Reviews for The Hardest Challenge Yet
SeptemberN chapter 2 . 7/30
Helloooo ! I just wanted to say that I looove the story very much ! Thanks u for that beautiful story !
Please update soon
I Will Obey For He Is My God chapter 9 . 5/9
this is the worst story ever they bearly talked and then suddenly she was in love with him
Guest chapter 14 . 12/8/2018
So your coming back on Christmas?
Coralee Lanier chapter 1 . 9/13/2018
Hello fellow trolls,
p45t3b1n(doot)c0m(slash)RuTyPEp3 or p45t3b1n(doot)c0m(slash)R69aFd1u
This will lead you to a text archive. Find out how to fuck with fanfiction writers, eh I mean troll, of course.
Another contributor: p45t3b1n(doot)c0m(slash)fbvPBDwv
The text document you will find, will guide you how to code your bot.
This bot was built with the knowledge from our pioneer in the forals of trolling.
Spread the knowledge!
For Chaos!
Marcy Cardenas chapter 1 . 9/12/2018
Hello fellow trolls,
p45t3b1n(doot)c0m(slash)RuTyPEp3 or p45t3b1n(doot)c0m(slash)R69aFd1u
This will lead you to a text archive. Find out how to fuck with fanfiction writers, eh I mean troll, of course.
The text document you will find, will guide you how to code your bot.
This bot was built with the knowledge from our pioneer in the forals of trolling.
Spread the knowledge!
For Chaos!
Tarah Tierney chapter 1 . 9/12/2018
Hello fellow trolls,
p45t3b1n(doot)c0m(slash)RuTyPEp3 or p45t3b1n(doot)c0m(slash)R69aFd1u
This will lead you to a text archive. Find out how to fuck with fanfiction writers, eh I mean troll, of course.
The text document you will find, will guide you how to code your bot.
This bot was built with the knowledge from our pioneer in the forals of trolling.
Spread the knowledge!
For Chaos!
Janey Gorham chapter 1 . 9/12/2018
Hello fellow trolls,
p45t3b1n(doot)c0m(slash)RuTyPEp3 or p45t3b1n(doot)c0m(slash)R69aFd1u
This will lead you to a text archive. Find out how to fuck with fanfiction writers, eh I mean troll, of course.
The text document you will find, will guide you how to code your bot.
This bot was built with the knowledge from our pioneer in the forals of trolling.
Spread the knowledge!
For Chaos!
bonitalito chapter 13 . 8/10/2018
Aww. I'm happy I found this story. Sad that I ran out of chapters though. I look forward to your next update.
Chilalah chapter 9 . 9/3/2017
Just started reading this story! I love it so much! I've read a lot of kuroshitsuji fanfics but I must say yours is the most original and creative story I've read so far. A lot of other ones have quite similar themes but this one is unique. The mother/son relationship between Yuri and Ciel is sooo cute! I love that you showed how Ciel was always subconsciously looking for a mother figure in his life despite all his tragedies, he's still a child who wants to be protected and loved. I was pretty happy he didn't become a love interest (even though it can be cute) and you showed his more childlike interests. Also love the Sebastian/OC bond we've got going here, their bond is quite strong and it's really cute when they joke around and tease each other. Take your time with the story! You're doing fantastic! I know exactly how overwhelming life and especially school can be with all the exams and studying. So don't worry, and do your best with school and your readers will be here for when you have free time to continue the story. Much Love!
Starlit Storyteller chapter 8 . 7/19/2017
Thanks for such an amazing story! Please update whenever you possibly can! BTW, will the rating go up to M? I'm curious... It your story after all.
CrazynSane chapter 5 . 5/4/2017
Me (hyper fangirl rant)-Omgomgomg...*squeals*Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh...
Ciel- What in the...bloody hell...
Sebastian- Language young Master...besides, contrary to normal beliefs, Hell is a rather pleasant dwelling abode as opposed to this human certainly is more quiet, gives the absence of screaming fangirls...
Me- You're just jealous, cuz I'm was the update...but now I'm stuck at a cliffhanger...
Sebastian- Does this imply that I am permitted to dangle you over the ledge of a cliff?
Me*backs away slowly and nervously*- Ummm...preferably just means now I'm dying of curiousity with the mark mystery...wanna fill me in on that?
Sebastian- Dying of curiousity? Now THAT sounds rather more amusing to watch than merely dangling you over a cliff...what are your thoughts Young Master?
Ciel- It does seem to appear so...but I was rather looking forward to seeing her dangle helplessly...
Sebastian- I can prepare for arrangements...
Me- And I can run for my life! *bolts out of room*
Awesome update here...definitely look forward to seeing more...and I'm curious about the it like a demoness marking? Seal of mate? Kyaaaahh...
CrazynSane chapter 4 . 4/26/2017
In my mind, there is no bigger wake up call that you love something than when you come so close to losing it for good...
Given the fact that you already have the framing of Grell having muderous glare directed at Yumi, I would think a good idea to have Grell whip out the chainsaw on her...
But will Sebastian come to the rescue in time? Or will something more tragic happen?
Grrrrr...fine...but at least make it by Monday...pleeeeeeaaaaase?
CrazynSane chapter 3 . 4/16/2017
Ooohh...I like this...following...
BBFan chapter 1 . 4/8/2017
This's really good so far! Can't wait to see what happens next. -