Summary: Hermione's grandmother passes away, leaving behind an old bookstore for her. This bookstore was one of the very few places that held Hermione's cherished childhood memories. After things ended horribly with her boyfriend she finds a place of security and a strong sense of self to be back in that old bookstore. It has become a precious home to her once again. There is only one small problem with the place. Draco Malfoy wants it and will do anything to get it. Why would Draco Malfoy, the Slytherin Prince want anything to do with a Muggle bookstore? To Hermione the answer is mute because she is not giving it up for all the riches that Draco promises. But Draco will never give up wanting to buy the building that holds the bookstore. For him the buildings are needed in order to rid the dark secrets that haunt him at night. What happens when during his pursuit of this building that he finds himself falling in love with the brightest witch of her age? With one unwilling to sell and the other unwilling to give up in securing the place, are they able to find a middle ground? Or will they risk losing each other over their stubbornness to have ownership of an old building?

Warning: This story's time setting is an alternate universe a few years after the battle of Hogwarts. The pairings might not be something that you agree with. This is as they say a 'Dramione' story. It is rated M for violence, language and sex. The length of the chapters are greater than I anticipated, ranging from six to eight thousand words.

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter. He, along with the other characters, belongs to J.K. Rowling. The story line came from another fictional read, which if I knew the title and author then I'd give credit to them as well. The idea to combine the two is mine.

Chapter 1

Draco Malfoy sat down studying the plans for yet another venture that his mother had her heart set on accomplishing. Since the second wizarding war, Narcissa Malfoy had been the one to spearhead the rebuilding of the Malfoy name. With Draco's determination, both he and his mother had created an empire in the Wizarding world. Several properties were owned, businesses were purchased and families held them in high regard once again. The Ministry had even cleared both his and his mother's records. His father, Lucius Malfoy however, was another story altogether. The charges against him were too numerous to list and Lucius Malfoy found himself to serve years in Azkaban and upon his release would live without the use of a wand for the rest of his life. His father didn't argue especially when 'the boy who lived' had gone through such lengths to reduce his sentencing. Narcissa was able to see her husband on a regular basis. It helped the both of them to grow once more.

Though they had gained the respect from those among their pureblood circle and once again create the illusion of fear and authority among the rest of the wizarding community, Draco sought out his own salvation aside from his mother and father. It was through a project that was nearly five years in the making that would give him that 'peace of mind'. The war may have been over but Draco came to realize that the nightmares of his past had never disappeared. They were always hiding, always waiting.

"What should I do? What would you do," he asked his father.

Lucius quickly replied to his son. They both had issues to be dealt with that Narcissa did not know of. They believed that it was better that way if she did not know. The Dark Lord may have been gone but the influence that he left behind was not forgotten in the lives that had been affected, especially those who had taken the dark mark. And the Malfoys were deeply affected. Draco stared at the letter from his mother and thought back once again to what his father had told him the last time he had visited Azkaban. He needed to do this business venture for his mother. But this side project was for him.

"Firewhisky," Theo held up a glass.

Draco nodded and took it from his companion. Theo Nott, Blaise Zabini, and Gregory Goyle had become close friends in their quest for redemption. It was easy to live in the moment when one was young and seventeen. They had done what they needed to or what they thought they needed to do in order to survive. They suffered they own form of loss. Their young lives were forever tainted as well. No one understood. No one believed them, except each other. But now their situations had taken a drastic change. The Dark Lord was done and over with. Friends and family had been loss. Some things were never going to be the same. They had been thrust into a new situation now and they had to adapt. And adapt they did, for all four of them had become more feared, respected and wealthier than their parents before them.

"Master," an elf popped into the door.

Draco merely grunted in response, not looking up from his work.

"Chip has told the young Master Montague to wait for Master Draco. Chip did well. He made sure Master was ready to receive guests," the elf's ears perked up in question. But before he could smile, he immediately slumped at his owner's reply.

"Bring him in," Draco muttered.

The elf's body drooped at not being acknowledged by its owner and simply disappeared only to have the visitor appear a second later. Chip had been young and willing, like most house elves, ready to serve the house of Malfoy. He was the late Dobby's cousin and though he had heard terrible things about the elf's life under the care of the Malfoy household, he had also learned of how his new Mistress and young Master had protected the wonderful Harry Potter.

Though the young Master did not abuse the house elf physically, neglect was a powerful punishment. It was something that did not bode well with little Chip. The other day he had got an affectionate pat on the head coupled with a kind smile from Mistress Narcissa but the desire to be acknowledged by the young Master was great. And the quick feeling of being wanted had disappeared whenever he was in the presence of the Master of the house. Draco of course, could care less either way how his house elf felt about him. He had his own agenda to fulfill.

"What is it now, Montague," Draco put down his glass and slightly tore his attention away from the papers about his desk.

"Forgive me for interrupting Draco but this concerns the property in Triangle Row."

"Ah, how much did she settle on?"

"She is adamant that she won't sell."

With that piece of information, his complete attention piqued towards his associate standing in his study. Even Blaise, Theo and Greg stopped to take in news. That was the thorn in his side, the thick potion to swallow, the tough curse to break. He was almost on his way to absolution. The one thing that stood in his way and she would not give it up.

"Did she name a price," Draco questioned.


"She made a demand of some sort then," he concluded.


"She must want something," Draco said. "Did you inform her of my offer increase?"


"And," he urged.

"And she still does not want to sell. I did all that I could."

"Did you flirt with the bird," asked Blaise. "That usually gets the girls watering when you coddle and flatter them."

"Even then she would not budge," Graham answered with a slight embarrassment to his tone. He was after all a couple years older than the young men who stood before him. He should have been able to handle such a situation.

"Must not have done it properly then," Blaise concluded as Theo shook his head with a small smile.

"Read her file one more time," Draco motioned to Theo.

Theo sighed. "We've been over it a few times already."

"There has to be something in there to show a weakness, a desire of some sort that she has," insisted Draco. "Her parents are in Australia, correct? We could bring them back home?"

"According to the file, they are content to stay in Australia. She is here alone and lives above the bookstore," Theo scanned the pages.

"That's it," Draco snapped his fingers. "A new house, a manor," he corrected. "Offer her the money plus a manor of her choosing," he pointed to Graham.

"You want me to go back there again?"

"Why else would I be asking you," Draco leaned against the desk.

"She left for the day."

"To go where," Draco continued to press.

He needed that building to be purchased and he would hunt Hermione Granger down to get it done if that was case. From the file he read a dozen times earlier, he knew that she worked part time at a Muggle library. Yes, witches and wizards, your heard correctly. Hermione Granger worked at a Muggle library, far away from the Wizarding world. Why one of the Golden Trio, brightest witch of her age decided to do so was beyond this Slytherin's mind.

"She did not specify a location, Draco."

"Then go there and wait for her."

Graham Montague stood there staring back at his boss. "What if…"

"What if she doesn't come back until later on in the night? Then you will wait there until she comes back, late at night or not! You will not leave until she says 'yes'. In fact, forget about tripling the price," Draco waved his wand through the air producing the contract from Graham's hands.

"I told you that was too much," Theo responded. "She isn't…"

"There," Draco said with finality and the contract shot back to Graham.

"You're giving her more," he questioned upon looking at Draco's revision.

"Yes. Now go to Granger's and don't come back until she signs that contract!"

Graham began to turn around.

"Oh and Montague," Draco called out causing him to stop. "If you come back without her signature again, consider yourself fired and that beautiful home you have with young Astoria, gone."

Graham Montague gulped and nodded, knowing full well that Draco Malfoy had the power and the means to do whatever it was that he threatened to do. It was such a shame that Hermione Granger was stuck in the middle of it.

She could not believe her eyes. There pacing back and forth outside her door was Graham Montague for the third time today. He had been pestering her for the past three months since her grandmother passed away, via letters. She had sent the first dozen back with a resounding 'no'. Even a howler was sent once or twice. But this week, these were the actions of a man in desperation. After ignoring the letters, she should have known, should have expected that he would show up at her front door demanding an answer.

"Miss Granger?"

"Mr. Montague," she sighed. "To what do I owe the pleasure of your presence in front of my home for yet the third time today?"

"You know why I am here."

"And you know my answer," she pointedly responded. "Let's not waste any more of each other's time. I don't want to sell. I never will. And even if I do…"

"So there is an 'if'," Graham sent a grin Hermione's way.

It didn't work earlier and it certainly was not going to work this time. Hermione narrowed her gaze as he blocked her path to the door. "There is no 'if'. As I have mentioned in my first several responses, please thank Mr. Malfoy for his offer but I'm not interested."

"He's advised me to add a manor to the offer," Graham pulled out the contract and quickly waved his wand to open it for only Hermione to see. After all, they were in the Muggle world.

"A manor?"

"Yes. Along with the added increase my client is willing to purchase a new home for you, fully furnished as the Muggles would say," Graham answered. "Whatever location you wish it to be, he will get it done. He will purchase a new vehicle you desire." Graham looked around, "I understand that Muggles use that as a form of transportation and you are without one. Then there is also the..."

"Again you may tell Mr. Malfoy that I cannot accept the offer. Thank you very much for your time but I have to get back to work," Hermione lifted her chin and proceeded to step around the former Slytherin.

"Really Miss Granger, we both know that you are off today."

Hermione stepped back completely in shock. "Wh... What?"

Graham chuckled knowing that he had something up his sleeve that Hermione was unaware of. "It's something that we do at Zabini and Parkinson. My client had specific requests and we completed each and every one. This building is something that he desires and so the owner has been researched thoroughly. It's purely for business matters," he explained with a slight smirk.

If Hermione had known that she would have paid more attention during her educational years. Business and politics weren't her thing, however. Knowing the information that was given her about Malfoy, she now understood why he and his other snakes had become successful following the war. It wasn't that she held it against them. She had her own success. But judging from Graham's explanation she came to realize that this is how they conducted business and had Hermione taken it more seriously she probably would have been saved the experience of having to reject shady business operatives like the one standing in front of her.

Quickly, Hermione shook her head, side stepped him and attempted once more to make it to the door. "Miss Granger," Graham stopped her again. "Name your price."

"I already said I don't have a price. I'm not selling."

"Come now, Hermione, may I call you Hermione," Graham smiled. "Draco Malfoy is willing to triple the amount in galleons also."

Hermione paused and glanced over at the contract still floating by Graham's head. It was true. There in elegant ink was the statement that she would be paid in both pounds and galleons. There was a lot that could be done with that type of money. She knew that he was paying her more than he had generously paid the owners of the buildings surrounding her.

Everyone in Triangle Row had sold their businesses to Malfoy and Son. The Muggle world took him for an up and coming business entrepreneur. Both sides of Hermione's world had come to know that he was wealthy. The day she sat with Mrs. Bennett and she was told that a Draco Malfoy had made her an offer she couldn't refuse for her old bakery, Hermione knew that he made his mark on the Muggle world as well. All of the buildings, business, and apartment that were around her had been purchased by Draco Malfoy. He owned every single one, with the exception of her grandmother's.

And right now he was willing to pay triple the amount that he had originally offered in both galleons and pounds. He was also going to give her a house, any of her choosing. She stared at the elegant writing on the contract that floated tauntingly in the air. That was a lot of money, a whole lot of money.

"Now you work in a library, part time. I know your salary isn't much..."

"Did Malfoy research that as well?"

"Everyone knows that librarians do not earn much. The offer is a generous one Hermione and I suggest that you take it," he said holding up a quill which immediately turned into a pen.

Yes the offer was a generous one, one that even caused Hermione to pause and think about it. But there was no way that she was going to give up this place. Her grandmother had given her this place. This was her home away from home. This was her sanctuary. Who did Draco Malfoy think he was, offering her money? Then again, she already knew what sort of person he was. She'd known him since they were eleven years of age, after all. Hermione squared her shoulders and smiled at him.

"Graham, may I call you Graham," she replied.

"Of course," he smiled.

"Please tell Mr. Malfoy," Hermione began with her falsified smile and sickeningly sweet tone, "that he can take his offer and shove it up his arse! Now get out of my way before I hex you so badly that you won't even recognize yourself!"

He sighed and allowed Hermione to step around him. Her keys had just gotten into the lock when he spoke up again. Quickly, she turned with her wand pointed at him. But the Graham that stood in front of her was not the same kind man with his flirtatious smile. His look had darkened and she knew that now she was facing a true Slytherin now. Intimidation was something that each of them had perfected.

"You have to sell."

"No, I don't," she kept her wand trained on him.

"Let me run down the statistics for you, Hermione Granger, brightest witch of your age," he snarled. "During the time that this store had been running earlier, your grandmother barely made a profit. She did not have a steady flow of customers, the usual locals," he titled his head, "but nothing of greatness that could sustain an ideal income. I highly see this being beneficial for you. The store hasn't opened since she died and I'm pretty damn sure that you'll never open. How will you ever get money to live off of, especially in the Muggle world where you only work part time as a librarian? In fact, what Draco is offering to you is worth a hundred times what this bookstore or that library you work at has ever made in the past and will make in the future combined! Don't you want to survive, Miss Granger? Everyone around you has already sold their locations," he motioned as she looked to the left and then to the right.

It was true, everyone did sell. They were all either her grandmother's age or older. None of them were making money, at least not enough to stay afloat. But to Hermione this wasn't about the money and she knew that saying that right now to Graham Montague or any other Slytherin would not matter.

"You will have more money than the other owners on this 'Row'," Graham continued. "You will also have a home, a brand new home of your choosing wherever you want in the Wizarding world or in Muggle London. Mr. Malfoy will see to it," the contract came closer. "He is willing to offer protection for your parents in Australia. Don't you worry about them? They're all the way in Australia with little Hector."

She shook her head and looked down. No one knew about her parents' location or the fact that there was a little boy with them, except for Harry. It must have been part of their research that they had dug up on her.

"There are death eater sympathizers waiting in the shadows to attack anyone associated with Harry Potter," he sneered. "That includes you and your muggle parents. You may have a wand," he touched the tip of her wand and eased it down, "but your parents don't. Sign the contract Miss Granger, get the money, get the home and get the protection," he insisted.

She took a deep breath and opened the door to the building. "Tell Mr. Malfoy that he's a coward for sending someone else to do his dirty work. I will not be selling to him. Now get off of my doorstep!"

"You'll only have your pride left by refusing to sell," he took slow steps backwards down the stairs. "Opportunities like this may never come around again."

Before anything else could be said, Hermione walked completely into her grandmother's bookstore, turned around and slammed the door. With a flick of her wand she threw up the wards around this place that she had set up before letting out a deep sigh.

After a few minutes, she heard Graham Montague's final steps retreat from the building. With that she turned and headed up the stairs passing the old books that had crowded the shelves in the book store. There were a couple tables with a few chairs that had also collected dust. It was a charming book store and one that Hermione had loved as a child. She came here on a regular basis in her younger years, especially after her first use of accidental magic. Her grandmother never thought of her as awkward or unusual. To her, magic was something spectacular. In fact, she had told Hermione that her mother and father, Hermione's great grandparents, had been fascinated with it and often told stories to her about it.

A particular memory came to her mind of her grandmother telling her a story and after she had gone through her schooling, along with learning various social and prejudiced ideals about wizards and witches, Hermione had deduced that it was possible that either one of her great grandparents or both of them could have been a squib. Of course there was no way to tell since her father did not know much about his mother's family. And there was also no one in the Wizarding World who would admit to having such a relative, well no one of a friendly nature that is.

Hermione sighed once more when she reached the top of the stairs and took a look around at the small loft that she had come to call her home. The past few months had been hard on her. Her boyfriend had shown his true colors to her one evening and since then, she never looked back. She blasted a curse at him, causing him to fly across the room and she fled to her grandmother's home.

It was not long until she realized that her grandmother had fallen ill. Her parents came back from Australia only once after her grandmother's death and that was to attend the funeral services. Her mother had tried to understand Hermione's reasoning behind cursing them but couldn't. They were expecting another child when Hermione had found them after the war. A couple months later, her brother Hector Granger was born. Her mother had disliked anything magical around Hector for fear that he too may practice a spell or curse on his parents as his sister had once done. And though the road to recovery was hard, they had been on civil terms, especially since Hector had taken a liking to his sister.

"You're going to live here then," her father had asked her.

"I am," she answered setting Hector down to run around the bookstore. He had recently turned five years old, a few months younger than Teddy. She had desperately wanted to introduce them. She had longed for all of her friends to know her brother. But of course she understood her mother's reluctance.

"Your mother and I are sorry about your relationship," he added. "What was his name again?"

"Does it matter? He isn't," she paused and took in a deep breath, "he isn't the same as before."

"What does Harry think?"

"Harry supports me, they all do," she replied. "Dad, I am sorry that I didn't tell you that I had moved here. It's just that grandmother..."

"She always understood you more," Dr. Granger shook his head. "She was the first to forgive you for what you did to me and your mother."

"I explained..."

"I know dear," he kissed her forehead, "I know. But perhaps with this failed relationship you will realize that you sacrificed so much to those magical people that maybe you should just live a normal..."

"Non-magical life is that it," she asked turning to him.

"That is one reason why you are here, isn't it? To get away from that life," he pressed.

Her father wasn't totally wrong and she thought about it constantly while she had been living here. It had been more than just getting away from her former boyfriend. A lot of people wanted a piece of the Golden Trio, a whole lot of people. Apparently, living under the constant watchful eye of reporters, adoring fans and vengeful death eater sympathizers had become too much for the young witch and she sought solitude among the non-Wizarding world. All was content in her life. That is until she had been receiving owls from Zabini and Parkinson regarding the purchasing of her grandmother's building.

But she didn't want a total non-magical life as her father had proposed. She loved the Wizarding world. Yes, it may have put her life in danger. Yes, it may have put her parents in danger. Yes, it may have led her to place a spell on her parents, an action she had promised that she would never do. But it was part of who she was. And if she believed in her gut feeling, it was part of who her family was. There was magic in her family, though little and construed through the generations. But it was there and she was proud of it.

A knock broke her out of her reverie as she glanced around the darkening loft. The sun was setting and shining through the windows in its beautiful orange rays. The knocking at the door continued and for a moment she wondered if it was Mrs. Bennett. Did she agree to a dinner with the elderly woman and had forgotten?

She blamed the lapse in memory on the stress that Graham Montague and the rest of the business associates from Zabini and Parkison along with all the other offers from her former schoolmate, Draco Malfoy had been sending her way.

Hermione let out a frustrated sigh before walking over to the front door.

"Who is it," she called out.

"It's Draco Malfoy, Miss Granger."

Hermione stood there in the doorway face to face with her old schoolmate. She had debated for what felt like hours before opening up the door to him. He obviously wasn't going to use magic to open the door. Either one, he cared too much about what the muggles might see or two, he knew he couldn't get through her wards. Hermione wanted to think it was the latter. She didn't think long on the subject however. Something else occupied her mind about the wizard in front of her.

He had become devilishly handsome, if Hermione was willing to admit to that in her head. She did not notice Malfoy deep in his own assessment of the woman before him because she too was in her own thoughts about him. He had certainly grown taller than in his teenage years. The articles in the paper did him no justice, then again neither did the ones of her. At least that is what Draco was thinking as his eyes roamed over the witch standing the doorway. It was precisely when he looked up at her brown eyes did he realize that she too was giving him a once over as well.

Draco cleared his throat, causing Hermione's eyes to snap up to meet his. "Good Afternoon Miss Granger. I am here to speak..."

"I know what you have come here for Mr. Malfoy. I will tell you the same thing that I already told Mr. Montague over there," she nodded to him standing in the back of Draco, "that I will not be selling."

"You see I cannot accept that answer. That is why I have come seeing that my associate," he turned to look at Graham, "was unable to complete his task. As they say, if you want something done you should do it yourself. Therefore I am here."

Yes, Draco Malfoy was there in front of her. Crisp white shirt with a green tie and a muggle suit that apparently looked better on him than any other man she had seen in the Muggle world. His eyes looked deep and thoughtful. Though he sported a scowl towards his associate, the immediate smirk that he graced Hermione with made her realize the sheer arrogance of Draco had remained the same as it did from their school years.

"You wasted your time. My answer is the same."

"Well, my offer is not."

"Excuse me," I looked at him incredulously.

"I will pay five times the original offer," Draco stated. Just as Hermione opened her mouth to protest, he spoke, "In both muggle pounds and wizarding galleons."

"Like you could afford…"

"I can and believe me," he took a step forward, causing Hermione to press her back against the door. "I will buy this building from you, Miss Granger."

Hermione confused by the sudden warmth that Draco was creating by being too close, began to open the door. She had just got inside and turned to shut him down but Draco's foot and arm shot out to catch it.

"Just what do you think you're..."

She stopped when she noticed that he had pushed the door open so as to stand completely in her doorway. She couldn't speak, she couldn't act. She'd thought he was attractive once but of course she'd never admit that to anyone. And standing in front of him made her aware of her current romantic situation. Loneliness was a cruel companion. It made people like Draco Malfoy appear breathtaking.

His eyes quickly assessed her appearance, starting from her face, down her body and then shot back up to her eyes.

"I need this building," his masculine voice sounded and his eyes penetrated her.

"And I told you my answer is no," Hermione replied softly.

Again he critiqued her, taking his time to gaze fondly over her feminine features. Draco Malfoy had to admit that there in front of him was a woman. True, there were still some qualities he would change but the little Miss-Know-It-All had certainly grown up. She was anything but little right now. If Draco were being honest with himself he had found her intriguing and alluring before during their teenage years. But now he was enticed, ensnared and thrown off his mental game. Hermione Granger had stunned him without even using a spell.

Meanwhile, Hermione had been in her own thoughts. Watching Draco's eyes consider her made her blush something furious. She knew that many of her schoolmates did not find her appealing, even after Viktor Krum, world famous Quidditch player had taken an interest in her. But here was Draco Malfoy, provocatively looking her over.

Heat crept up her body, tingling from her toes to her head. And she knew it had nothing to do with the warm air but rather everything to do with this man and his intense focus on her. She found herself unwilling to move away.

Draco licked his lips as he saw Hermione's eyes linger on him. "Name your price, Miss Granger," he said in a low tone taking another step closer to her. "Everyone has one and believe me when I say that I'm very good at find out what that price is," he whispered as he finally stood in her personal space, "very good."

One side of his mouth turned up into an arrogant smirk when he heard Hermione melt with a sigh.

Unfortunately for Draco, the appearance may have changed slightly but the personality remained the same. And Hermione Granger was no sucker for a handsome face with promising words and lingering gazes. She had seen enough of it from her horrid ex.

"Not everyone, Mr. Malfoy. Not me," she stood taller. "Now remove your bloody foot or I'll remove it for you."

He hesitated at first and then did as she asked. Just as Hermione reached once more to close the door, he spoke up.

"What is the story behind this place?"

"I beg your pardon?"

"There must be a reason why you're not selling," Draco explained. "You've been living in Muggle London for the last six months. Three of those months the bookstore has been under your ownership, yet you haven't opened it, hired any staff or sold any of the books in there either," he motioned inside as Hermione turned to look back in the store. "Why are you keeping this place?"

"What does it matter to you," she faced him again.

"I want this building. You know I want it. I have purchased every other building in Triangle Row and you own the last piece of this puzzle. Unfortunately, you're holding out on me. There has got to be a reason why."

She stared at him for a brief moment until all her Gryffindor courage had been mustered. She was tired of being bullied. She had been dominated by her ex, chased down by dark wizards, criticized from her birth about who she was and what she could do.

Seeing Draco Malfoy stand in front of her demanding that she sell or worst explain to him her situation, she could take it no more. For a brief moment she believed her father and wanted nothing more to do with the Magical world.

Perhaps that was going a bit extreme. So instead Hermione settled for wanting nothing more to do with Draco Malfoy and any of his business associates.

"If you come back here again," she snarled at him, "there will be no potion, no cure to heal you from the spell that I will curse you with. Now, Mr. Ferret, will you take that snake with you," Hermione nodded to Graham, "and get your bloody arse away from my building before I call the authorities, wizard and muggle alike!"

"Do you know who you're speaking to, Miss Granger? I am Draco Malfoy," he took a step back and slowly walked down the stairs, straightening his tie. "And a Malfoy always gets what he wants. It's just a matter of time before you sell and I will be right there to take it."

Hermione took a step back and without her wand, sealed the door shut. The loud action caused Draco to jump in shock. He was both alarmed and interested in that spirit. It was a spirit he thought would have died out over the years and through age. Apparently she remained just as unyielding as she did when she pointed a wand at him on numerous occasions. He knew Hermione could get physically violent. But it was her wand and more importantly her mind that he was afraid of. He knew that she meant every single word that she said. Unfortunately for her, so did Draco.

"Now what do we do," Graham asked. "I don't want to deal with the bloody police."

He didn't want to deal with the Police either. They were more complicated than the Aurors, especially when it came to any business transactions that he had gone through. The first couple years his name had been all over the 'telly' , that box that he and his associates had even got intrigued by. The Prophet was one thing but this form of news was something entirely different and he didn't like it.

"We'll wait it out," Draco sighed as he walked hurriedly away from the building. His encounter with Granger leaving him a tad aroused. He had a desire to see her again that he didn't think he would have.

"But she said..."

"I know what she said," he yelled. "That was only her response for today," Draco looked back at the window to see Hermione close the blinds. "She'll give in. They always do."

She tried desperately to regain her balance. It had been five years since she had seen Draco Malfoy. The memory of standing in front of the Ministry, seeing him pale beyond belief awaiting their punishment was not the same man that stood before her this late afternoon. He was close and she was lonely. Quickly she shook her head. That could be the only reason for her body's reaction to his presence.

At that precise moment her orange tabby cat decided to walk down the stairs, probably observing the commotion that his owner had undergone. It was a gift from the Weasley's for her twentieth birthday. She named him 'Weasley'. How she missed them, she thought with a sigh as the cat sauntered over and rubbed himself against his owner's legs. She did not want another kneazle, another memory of Crookshanks and what she left behind.

Her father had been surprised as well to see Hermione with a non-magical pet.

"Yet another reason why I should leave that all behind, right Dad," Hermione muttered as she picked up the feline and walked farther into the shop.

Once she was settled with a book in hand and a cup of coffee on the table, Weasley had yawned, stretched and then lain down next to her feet on the floor. He adjusted well to living in Hermione's grandmother's home instead of where she had previously kept the cat. Her former boyfriend did not like the animal or the name. It was demeaning, according to him.

Of course is thoughts of her past relationship had not haunted her it was the nagging insistence of one arrogant wizard, Draco Malfoy. Unable to concentrate fully on the book, she let it slide from her lap.

What would Draco Malfoy want with a Muggle bookstore on a Muggle street where Muggles resided? He obviously wanted all nine buildings in Triangle Row for a reason. By not giving him what was rightful hers', Hermione was throwing a wrench in his plans.

The floorboards above creaked causing both cat and owner to look up. Hermione's heart pounded like crazy as her eyes narrowed at the rooftop. Was it Malfoy trying to get into the building? Perhaps it was just the birds that landed there to roost for the night. Perhaps it was just the age of the building beginning to show. Or maybe it was her domineering ex sneaking around waiting for Hermione to sleep and then he would make his move.

She glanced over at her wand that was nearby and checked the wards one last time. She had walked out of the apartment that they shared and come to live here with her grandmother after he had done a number on her. He knew nothing of her Muggle family, believing that they had all died in the war. So naturally he would not know about her inheriting this building unless Draco Malfoy and the other business associates over at Zabini and Parkinson had made the information available. Something told Hermione that he did not take rejection well and so the news of being repeatedly shut down would not be made public knowledge. They valued their pride far too much to let it slip that the brightest witch of their age had denied them what they so desperately wanted.

Yet, she could not relax. Hermione quickly looked into her room, the bathroom and even peered once more downstairs at the bookstore to ensure that she was alone. She crawled into bed and tried to stop shaking. The nightmares of her being on the run had stopped when she began dating him. But after his cruelty, they had begun and come to her with double the force.

Godric, how she hated him more than anything. She wanted to be free. And free was what she found in Muggle London on Triangle Row with her grandmother. And though she was physically free, mentally she was still imprisoned. Seeing Draco Malfoy had reminded her why she had left the wizarding world. He wanted the reason why she was here? Why was she here instead of soaking up the glory that came with being one of the Golden Trio?

She could never tell him. She could never let him know. She could never give up this place, especially not to Draco Malfoy.