laughed nervously. Her father's face remained the same.

"Why wasn't I made aware of this? When did you apply? What does Beacon have that Atlas doesn't?"

It's far away from you

"I didn't want to worry you about it and I applied a few months ago."

"And what does it have that Atlas doesn't?" he asked. Her father stared at her for several moments, awaiting her response. When he didn't get one he said, "I forbid you from attending Beacon. You are to remain here and work for me at the Company. It's bad enough Winter left; I refuse to let you throw your life away as well."

"But-!" she cried and took a step forward.

"Enough!" he raised his hand and Weiss backed away.

"Please father. What do I have to do to prove myself to you?" Her father scowled. He turned in his chair, his back to her. Weiss stood in the room, silently waiting for her father's response.

"I will consider letting you attend if you show me that you are capable of fighting a Grimm." She gulped but nodded her head.

"Understood father. What do you want me to do?"

"Follow me. My people at the lab have been working on something." He stood up from his chair and walked towards the door. Weiss nodded and followed her father out of the room.

She finished her first song and opened her eyes. The light blinded her for a moment and she blinked as her eyes readjusted. The crowd was applauding and cheering. She took a breath and began her second song.

The elevator they rode in was made of glass. She didn't like looking at her reflection but she would rather do that than look at her father. They rode in silence before curiosity got the better of her. "What is it that your, our, people are working on?"

"I've been having them run experiments on young King Taijitu's. Fusing them together to try and create a hive mind that we can control." Weiss cocked her head to the side.

"Is that legal?" Her father grinned.

"Why wouldn't it be? Would any judge in Atlas really try and have me locked away for researching how to better understand the Grimm and attempt to control them?" Weiss looked down.

"Will I be the first to fight it?"

"The first person. I had some Faunus volunteers test it out. They didn't make it, sadly." He chuckled.

The elevator reached its destination and they strolled out and began walking down the hallway towards the room where the experiment was being held. They stopped in front of a door branded with the Schnee Company logo. Her father pulled out a card and slid it into the door, unlocking it. They entered the room to find a scientist working at a computer terminal. She looked back and greeted Mr. Schnee. Weiss watched the two interact from a distance; she was nervous about whatever it was that her father had planned for her. The room had a window in it and she strained her neck trying to look into the room where her opponent was being held.

"Weiss," her father said. She looked over at her father who motioned towards the door at the far end of the room. She took a breath to steady her nerves and walked through the door. The room resembled a castle and her family's crest was plastered on the glass like walls. The room was dark, save for a single light were a lump of knight's armor sat. She slowly approached it, her heels clicking against the floor. She looked up at the light and saw that it was a replica of the moon. She stopped in front of the mound.

The mound of armor moved and stood up, causing Weiss to gasp; this Grimm was gigantic. It grabbed an equally gigantic sword and lifted it above its head. Weiss jumped away from the Knight before the blade fell, shaking the room. Weiss drew her sword, Myrtenestar, and placed a speed glyph on the ground below her. She felt herself become more energized and she lunged at the Knight. She stabbed at the chinks in the Knights armor, the back of the knee, the wrists, the ankles, anywhere she could harm it. The Knight had a hard time keeping up with her, she was too fast and agile.

Weiss came to a halt as the effects of the glyph wore off. The Knight took that opportunity to swing its sword at her. She raised her sword and parried the blow; the force of the attack sent her flying and she landed on the ground. She grunted in pain as she struggled to her feet. She looked up to see the Knight lunge at her. She barely had time to dodge the sword as it came crashing down, leaving a crater in the spot she was previously. The Knight swung its sword at her, tearing the floor apart. She continued to dodge the Knight's attacks, waiting for the opportunity for her to use her speed glyph again. She leapt in the air, summoned the glyph, and launched herself at the Knight. She stabbed at the open spot in the Knight's neck and plunged her blade as far as it could go. She saw the writhing, multisnaked organism as she withdrew her blade and back flipped off the Knight's armor. She landed and sneered at the Knight; black blood was pouring from the multitude of wounds she had inflicted.

The Knight swung its sword and she leapt above the blade. The Knight pulled back its arm and slammed its fist into Weiss' face. She went flying and slammed into a wall. She gasped for air; that punch had broken her aura. Her ears were ringing and she saw blood dripping onto her blouse. She looked up to see the Knight lumbering towards her. She struggled to her feet, leaning on her sword for support. If she kept fighting she would die. She shook her head; if she stopped now then her father would never let her go to Beacon.

Weiss straightened herself and pulled the trigger on her sword's handle; the revolver in the guard spun and landed on the Red Dust vial. Flames engulfed her blade and she swung her sword, creating a wall of fire between herself and the Knight. The Knight ran through the flame wall and charged at her. She pulled the trigger again, Blue Dust, and she slammed her blade into the ground, an ice spear sprung from the ground and impaled the Knight. The Knight dropped its sword and squirmed around, trying to free itself. Weiss pulled the trigger, Cyan, and summoned a twister to move the sword as far away from the Knight as possible. She pulled the trigger, Red, and melted the ice spear. The Knight fell to the ground, soaked in water, and looked up at her. She pulled the trigger, Yellow, and smiled. Lightning sprang from her blade and into the water. The Knight was electrocuted and writhed with pain, thousands of shrieks echoing from within the armor. The Knight fell to the ground, smoke billowing from its armor. Weiss stopped the lightning and looked over at the window where her father was watching.

He was scowling as he pressed the speaker button. "I'll consider it," he said.

She finished her song and watched as the audience sprung to their feet to applaud her. She curtseyed and waited for the cheering to stop. She knew her father hated these charity concerts she did but she didn't care. She wasn't going to have to see him ever again. She was free now.


She sat beneath a tree, her eyes closed. She could hear her partner pacing in a line in the clearing; he wanted this mission to be over quickly. She wanted that as well. Her ears twitched at a faraway sound and her eyes opened. She saw that her partner hadn't heard the sound yet so she stood up. He looked over at her and asked,

"Is it time, Blake?" She nodded. He grinned and picked up a duffle bag before he donned his Grimm mask, concealing the top portion of his face. She grabbed her own mask from the ground and put it on. They nodded at one another before jogging out of the clearing and towards a cliff. The trees around them were scarlet and the falling leaves resembled spilt blood. They came to a stop at the edge of the cliff, startling a crow and causing it to fly away. A set of train tracks snaked their way through the red forest below them. Blake heard the train and saw it quickly growing closer. Blake looked over at her partner and they nodded. They leapt from the cliff side and free fell onto the train as it billowed past the cliff. They landed with a loud 'thud' and Blake had to grit her teeth; her aura took the brunt of the blow but it didn't make the landing any less painful. They made their way to a latch on the train's roof and climbed down into the room below.

The room was brightly lit and filled with crates marked with the logo of the Schnee Dust Company. Her partner got to his knees and unzipped the duffle bag. He pulled out a crude explosive and planted it on the containers. He zipped the bag up, slung it over his shoulder, and stood up.

They left the car and moved onto the next one. This one was dimly lit and Blake saw that there were two security guards standing in front of the crates. One had a shotgun and the other an assault rifle. They had entered quietly and had not been noticed yet. Blake looked over at her partner and put a finger to her lips. He nodded and slunk into the shadows. Blake drew her weapon, Gambol Shroud, and entered the shadows. She pulled out a silencer and screwed it onto the barrel of her weapon. She pulled a rock from her pocket and tossed it at a wall opposite of her. The guards heard the noise and went over to investigate. The first guard was searching for the source of the noise while the second one stood behind her. Blake snuck up to the second guard and grabbed him, placing her hand over his mouth to keep him from screaming. She raised her weapon and fired at the first guard. The shot hit her square in the back of the head and she fell to the floor. A pool of blood began to spread as Blake pressed a button and Gambol Shroud transformed from its gun form to its sword form. The guard was crying now and she felt his tears run down her hand. She raised her sword and placed it on the guard's throat. The guard cried even more and began to thrash about. A puddle of urine began to form at the guard's feet. She moved her hand from his mouth to his chest; holding him in place. Without hesitation she ran the blade across his throat. Hot blood gushed over her hand and the guard convulsed in her arms as he slowly died. Once she was sure he was dead she dropped him onto the ground next to his partner.

Her partner stepped into the light and looked at her handiwork admiringly.

"Nice job," he said.

"Thanks, Adam," she said. She wiped the blood and tears on her black blouse as Adam got to work setting the bombs. Once they were set they moved onto the next car.

The third car had security as well. Only the guards were Atlasian Mech's; too many of them to take on all at once in such small quarters. Adam motioned for Blake to exit the car and go into the next one. She nodded and left the car, got onto the roof, and went over to the next one. She waited a few moments and Adam exited the car through its door.

"Any problems?"

"None." Adam tossed the empty duffle bag and it flew away with the wind.

They entered the fourth car; their safe haven. Adam drew his sword and severed the car's connection to the rest of the train. After the train was out of eye sight he pulled the detonator from his pants pocket and pressed the trigger. An explosion appeared on the horizon and they heard the deafening boom several seconds later. Adam laughed at the sight. He turned to Blake and said

"You ready for the final part of the mission?"

"The final part?" She was confused; they had destroyed the cargo and dealt a huge blow to the Schnee's, what else was there? He drew his sword.

"We go into the crew's quarters and slaughter every filthy human in there." Blake's eyes shot open in surprise.

"Why? They haven't done anything." She couldn't see it but she could tell Adam was scowling.

"What's with the hesitation? You killed those two guard without a problem."

"That's different Adam! They were armed and would have killed us!" she shouted. Adam sheathed his sword. Blake had a flicker of hope that she had convinced him. He raised his hand and back handed her across the face. She fell to the ground, grunting in pain and shock. Her Grimm mask fell to the floor. She looked up at Adam; confusion and pain in her eyes. She placed a hand at the place he had smacked her. "Why?" she asked. He got to his knees and she scrambled back. He raised his hand, his index finger pointing at her.

"What have I said about raising your voice to me?"

"N-not to do it," she whimpered. He had yelled at her before but this was the first time he had ever struck her. He stood up and offered her his hand. She gingerly took it and he helped her up.

"We're going into that cart, and we're going to butcher those humans. Understood?" She nodded her head. They left the car. As they stood outside the cart Blake looked into the port hole. The people inside looked confused and frightened. Some were crying and others were on their scrolls, trying to call for help. She looked at Adam, he was licking his lips in anticipation. She took a deep breath and said,

"Okay." She grabbed a hold of Adam and threw him back into the previous car. He yelled in surprise as he landed. Blake drew her weapon and severed the connection between the two cars. Adam stood up and ripped off his Grimm mask; anger and betrayal flashing in his eyes.

"What are you doing?! You can't do this Blake! The humans will never accept you! They will hate you! You need me! You're nothing without me! BLAKE!" His voice grew quieter as the car disappeared from view. Blake sighed and wiped away the tears. She tore off a ribbon from her arm and tied it around her ears, making a bow. She took a deep breath and opened the door. The people inside stared at her, not sure if she was there savior or executioner. She smiled and said,

"Don't worry, I'm here to help."


The roar of a motorcycle echoed throughout the empty street as the girl drove down the road. She came to a stop in front of a night club; loud, bassy music could be heard even from outside. She removed her helmet, turned off the engine and kicked in the brake. Her younger sister watched as she got off the bike. She looked back at her sister and said,

"Watch Bumblebee for me will ya? This will only take a sec." Her sister gave a mock salute and the girl giggled. She strode towards the entrance and heard cawing as a bird flew away. The bouncer looked her over and nodded his head. The music grew louder as she got closer to the club.

A set of doors opened and she smiled at the sight before her; she loved clubs. The room was dark and a huge mob of people were dancing on the floor below her. A dj wearing a bear costume stood at the far end of the room, his head bobbing to the beat of the bass. Red and white strobe lights flashed throughout the room and on four glass pillars topless women were gyrating to the rhythm of the music. She liked the sight but she wasn't here for pleasure; there was someone she had to find. She walked down the crystal stairs, dodging a man who started to barf on his way out. She made her way over to the bar, noticing an orange haired man in a white coat talking to the man she was there to see. The orange haired man walked away and headed towards the exit. Two girls dressed in Gothic Lolita clothes stood next to the man she needed. He waved them away and sat down at the bar. She took that as her cue and walked over to the man, sitting down in the seat next to him.

The bartender looked at her and she said

"Strawberry Sunrise, hold the ice. And throw in one of those little umbrellas." The man next to her looked over at her. He raised an eyebrow.

"How old are you?"

"Old enough," she winked. The man snorted in disbelief but glanced at her ass all the same. The bartender returned and handed her her drink. He forgot the umbrella. She let it slide and drained the glass; she loved how sweet it was. She put down the empty glass and threw some money on the counter. She turned her attention to the man next to her. "Word on the street is that you know everyone in this city, Junior." He eyed her warily.

"Give or take a few people. Don't know you though. You got a name, sweet cheeks?"

"I go by several names," she smiled sweetly. She grabbed his crotch, squeezing his balls. He let out a high pitched squeal as she squeezed. "But you can call me 'The Bitch who ripped off your nuts'." She pulled out her scroll and shoved it in his face. There was a picture of a raven haired woman with crimson eyes on it. She wore black and red armor. "Tell me everything you know about her. Now." She squeezed, hard. She saw the bartender put his hand under the counter and she guessed that he was alerting the security about what was happening.

"I swear to Dust I have no idea who she is!" he yelped. She scowled and squeezed harder.

"Wrong answer." He screamed in pain again. She saw out of the corner of her eye that Junior's goons were making their way through the crowds towards her. They did a poor job concealing the hatchets, machetes, and knives they had on them.

"Please, I don't know anything! Let them go!" She couldn't tell if he was lying or not but she didn't have the time to find out. She let go and left her seat. Junior fell to the floor and scrambled over to his lackeys. They helped him to his feet and he glared at her. "You're dead, bitch." She smiled at him coyly.

"Isn't there something I can do to make it up to ya?" She giggled. She saw Junior glance at her cleavage and then at her lips.

"I might have something in mind."

"Why don't you come whisper it in my ear?" Junior shrugged his shoulders and stepped closer to her. She grinned and kicked him in the crotch. He fell to the ground and she punched him in the face; the force of the punch tossing him a few meters away. His goons stared at her in shock as Junior lay on the ground. He pointed at her and shouted

"Tear the bitch apart!" before passing out. The goons turned towards her and charged. She grinned and pressed a button on her bracelets. They transformed into her gauntlets, Ember Celica. The first goon had an axe and swung it at her. She dodged it effortlessly and grabbed him by the back of the shirt. She threw him over the railing and into the crowd of dancing people below. The crowd scattered and people screamed. Some ran out of the club, others ran for cover, and others found a good place to record the fight on their scrolls.

She grinned as a goon with a machete swung at her. She blocked it with her gauntlet and kicked him in the shin. He crumpled to the floor and she kneed him in the face, knocking him out cold. Two goons went after her, both with knives. She grabbed one by the wrist and kicked the other in the stomach. She elbowed the man in the ribs until he let go of his knife and then she punched him in the jaw. The other goon got up from where she kicked him and charged at her while a goon with an axe tried to attack her from behind. She sidestepped both of them, grabbed the knife wielding goon and kicked him into the axe wielding man. They fell to the floor in a defeated heap.

The bottles on the bar wall exploded as gunfire rained down. She quickly found cover and saw that the dj was firing at her with an assault rifle. She waited until he needed to reload before sprinting out of cover and toward the dj's stand. The dj, panicked at the sight of her, dropped his ammo magazine and scrambled to find it. She kicked the man in the stomach before grabbing him by the back of his costume. She slammed his head into the turntables several times before tossing him onto the dance floor.

She saw that the two Gothic Lolita's were back and were looking up at her from the dance floor. She leapt onto the dance floor, smiling wickedly. The two girls seemed unimpressed and charged at her. She saw now that the red one had long blades on her wrist and the white one had long blades on her boots. The red one swung at her and she dodged the blow. She wasn't able to evade the attack from the white one and she got kicked in the stomach. She fell to the ground and grunted. She looked up and saw the white one was going for another kick. She caught her foot and pulled the trigger on her gauntlets. A shotgun blast fired from her wrist and into the girl. The girl had a look of terror as her aura broke. She spun the girl around and threw her off the dance floor; if she was smart she would stay down.

The red one came at her, swinging her claws with blinding speed. She ducked, dodged, and parried as best she could but the girl was able to land several hits on her. The girl swung a claw at her and she deflected it with her gauntlet. She quickly twisted her hand and grabbed the girl's arm. The girl scowled and swung her other claw at her gut. She grinned and caught the arm. The girl's eyes widened as she realized her mistake. She winked at the red girl before head-butting her, knocking her unconscious.

The red girl slumped to the floor and she looked around the club. The people that were hiding looked afraid of her but the people on their scrolls looked like they wanted her autograph. She flashed them a pair of gun hands before strolling out of the club. The bouncer gave her a weird look as she left but said nothing. Her sister was still on the bike but was playing on her scroll.

Her sister looked up and asked,

"You find what you need, Yang?" Yang shook her head before getting on her bike. She put her helmet on and revved the engine.

"You want to go get something to eat? I'm starving." Her sister nodded her head as she put on her own helmet. They peeled out of the club and drove off into the night.