A big thanks to TheShapeH31, for his critique of my writting. I enjoy getting input on my writting, allows me to develop a little since this is my first story. Any way here's the next chapter. I apologize for the late post, but enjoy!

I do not own Pokemon

Chapter 10

As the smoke cleared, it became obvious who the winner was. Gary raised a hand indicating the victor, "Gumshoos is

unable to battle. The winner is Ash!" Serena and Lillie started jumping for joy with the announcement; however, Pikachu

was headed straight for his trainer.

"Pika Pi!" The ecstatic little mouse cried as it jumped into his trainers arms. "We did it Pikachu!" he said happily as he

congratulated and returned his pokemon. "That was a wonderful battle! You really are a gifted trainer!" Ilima exclaimed.

"Thanks! You're not too bad yourself. So, what's the best way to get to the next island?" Ash asked curiously. "Well the next

island is Akala, I can take you there if you all would like?" Ilima answered. "Really?! That'd be awesome!" Ash said

ecstatically. "That's very kind of you." Lillie said gratefully. "Okay then, it's settled, will head out tonight after dinner!" Ilima

said smiling.

"Wow! Your Boat is amazing Ilima!" Ash cried joyfully as Pikachu quickly voiced his agreement. "It truly is incredible, is it

yours or your families?" Serena added. "That's nice of you both, but it's nothing special. It is my families boat, but I use it

frequently due to my job as trial captain." Ilima replied with a laugh. "It must be convenient to have a means to travel

around with your trial captain status." Gary stated. "Well everything is in order, are we ready to go?" Ilima turned to look at

the group noticing they were one short. "Hey, where's Lillie?" Serena asked the rest of her friends. "Oh man.. Lillie's kind of

bad with directions.. like worse than me.." Ash replied scratching his head "We better go loo-" was all he could say before

Gary cut him off. "I'll go find her, you guys stay here. I'll be back as soon as I find her." before any one had time to rebut

him, Gary was gone.

"Oh no… This isn't good, this isn't good Shiron. Where did they all go? I looked away for five seconds and now were lost."

Lillie muttered to her snow colored fox. "Vul…" Shiron replied sadly. Suddenly a robot arm shot out and took the small fox,

"SHIRRONNN!" Lillie screamed as she reached for her friend. "Who are you people!" She cried, fighting desperately to reach

her friend. "Did someone ask something? We're here to find out!" "Noble answers are what we're all about!" "The beauty so

radiant, the flowers and moon hide in shame." "A single flower of evil in this fleeting world." "Jessie." "The nobly heroic man

of our times." "The master of darkness fighting back against a tragic world." "It's James." "It's all for one, and one for all."

"A glittering dark star that always shines bright." "Dig it! while meowth takes flight." "Team Rocket, lets fight!" "that's


Oh man I wonder where she is, I'm responsible for her.. She better not be hurt or anything.. Gary thought before hearing a

loud shriek. "SHIRRONNN!" That's Lillie, he knew immediately bolting off in that direction pokeball in hand. As Lillie came

into view Gary became immediately aware of the situation. He quickly ran between the poor girl and team rockets

Pokemon. "Stay behind me! I won't let them hurt you! Blastoise let's go!" Gary cried as he summoned his very first friend.

"Gary, you have to save Shiron." Lillie said with worried eyes "Don't worry about a thing Lillie." Gary replied Reaching for his

mega ring. "Oh no you don't! Mimikyu don't let them mega evolve, use shadow ball on the twerp!" Jessie screamed.

"Mareanie, you help too!" James added. As their combined attack formed and shot towards them Gary was forced to back

off of the mega evolution and save Lillie from the attack first. He quickly hoisted Lillie into his arms as he took off to take

cover from the attack. As he ran the attacks followed them as Blastoise defended one attack, the other would come for

them. Gary barely made it behind a wall to keep them save from attack before setting Lillie down. "Stay here. I'm gonna

finish this battle here and now." Gary said. As he started to get up Lillie grabbed his hand to stop him, "please don't get hurt

Gary…" She said sadly.

Gary walked around the side of the wall coming into view with his hand already in position and a stern look in his eyes.

Before team rocket noticed his hand, it was too late. Blastoise transformed and looked to Gary, "Finish this, but make sure

Shiron doesn't get hurt." He stated coldly. "Mimikyu, shadow ball!" "Mareanie use toxic!" the two Rocket members called

out in unison. There hopes were destroyed the instant the hydrocannon fired. The powerful water attack ate both the

shadow ball and the toxic attacks. It continued is way towards them destroying their robotic machine from the wrist up,

leaving nothing but the hand and Shiron remaining in its place. They braced themselves to take the hit and finally blast off,

but that moment never came. They never felt the attack, they only felt a strong pair of arms and the wind in their faces. As

they opened their eyes they realized they were far from the twerps, being hauled off by a sprinting Bewear. "This is so

weird!" The trio cried as they disappeared into the sunset.

As Gary came around the wall, Lillie noticed her Shiron in his arms and ran to him with relief. "Thank you so much Gary!"

She cried out as she threw her arms around him in a big hug. A red tint quickly covered his face. He quickly made a

comment to cover up his embarrassment. "It was nothing! You can thank me some other time, but for now we should get

to the boat." He said turning his head from her view so she wouldn't see the blush on his cheeks. He didn't notice that she

was also looking away from him to conceal her own blush.

"Hey Guys! What took so long?! We were supposed to set sail hours ago!" Ash called out as his friends came into view.

Serena proceeded to hit him on the back of the head, "Be nice. Something might have happened." She scolded him. Ash

looked sheepishly at her, "You're right Serena." He said before quickly running his hand back and forth through her hair,

effectively messing it up, before taking off away from her as she gave chase. Gary and Lillie could only laugh as they

boarded the boat to an electrocuted Ash and Serena with a pair of Pikachu smashed underneath them, and just like that the

group was off to Akala Island.