Author's Note: Hello and welcome! So I made a few minor changes to this story and I have to warn those that are faint of heart to proceed at your own risk because it will be angst-ridden. Oops... Anywho, I hope you enjoy this story that is heavily inspired by Beyonce's Sandacastles song.


The beginning of the End?

The pain... intense and burning inside of her chest left her wounded on the floor of her closet as she held onto the broken remnants of her heart. This was heartbreak in its purest form. The quiet moments when their hearts synchronized and played the same beautiful melody seemed so fabricated now. The heartfelt 'I love you's' materialized into an intonation without much value. She doesn't care that her makeup is a mess and her nose is running, even the disheveled designer clothes she wore couldn't get more than a second thought of consideration. Her mind kept replaying his words over and over "I'm sorry, Livvie. It was just one time and I'm so, so sorry. This was not supposed to happen but we were on the outs and… I was weak… it was just one time and I'm sorry." The look on his face was one of devastation as he confessed his sins to his girlfriend of five years. His blue eyes had filled to the brim with tears, as he looked up at her crestfallen face from his kneeled position in front of her.

The past and the future merged to meet them there

Although his confession had been shocking her intuition had been ringing alarms for the past few weeks; his normal jovial personality turned one closely resembling stooge. The petty fights started and the longer hugs he would give before they both left for work in the morning should've told her everything but like most women in love, she chose to ignore the inner alarm system designed by God to alert her of impending trouble. But she couldn't ignore it any longer when she was faced with cold, hard realism.

The past and future merged to meet them there

A deep soul-shattering, ear-piercing cry escaped her lips; the numbness from the pain slowly took over her entire being, as she rocked herself in the fetal position. An hour earlier, she was so heated with anger that her hand didn't hesitate to slap his face when he disclosed his failures. What happened after, were minutes of screaming and cussing and more slapping as she told him where to carry his apology. When that didn't produce the outcome she was looking for she began grabbing pictures and ornamental figurines that decorated their modern chic penthouse.

Dishes smashed on my counter from our last encounter

Pictures snatched out the frame

He had gotten the message loud and clear when he'd taken cover behind the half wall separating their foyer from their living room. "Get the fuck out! Get the fuck out!" she screamed until her voice cracked under the strain. Her exterior had begun to break while he stood there with the pain marring his handsome face. She wanted him gone before a single tear could fall onto her high cheekbones. She wanted him gone for she didn't trust herself not to comfort him. She hated herself for even thinking of putting him first in the midst of her brokenness. Pain caused by him! What was it about him that she couldn't erase? Broken eyes regarded the man who was supposed to be hers and hers alone. How could he have betrayed her by giving himself to another? The betrayal had cut so deep that she felt her soul splitting. His incessant atonements and recompenses did nothing to remove the elephant-sized weight pressing down upon her chest. Looking at him with fiery eyes and a frantically beating heart she had made her exit out of the living room – she had had enough of his pleas – and dashed straight to their shared master bedroom – sure to lock the door after she was securely in. The large room did little to provide comfort to her as her eyes pocketed the familiar space that they'd share for the last three and a half years. The penthouse had been sort of a marriage ceremony between them when they purchased it together. Although they didn't believe in marriage they were perfectly fine with cohabitation. For most of their shared time living it had been great right up until a few months ago when their schedules had become increasingly busy and the pressure of their various professions took a lot from them, which wasn't odd, but for some reason, this time was different. There were some communication issues they had left unsolved for too long but she thought it would be fixed, eventually... As soon as things got slow again they were going to fix it. They were fixable. That was her thought process never expecting to be cheated on… She believed that what they had would've been strong enough to withstand the incessant advances of a certain colleague.

Every promise don't work out that way

The pain intense and burning left her wounded on the floor of her closet; her heart was broken by the man she'd chosen to give it to on their second date. He'd broken his promise to love her always. Their love story was supposed to be different and uniquely them, untainted by the sins of this world. But every promise doesn't work out that way… She'd felt pain before but nothing of this magnitude. She didn't know how she could move on from this. Would her heart be strong enough to forgive or strong enough to walk away?

Show me your scars and I won't walk away

The low creak of the door to her closet startled her and she looked up to see him through hazy eyes. Of course, he'd used his keys. The tip of his nose was red and his blue eyes bleary but the message in his eyes was clear. It was seeking forgiveness. She hated herself when she saw the man she loved that she still loves there. She loathed herself even more because in that moment she realized that she wasn't strong enough to walk away.

Show me your scars and I won't walk away

His body drew close to hers and this time, she allowed him; the man that brought her pain held her and comforted her.

Every promise doesn't work out that way