The Jupiter 2 project

A crossover between Stargate Atlantis and Lost in Space

A/U version Lost in space, different beginning and timeline, same characters.

Season 2 Atlantis

The Atlantis team must unravel a mystery and discover the location of the Jupiter 2 and the rest of its crew before the wraith find out there are others that know the location of Earth.


Cheyenne mountain facility, Colorado Mountains

John Robinson did not think he would ever be here, in a military facility about to have a conversation about space travel. He ran over what he intended to say in his head a few times and admitted it sounded crazy. That almost made him turn and walk away. Only his deep seated passionate desire to get his life's dream off the ground kept him going.

"Yes sir", the stern military type in front of him had a firm grip on his gun as he eyeballed him. John made himself stand tall, proud and tried not to feel intimidated. "I am here to see General O'Neill", he stated flashing his identity card and security pass. The guards grim look did not change. John stood still under the scrutiny of the man while he confirmed that he did have a reason for being here.

'You are clear to proceed sir, an escort is waiting to take you to General O'Neill", the grim guard finally told him after making him stand in front of him for what seemed like an overly long time.

John walked a short distance down the corridor and found himself being met by more security. Two armed men walked alongside him as they continued down the corridor. He knew that parts of Cheyenne mountain were very top secret and that he was not cleared for any access to those portions of the base.

The guards were simply there to make sure he did not get too curious. Their mere presence though did prompt questions about what was really going on here.

It all looked terribly boring at the moment, just drab walls with no sign of any homely touches. Entering through a door John found himself in a conference room. This room was equally as drab and perhaps deliberately set up to make him feel like an outsider, one chair at the front of the table, then several down the other end. It almost screamed, you and them.

They are trying to put you off, he decided. Of course they don't think civilians should be messing with the space program. He was not going to be put off.

Sitting himself firmly in the head chair he waited as the table around him filled.

He had expected the military types who sat staring blankly at him, he had not expected the more familiar face of Doctor Elizabeth Weir.

He and Maureen had been to dinner with Elizabeth and her partner Simon a few times. She smiled at him reassuringly. He wondered though why she was here. Perhaps as a character witness, to prove that he could really achieve what he was about to propose.

That feeling only intersified when he saw another familiar face, Doctor Daniel Jackson. The man was a genius and he had spoken many times with him about space travel. Daniel believed it was theorectially possible to travel to other worlds. Though he had no really given him many ideas on how that travel might be achieved.

There was only one chair left now and when a tall grey haired man bearing a general's insignar sat down, he knew this must be General Jack ONeill. He had never met this man before so did not know what to expect.

Jack knew that John Robinson was here to talk about something that threatened their own top secret stargate and space program. He did not like the thought of civilians up in space maybe catching sight of their interstellar spacecraft or even worse being the first contact recipients for the less friendly aliens that the rest of the world knew nothing about.

So he was just going to listen then find a way to put this man off.

"John ,welcome to Cheyenne mountain". I know it seems rather off putting to be sitting here in this complex but we are genuinely interested in hearing your proposal", Elizabeth Weir stated.

She was so gracious Jack reflected, he would have been a little more blunt.

"Thank you Elizabeth", John stated. "I have been working on the Jupiter project for several years now and are confident I have almost all I need to make this project a reality".

He wiggled in his chair a few times before settling to start his presentation. "It is about the vision of our future. The Earth does not have never ending resources and they are being taxed by an ever increasing population. So what if we could ease some of that burden and give people the opportunity to gain resources from beyond our own planet. I am talking about the planets in our own solar system. Of course they are not capable of sustaining life but that does not mean they do not have resources that can aid life. I know that space exploration is costly and that gaining anything from these planets is a long process that in itself can cost more than the benefits it brings. So why not share the costs by sharing the work."

He pushed across some photographs, this was all he was risking giving them at this stage. "This is the Jupiter 2, a space ship especially designed for interstellar travel and for scientific exploration."

Jack O'Neill stared at the photos and could not help the comment that slipped from his lips, "it's a flying saucer". "John nodded, "yes it is, the design was thought up by my son William."

"A UFO or an IFO, I suppose since we know what it is. Does this thing actually fly", Jack asked. It kind of looked ridiculous, more like a prank than anything else. Yet John Robinsons expression told him he was totally serious.

"Yes it does fly and has the abilty to reach Mars in under a year", John reeled off that impressive statistic and expected them to be surprised. Jack O'Neill just gave him a poker face that revealed nothing.

"So what do you want to do with this craft", Jack asked. He imagined it flying around outside peoples houses so that they could say, " I saw a flying saucer on Tuesday night." I and my family want to take a voyage to Mars to prove that space travel is not only safe but possible for any one. We would then spend six months gaining resources from the planet before returning to Earth", John stated.

Now one of the Generals eyebrows was raising. "How do you propose to get anything from the planets surface", he asked.

John pushed over another photo. This one was of a Robot that honestly looked like it came off the shelves at Toys R Us. "This robot was designed to be capable of taking samples in many different environments. It can fly down then propel itself over many types of terrain. Once it has located samples we can also land the ship and live on the surface undertaking research." The Jupiter 2 is designed to store many items for years and has special food storage units that can allow food to remain edible for up to 5 years".

John could see that the general looked bored so stepped up his speech. "Anything we find on the planets of our own solar system takes years to get back to earth to study. Even if you took it closer to a space station it would still take awhile before we had anything of use. What if we had a flying laboratory that could analyse and extract anything of use from any material. Then it could be immediately put to use, to benefit all General . Who knows there may be something to cure some of the diseases that still are short on any breakthroughs".

"This all looks interesting professor, but the military will not be offering funds for things like this,it is not within our budget. I am sorry', Jack stood up ready to dismiss the group. He thought John Robinson wanted help with financing this endevour. The quickest way to put him off was just to speak the truth.

John looked concerned for a minute, hurriedly getting out, "I don't need any money General .The best part is that the military does not need to help me to buy any of the resources necessary to do this. Private people not associated with any military activities have provided everything needed and all of it meets the highest specifications".

He passed over some paperwork which Daniel Jackson took up to study.

Jack O'Neill had to admit it was sounding a little more interesting. Of course they now had alien technology, but there were major benefits in not having to deal with aliens, he knew that from many encounters that had gone horribly wrong.

"We also have some technology that we may be willing to share", John knew there had to be a baited hook to get the military interested enough to provide him with what he needed. "I have designed a cryogenics module which has the capacity to freeze people for the entire journey to Mars. That way anyone can go into space and not just those that meet the rigorous physical requirements. This process has been tested and deemed safe for humans", he passed Doctor Jackson enough information to be able to give his opinion on whether what he had said was even possible.

Of course Doctor Jackson knew it was possible as alien races had already perfected this technology. He had not thought anyone on eath had gotten as far as actually having a workable unit though.

"It is only short term Cryogenics" , John Robinson stated, "but still immensely useful." He wondered why they still looked unimpressed.

General ONeill was looking at John Robinson and wondering why he was here. He had initially thought it was because he wanted some financial help with the project. But from what he was saying he did not need money, yet he had to be here for a reason.

"Lets just cut to the chase and find out exactly what you need from us Professor", O'Neill asked." Jack decided that the only thing he did need was people ,he wanted someone to test his idea for him.

"We I do need clearance to have the craft leave orbit. I have no desire for myself or my family to be shot down ",John stated seriously.

"You and your family want to do this yourselves, now", Jack had thought he was talking about sometime in the future after extensive tests.

"Of course General that is why I am here. The Jupiter two is complete with all the appropriate equipment installed, tested and functioning. I am ready to make my vision a reality with my own family leading the charge. My children, though some of them are young have all been trained in specialist fields and are prepared to take the risks involved in this mission', John told him proudly.

Jack was looking at the age of John's children and beginning to think this man was out of his mind. "It will work General and it is totally safe. I would not take my family with me if I thought it was not", John sensed by the look on his face that the general may just tell him to leave.

So this man was that passionate Jack realized. He had put in all the work and by the look on Daniel Jackson's face it was impressive. So he was essentially ready to do this and it was terrifying to the General. But he did not dismiss the possibility straight away . His instincts told him John Robinson did want something from them and perhaps that was where this whole thing would come unstuck. He put a lopsided grin upon his face and said calmly. "Okay so naturally we will want to look at the data and see if you are correct Professor, then what."

" The Jupiter 2 was completed inside a large warehouse. The land there does not have a suitable launching site", John stated. "That would be an easy requirement to meet", Daniel Jackson said excitedly. He had a passionate look upon his face and John found his hopes rising.

"So that's it, you want our experts to verify that this project stands a chance of success and then give clearance for you and your family to spend say over 1 year in space", O'Neill summarized. He was looking at John Robinson all the time and thinking that he still had not gotten to the real reason he was here.

He was not going to tell the man how dangerous it was to launch his family into space, because he knew that there were just as many other dangerous things out there.

John swallowed nervously, he had a feeling Jack O Neill was still waiting for the punchline. "While I helped designed the Jupiter and myself and the family have expert knowledge of the equipment used upon her, I only possess basic flight skills, so I do need a skilled pilot to fly her. Unfortunately no civilian pilots really fit that bill".

He sounded genuinely upset at that. Jack guessed that it was hard for John Robinson to ask for military help, for what would be a scientific mission under his control.

"So you need a pilot", Jack stated. "Yes but I still want to have oversight on the project, he or she will just be there to fly the craft and handle any problems that may occur. That person will have to be used to following the instructions of a civilian and not countering them unless it has to do with the safe handling of the vessel", John stated. He thought he was making it clear he did not want someone there to look over his shoulder and report back on what they were doing. Though he had a feeling this was probably going to happen once the mission was over.

"Why don't we just take a few minutes to discuss your proposal", General O' Neill stated. John was ushered out into a small room with a coffee machine and left there under the scrutiny of more unhappy looking guards. He guessed his project was teetering on the brink but he had some powerful people backing him and they may just be able to put pressure on some of the people behind the decision making process if this General did not give him approval.

"Is this guy nuts", was the first word out of Jack O' Neill's mouth. "No General, he is a passionate and talented man", Elizabeth told him firmly." He is also a man with vision and intelligence to see that vision to its end. He does know the risks involved in what he is suggesting."

"So you agree with his taking little kids into space", General stated. Elizabeth opened her mouth to reply when Daniel broke in, "maybe one day it might come to that Jack. What would happen to the Earth if one of the many alien races out there with our planet in their sights does manage to destroy major parts of our world".

"We have both seen enough to know it is possible. Perhaps this project is a way to explore whether it is feasible to have people live in space".

Jack was looking at one important fact amongst the professors notes that he had forgotten to mention."There was a Jupiter one Daniel , which exploded during its testing phase. Luckily nobody was killed".

"Yes I see that and the professor has addressed the errors", Daniel was grinning ,"he can make this work Jack". Daniel looked over at his friend and saw he was still hesitant.

"If we say no then the population may begin to wonder why. There will be some who say we are hiding something and you know they'd be right. You also don't have to worry about moral issues, the responsibility rests with professor Robinson", Daniel told him

Jack O'Neill could see the excitement within Daniel's eyes and when he looked at Doctor Weir he could see that same look. He knew then he was not going to veto this project. "Alright but I am not going to assign a pilot. He's going to have to find one to volunteer. Its going mean being stuck up there with only this family and that may not appeal to many", he told them. He was leaving just enough of a hurdle to perhaps still trip the professor up. However he had a feeling nothing was going to stand in his way. With Daniel and Elizabeth by his side he went to tell the professor the good news.

1hour later John Robinson was heading home a happier man, though he still had a major hurdle to overcome with the issue of a pilot.

He knew he would find Maureen , Penny and Will waiting for news. Judy though would most likely be absent. Although she had agreed to go on ths mission he sensed she was not truly committed.

Judy had discovered a whole social world that was embracing her and she was keen to fully explore that world and perhaps meet a special someone.

She was a beautiful young woman and John guessed it was only a matter of time before someone asked her out.

He arrived home several hours later to find Penny, Will and Maureen all looking at him expectantly. Hugging his wife to his chest he smiled at his two younger children. "We are nearly there, only one hurdle to overcome", he told them.

Penny and Will both squealed with excitement. That brought Judy out of her room. Her hair been freshly washed and almost glowed as it hung down her back. She had a dress on that was more suitable for a night out than just dinner at home. Judy was obviously not hanging around to share any family celebration. He wondered when she would tell them all she had no intention of going into outer space.

He opened his mouth ready to start the conversation that he knew would end up dividing the family.

"You haven't forgotten that I invited a friend to dinner tonight, father", Judy stated quickly sensing that her father had not giving her social plans any priority. So she was'nt going out which was good. But the way she was dressed told John that the friend was most likely male. He was going to protest that it was not a good night then wisely kept his lips sealed. Judy would just go out somewhere else otherwise.

"I had forgotten Judy, I did have other things on my mind. So who is this friend, he's obviously male", he stated. Judy guessed that the first part of that sentence was a gentle dig over her apparent lack of enthusiasm over their space plans.

She smiled,"yes it's a he, his name is Don and he's a pilot', she told her father. He frowned , "an airline pilot", that would probably make him much older. This was not sounding good. "No, not an airline pilot. He's a Major in the airforce father and a highly train specialized pilot. I believe he's even had experience in space, though naturally he won't talk too much about that."

She smiled wider because now her father's expression was changing to one of awe. "He likes excitement in his career and I don't think it would take much for him to agree to piloting the Jupiter 2".

John found himself rushing to hug her while Judy laughed out loud. It seemed she had ways of her own to overcome that last hurdle.

Judy had guessed the sticking point would be the pilot. She had not pretended to be interested in Don West for his pliot abilities, because he was charming and attractive and genuinely interested in making an extreme effort to get to know her better. Why be trapped in space with someone boring . She might as well make it the longest date in history. Though having her parents looking over their shoulder was going to be a problem. Don was the type that wanted to move fast and that did frighten her, having her parents around would make him slow his impulsive tendencies somewhat and she could see if he seriously wanted a relationship or just a fling with an attractive woman.

This was going to be an interesting night.

She was right 2 hours later Don was leaving after promising to be their pilot. He kissed her warmly on the cheek as he went. For her this trip was going to be more than a simple information gathering exercise.

2 days later

New York

Evan Lorne yawned as he dropped his duffel bag on the hotel floor. He had an amazing 3 weeks off starting today and intended to make use of every moment. Of course one of his priorities was going home to visit his family but that was for another day. Today he had promised to meet up with one of his best friends, Major Donald West.

They had met during training and continued their friendship after that despite havng very different postings. Don was almost like the brother he did not have. He had discovered during training that Don was an amazing pilot, performing maneveurs that would make the average rookie turn pale and throw up. There were many times that Don almost went too far and he had quite a few warnings from his CO on his record. As well as being a hot shot Don was hot headed and sometimes spoke out without being diplomatic. That too had caused him to be reprimanded.

If it hadn't been for those two flaws in his character he would have been a great candidate for recruitment for the stargate project. However Evan had heard the words Don West and dangerous, mentioned by General Hammond and General ONeill, and so he had never been offered a positon on the top secret project despite being highly qualified to fly the craft designed for outer space travel.

It was amazing they were friends because in many ways they were opposites. There was no doubting though that Don was a fun and loyal friend and he did enjoy the times they managed to catch up.

When a knock at the door sounded Evan found a grin settling upon his face as he rushed to open the door.

Don West gave him a back slapping hug that lasted a brief 3 seconds before stepping back to look him over. "You look tired Evan, it must have been stressful in Angola". That was of course where Evan had told Don he was going. He longed to tell Don where he had actually been and talk all about his experiences on other worlds. There was a more longer term posting coming up and acceptance would mean he would not be able to see his friends or family for awhile. He would not break orders and share the secret but he could say a version of the truth. " It was rough Don and I am looking forward to my holiday. I have been offered a more long term assignment. It is a top secret mission that would mean I had to maintain deep cover and not contact my family and friends for long periods of time."

Donald West said nothing for a few moments and Evan was puzzled, this was not the reaction he thought he'd get from his best friend.

When Don walked over to the sofa and sat down Evan found himself following . He thought they would head out to a bar and find some girls to chat with and perhaps even go dancing. Don though was acting more shocked than he'd thought.

"I know its hard to hear I won't be around for awhile", he said. "But I will still be in contact, that I do promise". He was going to keep that promise. Don sighed and moved his stare from the floor to his face. "It's kind of funny you saying that to me Evan, I was going to say the same to you", he stated

Evan was surprised as he had not heard that Don was being posted on any long term missions. He mainly stayed in the United States testing any new aircraft that designers thought might be suitable for military purposes. "What are you talking about Don", he asked. "The Jupiter project", Don replied.

That had project had been discussed amongst many of the pilots. He had not personally been approached but knew his own answer would have been no. Everyone he had heard talk about the project had also said the same thing. Nobody fancied being stuck in space with a civilian family.

Evan felt the blood drain from his face. "Don the Jupiter one exploded and all efforts to continue that project should have stopped after that. "Sending your own family up to live in space seems reckless at best". It was kind of odd saying that considering some of the things he and the members of the SGC did at times. This was different though, the Jupiter project was not a military one and thus Don could not rely on any type of support if things went wrong again.

"It's a chance to be involved in something exciting and different Evan", Don's eyes sparkled, then he looked sheepish, "besides there's a pretty girl involved", he stated.

Evan sighed, Don was also very much a ladies man and he had always sensed that that too may lead him into trouble.

"I guess I don't have the right to tell you not to go on that mission Don. Just think about it carefully', Evan told him.

"Don't worry Evan I will, now can we go out and have some fun", Don asked.

Evan found his grin returning, "yes", he agreed.

The next day Evan was heading home and Don was off to prepare for his mission. They had both wished each other good luck and promised to meet again later.

Evan had spend a relaxing rest of his holiday and then returned to the SGC. He had been on a mission to P3702 that had lasted 4 months and returned to find a Colonel Greeves waiting to see him in the conference room.

The Colonel shook his hand. He had this grim look on his face that made Evans heart start beating even faster. This man,he knew was Don's commanding officer.

"Sir why are you here", he found himself asking. "It is not common knowledge yet Major, but there has been a problem with the Jupiter 2". Evan felt himself go cold, "what sort of problem ", he got out.

"At approximately 1420 pm yesterday she disappeared from our screens. All attempts to find her since then have failed. We believe it is likely she exploded in space."

The Colonel kept speaking while Evan felt the coldness spread up his body. "Since you are Major West were friends I thought I'd notify you and the family ahead of any public announcement. There will be a memorial service planned which I am sure you can get leave to attend."

The Colonel, for the first time put on a sympathetic face, "I am sorry to give you this news Major".

Evan saluted, "thank you for spending the time to come and tell me sir".

The Colonel left and Evan sunk into a chair. He remained sitting like that for over one hour simply thinking of his friend and mourning the fact that they would never see each other again.