Reviews for The Thoughts and Prayers of Yesterday
journey4eva chapter 13 . 8/28/2019
Any plans to continue this? I would love to see more of the Halstead siblings bonding and Jay and Erin getting back to a good place.
Guest chapter 13 . 7/16/2019
Can you update this story please
sweetkiwi604 chapter 13 . 6/25/2019
Absolutely loving this story! I'm a huge fan of sister fics and would love to see some more interactions between Ellie and Will. Can't wait for more!
TheTimeForRamen chapter 13 . 5/15/2019
I love me some big brother Halsteads ️
Guest chapter 13 . 2/24/2019
Good chapter. Just a little niggle, Will and Jay’s father was called Pat not Ian. I think it was short for Patrick.
Lulu87 chapter 13 . 2/18/2019
I’m so happy you updated this, I used to love this story :) great chapter, I‘m happy to see they are inching closer again!
reading-lover-191 chapter 13 . 2/18/2019
WOW. You have no idea how much I've missed this story. It's my favorite story of yours. Thank you for not forgetting about it. No matter how long the wait this story will always hold a dear place in my heart.
Guest chapter 12 . 12/27/2018
Any chans you will update this?
Guest chapter 12 . 5/21/2018
I miss this story I hope you get time fo update t soon :)
Halsteadpd chapter 12 . 2/27/2018
Just curious if you’re going to continue. As a writer, I know how difficult it is to write for Linstead now but I just want to let you know this story is amazing and I’ve re-read it so many times!
Chicago pd chapter 12 . 1/20/2018
I read this story over and over so many times! Please update soon.
Guest chapter 12 . 1/1/2018
Pls update soon!
lelema chapter 12 . 12/5/2017
Love this story. I hope for an update.
Guest chapter 12 . 10/27/2017
Hope you update soon I love this story so much
Guest chapter 12 . 10/2/2017
Update soon!
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