Leo's 16, five foot two

Don's 16, a month younger than Leo, six foot four

Raph's 15, five foot

Mikey's 15, a month younger than Raph, 4 foot nine

Raphael sighed and stared at his laptop screen at the words he'd written. "Dear Mona." He'd been trying to write to her for the past two hours and that was all he'd written. Rubbing his face, he thought, how can I tell her that I don't think we should continue things? I know her betrayal was because she had no choice or the Triceratons would annihilate her planet, but still. It nearly cost the lives of my brothers. How do I know she won't do that again? I love her and I know we agreed ta meet up again, but I can't take that risk. I can't lose my brothers. Swallowing hard, tears running down his face, he typed, "Mona, meetin' ya has been the best thing ta happen ta me, but…"

There was a knock at the door. "Raph?" Leo called. "It's nearly dinner time."

"I'll be out in a minute, Leo."

"Hey, you okay? You've been cooped in your room ever since we got home. And you're hardly eating. I'm worried about you."

"I'm fine, Leo. I said I'd be out in a bit."

"You know I'm here for you if you…"

"I said leave me the hell alone, Leo! I'll be there in a bit! Stop the mother hen shit!"

Leo bristled and said, "You didn't have to be rude, Raph. I'm just trying to help!"


"Whatever," Leo huffed. "If you're not there in five minutes, we're starting without you."

Raphael pressed delete and wrote, "I understand the reasons for yer betrayal and ya know how I feel 'bout ya but we gotta end. Me and my brothers nearly died and I can't take the risk that ya will betray us again. Besides, who are we kiddin', we live on different planets and are two different species? How could we make things work? I can't live there and ya can't live here. I hope ya find someone better suited for ya, Mona. Raphael."

Tears streaming down his face, Raphael pressed send of the e-mail, knowing that soon Mona would read it and probably cry tears of her own, but he knew he'd done the right thing. His brothers' lives were more important than his happiness. Who knows maybe I'll meet someone else someday, Raphael thought? Huh, yeah, right. Who'd want a mutant turtle? Mona did. She loved me for who I am. Shit. I gotta stop thinkin' 'bout her.

Raphael pushed back his chair and went into the kitchen, where his brothers, sans Splinter, were eating at the kitchen table. Sitting down, Raphael helped himself to macaroni cheese and tucked in. His brothers said nothing, but Leo watched him out of the corner of his eye, still worried about him. "What ya gawkin' at, Fearless?" Raphael demanded, catching him staring.

"Nothing, Raph. Hey, I was thinking. Why don't we watch a movie tonight? Mikey and Don are going to April's place. Unless you want to go with?"

"No. I just wanna be left alone."

"How's Mona, Raph?" Mikey asked. "And I'm not going out. Thought I'd stay with Leo. We haven't spent time together in ages."

"Fine," Raphael said casually.

"You haven't mentioned her lately? Have you had a fight?"

"So what? I ain't the kiss and tell kinda guy and no, we ain't fought."

"Oh, good, because she's perfect for you, Raph," Don said with a smile.

"She's not. Need I remind you, she nearly got us killed?" Leo said coolly.

"She had no choice," Don said defensively. "Did she, Raph?"

"Enough 'bout Mona, Leo!" Raphael snapped. "I know what she did. Ya don't have ta keep rubbin' it in my fuckin' face! I'm outta here." Raphael sprang to his foot and stomped out of the lair.

"Nice going, Leo," Donnie said crossly. "Now Raphie's left and who knows when he'll be home again?"

"I was only telling the truth. Raph should open his eyes and realize she's not the one for him. He deserves better than that traitor! She's not worthy of him!"

"And who is, Leo?" Don asked, gazing at him intently. "You? Come on. Me and Mikey know you like him. The only one who's oblivious is Raph and I don't know how he can be with all the signals you send. Your blatant staring at him, the way you fuss over him and the numerous times you've told him to ditch Mona. It must kill you watching him fawn over her and to know that he'll never feel the same way about you. Mona makes him happy, Leo. Back off and let them be. She promised she'll never betray us again."

"I like Raph, but I'd never ruin his happiness," Leo said, blushing.

"You'd better not or you'll have me to deal with," Don said angrily. "Mona apologized countless times, Leo, and I doubt she'll betray us again, so get any sick ideas you have about Raph out of your head! And even if he were single, he's not into guys, Leo. Least of all his brother! You and Raph are too alike and would kill one another. I'm going to get ready. Mikey, it's your turn to do the dishes."

When Don had left, Leo said, "You've been quiet, Mikey. Do you agree with Donnie?"

"Nope. Mona cooked her goose when she betrayed us and who's to say she wouldn't do it again. I've always thought you and Raph perfectly matched, Leo, and I think you'd be great for one another."

"It doesn't bother you that we're brothers?"

"No. In the wild, turtles often have their siblings for their mates. It's normal. And I don't care if you're gay. Love is love, right? I say go for it. Woo him."

"But how, Mikey? He's not into guys and he's with Mona."

Mikey rubbed his chin thoughtfully and said, "That's easy. You pretend to be a woman online, send him romantic shit and stuff and when the truth comes out he won't give a damn. He'll be too smitten with you to be mad and you'll be happy and have babies and…."

"Babies?" Raphael asked, entering the kitchen.

"Raph, you're back?" Mikey said in surprise.

"Yeah. I just needed some air. What's this 'bout babies?"

"I was just telling Leo about some cute babies I saw on TV and saying how amazing it would be if we were daddies someday."

Raphael snorted contemptuously and said, "Not gonna happen, Mikey. No one wants freaks like us. Just gonna be the four of us forever, so better get any ideas of that outta yer head."

"But you can have babies, Raphie," Mikey blurted, making Raphael glower at him. He'd sworn Mikey to secrecy and here he was revealing it. To Leo of all people. He'd never live it down. Mikey sensed his rage and said quickly, "I mean with Mona."

"Not gonna happen. Me and Mona called it quits, so guess what? I ain't gonna meet anyone else. Neither are any of ya. We're doomed ta a life with our right hand and each other!"

"I'm sorry, Raph," Leo said.

"Sure ya are. Ya've been badgerin' me ta dump her for months. Why ain't ya doin' a victory dance or somethin'?" Raphael snapped.

"Why would I, Raph? You're upset and I'm sorry you're hurting. I mean that, little bro. I didn't care for her, but I love you and I'm sorry for you."

"Hey, Raph, have you thought of dating one of us?" Mikey said. "We're all mutants, turtles. It would make sense, right?"

Raphael wrinkled his snout in disgust and snarled, "Yer my fuckin' brothers. Have ya fuckin' lost yer mind, Mikey? Why am I askin' that? Ya can't lose what ya don't have!"

"Calm down, Raph!" Leo said, getting to his feet and placing a hand on Raphael's shoulder. "It was just a question."

"A fuckin' sick one, Mikey!"

"Why? We're turtles, bro."

"And male and brothers."

"Yes, but in the wild…"

"We ain't in the fuckin' wild!"

"Why are you so riled up, Raph? Are you pissed because you're really weirded out or because you've already wondered about it?"

"FUCK YA!" Raphael screamed. "The idea of anyone of ya fuckin' me is repulsive!"

"Which of us have you thought about?" Mikey persisted.

Raphael opened his mouth to say something, then thought better of it and stormed out of the room to his and slammed the door shut. Flinging himself into his hammock, he thought furiously, Leo. Fuck ya, Mikey. Before I met Mona it was Leo I was crushin' on and how he was oblivious I don't know. I wasn't very subtle. Sensei knew it and told me ta get the idea outta my head, tellin' me he was my brother, it was wrong and he'd disown me if I pursued him. And now that I'm single again, do I do as Sensei wanted? Or do I follow my heart and pursue Leo, because despite what I said ta Mikey, I do still desire Leo and I wanna fuck him. But Leo don't want me and I might as well be chasin' the wind if I try and win his heart. He wouldn't date his brother and would also think it wrong, so I'm gonna try online datin' again. Just a long distance thing with a fake pic and all. Fantasy is better than nothin' , right?

Raphael booted up his laptop went onto a dating site he'd used in the past and then he went into the dojo to attack his punching bag, trying not to think about Leo and Mona Lisa. She hadn't even replied to his e-mail. Just shows that she didn't care 'bout me, as much as I thought she did, Raphael thought bitterly. Maybe Leo was right and I shoulda dumped her ages ago. I deserve better than a traitor. Someone like Leo, who would….No, Leo ain't ever gonna love me the way I always wanted him ta. Gotta think of other stuff. Like maybe someone will message me and they'll be what I've always wanted.


Meanwhile, in the kitchen, Mikey was talking to Leo. "Raphie was on a dating site some weeks back, Leo. He was just there to make friends."

"How do you know that?"

"I was looking for a comic and went into his room. His laptop was open on the site. Anyway, you log onto the site and create a profile and send him a message."

"I don't know, Mikey. We're lying to him."

"Trust me. Our plan will work. And Raphie will be yours. Leo, I know you're a stickler for honesty, but sometimes you have to play dirty. Come on. Do you want Raph or not?"

"Yes, but...I don't like deceiving him."

"Call it wooing him, Leo, and it'll work out. Trust me. Let's go to your room and set things up."


Inside Leo's room, they booted up his laptop, went on the dating site, created a female profile of Leo and a fake picture of a gorgeous blonde, blue eyed girl, dressed in a red summer dress and white heels. Then they went onto Raphael's profile page and studied the photo he had of a handsome, dark haired and dark eyed boy. "Can't believe Raph's user name is Alphamale15," Leo said. "Do you really think my user name of Aphrodite16 and my profile will suck him in?"

"Yes. Send him a message and I can believe it. Raph's extremely alpha. Send the message now."

"What do I say?"

"Hey there, good looking. Want to chat?"

"That's lame."

"Got a better idea?"

"Hey there."

"Now that's lame, Leo."

"Sometimes simplest is best," Leo said, and pressed send. "Now what?"

"Now you wait. I'm going to make some popcorn and watch movies. You coming?"

"Nah. I want to wait and see if I get a reply."

"Could be ages. I'll see you later."

Leo looked at his mail inbox and thought, I hope he answers.


Raphael finished pummelling his punching bag. Then he snagged a cup of hot chocolate from the kitchen and went back to his room. Mikey had still been in Leo's room at the time and Don was out, so no one was about. Staring at his profile inbox, Raphael was stunned when he saw he had a message. No way, he thought. Someone messaged me! Opening the message, he read, "Hey there."

"Hey," Raphael typed.

"How are you?" Leo wrote, seeing that Raphael was online on chat.

"Good and ya?"

"Same. I love that photo! The red jacket brings out your eyes."

"Thanks. So why did ya message me?"

"You looked cool. Am I bothering you?"

"No. Just shocked. Haven't had many messages."

"I'm surprised for such a hunk like you." Wow, Leo thought. This chatting thing is really easy. I would never have said that otherwise.

Raphael typed a smiley face and said, "Thanks. Yer really cute. I bet ya have many boys after ya."

"No. I'm only after a certain boy."


"Yes. You. I'd like to get to know you, handsome boy. I'm sorry if I sound too forward."

Raphael's heart skipped a beat. This gorgeous girl wants ta know me, he thought. Yeah, I know, not really me, but still. She wants ta talk. "I wanna know ya too."

"You single?"

"I am. Ya?"


"How old are ya?"

"Sixteen and you?"

"Fifteen. Yeah, I know we're not supposed ta be on this site. We're under age."

"I won't tell if you won't."

"Deal. What's yer real name?"

"Alexa. Yours?"

"Raphael, but my friends call me Raph."

"Like the painter?"


"Can you paint?"

"Yeah. Can draw too."

"Neat. Would you show me sometime?"

"Sure. Can ya draw or paint?"

"No. Never been good at arts and crafts."

"What are yer hobbies?"

"Reading, music, movies, hanging with my family. What about you?"

"Same. Drawin', paintin', ridin' my bike."

"You have a bike? Wow."

"Yeah. A motor bike. Built her myself with the help of one of my brothers."

"I'm impressed. I love a man who's good with his hands lol."

"Ya like ta tinker with bikes?"

"A little when I get the chance. I usually don't have time to do what I want, because I'm busy caring for my family. I'm the oldest and I have to make sure my brothers don't burn down the house lol. They can be a handful."

"How many brothers ya got?"

"Three and you?"

"Same and I'm the second youngest. What music do ya like?"

"Um, classical, some Japanese melodies."

"Wow. Really? Yer sixteen. Don't ya listen ta modern shit? Like the Killers?"

"Never heard of them. I'm an old soul. Don't really know the modern stuff."

"I can send ya stuff I like ta yer e-mail."

"I'd like that."

"Cool. What's yer pet peeve?"

"Bossy, overbearing, rude and selfish people."

"Heh. Me too. This one guy I know. Ya should meet him. He has his head up his ass most of the time. I call him Fearless leader ta tick him off."


"He presses my buttons, I press his, but it's cool. We love one other. That's our way of showin' it, I guess."

"Strange way. Why don't you just tell him you love him?"

"Nah. I ain't the kind ta say shit like that. He'd think I'm sick."

"Maybe he wants you to say it."

"So, what movies do ya like?"

"Action, drama, horror and you?"

"Pretty much the same. Favorite movie?"

"I love so many. That's hard. Hmm. The Note book."

"Chick movie."

"I'm a chick and I loved it. Really beautiful, Raphie."


"Sorry. You don't like me calling you that."

"I don't mind. Was my childhood nickname. I saw the movie, Alex, and it was sweet. Have ta admit I cried."

"You cried, Mr. Alpha?"

"Yeah. Who wouldn't? Two people findin' their soulmates is beautiful stuff. I ain't afraid admittin' I can be sensitive."

"You believe in soulmates, Raphie?"

"I never did before. Always thought it stupid and such a cliché, but now…I think there's someone for everyone out there, ya know."

"Who knows, maybe we're soulmates. I know we just met, Raphie, but I like you. You seem down to earth and normal and that's rare to find in a guy. I'm so forward. I'm probably scaring you off."

"Nah. I don't scare easily, babe, and we could be." If you like mutant turtles with scaly skin, Raphael thought sarcastically. At some point I have ta be honest and tell her who I am, but I can't right now. I like her too much. She's a fox and we're gettin' along well. "Hey, babe. What's the craziest thing ya've ever done?"

"Nothing really. I'm very shy. And you?"

"I ain't shy, well, I can be, but most of the time I'm brash and unsubtle. Deep down, I'm shy. I guess it's because I'm insecure." Holy shit. Did I just type that, Raph thought? I did. I'd never have voiced that out loud. The net makes it easier ta talk.

"Insecure why?"

"I don't feel I'm worthy ta be loved ya know, because I'm always so angry and impulsive and I do stupid things because of my rashness. Sometimes, it endangers peoples' lives. My family says they love me for who I am, but I still feel that way. I don't deserve love."

"Yes, you do, Raphie. You seem like a very nice boy. And everyone deserves love. You're very worthy and sweet and cute and I'm really enjoying our chat. I know how you feel, because I also wonder if I'm good enough or pretty enough and I spend my life trying to please others."

"Yer a hunny, Alex, and yer definitely good enough. I ain't sayin' because yer hot. Ya just sound like a cool girl I'd like ta know. The guys who don't think yer worth it are fools."

Raph and Leo spoke for a couple more hours and really enjoyed how the conversation flowed, as they learned more about one another.

With promises to talk the next day, Raphael shut down his laptop at midnight and climbed into bed, a large grin upon his face. After me and Mona split, I thought I'd never meet one else, he thought. And I knew Leo wouldn't want me, as much as I want him. But now I have Alex. Oh, wow. And she is somethin' special. Beautiful inside and out, but will she accept me for who I am when she knows the truth? I hope she does, because I got a feelin' me and her are meant ta be.