Just a small one-shot I whipped up. Enjoy!

"Yakko! He said he was going to bite me!"

"Did not!"

"Did too!"

"Did not!"


I groaned as the argument continued to progress. Could my siblings not even stop arguing for five minutes? Sighing and turning the volume up a little on the Tv, they decided to bring the agreement out here.

"Yakko, tell her to shut up!" Wakko shouted in my ear.

"No, tell him! He's the one who's being unbareabe!"

"Oh yeah? Well you're the one who thinks you're all high and mighty and perfect!"

Dot shouted back an insult just as rude, as I put my head in my hands. "Well you're a nobody! At least I have friends!"

I had really wanted to stay out of this fight, but that comment made me more than a little mad. And it did the same to Wakko. He was so angry I was sure his head would catch on fire. His fists were in tight balls, and I caught him from lunging at Dot and hurting her.

"Dot, go to your room." I said simply, keeping my arms around my younger brother.

She stormed off and Wakko started to cry. "Why'd you send her off? She's just as guilty as me!" Wakko sobbed.

"Wakko, listen to me. Part of what she said was true. You are nobody, but you have tons of friends."

The look he gave me, could've stopped a dead man in his tracks. I handed him a piece of paper, and let go of him. "Read this. It helps me get through rough times where I feel like no-one."

I walked off and smiled as I heard him read it aloud.

"You are nobody. Nobody is perfect. Therefore, you are perfect. Remember this Yakko Warner next time you ever think of the deed. People love you and need you no matter what you think." Wakko said, and I winced when he read my little note to myself aloud also.

Grabbing a pen and knowing, because my siblings have a sixth sense, that I could hear him, he wrote and said aloud. "You better know we do Yakko."

I smiled. My siblings would fight because that's what siblings do. At least we all know this much.

Nobody is Perfect.

Hope you enjoyed! Review!

Best Regards,
