Reviews for Wooing Raphael
Gr8 one chapter 13 . 4/25/2018
This story is layered with huge put twists! Hope it continues!
Gr8 one chapter 7 . 4/25/2018
damn...that took a sharp left turn...Loved it!
MegMoo chapter 13 . 2/11/2018
Where will it go from here? Can things ever be the same again?
frikitmnt chapter 13 . 2/8/2018
esta interesante sigue asi
diezvdkolk chapter 13 . 2/8/2018
YES FINALLY! They get together. It's finally time. It was a great chapter and I still hope that Usagi leaves but hey. Can't wait for the next one
fanstmnt chapter 12 . 1/30/2018
sigue con la historia esta muy interesante
Christina chapter 12 . 1/29/2018
Poor Raphie hope he will be okay please update soon. Thanks :)
DiezSimmons chapter 12 . 1/29/2018
Just the drama I needed. Loved this chapter the most of all I think. I think Raphael's reaction couldn't be any better so that's awesome. Can't wait for the next chapter
fantmnt18 chapter 1 . 12/17/2017
sigue con la historia esta muy interesante espero que el siguiente capitulo ponga como rafael descubre que alex es leo siento curiosidad que va a pasar sobre todo la reaccion de rafael
Xahraxs chapter 11 . 12/1/2017
What of the baby they gave up? Will they get the kid back?
joel14 chapter 11 . 12/1/2017
sigue asi esta muy interesante
DiezSimmons chapter 11 . 12/1/2017
I really hope that Raphael's plan is going tot work. But I still think it is a great idea to let Casey dissapear. Or just let him run off with Ruby
MegMoo chapter 11 . 12/1/2017
This could go one of two ways: 1. Casey will proper flip out and Leo will take his side and be annoyed at Raph for interfering OR 2. Casey will proper flip first... and then he'll be excited - Ruby and him will talk and Leo and Raph will talk and all will end happily... Casey gets himself about doesn't he? lol. Very emotional update here. Great detail and insight - so glad Raph didn't hurt himself.
mikey15 chapter 10 . 11/29/2017
sigue asi esta muy interesante
DiezSimmons chapter 10 . 11/29/2017
Noooo! Why did you do that. Do not let Raph jump please. I really hate Casey he's so not Leonardo's type. Please can het just leave and bever come back. I think that is a great idea
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