Cameras flashed in the room; the group of older men sitting at the table all facing the young woman who seemed slightly uncomfortable in her Burberry suit.

"Miss Stark, you were involved in the destruction of Sokovia, yes?"

"I'd say I was involved in the termination of Ultron, but semantics."

"Were you in any way involved in the creation of the program Ultron?"

"No, sir."

"Were you aware that Ultron was being created?"

"Not until he was finished."

"You refer to it as a he; why?"

"He stopped being an it when he had a mind of his own. I can use they if you find assigning computer programs genders as arbitrary as I do. I just assumed a bunch of Senators would prefer he."

The press core tittered as the Senators huffed slightly; the young woman seeming to grow slightly more comfortable.

"Miss Stark, when and how did you receive your abilities?"

"A few months ago I chose the wrong time to enter my Dad's lab. Things went south with an experiment and I got the fallout."

"What was the experiment your father was conducting?"

"Ask him."

"And why did you keep this a secret from the public? Why did you pretend to be ill?"

"I was scared; I needed to understand and come to grips with what happened to me without other people freaking out as well."

There was a sound of appreciation from the press making the young woman smile slightly; they were siding with her.

"Miss Stark, do you recognize these people?"

"Yes, sir."

"Could you give us their names please?"

"Pietro and Wanda Maximoff."

"They are twins, correct?"

"Senator, I've seen you ask every one of my teammates this question, I think by now you should understand the concept of twins."

"Miss Stark, I can hold you in contempt."

"Yes, they're twins."

"And they're both enhanced?"

"Yes, sir."

"Miss Stark, you must be aware that many people in the world and a few on this committee believe that people like the Maximoffs should be incarcerated."

"Do you mean people like me, Senator?"

"People who are enhanced and are a threat to the national security."

"What makes you think they're anymore of a threat than I am? Is it because they talk funny, Senator?"

"Miss Stark, if you're implying that this committee is profiling the Maximoffs-."

"Of course not, when has a US Senator ever done that?"

"Miss Stark, if we could return to the point. You need to understand that the Maximoffs pose serious risks to our security. What if they disagree with the US and decide to take things into their own hands?"

"Senator, the only time the Maximoffs would do such a thing is when the US itself is committing morally wrong acts. And if that day comes, it won't be just the Maximoffs 'taking things into their own hands.'"

A ripple ran through the press after she said that; the main Senator leaning forward slightly.

"You're saying that if you disagreed with the US, you would defy us?"

"If the US government was the one hurting people, abroad or otherwise, then we would step in. After educating ourselves to the issue and coming to a common consensus, of course."

"Miss Stark, you must realize this will alarm people. This will make more people want to make sure you and the other enhanced are jailed."

"You're welcome to try."

"Is that a threat, Miss Stark?"

"Were you not just threatening me, Senator?"

"You were threatening the United States, Miss Stark."

"I was threatening a hypothetical evil regime; if those words scared you, that's your problem, not mine."

Another ripple went through the press; the young woman was gaining the upper hand and everybody knew it.

"Miss Stark, are you implying that this committee is some sort of dictatorship?"

"No, I'm implying that you might think you are."

"Miss Stark, you're not making a good case for yourself, the Maximoffs, and any other enhanced."

"The only way this committee would be happy would be if I pledged to serve the government even when it itself becomes the very entity our team has sworn to fight. That and if I promised to hand over the scary foreigners."

"You're wording is filled with disgust, but wanting to be sure you and the other enhanced won't try to hurt the US is a valid demand."

It was quiet for a moment, everyone realizing that the young woman was weighing her options.

"Senator, who do you think I am?"

"Miss Stark-."

"No, listen. If you think you're in the position to demand that I protect evil just because it has the letters USA slapped on it is what an evil mind would want. I stand for the US, Senator, and the US is not just a country. The US is the simple idea of freedom and justice for all, and I will always stand for that. But, if the US ever stops standing for that, that's when we're going to have a problem. By the way, there's no clause in that that says that if someone can pick up a car or outrun a plane or move things with their mind that they're no longer allowed basic freedom."

"You're riding a fine line, Stark."

"So are you."

"… I would watch yourself; this committee will be a large part in deciding on yours and the Maximoffs' fate."

"Let me apologize for not being intimidated."

"You think we won't lock you away?"

"How can you? We've committed no crime, we've helped save the world, and it's gonna be really awkward in a couple years when something happens and you need our help."

"You think something will happen?"

"When has the world ever kept the peace?"

It was quiet in the room for a moment; only the sound of cameras clicking disrupting the silence.

"Miss Stark, you've given me no concrete reason to not incarcerate the Maximoffs and instead have cast shadow onto your loyalties."

"My loyalties haven't changed in the slightest; I'm loyal to the idea of freedom and justice."

"And you've become loyal to the Maximoffs?"

Maria Stark smirked.

"I have always been loyal to my soulmates."