Good news, I finally updated and bad news, next chapter would be the last one.

Kind of sad that I'm almost done writing it but every story has got to have an ending, right?

Warning! This chapter may be a bit boring. The rest would be just the Hamada brothers having a regular vacation without any haunting. My apologies!

Disclaimer! I own neither Hiro nor Tadashi!

"…right after we went to sleep, I felt something weird, Hiro. I felt a kiss on my cheek…" Tadashi was telling his little brother the next morning. After the incident in the middle of the night, the Hamada brothers woke up late. Now they're sitting in the elder Hamada's bed, still on their pyjamas, discussing about the haunting.

Hiro's eyes widened. " 'Dashi…I think I know what that means…something Alan told us…"

"What is it, Hiro?" his elder brother asked.

"Remember when Alan warned us that sometimes ghosts can be attracted to someone when they think the person is good-looking?"

"Yeah…" Tadashi said. It suddenly hit him what his little brother was trying to tell him. "Are you trying to tell me that Bess finds me good-looking and that's why she's attracted to me?"

Hiro nodded. "It's a possibility. Especially the fact that you've felt a kiss last night."

"Oh" Tadashi didn't know what else to say. Another thought hit him, and it freaked him out. "Hiro…" he began. "I don't think it's safe for us to stay here anymore…"

"Why not?" the younger Hamada asked.

"Hiro…" he said again. "I think I know why Bess has been trying to hurt you"

"Why?" Hiro asked, suddenly feeling nervous too.

"Hiro, I think she's a jealous ghost."

"Why would she be jealous?"

"It's because you're my brother, Hiro. I think that she loves me so much that she wants to get revenge on you" Tadashi reached out and pulled his little brother in a protective hug. "Oh Hiro…I would never forgive myself if anything happened to you. I know now, Bess is a jealous ghost. It's not safe for us to stay here. We have to leave as soon as we can."

Hiro squirmed. "Oh, calm down 'Dashiii. It's fine."

Tadashi was surprised. Ever since they first came to spend a night at this hotel, Hiro has been wanting to leave this creepy place. He held him close. "Hiro, do you actually want to stay here?" he asked.

The younger Hamada squirmed out of his brother's hug. He looked down, and nodded sadly. "I know you must be surprised but…it's not about the hotel. It's just that… I don't want our vacation to end. Soon, it would be back to normal…" he sighed. "Us going back to college and things like that…"

Tadashi sighed as he put his hands on his little brother's shoulders. "Hiro, buddy, I know how you feel about that. It's normal, everyone feels that way but you know, we can't stay in vacation forever. Especially not in this place."

The younger Hamada nodded, understanding.

"But listen, I have a surprise for you." Tadashi said smiling, which made the younger Hamada look up.

"Yeah, what is it?" he asked.

"I know you don't want us to end our vacation early just because of all the haunting. Also, I can't stand to keep seeing you getting hurt. This place is not safe for us so I thought, how about we spend our last two days in a much higher class hotel rather than this? We'll have much more fun. Here, I feel that we haven't had much chance to go so much places because of, you know" Tadashi smiled. "What do you think, little brother?"

Hiro's heart filled with warmth for his kind-hearted older brother. "Oh thanks so much, Tadashi" he said, hugging his big brother tightly. "You're the best bro, and I could never want a better one." but then he pulled back. "…but are you sure that's okay with you, 'Dashi? If not…that's fine."

Tadashi put his gentle hand in his little brother's shoulder, and smiled kindly at him. "Hiro, of course it's okay with me. If it makes you happy, it's worth it. For you. Besides, I feel like spending our last two days in a much better hotel myself too."

Hiro hugged his brother. "Thanks 'Dashi" he said.

Tadashi pulled from the hug a little. "Anyway, let's get dressed now, and go down for breakfast. Also, I'm thinking that we should talk to Alan about what happened and ask him what he thinks."

Hiro nodded in agreement as both brothers got up to get dressed.

"…what do you think?" the elder Hamada asked Alan. The Hamada brothers took turns telling him everything that happened in the middle of the night. From Hiro being pushed off from the bed to Tadashi feeling a kiss on his cheek, now they were asking his opinion whether their evidence was right or not that Bess finds the elder Hamada attractive.

Alan nodded as he placed their pancakes down on their table. "I hate to be telling you guys this but yes, your evidence does seem right." he turned to the elder Hamada. "Bess does seem to be attracted to you."

"That explains everything that has been happening with me" Hiro added.

"We knew it." Tadashi said. "That's why we're planning to leave right after we finish are breakfast."

Alan agreed. "That's definitely the right thing to do. When a ghost exceeds it's limits, you leave immediately." when the brothers didn't answer him, he added, "I'm going to miss you guys, though. It was really great having you here."

"We'll miss you too, man" Hiro answered through bits of pancakes.

After breakfast, the Hamada brothers were back in their room.

They were packing up.

"Hiro, can you make sure that we're not missing anything?" Tadashi asked his younger brother, after they had packed everything.

"Uh, sure." Hiro said, shrugging. He started looking in cupboards to look for little things they may have missed, and then he went to look in the washroom.

Perfect! The elder Hamada thought once he was sure that his little brother was occupied. He opened his laptop and started looking for a deluxe hotel for them to stay for the last two days. He wanted it to be a surprise for his younger brother.

Staying at a classy hotel would make it up for them after all the creepy experiences they had been through.

Tadashi kept scrolling down, and checking out each hotel and it's ratings.

His face lit up when he had finally found an excelling one, which had so much five stars and good reviews.

Yes! he thought excitedly as he started booking. He couldn't wait for them to finally leave this creepy place.

Yay! The Hamada brothers would finally be moving out of the creepy hotel for good!

Wondering what the deluxe hotel they would be staying at for the last two days would be like? You'll find out in the next chapter! :D