So here's another story for you guys! I hope you guys like it and you'll leave me a quick review!

This is going up super late at night, so please excuse any spelling or grammar errors that I might have missed.


"Wanna head home babe?" I ask, Erin tucked under my arm. It had already been a long day, but the rest of the unit had convinced us to head to Molly's for a drink. The time has been been slowly creeping towards 10 o'clock and I know that both of us are close to collapsing from pure and unadulterated exhaustion.

"More than you know," She tells me with a grin as we walk towards the exit of the familiar bar.

"Bye guys!" I call behind us, hit with a chorus of farewells from Atwater, Burgess, and Ruzek, along with Sylvie Brett and Sarah Reese who we seemed to have picked up along the way. Voight and Olinsky came out with us on occasion, but it was just the five of us today.

It hasn't gotten too cold yet, but there is definitely a brisk chill wafting through the streets of Chicago. We quickly make the drive out of Bucktown and across the river to Lake View, pulling up in front of the townhouse that we're still in the process of moving into, boxes half unpacked all over the place. But it's certainly starting to feel like home. Not Erin's place that I moved in, but the place that we found together. Our home.

"You want to have some fun tonight?" I tease as we climb the stairs to our bedroom, her hand held within mine.

"I'm just going to jump in the shower," She says as she trudges up the second set of stairs.

"Oh alright then," I say, trying to hide the disappointment in my voice.

"But I guess I could use some company," She says with a seductive smirk.

"You don't have to tell me twice,"

"Did you set the alarm?" Erin asks as she towels off her wet hair, a new engagement ring flashing in the light. I'd proposed to Erin a few months ago and after a brief freak out, she finally agreed to marry me. It makes me happy, reminding me of what I'll have for the rest of my life every time it blinks in the glare of the light, a single diamond resting on a thin white gold band, simple, yet beautiful, just like my girl. That's the main reason we moved into the townhouse, we knew that we wanted to start over as a married couple in a new place, and our journey brought us to the stunningly modern townhouse in Lake View.

"Yep, 6:45, we still on for a run tomorrow morning?" I confirm with her.

"You bet your ass we are," She says forcefully as she pulls up a pair of pajama shorts.

"I mean it is a chance for you to redeem yourself after last time," I remind her as I pull a pair of sweatpants over my boxers.

"Hey I had a cold," She claims as she sends a glance towards me, tossing on a tank top.

"Oh sure, of course you did," I say with a smirk as I collapse onto my side of the bed. It really has been a long, long day, though that's not abnormal at the 21st District.

"Well either way, get ready to surrender your title tomorrow morning," She says as I feel the side of the bed dip at her weight.

"Whatever you say Er," I say with a smile as I reach over to give her a quick kiss before turning out the lamp on my bedside table, Erin doing the same.

I'm just starting to drift off to sleep as I hear my phone start to ring.

"Who's calling you this late?" Erin groans as the noise wakes her up, she had fallen asleep a few minutes ago and her voice heavy with sleep.

"I'll just let it go to voicemail," I say.

"Just decline it so it'll shut the hell up," She decides.

"Fine," I groan as I roll over to grab my phone from the bedside table. I'm about to decline the call, but I stop as I recognize the number. It's not saved into my phone, but it is a Chicago Police Department caller. It must be something work related. Although I don't know why anyone other than Voight would be calling me in the middle of the night. I answer it anyway.

"Hello," I respond, my voice groggy as I wake myself up again and Erin rolling over to the other side of the bed.

"Sorry about the late call, but this is Desk Sergeant Alison Howell at the 19th District, is this Jay Halstead?" I hear from the other end of the line.

"This is he. Is this about work?" I ask, trying to get this over with as fast as humanly possible.

"Uh no, I'm sorry but we need you to come down to the station right away. We found your name on a insurance card,"

"Excuse me? I don't know what you're talking about," I say confused.

"Is your father Ian Halstead?" Oh God. That's what this is about. I haven't seen my dad since he walked out on my mother, Will, and I when I was 14. And I really don't want to deal with him now. Or ever, more realistically.

"Did he get arrested?" I say, the annoyance in my voice clear as day.

"A couple of my patrols responded to a call about a car accident involving a drunk driver at the intersection of Larrabee and Webster. Your father and mother were involved in the crash. I'm going to need you to come down to the district as soon as possible." She responds, still not answering my question of whether or not he's been arrested.

"My mother died 13 years ago," I respond shortly.

"Oh I'm sorry for the confusion, your stepmother then," She explains.

"Can you at least tell me what happened? Am I bailing anybody out of jail?" I ask. God if I have to bail my dad out of jail, I am not going to be happy about it. But maybe I can get some answers out of him, ask him why he left his wife and two sons without a second word. And also as to why the hell he had them call me. And how he got my number. I haven't even seen the man since I was 14.

"I'm sorry, I'm not permitted to tell you that over the phone," She says.

"Okay fine, I be there in the next hour," I say, not knowing how far I'm going to have to drive so giving myself a fair amount of time.

"Thank you, Mr. Halstead," She hangs up and the signal rings over the line. I groan again as I slam down the phone.

"Babe what the hell is going on?" Erin says, slightly annoyed as she flicks on the light next to her.

"Something's going on with my dad, I'm supposed to go down to the 19th," I tell her as I hop out of bed. The faster I leave and get this over with, the faster I can come home and go back to bed.

"Now?" She asks.

"Yeah, now," I confirm as I pull a t shirt on.

"Alright, do you want me to come with you?" She asks as she begins to get out of bed.

"No, no, I'm sure it's just something stupid that my dad did. Stay here and sleep," I tell her as I hold my hand out, telling her to stay back.

"Tell me what happened in the morning?" She asks.

"Of course," I tell her as I drop her a quick kiss. "Don't wait up for me,"

"I don't think I'd be able to if I tried," She says with a laugh before turning out the lights. I smile back at her, knowing very well that she can't see me. I'm lucky to have her. And I'll be damned if I ever forget it.

I shove my feet into a pair of running shoes, too lazy to put on a socks and pull a sweatshirt on, just enough to keep me warm. I grab my wallet and the keys to the Sierra. It's been a bit of an adjustment, one being not driving around in the 300 and the other actually being able to do the driving. But we do still have the 300. After the district pulled it out of service and gave us the truck, Erin bought it off them, but we don't have to use it on an everyday basis anymore.

I make the quick drive over to the 19th, it actually being shorter than the drive to the 21st. I can feel the nerves building in my system. I haven't seen my father in twenty years. I have no idea if he'll even recognize me.

"Sergeant Howell?" I ask as I run through the front door, spotting a an older woman sitting behind the front desk.

"Yes, how can I help you?" She asks, her tight blonde curls pulled into a ponytail and her blue eyes kind.

"My name is Jay Halstead, we spoke on the phone," I offer.

"Of course, Mr. Halstead, please come with me," She quickly leads me over to two patrols pacing in the corner. They look nervous. And young. They must be new to the force.

"Marsak, Jolie, this is Jay Halstead,"

"Alright so why am I here? What did my dad do and why is his wife not dealing with it?" I ask, my patience draining. This really is the last place I want to be. I could be at home, asleep, next to my fiancee. But no. Because of my father, I'm here.

"Mr. Halstead, I don't think you understand," Officer Jolie tells me.

"Well yes," I nearly snap, "No one has said anything to me. So if you'd like to take me out of my misery that would be much appreciated," I say. I can tell that their patience with me is quickly running out, but I just really don't want to deal with my father at the moment and it's put me in a bit of a foul mood to say the least.

"They're dead okay? Ian and Mira Halstead right? We need you to ID their bodies," The man I identify as Officer Marsak snaps at me. Someone needs to enroll this guy in a class about people skills. I've done more notifications than I can count and I promise that that is now how to do it.

"What?" I respond, slightly taken back. He's gone. My dad is gone. It's not like he's been in my life, but I always knew that he was out there somewhere. All I can feel now is shock. Not sadness exactly, though maybe it's down there somewhere.

"They were killed on impact, I'm sorry for your loss," Jolie tells me. She's the softer of the two, it's pretty obvious. Her eyes are full of sympathy. The sympathy in her eyes is probably stronger than the sadness in mine if were being totally honest.

"Okay," I respond, still trying to work through my emotions. "Let's get this over with then,"

I thought I had had a long day yesterday. And then I had to ID my father's body. I'd thought throughout my entire life, that maybe one day I would see my dad again. And I guess I was right. But I didn't think that I'd be seeing him on a metal table with a white sheet covering his body. I got home at almost two in the morning and I slept a short three hours. If that.

I've been up since five, just sitting at the kitchen table downstairs, staring at the cup of coffee resting before me and taking the occasional sip. I got dressed to go running just when I woke up, so whenever Erin gets up we can go. After I explain everything to her of course. And if she gets up when she's supposed to, she should be down here in a matter of minutes. The alarm went off about fifteen minutes ago, so it all depends on how fast she moves.

I don't want to make a big thing of it. Although I know that Erin is going to want to. I gave up on my father years and years ago and very honestly I haven't felt too much in the realm of sadness. I almost feel bad about not being upset about it. Or maybe I am upset and I'm just in total denial. I don't know.

But he isn't, wasn't my dad. He hasn't been for the past twenty years. And the fourteen years before that disappeared the day he walked out. And it's not like he would have won father of the year even then.

"So how'd it go last night with your dad?" Erin asks as she runs in, disrupting my thoughts. "Was it awkward?" She asks as she grabs a coffee cup from the cabinet.

"Well he's dead," I tell her abruptly. I can tell immediately by the look on her face that maybe I should have built up to that.

"What?" She exclaims, nearly dropping the cup in her hands.

"Oh and he's gotten remarried to a woman named Mira. She's dead too," I comment as I take a nice long sip of the bitter liquid. Thank God I got that out.

"I'm sorry, but are we just skimming over the fact that you just found out that your father is dead? And you're just okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine," I assure her, "He's not my father anymore. He hasn't been for twenty years. He was just a guy that I happen to be the offspring of. It's nothing more than that,"

"Jay," She says slowly, trying to get me to open up. But there's nothing to open up about. He's gone. And I'm okay with that. At least I think I am.

"Erin, I'm fine. Can we just drop it?"

"Fine," She gives in, "Let's go on that run."

"But," I fill in for her, questioning what she's going to follow that up with.

"But we're talking about this later,"

"Told you I would win," Erin teases as she gives me a jab in the side, her face red with effort and beads of sweat rolling down her face, pieces of hair straying away from the once tight ponytail. I'm sure I don't look much better.

"Hey! I'm running on like three hours of sleep here, you were well rested!" I argue back.

"Oh excuses, excuses," She says, waving her hands through the air.

"Well I mean, I did learn from the best," I say with a smirk.

"Oh shut it," She says annoyed as we approach the townhouse. Luckily, throughout the run, the awkwardness has faded away and we were back to ourselves, banter and all.

"Wait who's that?" Erin asks, stopping suddenly as the two of us notice the suited man in front of the house. His hair is a silver grey and there's a leather briefcase hanging from his left hand.

"Only one way to find out," I say, instinctively grabbing her hand as we walk through the black gate in front of the townhouse. I open my mouth to say something, but he beats me to the punch.

"Are you Jay Halstead?'

"That depends, who are you?"

"Oh pardon me, my name is Jared Murphy, I was in the charge of the will of Mira and Ian Halstead," Oh God. We're back to this.

"Then yes, my name is Jay Halstead," I answer reluctantly.

"Well then I need to discuss your father and stepmother's will with you," He claims. I don't think I say anything for a while, but I suddenly open my mouth after Erin nudges me.

"Do we really have to do this right now?" I ask.

"Well yes, there is something in the will that is extremely time sensitive," He tells me.

"Alright then, let's get this over with," I say again, the same thing I said last night. Seems to be my mantra in this situation. Erin nods over at me before stepping in front of Jared to unlock the front door. The two of lead him into the kitchen and allow him to get settled on one side. The faster we can finish this, the faster we can both get into work and get on with the rest of our lives.

"I'm just going to excuse myself," Erin says as I'm about to take a seat across from him.

"No, stay here," I say as I grab her hand, my blue eyes connecting with her hazel ones. She doesn't say anything, simply nodding before taking the spot next to me.

"So what's so time sensitive about this?" I question as he begins to fan papers out all over the table.

"Well, obviously the first thing we need to talk about is the custody," He tells me as he pulls out a very thick stack of tabbed papers.

"The custody of who? My brother and I are both in our thirties," I respond, questioning him.

"The custody of your sister of course, she's still a minor." He tells me. I can almost feel my jaw hitting the floor.

"My sister?" I don't have a sister. This guy must have gotten his papers mixed up or something. There is absolutely no way that I have a sister.

"Well she's sixteen and she has to go somewhere right?" He says, most likely still oblivious to my confusion.

"I'm sorry, I don't have a sister," I answer, still extremely confused.

"You very much do." He tells me, his eyebrow furrowed as he scans the page. "Her name is Eloise. Eloise Jane Halstead. And custody has been assigned to you and your brother William Halstead,"

Holy shit.

I'm still a little unsure about this story line and I don't know if I'm going to keep going with it, so if you like it, please let me know with a review! Thanks guys!

Much love,
