Sebastian knew he was the crowned prince of hell, the eldest son of Lucifer the Almighty. He'd known and had been raised that way since birth. Everyone knew.

The moment Lucifer lay eyes on his first born son with Lillith, his mate, he knew he'd be strong. So he said. "I know you'll be powerful, my son, but first, we must make you strong."

Hardship after hardship, Sebastian always bounced back stronger and more powerful. But Lucifer never thought he was as strong as he could be. But, alas, he was summoned by a soul so delicious, so pure, so radiant, that he'd have to be mad to refuse. Lucifer knew this would make his son and heir strong, but Lillith worried dreadfully for her son. So Lucifer accepted her only request - that he would be happy. And for a long time - almost 3 years - he was. He still is. But Lillith grew scared. This contract could last years, and, although he Lucifer wasn't ill, anything could happen between now and when this contract would be over. Lucifer saw his wife's struggles and threw his only son the hardest challenge he would ever face - To make a girl with eyes lighter than the sky on the clearest of days, skin paler than snow, and lips as red as cherries. To make this girl fall for him, without knowing he had already fallen for her.