A/N: So yeah, I was at the pool today with an urge to write but no urge to continue any of my other fics. (You can't complain though, considering I've updated most of them in recent days.) Anyway, so then I thought, why not steal someone else's plot and combine it with my favorite characters? It's lazy. It's stealing. And for someone as unmotivated as me, it's absolutely genius. So yeah, I've thrown our lovely D. Gray-Man characters onto an uncharted island! Will they survive? Will they kill each other? Will they eat each other alive? With this authoress even continue the story?

(Actually, I'm just kidding. This is written for fun, so it's not completely realistic.)

I was originally going to write a really long first chapter, but then recalled that prologues existed for a reason. So yeah, as much as I love this idea, I'd hate to go all out only to find that no one is actually reading this. So enjoy, and let me know if you'd like to read more!(:

Disclaimer: There are no words to describe my sadness. Please, do forgive me.


—3rd Person POV—


In an attempt to drown out the conversations of his rowdy classmates, Allen rammed his headphones in, sinking lower into his seat. He'd only been attending this lousy school for a few months, but because of the Ecology class he'd mindlessly signed up for, he was required to attend the class trip to some eco-camping adventure in Micronesia (wherever that was). It'd been hell trying to raise the money to pay for the trip in addition to his master's piling debts, and what had he gotten for it? That's right, he was now crammed in a tiny airplane somewhere over the South Pacific with about eight other teenagers and a tiny brat. (Seriously, who thought it a good idea to bring along their kid brother?)

Through the blasting music, Allen heard one of his classmates (Daisya?) announce, "I-I think I'm losing it…" Stumbling to his feet, head crouched down to keep it from slamming into the roof, Daisya leaned over to the girl sitting in front of Allen and pretended to puke on her, spraying her with water from his water bottle.

Predictably, she shrieked. "Ahhh! Daisya, you are so gross!" Lala shouted, rolling up her magazine and smacking him away. But Daisya, along with their classmates, only burst into laughter as he proceeded to dart down the aisle, squirting them all with water.

Rolling his eyes, Allen diverted his attention back to the window, observing the vicious rainwater slamming against the glass. Around him, his classmates continued to laugh and joke around, dousing each other with their water bottles. A small part of him yearned to join in, but he knew Cross would probably drag him off to some other part of the world, and he'd never see them again. Soon enough, they'd all be a distant memory. Just like every other school he'd ever attended.

Suddenly, the plane gave a nasty jerk, causing them to stumble.

Shouldering open the door that separated them, the pilot shouted, "Buckle up, now!"

In quick succession, everyone was back in their seats, clasping on their seatbelts.

"Is that the engine?! Did it break? Can we fly with one engine?" Lenalee demanded, turning her frantic eyes towards the rest.

"I don't know, Lenalee, maybe if it doesn't get worse?" Lavi answered, eyes glued towards the window. But nothing could be seen through the torrent.

Lightning struck once more.

Allen's hands gripped the handles of his seat, becoming white with strain as he underwent the breathless sensation of falling. The plane was descending, and quickly. Amidst the chaos of shrieks and thunder, he could hear the pilot shouting for mayday into his radio. Everyone else around him clasped each other's hands, prayers being murmured underneath their breaths, but Allen could only focus on the fear threatening to swallow him up.

"Hold on tight!" the pilot commanded, "It's going to be a rough landing!"

Land?! Where the hell are we going to land?! There's only ocean beneath us! That's what Allen wanted to shout back, but already they were dropping quite steeply. Clenching his eyes shut, Allen prepared himself to meet a watery grave, but then, with a mighty crash, the airplane came to an immediate halt.

Shocked to silence, Allen and his classmates exchanged wide-eyed glances, wondering if they'd just dreamt the whole incident. But no. They were on firm, solid ground.

Lala was the first to break the silence. "A-are we dead?" she wondered, voice shaky.

Quite callously, Daisya pinched her. "I guess not!" he chuckled, fairly boggle minded, not even reacting when Lala smacked him in the shoulder for pinching her.

Behind Allen, Chomesuke fuzzed over her younger, adoptive brother. "Are you okay?" she demanded, hands frantically patting him down.

"Uh, all things considered," Timothy replied, voice dazed, "I'm awesome."

Shaking himself out of his own daze, Allen leaned forward, listening to the pilot's calls on the radio. But it appeared he was not receiving any replies. "Slight change of plans, kids," the pilot stated, turning his gaze towards them, expression equally apprehensive.

A/N: So yeah, an old cliche meets our favorite characters!(: And yes, of course this is based off something I watched. Can you guess it? And no, it's not Lost. No weird, mist demons to be found on this island! Actually, don't quote me on that. I only watched a chunk of the first season, so I honestly don't even know what happened, just that there was apparently something weird about the island. (My prediction had been dinosaurs, lol.)

Anyway, review to let me know what you think and if you'd like to see this continued!(: