2020- Stars Hollow

New York Time's best-selling author, Jess Mariano appears in the kitchen wearing a white t-shirt, and stereotypical flannel pajama bottoms. His brown slippers are worn, and one edge has been nearly annihilated by Charlie, the family's Great Dane puppy. As he retrieves orange juice from the refrigerator he can feel a pair of eyes boring through him. As his glance shifts he finds his teenaged son sitting at the kitchen island shoveling food into his mouth as if it is the last time he will ever see food.

"How many times have we lectured you about this? Son, you have to stop for air from time to time."

"Are you going to drink the orange juice from the carton again? You know how much mom despises that."

"Your mother is currently on assignment in Atlanta on some piece about the CDC, Theo. Last time I checked I didn't raise a narc."

The dark haired fifteen year old with his mother's big blue eyes furrows his brow, "Have you met my sister?"

"Lola is six. I believe there is time for reform."

"I am not planning on telling mom. I just don't understand why the two of you are constantly on my case? I have excellent grades. I make good choices. I keep my nose clean. I have never done anything to warrant such white on rice treatment. Your teenage indiscretions do not fall on my shoulders."

Jess grins as he flips on the percolator, "I'm sorry. I will try to lighten up. I have great confidence that I can manage such a feat, at least temporarily. Tomorrow is your birthday. I've got some tricks up my sleeve."

The perpetually shirtless fifteen year old leans back in his seat.

"Let me stop you there. Mimi already agreed to take me to the BMV first thing tomorrow morning."

A wild haired six year old bolts into the room with wild dark curls flying. She smiles at the two of them with her toothless grin.

"Good morning Mariano men! It is a beautiful day in our neighborhood. Mommy is away, and we all know what that means!" She squeals.

"No coffee!" The two of them bark in unison.

"Mimi is taking me to school, and there will be coffee! So much coffee. I will crash from all caffeine before lunch time, and school will be forced to call someone to pick me up. I love my mommy, and I love when she goes out of town!"

"Lola, it is three minutes past six am, could you dial it back about twenty seven notches?" Theo implores.

She studies his plate, "I can agree to your terms in exchange for your bacon."

Theo shifts his glance to the patriarch of their family, "And we wonder why I operate at a supersonic speed when I eat. She is a bottomless pit."

"Boys, I can start singing show tunes. We all know that I am a very talented performer. My tap shoes have recently been shined, and are dying to get some use."

The kitchen door opens, and Rory appears dragging her pile of luggage behind her. There is collective sigh from the inhabitants of the room.

"You all seem so glum that I'm home early."

"We have plans with Mimi," Lola growls as she shoves her jet black hair from her face.

"Then I will continue with my appointment with Fred," Rory growls.

Theo shakes his head, and rolls his eyes, "It was cute when I was five that you called the bathtub Fred, but now it is just creepy. Fred isn't even Fred anymore. As I recall he was replaced nine years ago."

The door swings open, and shut again, and Lorelai joins the crew.

"Good morning party people," she grins double fisting coffee.

Rory turns, and shoots her a look of disapproval, "If you give my six year old coffee again you will find your journey to the nursing home sooner than expected."

"Party pooper. Go have your date with Fred, and leave the rest of us to our own devices."

Rory groans as she exits the room. Theo is the first to wrap Lorelai in a bear hug.

"Are we still on for tomorrow?"

"Of course."

Lola worms her way between them, and snakes her arms around Lorelai's waist.

"What are we going to do about our plans? Mommy is home early, and…"

Lorelai slips a cup of coffee into her hand, "Drink this. I have all of the essentials in the car. Let's go before your mom can stop us."

Jess interjects, "When she fails to earn perfect attendance Rory is going to figure out the two of you conjured up a plan to play hooky to go shopping."

"I don't want to be a goody two shoes. Daddy I just want to be smart, and fabulous. Is that too much to ask? It's my thing. Theo has baseball, and I have…" she grins from ear to ear with her two missing front teeth, "glitter."

"Just go before she has a chance to stop you," Jess suggests.

"Mimi, is grandma Emily joining us?"

Lorelai nods, "Much to my dismay your request has been granted."

"Yes! Bye daddy, love you." She blows kisses on her way out the door.

"Love you too, Lola," he tucks the imaginary kiss in the pocket of his t-shirt.

"Have fun at school, sucker," she adds as the door slams.