Reviews for Winds of Change
The Night Whisperer chapter 16 . 9/9/2019
Wait, Basil was the one that killed Leonard? Holy shit! XD I did not see that coming! But I’m glad he did and that Integra was okay with it. I mean, she already hated the guy and Basil’s still loyal to this organization. So, he just did her a HUGE favor. XD
The Night Whisperer chapter 15 . 9/9/2019
Oh, my God! Just when I think I couldn’t possibly hate Lord Wyatt more than I already do, he proves me wrong. I mean, seriously, trying to force Charlotte to marry him is despicable. And I hope this gives her the wake up call she needs to kick him to the curb.
The Night Whisperer chapter 14 . 9/9/2019
I like how Integra was sympathetic towards Sam’s pain and tried to comfort her. In her own way, of course. I just hope Sam gets her revenge because she needs to make that bastard pay for what he did.
The Night Whisperer chapter 13 . 9/9/2019
Well, I’m glad they were able to wrap up that case and show the NYPD how to get the job done. Well, most of it anyway... Since, we still don’t know who’s selling those drugs and why.
The Night Whisperer chapter 12 . 9/9/2019
Damn! XD Did Integra really just compare New Yorkers to ghouls? Well, that’s not nice. But neither was Ali when she kept antagonizing her.
The Night Whisperer chapter 11 . 9/9/2019
I really like how Integra treated Charlotte as an equal and gave her the respect she deserved. It was very refreshing. Especially, after seeing idiots like Wyatt treat Charlotte like a child.
The Night Whisperer chapter 10 . 9/9/2019
Okay, I love the rivalry between Sam and Alucard. XD It’s something I greatly enjoyed in Hellsing: Law and Order. So, it’s nice to see that in this story.
The Night Whisperer chapter 9 . 9/8/2019
I kind of wish Leonard was alive right now so Integra can kill him herself. Since, he really fucked up this organization and the world.
The Night Whisperer chapter 8 . 9/8/2019
Hmm ... I know Integra doesn’t care what happens to Leonard but I don’t think she should overlook this case. Because what if whoever killed him is an even bigger threat than the Chimeras. I just feel like this is going to come back and bite her in the ass at some point.
The Night Whisperer chapter 7 . 9/8/2019
Aww, I love how Integra and Alucard indulge Seras with her fascination of technology. It’s so cute :)
The Night Whisperer chapter 6 . 9/8/2019
Oh, I’ve been waiting for my two favorite vampires to show up :) Although, I kind of feel bad for Uriel after he tried to wake Seras up. XD But least Integra was able to calm her down.
The Night Whisperer chapter 5 . 9/8/2019
Yeah, I totally agree with Integra about one piece of technology controlling the whole manor. Like, if the power really did go out that’d be a safety hazard because no one would be able to open the doors to get out or worse ... use the bathroom. So, they definitely need to get rid of that. Although, Integra should be more open to technology that will help build up their defenses. Since, that will definitely come in handy in the future.
The Night Whisperer chapter 4 . 9/8/2019
I love how Charlotte is coming into her power and starting to trust her own instincts. She’ll definitely make a remarkable Queen. Of course, after she gets rid of Lord Wyatt because that man’s a snake and he needs to get the fuck out.
The Night Whisperer chapter 3 . 9/8/2019
I’m so glad the Queen didn’t believe their lies and gave those traitorous bastards swept retribution. Now, that those idiots are removed from power Integra can do things her way.
The Night Whisperer chapter 2 . 9/8/2019
Honestly, I love the way you had Integra storm the manor. It was nice to see her kicking ass and taking names. Especially, to that little asshole who had the audacity to steal her family name. God, I hope Leonard ends up losing that toe ...
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