This is my second ever fanfiction, and this is an Ash is betrayed by his friend's story.


Ash 17

Serena 16

Bonnie 13

Max 14

Gary 17

May 18

Brock 26

Delia 34

Professor Oak 55

Tracey 19

Dawn 16

Iris 19

Cilan 22

Clemont 17

Lilly 15

Professor Kukui 24

"What is the matter, Ash?" Serena asked her boyfriend.

"It's them. They entered" He simply replied, sending the Elite four member into a fit of rage,


"Relax, Serena, they don't know we are here, besides, they probably just saw the invitation and went for it." He assured her, although he himself was having trouble keeping his feelings in check after the incident 3 years ago.

FLASHBACK -Pallet Town- 3 years ago-

"Come on guys, last one there is a rotten exeggcute!" An excited 14-year-old ran off with his Pikachu trailing in hot pursuit, swiftly followed by a small child and her Deddene. Far behind was an exaughsted honey blonde teen shouting after them in vain,

"Ash Ketchum! We don't even know where the lab is, you cheater" Serena fumed, but hearing no response, took off after the two and their pokemon. Ash, Serena and Bonnie (Clemont had business to attend to at the Lumiose gym) The three had returned to Pallet town after Ash's devastating loss In the Kalos league and the whole Zygarde vines ordeal to see Professor Oak and Delia, and hopefully get an idea as to what region to travel to next. Soon approaching the lab, the trio let out their pokemon but for some reason when they approached the lab Greninja formed a water shuriken in his hand, as if he sensed something bad.

Opening the door, ash overheard a conversation in progress,

Misty: "When are we gonna tell him?"

Delia: "He should be back soon, he called me a while ago to say he landed in safely in Saffron City, although I still don't think this is right."

Max: "What is? Sorry guys I was listening to my music"

May: "Max!"

Gary: "Whats going on?! I was out back and I heard May yell!"

Brock: "Well, looks like we'll tell both of you now, so we all know before Ash gets back, also, Tracey, can you get the professor, I'm sure he will understand what we have to tell Ash.

Gary, Max and Oak (who just walked in with Tracey): "What?"

Ash couldn't keep still any longer and walked in followed by Bonnie and Serena,

"Hi guys! Wow! Everyones here! Speaking of which, why?" ash asked, 'probably to congratulate me on my ranking in the Kalos league!' he thought to himself.

"Well, ash…" Dawn trailed off,

"We are all here to…" stuttered Iris sheepishly,

"That you need to…" Tracey tried but failed,

"OH, FOR GOODNESS SAKE! Ash we are all here to tell you that you need to give up on stupid dream!" Brock snapped

Ash, along with Serena, Bonnie, Max, Gary And Oak stared at the former gym leader while Tracey, Dawn, Iris, Cilan and Delia stared at the ground guiltily.

"What?! You are joking, right?! Mum?!" Ash shouted, hysteria levels rising.

"I'm… I'm sorry Ash, but I can't bear the thought of you getting hurt, besides, you 14 now, you need to start thinking of your future." Delia cried.

"All of you, out! How dare you!" Oak fumed, "Tracey, your fired!"

"NO!" Misty roared, "IF YOU DON'T GIVE UP YOUR DREAM, WE WILL MAKE YOU! EVEN YOUR OWN POKEMON DON'T BELIEVE IN YOU!" as she threw out starmie, accompanied by brocks' Onix and Iris' dragonite, and they all fired various attacks at ash, who braced himself for the worst, he opened one eye to see his kalos team in front of him, along with Charizard, Sceptile and Snorlax. Seeing they were outnumbered, the traitors ran off, and Ash was about to as well, when a hand pulled him back inside,

"Wait, Ash, you can't run off, what about all your pokemon?" Gary scolded,

"WELL THEN GENIUS, WHAT AM I GONNA DO?! What am I gonna do?" Ash cried.

"Allow me to introduce you to my latest invention in pokemon tech! do you remember a few months ago gramps released his invention, the PC? Ash nodded shakily.

"Well since then I have been working on something similar, introducing the PC watch! I will admit, it is basically a portable PC, but with it you can hold unlimited amount of pokemon! Although, It only seems you have 8 pokemon left."

"What?! But I have nine! My Kalos team are 5, then there is Charizard, Sceptile, Snorlax and Pikachu!" He pratically yelled.

"Ash..." Serena said soothingly, like she always did when she was about to deliver bad news. This gave Ash the chance to brace himself, but even he could never guess the next four words she spoke

"Pikachu left with them."

"Fine!" He snapped, "Pikachu meant nothing to me anyways (A lie). "Max, Gary, Bonnie, Serena, pack your things, we are heading to Alola!"

End flashback

"Come on, opening ceremony is tomorrow, let's go for a walk" He told his girlfriend, and the two walked down the beach to meet the other Elites.