Reviews for The Blood of the Covenant
Arch Sariel chapter 8 . 7/29/2018
Not as good as the first but it was a high bar to meet.

No complaints from me, thanks for posting!
JuliaIsAUnicorn chapter 1 . 10/23/2016
Hi. Just wanted to say I love all of your stories. By the way is there a superhero name for maria?
anonymouscsifan chapter 8 . 6/4/2016
Aww! I just wish Tony would've been able to be there...and her sister Theresa. I can only imagine Tony's reaction. Thank you so much for sharing!
Mira Black-Snape chapter 8 . 6/2/2016
anonymouscsifan chapter 8 . 6/1/2016
Aww! I just wish Tony would've been able to be there...and her sister Theresa. I can only imagine Tony's reaction. Thank you so much for sharing!
Eye of tiger wing of angel chapter 8 . 5/31/2016
will you be continuing this series with maria and but I am the universe with Theresa in the next movies or will this be the last story's with these characters or is this the end?
Mira Black-Snape chapter 7 . 5/30/2016
anonymouscsifan chapter 7 . 5/30/2016 it! I look forward to your next update !
anonymouscsifan chapter 6 . 5/26/2016
Ooh much as I like Tony he is in such denial and convinced Maria is being manipulated. This is getting so good! I can't wait to find what happens next! I look forward to your next update!
anonymouscsifan chapter 5 . 5/22/2016
Yay! I feel bad that she's conflicted- she may love her soulmates but she loves her father too... I don't envy her position...the pregnancy think with Wanda- totally weird but I'll roll with it LOL. Hell I still think Scott is pretty amazing- he's a great comic relief as is Bucky and Sam when they bicker- now throw in Pietro- this ought to be good! I can't wait for your next update!
Mira Black-Snape chapter 5 . 5/22/2016
ratherbereading125 chapter 5 . 5/22/2016
I love it. More please.
SmillyReaper chapter 4 . 5/21/2016
Love it!
anonymouscsifan chapter 4 . 5/18/2016
Poor Tony! First Pepper- now his own daughter! Kind of wanted to give him a hug. Having Jade there was a bit of a twist! Do I see a possible ship between her and Bucky? I am loving this so far and I can't wait until your next update! More please and soon!
Mira Black-Snape chapter 4 . 5/18/2016
OoO love it!
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