A woman breathed heavily whilst desperately sprinting through a forest. She hurriedly climbed up a cliff wall and discovered a fishing boat in the distance. She continued to run and without hesitating jumped off of a small cliff. She reached what appeared to be her campsite, consisting of a fireplace and a small hut made out of branches and leaves. She grabbed a bow and an arrow, the arrow had a noticeable head made out of red dust, and firs it into a pile of sticks creating an explosion and alerting the fisherman to the island.

The fishing boat came to the island and a couple of fishermen climbed out. The women kneeled in front of them, slowly reaching up and pulling down the green hood she wore. Her hair was long and chaotic. She looked as though she hadn't bathed in years. The fishermen immediately ran over to her and began comforting the women. They took her aboard the ship, giving her a blanket to keep warm and fresh water to drink.

As they left, the women took one last look at the island that had been her hell.

'The name of the island they found me on is Lian Yu. It means "purgatory". I was stranded there for five years. I dreamt of my rescue every cold black night since then. For five years, I had only one thought, one goal... survive… survive and one-day return home. The island held many dangers. To live, I had to make myself more than what I was, to forge myself into a weapon. I am returning not the girl who was shipwrecked but the woman who will bring justice to those who have poisoned my Kingdom. My name is Weiss Schnee.

"Weiss Schnee is alive," Lynda Lavende, the news anchor reported. "The Atlas resident was found by fishermen four days ago, five years after she was missing and presumed dead following the accident at sea which claimed "The Schnee's Gambit." Schnee was a regular news presence due to her family name and a fixture at the Atlas Musical Theatre, known for her incredible singing. Shortly before her disappearance, she was acquitted of assault charges stemming from a highly publicized altercation with a Faunas. Schnee is the Daughter of billionaire Jacques Schnee, whose wife, Weiss' mother, was also on board but now officially confirmed as deceased."

In Atlas General Hospital, Weiss starred emotionless out onto the Kingdom she called her home. Just outside the hospital room stood a doctor and a man in a white suit watching her through the window.

"Twenty percent of her body is covered in scar tissue. Second-degree burns on her back and arms. X-rays show at least twelve fractures that never properly healed," The doctor reported.

"Has she said anything about what happened?" The man queried.

"No. She's barely said anything. Sir, I'd like you to prepare yourself. The Weiss you lost...might not be the one they found."

The man watched for a few more moments before opening the door and entering the hospital room.

"Weiss," The man greeted her. Weiss slowly turned to face him and a small smile comes to her face.



A white sedan pulled up to the front of the house. The trunk opened and the driver reached for the wooden suitcase but Weiss stopped him.

"I'll get it," she snapped making sure he left it alone. She followed her father into the mansion where the family butler, Klein, her older sister Winter and younger brother Whitley waited for them.

"Sister!" Winter exclaimed as she pulled Weiss into a hug. "I can't believe you're alive!"

"It's good to see you too." Eventually they pulled apart and Weiss turned to face her younger brother.

"I knew you were alive!" He exclaimed. "I missed you so much!"

"I bet I missed you more." As they pulled away she turned to face Klein.

"It's good to see you, Klein. I missed you."

"Welcome home, Ms. Schnee. I suppose there wasn't a kitchen on the island was there?"

"No, no friends either."

Later in the day Weiss walked out of the shower a towel wrapped around her. She wiped the steam off of the mirror and looked at herself. Her body, once soft and flawless was now covered in scares.

'After Five years, everything that was once familiar is now unrecognizable. The face I see in the mirror, is a stranger.' Her memory flashed back to the night it all began.


The Schnee's Gambit sailed across the open ocean. Despite her father's wishes Weiss had joined Beacon academy and would begin in a few short weeks. To fill in the time before the school year began her mother convinced her to take advantage of the family yacht and go on a cruise across continents. On board was a relatively small crew consisting of only herself, her mother and fifteen other crew and staff members. The wind howled and thunder clamped in the night as rain pelted down on the boat.

"Storms a category two," A crew member announced as he walked in from the rain. "Captains recommending we head back." Weiss' mother turned to face him.

"Very well, inform the crew." Just as she said this Weiss came around the corner.

"Mother, what's going on?"

"Just a minor storm sweet heart, nothing to be worried about," Her mother replied with a smile.


Later that night the family sat in the dining hall, sharing a meal together.

"I can't wait to show you around the kingdom tomorrow," Whitley exclaimed. "You've missed out on so much. Almost the entire military is robotic now, the White Fang have become more violent, which hasn't helped the family company…"

"Whitley," Their father snapped. "We don't talk about that."

"Of course father, my apologies."

"Those filthy Faunus, good for only one thing, cheap labor." Jacques spat. A look of annoyance came over Weiss' face and she shot up. Everyone looked at her in surprise. Weiss looked around awkwardly at her family.

"May, I please be excused?" She requested. Jacques gave a small nod signaling she could leave.

A few hours later Weiss rolled around uncontrollably in her bed as she tried to get a good night's rest. What she used to find soft and comfortable had become harsh and distressing. She walked over to the window and opened it. A breeze blew through, sending in a light drizzle of rain. She laid there on the floor and before she knew it, fell asleep.


Weiss walked back into her cabin. She smiled as she noticed her rapier, Myrtenaster, sitting on its stand. Part of her was still hesitant about going to Beacon. If she did, her father would likely treat her the same way he did Winter. Still, she couldn't let that hold her back. She had to make a name for herself.

Suddenly, the whole ship tipped violently on its side and Weiss was sent crashing into a wall. She looked around, horrified as everything in the room crashed beside her. With no time to respond the walls of the cabin were collapsed and water flooded into the room. Weiss held what little breath she had as she was forced violently through the wrecking ship. Eventually her body was shot from the sinking boat and she desperately swam in the direction she believed the surface was. She gasped for air as her head broke free of the water, only to have a wave of water smash into her. From behind her, two pairs of hands grabbed her and pulled her onto a small life raft. Onboard the raft were the only other survivors of the ship wreck, her mother and the Captain.


"Weiss, wake up." Winter shook her sister, trying to wake her from her nightmare. Weiss' eyes snapped open and she grabbed Winter's arm, flipping her onto her back. She pinned her to the ground and held her hand to Winter's throat.

"Weiss!" Whitley yelled as he raced to their side. Weiss looked down at her sister before jumping off of her and crawling back to the window, hugging her knees to her chest.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."

"Weiss, it's okay," Winter replied. "You're home now."

The next morning, after making sure no one else was around Weiss pulled the wooden chest she'd brought back from the island out from under her bed. She opened it to reveal a small leather bound journal. She starred at the journal, lost in thought until a knock at her door brought her back to the present. She quickly locked the chest and pushed it back under her bed.

"Enter," She allowed. Whitley walked in a huge smile across his face.

"Are you ready to go?" He asked eagerly.

"Almost, I'll be out momentarily," Weiss replied with a smile.

They drove around Atlas as Weiss familiarized herself with the kingdom. It'd been so long, so much had changed.

"Father's preparing a welcome home party for you," Whitley revealed.

"What? I don't won't a party," Weiss refused.

"Sister, you've come back from the dead, of course you're having a party. Besides father really wants to use this a chance to perform deals with other businessmen."

Weiss raised an eyebrow at him.

"Whilst you were gone I didn't stop growing up," Was his response.

Whitley looked out the window at the poor, degraded suburb around them in confusion.

"Out of all the places to go to why did you wish to drive through here?" He wandered.

"Pull over," she instructed the driver. The driver pulled down an alley and parked the car. Weiss climbed out, followed by her still confused brother. They walked across the street to an old rundown Schnee Dust Company factory. It was one of the first factories their family built but had been shut down and abandoned a long time ago. As they walked back to the car Weiss noticed a homeless man begging for Lien. She reached into her purse and pulled out several cards. The man's eyes went wide when he noticed how much she was giving him.

Weiss turned to face her brother, who was staring at her in shock.

"We have the money to spare." They walked back to the car but as they turned into the alleyway they discovered the driver had been shot dead.

Weiss immediately ran up to the car to inspect the body. Behind them a black, unmarked van raced into the alley and three men with Grimm masks jumped out. The men fired darts into Whitley and Weiss and in a few short seconds the two passed out.


The three survivors sat on the life raft, drifting aimlessly at sea. The captain attached a light to the top of the tiny raft, lighting up the surrounding area. Weiss looked at her mother in shock as she handed her a bottle of water.

"Drink," her mother instructed. Weiss did as she was told and began to guzzle the water down.

"What the hell are you doing?" The Captain demanded. "That's all the water we've got."

"If anyone making it out of this it's her." She turned to look back at Weiss. "I'm sorry, I thought I'd have more time. Your father and I, we didn't build Atlas, we failed it and we weren't the only ones."


Weiss awoke in a desolate warehouse. She tried to move but discovered she had been zip tied to a chair. She looked around and noticed her brother, still unconscious on the floor nearby. The kidnappers realized she had awoken and walked over to her, still wearing their disturbing Grimm masks.

"Ms. Schnee, here's how this is going to go. I'll ask the questions and you answer. And if you don't then this is what'll happen." He pulled out a stun gun and electrocuted Weiss.

"Understand?" Weiss starred up at him in silence.

"Did your mother make it to the island?" Weiss remained silent and continued to keep eye contact with him. The man, pulled out the stun gun and electrocuted her again.

"Did your mother make it to the Island?" He asked again. "Did she tell you anything?"

"Yes, she did," Weiss answered.

"What did she tell you?"

"She told me, I'm going to kill all of you." The kidnappers began to laugh at her.

"Yeah, and how are you going to do that princess, you're zip-cuffed to that chair." With a cocky smile Weiss pulled her two free hands in front of her.

The man with the stun gun, started attacking her, swinging his fists. However, Weiss grabbed her chair and used it to knock him out. A second man ran at her, but Weiss grabbed him and held him in front of her. Using his as a human shield the kidnapper took the shots from the last member of his team. As Weiss threw the body aside the last kidnapper made a break for it.

Weiss ran up to Whitley and after checking his pulse she chased after the man.

As the man ran he began to believe he'd gotten away. He glanced back to see if he was being followed when Weiss landed in front of him. As he ran into her she grabbed his neck and put him into a headlock.

"You killed that driver. He was an innocent man."

"You don't have to do this," The kidnapper begged.

"Yes I do. Nobody can know my secret." Without hesitation Weiss broke the man's neck, killing him.


"So that's your story. Some woman in a green hood flew in and single-handedly took out three armed kidnappers. I mean, who is she? Why would she do that?" Detective Burns asked.

The Schnee family were all crowded around Whitley and Weiss who were explaining what happened to the police.

"I don't know. Find him and you can ask," Weiss responded.

"Yeah. What about you?" he asked, turning to face Whitley. "You see the hood lady?

"I saw... just movement, everything blurry. I was kind of out of it," Whitley answered truthfully.

"Yeah. It's funny, isn't it? One day back, and already somebody's gunning for you. Aren't you popular?"

"Were you able to identify the men?" Jacques queried.

"Scrubbed identities, untraceable weapons. These were pros," Detective Heyman replied. "They probably figured you'd pay a king's ransom to get your kids back.

"After all, a parent would do anything to keep their child safe." Burns seethed.

"I don't find your tone appropriate, Detective," Jacques stated.

"If either of them can think of anything else, we'll be in touch. Thank you, gentlemen, for coming," Winter thanked them as she lead the partners to the door.

"On a much lighter note, Father, Whitley told me about the party you're planning for me and I was hoping we could have it at the Royal Crane Hall, I always loved it there as a child."

"Of course dear, anything for you," Jacques replied.

The next day Weiss was walking out of the mansion when Jacques stopped her.

"Weiss, there's someone I'd like you to meet." Weiss turned to face a tall woman with bright purple eyes and long blonde hair. "This is Yang Xiao Long," Jacques introduced. "She'll be accompanying you from now on."

"I don't need a baby sitter."

"After yesterday's events we would all feel safer if you had someone to protect you."

Weiss looked Yang up and down.

"She's a bit young isn't she," Weiss stated, noticing the girl was about the same age as her.

"I thought having someone closer to your own age would make you feel more comfortable," her father explained.

"It's not that I don't have experience," Yang spoke up for the first time. "I graduated from Beacon Academy last year."

"You're a huntress? Then why are you doing body guard jobs?" Weiss asked.

"Personnel reasons," she replied, clearly hiding something. Eventually, after some convincing Weiss conceded to her father's wishes and allowed Yang to be her body guard. They climbed into a company car and Yang drove them out of the gates.

"Where to?" Yang asked.

"Take me to the nearest shopping Centre," Weiss requested. "I think I'll purchase a few dresses for my welcome home party." Again they drove in silence. "So, you're a graduate from Beacon. You must have had your fair amount of fights."

"Yes I have, meaning I have more than enough skill and experience to be your body guard. I don't want there to be any confusion, Ms. Schnee. My ability to keep you from harm will outweigh your comfort. Do we have an agreement?" The only response Yang got was silence. "Mam?" she turned her head to discover Weiss had vanished. Yang jumped out of the car and looked up and down the street, Weiss nowhere in sight.

Weiss walked through the slums until she reached the old factory she drove by yesterday. After taking a quick look to make sure no one was watching she threw her bags over and scaled the fence. As she entered the warehouse she found her way into the basement and began to set up a base of operations. After setting up all the equipment she brought she started to train, preparing for the night ahead.

'The abduction was unexpected. It forced me to move up my plans, but what I told the police was true. The woman in the green hood was there in that warehouse, and she's just beginning.'

Weiss looked to a monitor that displayed the news.

"The suit alleges that Hunt committed multiple acts of fraud and theft against the city's underprivileged. Lucas Burns, an attorney for the city necessary..."

'Adam Hunt...his crimes go deeper than fraud and theft, but he's been able to bully, bribe, or kill anyone who's gotten into his way. He hasn't met me yet.'

In a parking lot, Adam Hunt, talked heatedly on his phone.

"You remind Grell I put him on the bench, I can take him off. I will turn him into a cautionary tale. Oh and this attorney Lucas Burns… you said he wasn't going to be a problem anymore. Fix the situation." He hung up the phone and slid it into his jacket pocket. He walked up to a parked car where two armed men awaited his arrival.

An arrow went flying through the air, smashing a light behind them. Suddenly, the rest of the lights turned off, leaving them in darkness. The only exception being the occasional exit sign glowing in the distance.

An arrow hit one the guards in the chest, sending him to the ground.

"Get in the car!" The remaining guard shouted as he opened the door and Hunt jumped in. The guard began to fire into the distance believing he'd seen a figure moving.

"You missed," came a voice from behind him.

From inside the car Hunt heard the momentary sounds of fighting before everything went unsettlingly quiet. The window beside him smashed as an arrow flew through it sticking into the chair beside him. Without warning he was ripped out of the car, crashing onto the hard floor of the car park. Adam looked up from where he laid on the ground to see a woman in a green hood, with a green domino mask covering her face, kneeling on top of his car aiming a bow and arrow at him.

"What? What? Just... just tell me what you want," he begged.

"You're gonna transfer forty million Lien into Atlas bank account 1141 by ten P.M. tomorrow night," Weiss ordered.

"Or what?"

"Or I'm gonna take it, and you won't like how." Weiss shoved him aside and began to walk away.

"If I see you again, you're dead!" Hunt threatened as he stood up. Weiss spun on her feet and fired an arrow, smashing the back windscreen of his car. As Adam turned back to his attacker she had vanished.

Adam Hunt stood in his office, on the top floor of Hunt Multinational, giving his statement to the police.

"She was wearing a hood, a green hood, and she had a bow and arrow," He recounted the earlier events. Detectives Burns and Heyman shared a look with each other. "What, you don't believe me?" He asked noticing the look. He turned and picked up a green arrow from his desk and showed it to them. "That maniac put two of my men in the hospital." Detective Heyman took the arrow and inspected it.

"Well, thanks for your statement. We'll put out an APB on Robin Hood?" Burns joked.

"Hey, pal. I'm not some grocer who got taken for his register. I go to the front of the line. Now she said she would be back here by ten P.M. Make sure you're here first. You can coordinate with Mr. Drakon, my new head of security.

"All right. Well, uh, thanks for your time," Burns replied as he and his partner left the office.

"It looks like Schnee was telling the truth," Heyman realized.

"If this hooded chick comes looking for trouble, he'll find it," Burns replied, ignoring Heyman's comment.


Outside of the mansion Weiss prepared to leave for her welcome home party. She wore a long purple dress, with sleeves that extended all the way down her arms, concealing her scares. As she opened the car door she discovered Yang sitting in the back seat, waiting for her.

"Put on your seatbelt mam," Yang instructed. "Wouldn't want you to miss out on your party."

They arrived at a large hall that only Remnants richest could afford to rent. As they entered Weiss checked her scroll. Nine thirty it read and Hunt hadn't transferred any money. In the hall there were people dancing, groups talking and others sitting by the bar drinking. Everyone one there was upper class, Atlas's riches and most powerful. Although the party was in her name, Weiss knew her father was using it as an excuse to talk to other wealthy individuals and attempting to make business deals to further his own success. As Jacques noticed Weiss coming down the stairs, he ordered the orchestra to stop playing.

"Everyone, the woman of the hour is here, my daughter, Weiss Schnee." The crowd applauded her and Weiss politely waved back at them.

"Thank you everyone for coming. I hope you all have a lovely evening," Weiss expressed her gratitude to the crowd.

"Come now," Jacques instructed. "There are some people I'd like you to talk to." Weiss followed her father through the crowd of people until they came across a man and his son, who was only a few years older than Weiss. "Steven, glad you could make it."

"Glad to be here," the man replied. "And the women who survived hell. It's a pleasure to see you again. My, the last time we met you were only sixteen," he recalled. "You remember my son, Whitney."

The young man stepped forwards and kissed Weiss' hand.

"It's a pleasure to see you home safely."

"Thank you," Weiss replied, smiling at the man.

"Perhaps you would honor me with a dance," Whitney proposed, holding his hand out hopefully to Weiss.

"Of course. Although I will warn you, I haven't danced in five years, so please forgive me if I step on your toes." The two made their way to the dance floor as their fathers began to discuss business.

From the sidelines, Yang kept an I on Weiss, making sure not let the heiress out of her sight. As her scroll began to buzz Yang pulled it out of her jacket pocket. The contact name read Ruby Rose. She opened the text with a small smile.

'I miss you. We should hang out soon.' Yang let out a sigh before replying.

'Sorry, I'm busy with work.'

She looked up just in time to see Weiss heading towards the exit. Quickly putting her scroll away, she followed after her. Weiss walked through a service hallway as staff rushed past her, delivering food and drinks.

"Something I can help you with?" Yang asked as Weiss passed the corner where she was waiting for her.

"I just require a few moments to myself," Weiss replied with a sweet smile.

"I would believe you, Ms. Schnee, if you weren't so full of crap. Party's this way." Yang motioned to a nearby door. Weiss grabbed the handle but was unable to open it.

"It's locked." Yang eyed her suspiciously and as she went to check the door Weiss grabbed her and put her in a sleeper hold, immobilizing her.


Hunt stayed behind his desk, drinking a class of scotch. Security guards filled the room and the hallway outside.

"You two cover the elevator," Drakon instructed as he walked into the office, closing the doors and locking them behind him. "It's past ten, she's never getting in here," he reported. Just outside Adam's office window a zip line arrow was shot into the building. At the entrance of the building awaited multiple police squads, including Detective Burns and Heyman.

"It's all clear," Heyman reported.

Up in the office the lights went out catching everyone off guard. From inside the office Hunt heard the elevator ding which was quickly followed by the sounds of gun shots and fighting. After the sound of a clip being emptied everything went unsettlingly quiet. One of the guards came crashing through the glass door, startling another of the guards who began firing at him. Before anyone could do anything else an arrow hit two men in the chest. Weiss ran in and quickly knocked out another with her bow. She fired an arrow at Hunt but it zipped by his head and landed in the wall behind him.

"You missed," he mocked.

"Really," Weiss replied. Just as she said this Drakon dove at her. The two began to fight, viciously swinging at one another. With the attacker being distracted Hunt ran out of the broken door and called the police down stairs.

"All units converge!" Burns ordered as he led the team of police into the building.

Despite his skills, Drakon was eventually overpowered by Weiss who broke his arm and fractured his collar bone before finally knocking him out.

The police raced up the building and were shocked by what they saw. A bunch of unconscious body guards, most of them with arrows sticking out of their chests.

"Lay down your weapons or we will open fire!" An officer ordered as they raced into the office. Firing an arrow at the ground it exploded in a flash of light, momentarily blinding the officers. Using the distraction to her advantage Weiss jumped out of the office window. As they regained their sight the officers ran to the window and discovered the hooded vigilante zip lining down to the hall across the road.

Minutes later the police stormed into the hall, bringing the party to a halt.

"Search the place roof to basement. We need to find him!" Burns ordered. "Atlas Police Department, the party's over everyone," he announced.

"What is the meaning of this?" Jacques demanded as he stormed up to the detective.

"There was an incident at Adam Hunt's building across the street. You wouldn't happen to know anything about that?"

"No, I do not."

"Father, what's going on?" Weiss asked as she approached them.

"The woman who saved you the other day, just attacked the man next door."

"Well it would seem someone's doing your job for you and better by the sounds of it," Weiss teased. Heyman had to hold Burns back to stop him from losing it at her. Soon after that the detectives left, continuing their search for the vigilante.


"What are you talking about?" Hunt yelled on the phone. "Forty million dollars doesn't just up and vanish. It is forty million dollars! Find it!" He threw the phone across the room, smashing it to pieces. Behind him was the arrow he believed Weiss had missed with. What he didn't notice was the flashing green light on it signaling it had successfully hacked into his computer.


Weiss collected the forty million dollars she'd stolen form Hunt and began to disperse it out to all of the people he'd hurt, giving everyone back exactly how much he'd stolen from them. Opening the small book of names, she pulled out a pen and crossed Adam's off the list.


Jacques Schnee sat in his office, sipping on a glass of rum as a man in a suit entered.

"Police failed to identify the men I hired to kidnap Weiss and they never will," he reported. "Should we arrange another abduction?"

"No, there are other ways of finding out what my daughter knows."


The trio sat on the raft, exhausted after being adrift for days now. Weiss awoke as her mother gently shook her.

"There's not enough for all of us," she whispered.

"Save your strength," Weiss replied, struggling to keep her eyes open.

"You can survive this, make it home, right my wrongs. But you've got to live through this first."

"Just rest mom." Weiss closed her eyes and fell back asleep whilst her mother took a moment to look over her daughter, taking note of every detail of her beautiful face. She kissed Weiss lightly on the forehead before leaning her against the raft. She reached into her shirt and pulled out a small hand gun. Without hesitating she fired it at the Captain, sending his body overboard.

"Mom!" Weiss cried as she crawled to the other side of the raft in horror. Her mother looked at her, tears streaking down her face.

"Survive." With that She shot herself in the head.

As time went on Weiss lost track of how many days had passed since the yacht had sunk. She looked up from the raft, on the brink of death, to see an island a few miles away.

'People want to think that I'm the same girl I was when I left. But they have no idea how much the island changed me. There are many more names on the list. Those who rule my kingdom through intimidation and fear. Every last one of them will wish I had died on that island.'


And there's chapter one of my new story. Now I know this chapter followed the pilot of Arrow very closely but I fully intend to change things in the future. I also plan to have multiple RWBY characters take the roles of characters in the Arrowverse. The idea for this story really came out of nowhere but as soon as I had it I knew I had to write it. Hope you all enjoyed and if anyone has any ideas, suggestions or thoughts on what they'd like to see in future chapters feel free to leave a review or message me. Thanks.