**Winner of Funniest Comedy in the TMNT Universal Fanfiction Competition 2016**

*Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise.

*Special Note: The amazing cover art for this story was provided by my incredibly talented and awesome friend, Flaux.

*Author's Notes: I am excited to share the first chapter of my new story, 'Mikey's Worst Move Ever,' with you. This is a humorous short story that I've been writing on the side when I need a little break from my other much more serious works. I really, really hope you enjoy it. Please favorite/follow/review this story if you want me to continue with it. Feedback would be greatly appreciated.

*For all of my 'You're Needed Here Now, Donnie' fans out there, do not fret. I will still do my best to post a new 'YNHND' chapter each week. I promise I won't just leave the story at that last cliffhanger ending . . . ;)

Chapter 1 – Mikey's Confession

Fifteen-year-old Hamato Michelangelo sprinted through the open entrance of his immediate older brother's laboratory, instantly closing the thick, metal doors behind him and leaning into them as if the fate of the entire universe depended on him holding those doors shut. He planted his oversized feet firmly into the concrete floor and pushed against the doors with all of his might, calling upon his every last ounce of strength to keep the entrance secured with his shell. He even used all six of his toes for added leverage. He was leaning so heavily into the doors, he wasn't sure if his carapace could hold up to all of the pressure that he was putting on it. He was also starting to get a little worried that he might accidentally bust the doors down with his sheer awesomeness.

Oh man! D would so totally freak out if I broke his doors . . .

As if on cue, Mikey's brother, Donatello, poked his head out from behind his computer monitor. He only did so for a second or two – just to assess the situation – before ducking back behind his screen and returning his gaze to what he had been working on prior to his younger brother's melodramatic entrance.

It wasn't that Donatello didn't care that his baby brother was clearly upset about something. He cared about Mikey more than anything. He really did. It was just that Donnie was about ninety-nine percent certain that Mikey was just overreacting about some inconsequential thing, yet again. This had been Mikey's third hysterical visit to the lab today and it was only eleven-thirty in the morning. Mikey's first visit had been him panicking about the light in the refrigerator burning out. His second frantic visit had been because he had broken an arm off of one of his action figures. While they had both been relatively easy fixes for Donnie, the lair's resident handyman – or 'handyturtle' to be more accurate – Mikey had made these trivial things seem like they were ridiculously monumental. He had acted as though the world was coming to an end, all because he couldn't see where his Hungry Jorge Super Macho Burrito was and he couldn't play with his stupid Chris Bradford doll.

This is why young children should never be left unsupervised . . . Donnie thought wryly.

"Uh, you do realize those are sliding doors you're leaning against, right?" Came Donnie's slightly condescending voice.

Glancing towards Donnie, Mikey's face wrinkled up in confusion, as though he hadn't understood a single word that had just come out his big brother's mouth.

This was not an uncommon expression or occurrence from the youngest turtle, much to Donnie's irritation.

"Mikey, if you're trying to keep Raph out, leaning on sliding doors isn't going to do you any good. Why don't you try locking the doors?" Donnie asked, trying to keep the annoyance in his voice to a minimum. This wasn't the first time he had had to explain the concept of sliding doors to his younger sibling.

Slowly processing what Donnie had said, Mikey turned and studied the doors for a moment. When Donnie's words finally clicked in his head, Mikey let out an embarrassed little giggle and proceeded to lock the doors just as his genius brother had suggested.

With barricading the doors off of his to-do list, Mikey then spun around back towards Donnie and his eyes were wide with panic, alerting the purple-banded turtle that there was more to this situation than just hiding from Raph.

Here we go again . . . Donnie thought, trying and failing not to roll his eyes.

"Donnie! You gotta help me!" Mikey exclaimed, rushing over to Donnie's desk and bouncing around like the floor underneath his feet was scalding hot.

"I think 'gotta' is a strong word . . . " Donnie said, not tearing his eyes away from his current project.

Mikey didn't let his older brother's obvious lack of interest discourage him any. He just went right on with what he had to say without missing a beat.

"I was in Raph's room, returning one of his comic books that I had borrowed – " Mikey started, but his older brother cut him off midsentence.

"And by 'borrowed' you mean that you snuck into Raph's room without permission and took something, right?" Donnie asked in a somewhat patronizing tone that was ultimately lost on Mikey. The youngest brother was too busy having his mind blown over Donnie's insane ability to read his thoughts. Mikey's big, blue eyes boggled with amazement as he gazed down at his older brother in awe. Donnie hadn't even been there in Raph's room, but yet he knew exactly what had happened.

Man! It's like D's psychotic or something . . . Mikey thought to himself. Had he said what he had been thinking aloud, Donnie would have promptly pointed out that the word he had been looking for was 'psychic.' As it was, Mikey remained blissfully ignorant, believing that his big brother was psychotic.

In the recesses of Mikey's brain, he was thinking back to a time when he and Donnie had been bored out of their shells while spying on some building for some dude to come out because Leo had insisted they needed to. Mikey, for the life of him, couldn't remember why they had been there in the first place, but he did remember being mesmerized over his brainiac brother's ability to read his mind that night, too.

"Okay . . . I'm thinkin' of something green. Grrr-eeen-ah. Grrr-eeee-een."

"Is it Raphael again?"

"Man! You're good at this!"

Chills drifted up and down Mikey's spine when he thought about his brother's uncanny gift. He wondered what else the genius knew about him that he hadn't told him about. Like who had actually stuck that quarter in the VCR . . . Or maybe even who had really snapped the antennae off of the TV last week.

"Dude, how do you know this stuff? It's like you're picking my brain!" Mikey exclaimed incredulously.

"Oh, now there's a frightening thought," Donnie quipped with a smirk.

"So, as I was saying . . . When I was in Raph's room bringing back that comic book that I was talking about, I kind of sort of saw something else that caught my eye," Mikey said, purposely leaving the sentence hanging for interpretation. He figured that his 'psychotic' brother probably already knew what he was going to say anyway, so he didn't see the need to finish the thought.

"And by 'kind of sort of saw something else' you mean you stole something of Raph's that didn't belong to you?" Donnie asked flatly.

"Okay . . . Now that's just creepy, dude! Get out of my head!" Mikey cried out, covering his ear slits with his hands as if to shield his noggin from his older brother's invisible mind probes.

"So, let me guess . . . You either broke the item you stole, or, you lost it. Hence, the reason you're trying to enlist my help," Donnie said wearily as he peered up at his baby brother from over the top of his computer monitor and waited for his response.

"Dude! What the heck? You're freakin' me out! Are you spying on me?" Mikey shrieked, struck by a sudden onset of paranoia.

"Yeah, Mikey . . . You got me. I set up cameras all over the lair so that I can sit around all day and spy on you guys, because I have nothing else better to do with my time. That's really what I've been doing in my lab all these years," Donnie said and his every word dripped with sarcasm. Sarcasm that went straight over his younger brother's bald head.

"Really?" Mikey asked and his eyes nearly doubled in size over the shock.

This time, Donnie didn't even bother to try to stop himself from rolling his eyes skyward. He even added a facepalm and a head shake to the mix just to better demonstrate his exasperation with the conversation. To say that his little brother was gullible would have been a severe understatement. It had taken Donnie ten-plus years to convince Mikey that the moon wasn't made of Gouda cheese after Raph had convinced the youngest otherwise.

"No, Mikey. I'm not spying on you," Donnie stated, hoping that it wouldn't take another ten years to convince his younger brother that he wasn't, in fact, spying on them. He really needed to be more careful about what he said around his most impressionable brother.

Mikey nodded in response, but the look on his face told Donnie that he hadn't been entirely persuaded.

Great! Now he's going to tear the whole lair apart in search of hidden cameras. Just like he did when he thought we were being invaded by gremlins . . . Donnie thought disdainfully.

"Seriously, Mikey. It was just a lucky guess. So which one is it?" Donnie asked, intentionally attempting to change the subject matter.

"Which one is what?" The youngest turtle asked, scrunching up his face once again, visibly baffled by the latest question his older brother had posed.

Donnie sighed audibly. Sometimes talking to Mikey was the verbal equivalent of beating one's head against a wall.

"Did you break one of Raph's things or did you lose it?" Donnie asked, this time, making sure to be much more specific with his line of inquiry.

"Oh, that . . . Well, I guess I kind of lost it," Mikey said and he nervously began to tap the tips of his forefingers together in front of him. It was a sure sign that there was more to the story than met the eye.

"Mikey . . . What aren't you telling me?" Donnie groaned, knowing full well that he wasn't going to like what he was about to hear. He didn't need to be a genius to know that his little brother had gone and done something foolish.

"Heh, heh," Mikey laughed uneasily and he rubbed the back of his neck. Yet another bad omen . . .

"Mikey!" Donnie snapped, patience gone and his project now forgotten. Mikey finally had his full, undivided attention.

"Okay, okay! The thing that I lost . . . Well, it wasn't really a thing . . . " Mikey said, staring down at the floor in shame.

"What did you do, Mikey?" Donnie barked, getting that crazy look in his eyes that he always did when he was beyond stressed.

"Fine! It was Spike! The thing that I lost . . . it was Spike!"

To be continued . . .

Author's Note: Please favorite/follow/review if you want me to keep going with this story.