Winds of Change


Chapter 1: Sent from Heaven

Author's Notes: I do not own Hellsing.

Summary: It is the year 2550 AD. The Hellsing Organization has gone to the birds, due to incompetent leaders since the death of Integra Hellsing. Vampires has become a different breed- a weaker, pathetic breed, and meanwhile monsters known as Chimeras are making life very difficult for the people in England. So God has decided that Integra would be better off serving Him at the head of the Hellsing Organization- for eternity, but He's not going to make it easy for her.

Setting: Heaven

It was a fine day in Heaven (like all the other days), Integra had just lit up what seemed to be her millionth cigar, when Uriel* approached her. "God would like to see you." "What about?" she inquired. "The Hellsing Organization" he said. The look on Uriel's face told Integra that it must be very important and very grave. "I guess I can't refuse, lead the way" Integra sighed. Soon Integra found herself in a large office. There were several large windows that let in beams of golden light. Lining the walls were statues of angels in various poses of battle. On the polished white marble floor was a large oval shaped golden rug with the picture of a lamb and a lion reclining together. In the center of the office was a large oak desk, on the front panel of the desk was an intricate carving of The War of Heaven*.

"Ah, glad you can make it" God greeted Integra at the entrance of his office. "As I am sure Uriel had told you, it's about the Hellsing Organization." "How bad is it?" Integra asked. God and Uriel glanced at each other. "It's a shit-fest" said Uriel. "Uriel! Language!", God exclaimed "but he's right, for lack of better words. The leaders are incompetent and instead of using the brains I put in their heads, they are praying for a miracle. At first I gave them remedies to their issues, but it has gotten worse with every year. I'm surprised that Hellsing still exists." Integra scowled, "I knew this was going to happen." "It gets worse," Uriel added, "Your two pet vampires Alucard and Seras had been locked away, because the next leader appointed by the late Queen was too cowardly to control them." God leaned forward on his giant oak desk and looked Integra in the eye. "I'm sending you back to earth as an immortal being to lead Hellsing the way it was meant to be led- permanently." Integra's jaw dropped open. The look of shock was not one she wore often, but now seemed to be a good time as any. "What about, you know the end of the world, fire and brimstone, all that stuff?"

God laughed, "The world is too interesting to end. A natural disaster here and there or a war, to see what decisions people will make, yes. Ending the world, destroying the only planet that has life on it, not really smart on my part, wouldn't you agree?" Integra could only stare at God. "First time, she's speechless" chuckled Uriel. That earned him a glare from the former Hellsing leader. "At the rate that this situation is going England may cease to exist, with all the other problems that's going on." God said intently.

"There's more still?"

"Uriel will fill you in on the other issues, right now I need to know if you are willing to become England's defender against creatures that would hurt the innocent."

Integra ran a hand through her hair.

"Yes, I'll do it, seeing as everyone else who tried did a piss poor job of it."

"Great! Here is all the information that you will need to know about the situation." God slid a bulky folder towards Integra. "Everything you need to know is in here in detail, Uriel will just give you a brief overhaul." God turned to Uriel, "Take her to the elevator and prepare for descent."

"Yes sir."

Turning back to Integra, God smiled, "I am glad you decided to take on this task, even at the loss of Paradise. One more thing, I am not going to just make it where you are the leader of Hellsing as soon as you get back." Integra rolled her eyes, "Why did I see this coming?"

"That would be too easy and too convenient, besides you will need Alucard and Seras to help you truly secure your position." God explained. It was true, once Integra unsealed the two sleeping vampires, no one would question or stop her. "Thanks again for doing this Integra."

"You already knew I was going to say yes."

God shrugged "What can I say? I'm all knowing."

Uriel led Integra out of the office and towards the large elevators that was rarely used. It's not every day that people leave Heaven. Uriel punched in a bunch of numbers on the side panel and the doors opened. They both entered the elevator and in a matter of seconds it plummeted towards earth. "I hope I don't get sick this time," moaned Uriel. The elevator reached its destination in a flash of bright light, which later witnesses would say it a lightning bolt that struck the ground and seemed to hit two people even though they were unhurt.

"Well I didn't puke this time, so that's good."

"Now what?" Integra was pretty impatient to get started. Uriel was gawking at her. "What are you staring at? I'm not naked….am I?"

"Tell me why were you a virgin again?" This earned the archangel a slap over the head. You see in Heaven, Integra looked like an old woman, seeing as she died at 82, now she looked 22. "Ok, ok, I'm sorry!" Of course this scene was getting them some stares from passersby, which was natural when you see a platinum blonde woman beating up a curly dark haired man. And no, Integra was not naked, the white elegant suit that she wore in Heaven was now black.

"Just tell me what I need to know, so I can go about undoing the mistakes those idiots are doing with my organization," growled Integra.

Uriel led her to an outside café. As they sat down, the archangel's mischievous smile was now replacing with a very serious grimace.

"Alright here it is…."

Chapter End

Author's Notes:

Uriel is an archangel in several religions, specifically Judaism and Christianity. Google it for more info. I'm pretty sure Uriel is a serious guy, but I made him more chill Don't worry he knows how to get the job done.

The War of Heaven is the war between God and his angels versus Lucifer and his followers. This happened because Lucifer wanted to overthrow God. Not sure if this is in the Bible, I don't think it is, so Google it for more info.

In my Heaven, people can smoke cigars and swear and why not? Those two are at the very bottom of God's not to do list.

Next time: Uriel gives more detail of crisis of the British people and the Hellsing Organization. It's nothing but bad news and downhill from here. Will Integra regret making the choice to come back?