Disclaimer: I do not own the characters and story elements of the Pokémon franchise. Nintendo, Game Freak and the Pokémon Company own everything and all credit goes to them. However the OCs that are in this fic belong to me, Lily Nadesico and Seeker Lyson (formerly Wooden Dolls). I hope you guys get to enjoy this fic like you've enjoyed May and Ash's Unova Journey.

Journey of the Next Generation

Prologue: Introduction of Life Long Companions and Rhea's Assignment

"Get lost freak," an eight year old boy said to young Cynthia Ketchum after he shoved her to the ground.

"Yeah, go play with your kind," agreed the boy's friend next to him. "I bet you're not even a real girl if your brother is a Victini."

'Is there something wrong with me being her big brother?' Victini asked the children as he was trying to stop the children from picking on the young six year old brunette daughter of Ash and May Ketchum. 'You all have siblings, do you not?'

But the young boy would not listen to the brother of Lucas Greyson, the Victini who had become a human being to be with the woman who had changed his life and opened his heart. As for the Victory Pokémon, being a full time bodyguard and big brother to someone who was obviously much… much younger than him was a lot harder then he thought. He would write to his brother and tell him all about his struggles. Coming back to Earth, Victini saw that had no choice but to get involved and thwart their efforts to degrade the firstborn child of Ash and May Ketchum. The young six year-old was having a hard enough time getting through school without having someone trying to harass her. Victini used his Heat Wave to force the older children back. However, Victini's Heat Wave could only go so far without causing any harm to Cynthia's classmates. The Victory Pokémon gritted his teeth as the older children got back up with wicked smirks on their faces as they were planning to give Cynthia a beat down she was never going to forget.

"Hey!" called an older girl who got the children's attention as she was accompanied by her brother, who was the same age as most of the children gathering around Cynthia Ketchum.

The older girl was four years older than Cynthia and looked quite mean. She was a foot and a half taller than Cynthia and had long soft auburn hair, lavender eyes and an outfit that said she was more of a mean person. The boy and other children who were gathered around Cynthia, trying to harass and alienate her from school were terrified when they saw this mean looking girl as she came accompanied by her younger brother and classmate of Cynthia Ketchum. The older girl's younger brother was six inches shorter than his sister and had jet black hair with one side being longer covering his right eye. He had lavender eyes like his sister and was dressed in a black and white outfit with a Master Ball set on a necklace. The terrified then backed away from Cynthia carefully, before one tried foolishly to land a punch on Cynthia's face only to be caught by the mean looking girl.

"Picking on boys like my dimwitted brother is fine," the older girl said to the boy who tried to punch Cynthia. "But when you try to hit a lady, you cross the line. And I don't exactly take kindly to stupid boys like you picking on little girls just because they say a Pokémon is their older sibling."

"Ow, ow, ow, ow!" the boy who tried to Cynthia moaned in pain as the older girl bent his arm back causing him to be in pain.

"Get out of my sight," the older girl ordered the boy and his companions. "Because next I see you picking on her again, I may not be so kind."

The boy then ran towards his companions, shouting to the older girl that he'd be back and was going to bring his parents or worse… the police. When the small crowd had gone away, Cynthia looked to the older girl and was amazed at how fearless she looked, even though everything about her appearance said that she was trouble. As for Victini, the male Victory Pokémon was dazzled by the older girl and thought he could charm her into giving him friendly affection and attention. Unfortunately, it was not to be as the older girl wasn't impressed nor was she amused the slightest bit.

'Mommy… can you stop the playground from spinning?' Victini asked no one in particular as he felt very dizzy. 'I wanna get off.'

"You're unbelievable," the older girl snorted as she looked to Victini. "If you're supposed to be her big brother, then be her big brother.

"Even if it means you have to hurt those kids," continued the older girl as she turned her back to Cynthia.

"Ah Shelby, you don't have to be that mean to her," the girl's brother said to his older sister.

Before the older girl could snap at her brother, Cynthia got up on her feet and bowed to the older girl and said, "Thank you for helping me. Let me repay you for helping me."

"If you wanna thank me," began the older girl, Shelby, "then grow a backbone and learn to take care of yourself."

With those words, Shelby walked off with her brother following her at first and then going back to escort Cynthia back home. Once the dizziness wore off, Victini shook his head to shake the lingering dizziness away and glided over to Cynthia's left shoulder and sat on it. Shelby wasn't exactly someone he thought Cynthia needed to be friends with.

'She's really mean,' Victini said to Cynthia.

"Please forgive my sister," Cynthia's classmate said as he was walking Cynthia home. "Deep down she does mean well. It's just hard for her to express it properly… especially after one of her friends stabbed her in the back and stole the guy she wanted to be her boyfriend."

"So what?" asked a confused Cynthia as she looked to her classmate. "She hates friendship now?"

"Nah, she wants to be strong and not let anyone else see her hurt or showing weakness again," answered the male classmate. "Oh Houndour, where are my manners? My name's Benjamin Summers and the mean girl you saw is my big sister, Shelby."

'And you already know us,' Victini said to Benjamin with a smile.

"Oh yes," Benjamin replied with a slight smile. "Daughter of the Champion of Pallet Town and the Princess of Hoenn. You're Cynthia Ketchum and her Victini big brother."

"That's up for debate," Cynthia said as she looked at the male Victory Pokémon.

'I look after you, do I not?' asked Victini as he looked to his human.

From a distance, 10 year-old Shelby Summers watched her younger brother, Benjamin, as he walked Cynthia and home. Part of her wanted to open up and befriend young Cynthia, but she still held on to the anger she had from a couple years ago when her former friend stabbed her in the back. For young Shelby, befriending someone again and trusting them was going to take time for her.

"Maybe she is someone I can befriend," Shelby said to herself as she kept close watch over her brother and Cynthia.


"Okay you're doing good Cynthia," Shelby said to the firstborn of Ash and May Ketchum as she had taken her under wing and began teaching her defend herself despite Ash's objection and insistence that she wait until she was a more proper age to do so.

"Man… I'm sure glad you took me under your wing two years ago," 8 year-old Cynthia said to Shelby as they took a break from training. "I don't think I would've ever gotten those guys to back off and with Master Lucario teaching me and my siblings to…"

"I never would've thought your teacher would insist that I become an Aura Knight," interrupted Shelby after Cynthia brought up the Lucario that came from Cameron Palace. "Though I never did get to ask, what is an Aura Knight?"

'Aura Knights are stronger Aura Guardians,' Victini answered the now 12 year old Shelby Summers as he had finally given up on trying to charm her into giving him affection like his brother might've tried to do. 'I certainly doubt that Lucario would've suggested that you become an Aura Knight if you didn't have the greatest potential to become something greater. You AND your brother.'

Shelby gave Victini a slight nod of agreement as she looked towards the ocean and felt the gentle breeze on her face. The tropical environment had grown on her as she enjoyed living in the Atlantica Islands more than she did with the Sinnoh region, the region in which she and her brother were born in. The Summers siblings were at Sol Palace as they had become Cynthia's closest friends and they had been invited to come and study there as well. If anything, Shelby hadn't expected the kind of welcome she got from Cynthia's other friends. She was thankful that Cynthia asked them to give her time to get to know them and space as well. However, Shelby's line of thought was interrupted when she heard Cynthia's parents arguing yet again because of their daughter's relationship to Benjamin Summers. Shelby could understand that Ash was just being cautious since many boys had only befriended Cynthia for a while and then left her just so they could say they hung out with Marquis Ash Ketchum, the strongest of the Atlantica Islands' Elite Four. But Ash's caution was a bit out of hand as it would lead to arguments with his wife and the second strongest of the Atlantica Islands' Elite Four, Duchess May Ketchum. May would assure young Benjamin that her husband meant well and… was finding it difficult to tell Benjamin that he liked him. But the biggest surprise had come when Cynthia told her and Benjamin about herself, that she was born of the People of the Water and an Aura Guardian.

"Oh man," Shelby said to herself with a slight smile on her face, "I signed up for a wild ride. A VERY… wild ride. Well… no sense in getting off this wild ride. I wanna see it to the end."


"You asked for us Aunt Rhea? I… I mean Milady Rhea?" a now 14 year-old Cynthia Ketchum asked her aunt and leader of Team Trident as she and the Summers siblings had become members of the group when Cynthia was 8.

"Its fine, Cynthia," the calm yet proud leader of the "environmental restoration group" answered her great niece by holding her left hand up in reassurance to the three members. "We're not in the presence of other members; so you can refer to me as 'Aunt Rhea' in private."

'Is there a reason you summoned us Milady?' Shelby's Walrein asked Rhea.

"Yes," Rhea answered the female Ice/Water-type Ice Break Pokémon. "We've received word that another criminal syndicate has surfaced and is in a different region."

"Another one?!" moaned Benjamin as he wasn't thrilled with the news they were getting from Rhea. "We just knocked down like the fourth or fifth attempt to resurrect Team Rocket back in Marquis Ash Ketchum's home region of Kanto!"

"Not to mention there was that attempt to resurrect Team Galactic back in mine and Benjy's region of birth, Sinnoh," added Shelby.

"I know and I understand that you're tired from having to go knock down those attempts to resurrect the syndicates," began Rhea. "But you know the overall objective of Team Trident is to preserve and heal the Earth so that future generations may appreciate the beauty of what this planet once was."

"And to ensure the new generation no longer sees the greed and darkness of the old humanity," Shelby, Benjamin and Cynthia finished for their leader.

"Very good," Rhea said with a thoughtful nod.

"To where do you need your Oceanic Knights to go?" Cynthia asked her great aunt.

"A tropical region called the Alola region," answered Rhea as her attendant and lover turned on the screen to first show a map of this new region. "This new region is nothing like the other regions you four have gone to."

"There are no gyms in this region," chimed Rhea's male attendant named Akiro as he added to the briefing. "There are however four leaders of each island called Kahunas."

"So kahunas are like gym leaders right?" Shelby asked for the small group.

"You could say that," answered Rhea as she continued to review her chosen selection for this assignment. "They also have a school for trainers and Pokémon as well."

"So what is it you want us to do, Milady?" Benjamin asked Rhea.

"I want for the three of you to go to Alola, find this criminal syndicate and any other criminal enterprise in Alola and eliminate them," answered Rhea. "But worry not, there will be no need for you to take lives when I say 'eliminate the criminal enterprises'."

'So you wish for us to destroy this criminal syndicate that's sprung up and any other criminal threats in Alola, correct?' Victini asked after remaining silent for the briefing.

"That's correct," Rhea answered the male Victory Pokémon. "But the three of you will not be going with a full team of seven Pokémon."

"But Aunt Rhea," Cynthia tried to protest before being cut off by the Trident leader.

"You should know by now that my decisions are final," Rhea said to her great niece in a growl. "But you will be able to take one Pokémon with you to the Alola region."

"I'll take my Mightyena with me this time," Benjamin said as he held up the Safari Ball that held his Dark-type Bite Pokémon in it.

"I'm taking Manectric with me this time," Shelby replied to Rhea as she held up the Friend Ball her beginner Pokémon was held in.

"And the Pokémon I'm taking with me to Alola is…" Cynthia began to say as she was digging into her fanny pack only to have an all red Cherish Ball rise up by psychic energy.

'Sorry Little Cynthia,' began Victini with a smile, 'but you're not going anywhere without me.'

"Big Brother…" moaned Cynthia as she had hoped that she could get away from the Victory Pokémon who had been with her all her life.

However, Rhea nodded to Victini volunteering much to her great niece's displeasure. The male Victory Pokémon knew that his human wasn't going to be rid of him so easily. He was stuck like glue to Cynthia and Rhea knew it well. Plus the Trident leader knew that her niece, Cynthia's mother, would insist that Victini always remain at Cynthia's side.

"Fret not young Cynthia," Rhea said in a calm and soothing tone. "Each of you will be getting one of the Alola starters as your first Pokémon in the Alola region."

"Sweetness!" Benjamin exclaimed with a grin on his face. "Gotta get the Fire-type starter. Hope it's a wicked looking Pokémon."

"I dunno Benjy," Shelby said with an evil smirk on her face, "I may get it before you do."

"I hope I get a shiny female Water-type starter with its Dream World ability," Cynthia said as she was fantasizing about having another Water-type starter Pokémon. "I really need a swimming partner since I can't rely on my big brother."

"What is it with you and wanting Water-type starters with their Dream World abilities?" asked Shelby as the question within her was really bothering her.

"Because my Panpour and Simipour both have Torrent," Cynthia explained to Shelby. "I don't want Water-type starters with Torrent."

"Typical Cynthia," Shelby said as she hooted like a Noctowl in laughter. "You're always looking for starters with Dream World abilities."

"You'll leave first thing in the morning from the airport on Diamond Bay Island," Rhea said to the three she was assigning the mission to. "There won't be time for you to pack clothes as I need you to be at Diamond Bay Island as soon as possible."

"Can we at least say goodbye to our parents before we leave?" Benjamin asked Rhea with a hint of irritation in his tone.

"Your families are already on Diamond Bay Island, so you'll be able to see them before your deployment to Alola," Rhea answered Benjamin as she surveyed the Summers siblings and her great niece. "But before you deploy to Alola, I want you to report to Sheba's armory near the lab."

'Oh goodie!' Victini exclaimed happily. 'New gear! Hope they made something for me this time.'

"Aunt Rhea, would it be alright if Isabella Greyson came with us?" Cynthia asked her great aunt. "I promised her if I traveled again, she'd get to come with me before she set out for Kalos with Danica."

Rhea gave her niece a slight nod of approval as she answered, "Yes of course you can. But do realize I already sent someone to Alola to wait for you and aid with your three month assignment in Alola."

"Three months?!" a startled and disbelieving Cynthia asked her aunt. "But Aunt Rhea!"

Rhea held her right hand up to cut Cynthia off and keep from protesting her decision. As for Cynthia, she didn't like the decision her aunt made and mumbled that she had made a commitment to swimming long before she committed to Team Trident. The Trident leader didn't take too kindly to Cynthia's mumbling and demanded that she repeat what she mumbled under her breath. The end result… was not favorable for Cynthia as her great aunt dipped her hand in salt water.


"I see you got quite the red handprint on your face again from Milady Rhea," the head of testing corps, a female shiny Flygon hybrid named Sheba said to Cynthia as she saw the blistering red handprint on Cynthia's left cheek.

"And it stings worse than a Beedrill's Poison Sting," replied Cynthia as she was still nursing that reddened left cheek. "She always dips her hand in salt water before slapping me."

"Anyway, you're here to pick up new gear for your three month assignment in Alola," Sheba said to the trio as a shiny male Golduck in a lab coat came to the trio with two Lucarios carrying three cases.

"Correction, it's five months since the little mermaid decided to talk back to her aunt," Shelby said to Sheba as she shook her head.

"Ooo… ouch that's not good," said Sheba before she snapped her fingers signaling the cases to be open. "At any rate, we're giving you riding suits that will also act as your uniforms to wear when you ride on the backs of Pokémon in Alola."

'The most commonly used Pokémon for transportation in Alola are Tauros, Stoutland, Lapras and Charizard,' added Golduck. 'But for the three of you, you'll be riding on an Arcanine, Rampardos and a Water-type Pokémon of your choice. Each one of you will choose a Water Pokémon to ferry you across the water.'

"Alright ladies and gentleman," Sheba said to Cynthia, Benjamin and Shelby, "take it all off and get into your new uniforms.

Hearing Sheba telling them to take off their uniforms alarmed Benjamin as he was in the presence of his sister, girlfriend and the head of the Prototype Corps. He wasn't exactly too thrilled at the idea of taking it all off in the presence of girls. Not even being reassured that Sheba had seen enough guys with their 'goodies' was enough for Benjamin Summers to be confident.


"You take care of yourselves and watch each other's backs, okay?" May instructed her firstborn and her friends before looking to the Victini on her firstborn daughter's left shoulder. "And I expect you to do your job and protect my daughter from harm little mister."

'Please Duchess,' Victini began coolly and smoothly, 'when have I have ever failed to keep Little Cynthia safe from harm?'

"Don't get into too many bento brawls, okay Isabella?" the now former Sinnoh league champion, Cynthia Greyson asked her firstborn daughter who was famously known for participating in brawls that took place in convince stores over discounted bento boxes.

The firstborn of Cynthia and Lucas Greyson looked to her parents and just sighed as she shook her head at her mother's request. It was reasonable, but getting bruises and scars came with the territory of being the best bento brawler in the Atlantica Islands. She also had the shiny female Meowstic, Rika, with her as well as her older sister and protector.

'Fret not Cynthia,' Rika said in a calm and reassuring telepathic voice, 'you know I'll keep her safe from any major harm.'

"Thank you Rika," Cynthia said as she was the only parent to see their daughter off as Lucas had to stay behind on Tsunami Island to run their tour guide business.

"Hey, you guys stick together, 'kay?" Ren Kaiou asked the departing foursome before they boarded the plane heading to the Alola region.

"Yeah," answered Cynthia Ketchum as she looked to her cousin and her boyfriend. "Just don't get too comfy cuddling with each other. I think Aunt Rhea may have an assignment for you."

"We'll keep it in mind," replied the firstborn son of Trident's leader, Benny Abyss. "If you can… save some action for Ren and I. We heard there are surfing competitions in Alola. Heck, there are probably lots and lots of swimming competitions in Alola you could participate in."

"That would make spending five months in Alola more bearable," Cynthia said to Benny before she and her friends boarded the plane.

"Go with the blessings with of the sea and with each other," the newly anointed queen of the Atlantica Islands, Relena Kaiou, said to the three as they boarded the plane. "May Fortune smile on you and may Lord Arceus grant you success on your mission."


Author's note: Hey guys! Sparky here with the start of my sequel to May and Ash's Unova Journey. I hope you like this sequel as much as you liked May and Ash's Unova Journey. Please favorite and leave reviews if you like it. The more favs and reviews I get, the more chapters you'll get as I aim to please you. Suggestions for future chapters are also welcome as well. Until then… Ja ne! ^_^