Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or Death Note.

Beta'd by HoldTheLineDon'tLookBack

Summary: Yamamura Hiroshi has been telling lies ever since he set foot into the Yagami household; lies about his past, lies about his family, and most of all, lies about himself. How long can he keep up this ruse without forgetting who he once was. Or without spiraling into a symphony of chaos. Dark!Harry Creature!Harry

Warning: Mature themes up ahead

Guess My Lies

- Chapter 2 -



He doesn't trust me.

Hiroshi was currently sat in the Yagami household gazing at Yagami's eldest child who was staring back at him with a weary expression. Who can blame him? He thought. I'm barging into his family's life without warning. I'm probably going to end up taking his father's attention away from him because of the investigation and he might end up hating me for it. But did he care about what the boy thought of him? No, he did not.

Let the boy hate me. He will learn a lesson out of it; that life does not go the way you want it to.

Earlier this morning Yagami came to collect him from the hospital and brought with him new clothes that he bought since Hiroshi's clothes burnt in the fire. It consisted of blue jeans and a grey t-shirt, but that was not all Yagami did for him. He also bought him some books after he heard that he liked to read in the car ride to the house. This should have made him feel a pang of guilt for lying to him about everything because he seemed like genuinely nice man, but he did not. Instead he felt tense around him as if he was expecting Yagami to ask him more questions about what happened that night because Hiroshi knew that the investigation was still ongoing and from what he could tell he was their only witness.

"Are you ready to meet my family?" Yagami had asked in the car. He had a grin on his face as if he was excited, which was the opposite of how Hiroshi really felt.

In all honesty, he was dreading it. This was because of how he would have to hide his true appearance with a glamour for the rest of the time he stays with them. Hiroshi knew that his large magical core would be able to handle the strain of wearing a glamour for hours on end, but it did not mean that he liked it. That was not the only thing he was risking by accepting to live there, but he had to seem like a normal kid to avoid suspicion. He could never let them find out the truth.

"Yeah," Hiroshi had replied with a false smile on his face.

Now Hiroshi was in Yagami's living room with his family who were also sat around him. They were all look at him with either smiles on their faces or with untrusting eyes. The latter being the son. Though, under the attention Hiroshi did not know how to feel. He use to hate attention as Harry in his past life, but he soon learnt that being in the public eye could do a lot of good. It just depends on how you present yourself.

"Hiroshi-kun," Yagami's wife called out, snapping him out of his thoughts, "would you like something to eat?"

"I'm sorry, Yagami-san," he answered back, "but I already ate at the hospital."

Another lie.

"That's okay. But please, call me Aunt. You're a part of the family now."

"Yes, Aunt."

Truth is Hiroshi could not even eat human food if he wanted to. This was because of the side effect that it had on his body, he would start to get sick and his immune system would weaken, so he had to make sure to have a few pounds of raw meat every four mouths to stop this from happening if he did eat their food. This was all because he was not human. He was something greater.

"Light, Sayu, why don't you play with Hiroshi-kun for a while?" Asked Yagami. "I bought some new toys."

Sayu's face brighten at the word toys, however she was hesitant to let go of her mother who she was clutching tightly onto. Light on the other hand nodded at his father's request and proceeded to get up out of his seat then walk over to Hiroshi.

"We can play in my room," Light said politely with a smile on his face, although his eyes showed something completely different.

He's hiding how he really feels about me. Hiroshi scoffed quietly. Does he think that I'm going to take away his parent's affections? That can't be it. Hmmm, maybe I should play a little game?

Hiroshi agreed in spite of Light's hidden feelings for him and began to follow him upstairs. Sayu decided not to join them, as she looked to be still attached to her mother. When they were in his room, Light turned to close the door so it was just him and Hiroshi.

"So what do you want to play?" Hiroshi asked in a neutral tone, but he was truthfully giggling on the inside.

Is he going to show his true face now that we are away from his parents? Hiroshi hoped he would.

"Hiroshi," Light suddenly said after a few seconds of silence. "Is it true?"


"Is what true?" Hiroshi questioned, confused.

"Is it true that a bad man killed your mum and dad?"

Hiroshi's eye's narrowed.

"How do you know about that?"

"I heard my dad and mum talking about it by one day," he answered.

"Yes," Hiroshi said, "it's true."

There was no point in hiding this information since Light already knew it.

Within seconds a readable emotion flashed across Light's face as he clenched his fists. It was hatred.

Hiroshi smiled a little. Now why show hatred?

Staring deep into Light's eyes, Hiroshi could feel his thoughts flow through his mind.

He deserves to die. Dad will find him.

Hiroshi's smile grew wider.

"Who deserves to die, Light?" He whispered softly.

Light froze.

"H-How did you kno-"

"Just answer the question," Hiroshi interrupted.

This is gold. What kind of 5 year old thinks about killing? Well, other than me.

"Isn't it obvious? The criminal," Light said boldly. "All criminals deserve to die."

Hiroshi could not stop himself and began to laugh, taking Light off guard.

If only he knew the truth.

"W-Why are you laughing?" Light said sounding a little freaked out.

When Hiroshi was finally able to catch his breath and stop himself him from cackling, he exclaimed, "The world is not like that, Light. The world will never be like that."

"What do you mean? Tell me!" Light demanded.

"If you want to make that dream come true and kill all criminals," Hiroshi started to explain, "You'll need something more than words. You need... to become a God."

Light's eyes widen in shock.

"Don't you want to get rid of criminals, Light?"

This means getting rid of me, too, but let's see if he can try.

Hiroshi walked over to Light and placed a hand on his shoulder. From this distance Hiroshi could see and feel Light trembling in fear of what he just said.

Hiroshi's grip tighten. "Let me show you the way."


Evening had now come, and Hiroshi was being taken by Yagami to the police station to answer more questions about the night his father died. Hiroshi knew that the police were getting nowhere in their investigations and this would cause them to re-evaluate every piece of evidence and witness testimony to find out the truth, but that was never going to happen. Instead they were going to fail and Hiroshi will make sure it happens.

"Now Hiroshi-kun, remember that you don't have to answer any questions that you don't want to," Yagami said while they were both walking through the entrance to the main corridor.

"I know, Uncle."

Why is he telling this again? Does he think that I have forgotten? Or maybe it's because I'm a child that he thinks that I have short term memory.

"However, if we say something that makes your remember anything else about that night, tell us."

"Yes, Uncle."

"Also if we say anything that triggers a bad memory, tell us to stop."


"Good. Glad you understand."

Hiroshi observed that they were walking towards what seemed like an interviewing room on the third floor and guessed that it was most likely that this time the interview would be filmed as it would be viewed as unethical to keep bring back a child to remember a 'traumatic' event to help forward their investigations. So what he said had to be carefully constructed as to not give away any real details of that night. He must not fall for any of their questions, but being a child had its perks. This would allow him to not be viewed as a suspect and that is what Hiroshi wanted.

When they reached the room waiting outside was Kinoshita who appeared to be wearing the same clothes as yesterday. Even though he tried to seem presentable it looked like he has not slept all last night.

"Yagami," he called out while peering down at Hiroshi, "is he ready?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Good. It's time."

Kinoshita opened the door and they all stepped through.

The interviewing room, Hiroshi noted, was fairly dull with its grey walls and white ceiling, but the only thing that stood out was the black video camera that was on a stand across a table facing a seat. That seat was most likely were Hiroshi would be sitting. There were two chairs on the opposite side near the camera, but that was not the only thing. There was also a large mirror on the wall and Hiroshi could sense people behind it.

This intrigued Hiroshi. He knew that there would be other people working on this case as his father was a policeman, but Hiroshi felt the presence of five people behind the mirror, which made him wonder why there were so many people. They should be working the other case that is gripping the media's attention instead of his father's death. It was the reason why reporters have not come after him.

"Hiroshi-kun, please sit on the seat facing the camera," Kinoshita said, his voice sounding worn out as if he was exhausted.

Hiroshi did what he was told and sat on the seat. Yagami and Kinoshita sat opposite him, but first Kinoshita went to turn on the camera.

"The date is the 27th March 1991 and the time is 3:25PM," Kinoshita announced aloud for the camera. "I am Senior Detective Kinoshita Jirou and the man sitting next to me is Detective Yagami Soichiro. We are interviewing Yamamura Hiroshi, the son of the victims Yamamura Hayate and Yamamura Reiko. Now Hiroshi-kun, what can you tell us about that night?"

Hiroshi began to tell his story again, but this time taking pauses to make it seem like he was thinking about what to say like a normal person would. He made sure to look upset and not get carried away when answering the question. After he was done, Kinoshita took a glance at Yagami who nodded.

"Hiroshi-kun, we are now going to ask you a set of question to do with your parents before they died. Okay?" Kinoshita said, his voice was no longer tired but fully awake and serious.

"Okay," he replied.

"Had your parents ever come across anyone suspicious? For example, anyone that may have acted weird towards them?"

Hiroshi stayed quiet for a while pretending to think it over.

"No, I don't think so, but…"

Hiroshi made himself go silent to heighten their attention.

"But what?" Yagami asked.

Hiroshi acted the part of an uncomfortable child that was being scrutinized under their stares.

"Umm, I remember that one day mum came home from work saying that she was having trouble with her boss. She said that she did not like working with him, but had to if she wanted a record deal for her music."

This was not a lie. For once he was telling the truth. His mother hated working with her boss because he gave her a hard time. He would try and make her sell her music to other popular artists to gain more money. But that was not all he did.

Kinoshita looked at him with an unreadable emotion across his face. "Her boss died from an unknown cause of death a month before your mother died, did he not?"

"I don't know. Mum would not tell me, she thought that it was best for a child not to know these things," Hiroshi explained.

"But why would she do that? It was not like you had come into contact with him, Hiroshi-kun," Kinoshita inquired.

The "Or did you?" went unsaid, but Hiroshi heard it loud and clear.


"I had met him a few times," Hiroshi began truthfully, "and instantly disliked him. This was because he would try and convince my mum to sell the rights of her songs. But it was not just that he would sexually harass her."

Yagami looked at him in surprise. "Sexually harass your mum? What do you mean by that?"

"He would make lewd comments about her figure whenever mum was around him and make unwanted sexual advances."

"Did your father know?" Kinoshita asked.

"No. Mum said that she would find a way to deal with it herself, but she was not able to. The man died before she could confront him."

After all, he was the first man I've killed because of what he planned to do.


The rest of the interview went on for about an hour and thirty minutes and during that time Hiroshi falsely answered the questions that he was asked. They weren't easy questions, but Hiroshi was able to respond to them convincingly. Though, he was now left to twiddling his thumbs in a waiting room while Yagami was in a meeting, but thankfully Hiroshi placed a listening charm on him this morning in case something like this happened.

Activating the charm, Hiroshi eavesdropped on the conversation that Yagami seemed to be having with other detectives. They were most likely the ones that were watching from behind the mirror. This made Hiroshi wonder how important this case was to the police as he could feel the auras of about 20 detectives in one room were Yagami was.

Shouldn't they be working on the other case? The one that the public is going mad for? Unless...

Hiroshi's eyes widened.

Could they have made the connection?!

No, they could not. It was impossible. Hiroshi made sure that there was no evidence left around for a detective to make a connection between cases. But what if he made a mistake? What if this mistake allowed for the police to make the connection? Will they find out the truth that he tried so hard to hide?

Stop! He shouted in his head. I must not think like that! If I do that then I lose and I can't afford to lose. Not now. Not ever.

Taking a deep breath, Hiroshi started to get rid of those thoughts.

I must think rationally and calmly, he told himself. That's the only way I'll win this game.

Yes, this was all a game to Hiroshi. A game of deception and murder to win his freedom. And to get it he was willing to sacrifice all, even his new family. This is the price that must be paid.

Turning his thoughts back to Yagami, Hiroshi heard the noise in the room suddenly die down which caught his attention. The only sound was of one pair of footsteps which echoed across the room. Then it sudden stopped and a voice filled the room.

"Policemen!" The deep voice announced. A voice Hiroshi knew. "Thank you for coming. As you have heard on the news by now there has been another murder victim by the serial killer The Ripper one month ago. This has caused a cry of outrage across japan as this is the tenth killing we know of so far. There could be more. But we will bring an end to these killings. We have Japan's best policemen gathered in one room today. By working together, we will be able to catch this ruthless killer and bring him to justice, but first we must re-examine the evidence."

So they are not taking about my father, but the other case.

Hiroshi gave a sign of relief. He was worried for no reason. They would have never been able to find out the truth. He went through great lengths to hide it and it would not all be for nothing. He knew what he had to do now.

"The first victim's identity is unknown," the voice said aloud, or shall Hiroshi say Kinoshita said, "But through the uses of the bone structure forensic investigators were able to figure out the victim's gender. It was a man. He was buried in a forest not far from here and by the way the body decomposed, we were able to estimate that the body was buried for less than ten years. The reason we were able to link him to the other murders is because of the marking on his ribs. He was stabbed in the heart, but with a custom made dagger used in the other murders."

Hiroshi already knew this information. The whole of Japan did. The news would always talk about the first victim in hopes of finding out whom he is, but it did not work. No one came forward to identify the victim, so he was left nameless. It was pretty sad if he thought about it.

"But the reason the killer was named The Ripper is evident through the fifth victim. A woman called Akane was killed in an alleyway in Tokyo two years ago. She was stabbed like the first victim, but this time the heart was gouged out while the flesh was ripped out. Now no one knows what happened with this flesh and the heart, but theories have been created saying that the killer either keeps them as trophies or, the more disturbing theory, the killer eats them. This is the same for the other victims. However..."

Kinoshita went silent for a few seconds. There was tension in the air as the people in the room were hooked on his every word. Then he said, "There is one more victim that no one knows about."

One more victim? Wait, could it be?

"This victim's husband tragically died in a fire a week ago."

No! Hiroshi shouted in his head. Stop!

"Her name..."

Stop him! Someone shut him up!

"...is Yamamura Reiko."

AN: I should explain again that Hiroshi is on no ones side other than his own. I've also change the rating from T to M because of the mature themes.

Please let me know what you thought of this chapter.