Chapter 14: Naraku of the Southern Lands

King Kumo, ruler of the Southern Lands was not of royal blood, but even still he succeeded the throne centuries ago when he and an army he created had defeated the former King. he might have not been raised as a future ruler but he had built the Kingdom after the war. He built what was destroyed, gave hope to the citizens, provided opportunities for work and he had built a kingdom based on his image.

He had waged wars and knew the feeling of triumph and failure and the subsequent loss of life. He had learned what to do and what not to do when faced with the choice of battle and making enemies.

Peace had reigned for a long time now and while relations with bordering countries were strenuous at best, he had no desire for war. Most of the other lands were wary of him because of how he ruled. His lands much like all the others were ruled as a complete monarchy. Ruled and led by only one person who had the power to do whatever he wished with, of course, select advisors. However, the other's wariness probably stemmed, not from his government, but by his laws. Crime was always punishable by death as in most countries, but Kumo had long since learned that demons do not yield to such a thing. Death is often times not an effective deterrent to evil doers. Instead, King Kumo had long implemented allowing torture as a means for punishment. It deterred even the bravest men. Others did not agree with his iron rule and his lack of mercy. They did not like his punishments or his laws, but they respected his wishes as the current ruler. His torture tactics however, left many government officials wary. King Kumo had always chalked it up to fear that those same officials will be caught committing a crime in his lands, or perhaps have already committed it and are afraid of being found out.

Kumo's relationship with InuTaisho had always been strained, but he had learned long ago that the Daiyoukai had no interest in conquering his lands so long as he made no move to oppose the dog demon and his rule over many territories. He had envied the demon once, a long time ago, but such pettiness was long ago forgotten and instead replaced for a wary sense of respect and fear. Inutaisho unlike his other rulers were never wary of his methods. He never asks for an alternative, despite Kumo knowing that Taisho did not approve. Instead InuTaisho showed him respect. The Western Ruler was always vocal with his opinions, that Kumo was free to do whatever he wanted in his lands so long as it remained within his territory and not step into InuTaisho's.

Their sense of tentative respect however was not something that came to fruition over night. It was a lesson he began to understand when his tactics always met its demise. He understood albeit after many failed attempts of battle and war that the West with its Ruler and other delegates were far stronger than his own Kingdom. Kumo had long accepted that were he ever to face Inu-Taisho in battle that he would no doubt lose. Sure he could severely injure the dog demon, but even if he could somehow come out as the victor, InuTaisho had a fierce mate while he did not. Not to mention a son that he had no doubt was stronger than his eldest or any of his children. He was already defeated just by that calculation, he hadn't even factored in the West's allies giving aid.

No, warring with the West, was suicidal. He knew that. He was content with the blurry boundaries that had separated both their nations. However as he felt the undeniable surge of his eldest son's youkai he sighed audibly.

He knew the truth for what it was, but his son. Naraku, simply could not accept the truth.

"Naraku, your younger sister has informed me of your latest scheme."

Naraku entered the room with a crisp swish of his robes, "Scheme, father?"

Kumo shook his head as he stood from his throne, a luxury that he knew only he partook in. The other rulers as far as he knew, only used the thrones for formal occasions, usually when heirs succeed the rule. He, however, was not born of royalty and the throne's grandeur and overall appeal had yet to lessen.

"Do not take me for a fool Naraku, Kagura had told me of your most recent attempts to contact the heir of the Western Lands. What are you planning exactly?"

Naraku smirked, "I thought you said you knew my schemes, father?" When Kumo only narrowed his gaze Naraku continued, "Kagura is mistaken as per usual. My only desire is to build my relations with the heir. After all both of us are the future rulers of our respective kingdoms. I simply wanted to get to know him the hope that we could one day combine our kingdoms."

"That is precisely what I mean, I have told you multiple times that allying with them is out of the question. If you were truly sincere in your attempts I would agree and readily send you there, but I know that what you are attempting is anything, but noble."

"I am simply more willing to do whatever it takes to keep our Kingdom at its best and move it forward and become the greatest Nation. You have grown weak father, perhaps not in strength but your will is all but gone. You've succumbed to the will of the West. You fear their power instead of seeking to make yourself stronger."

Kumo grabbed his son's robes, gripped in tight in his fist as his eyes bled red in rage, "You are bordering on insulting your father and King beyond what is acceptable."

"What else can I do but insult you to make you understand?! We could be stronger we simply have to-"

"That is enough! I have heard enough of your suggestions and about your soccerry. Your mother has tainted your mind with witchcraft! What you are suggesting is not to make ourselves stronger, but to weaken opponents by underhanded tricks. You are to be a King, where is the honor in your actions, Naraku?"

"What use is there for honor? One must take risks and do all that is necessary in order to gain power!"

Kumo glared at his son before turning away, "If you choose to fight your battles this way, I cannot stop you. However, should you decide to fight thusly you should know it is a coward's way. If you should find yourself in need of my help when faced with the Dog Demons, I will not come to your aid. They are feared for a reason, perhaps it is time you learn that first hand."

Naraku flinched at being called coward, the disappointing and matter of fact tone his father had used had stung his pride, but he knew that while InuTaisho was not a foe he could go against, he could beat the Prince. Once he found the prince's weakness he could exploit it and the heir would have no choice but to bend to his will. His father will see. He'll dip his toes in the West's power soon enough. By any means necessary.

When Naraku had walked out with a slam of the door Kumo sighed, "Kagura follow your brother. While I will not come to his aid should the Dog Demons decide to retaliate I do not want the citizens of our Kingdom to be caught in the crossfire. You have always been good with words, perhaps if nothing else you can placate their rage and redirect it away from our people."

Kagura had been watching from the shadows and simply nodded her head. She had been sure his father would say such. Despite her dislike for Naraku however, he was still his older brother, so with a heavy heart she asked, "If the Dog their worst, will you really not help Naraku?"

Kumo stared at his daughter, "Kagura do you understand why I stay away from the West?"

Kagura nodded her head knowingly, Kanna their youngest sister has the ability to see many things with her demon mirror and had regaled her with stories of the West's strength and the havoc they were no doubt capable of should they be cornered or forced.

"And yet your older brother has failed to grasp the situation. InuTaisho is a formidable opponent on his own, but his heir… his heir holds the kind of power that no one else in this earth holds. Power that I do not think he had yet to realize that he possesses. If or when he unleashes that power, I fear the result. And in saying so I do not wish to be the cause of it, both of those powers combined including the Lady, we simply are no match. I have learned to use my brains and my speech to disarm opponents because I have learned the value of life. Naraku on the other hand only wishes for power, to expand it in a way that he is not capable of, not because he lacks resolve or because he is weak, but simply because it is impossible. Similar to the way that it's impossible for us to breathe underwater, control the weather, or control when the sun chooses to rise or set. I had feared for this, but it's inevitable. This is the only way for Naraku to understand the depths of the West's power and his own limits."

When Kagura only nodded and turned away, he sighed. If there was anything he could count on when it came to the West it was their unending show of mercy. One that he hoped Naraku would receive should he do something… unpleasant.


It was the green kapa that his father had hired that had told him of a more unpleasant matter. The eldest son of King Kumo of the Southern Lands has been attempting an audience with him for several weeks now. He had put it off in favor of avoiding it, but his father had started hinting that while they were still young it was food to start the foundations of comradery with surrounding lands. It was undeniably true. If he were to become the next ruler then he needed to start meeting with heirs aside from Kouga. In fact Kouga didn't even count. Kouga was only the heir to his tribe, not the entirety of the northern lands.

And so, he reluctantly agreed.


Naraku was grinning from ear to ear at the missive he just received. He would be meeting the heir of the Western lands in 5 days time. His grin turned mischievously malicious. When he met the Prince he would show what the true power of an heir. - no- the true power of the Southern Lands.

The heir of the Western lands won't know what hit him. The mutt will bow to his prowess, fear his power, beg for both his mercy and his right to be by Naraku's side. He was sure of it. Naraku was the best fighter that Southern Lands had to offer. The only one that could beat him was his father and perhaps a select few soldiers in his father's army, but that was irrelevant. They had experience, years of training. The heir of the western lands was nothing more than a boy, much like him. The only difference being that he was turning into a man, a demon worthy of power. Not to mention he had done nothing, but train for the entirety of his life.

Since that day that he heard the heir release a howl, Naraku had been disgusted, he had stopped going to any meetings that would require him to be in the same presence as the mutt, because he couldn't bare to be in the same room as someone so weak. No, that howl that Prince Sesshomaru had released some 50 years ago, was not a day to be mourned, it was not a show of sorrow. It was a weakness. It proved to Naraku that Prince Sesshomaru of the Western Lands was nothing more than a boy lost to his emotions. The responding howls were not out of respect, but sympathies directed to InuTaisho for his weak son.

Naraku since then trained with the best his father could afford. He wanted to show his strength. Not prove it. He already knew he was powerful, he just needed to show it to everyone else. He trained day in and day out. His mother, a human witch, even helped him practice sorcery, one that unlike his father was not above using them.

He'll have the Prince of the Western Lands begging him before the night was through. His father would then see and finally appreciate him for what he could do. He was a force to be reckon with and it was about time people learned that, starting with the Prince of the Western Lands.

It wasn't long before the day finally arrived. Naraku was escorted by a few guards, and unfortunately his sister Kagura had also joined him for the ride. He may be the eldest son and heir, but Kagura was still his older sister.

Through the carriage ride Naraku didn't say a word. He was adamant that he did not need his older sister there to babysit him, but his father had insisted that he take his sister in hopes of placating the Western Lands with his undoubtedly un-respectful manners. He hadn't even tried to explain to his father that this meeting was just a for show, this was the meeting that would show his father just how powerful his son was, so powerful that he would have the beloved Prince Sesshomaru would fall to his knees to please him.

"You're an idiot, you know."

Naruku's fantasies immediately heeled as he turned to Kagura. The glare he sent her was clear, he had no need to hear her drivel on about whatever she wanted, he would show her, he would have the Prince of Sesshomaru kneel to his powers.

"Father wasn't exaggerating the strength of the Western Lands. They are formidable, a scrawny half demon such as yourself has no chance despite your delusions."

When Naraku didn't reply Kagura continued on, "Have you even met Prince Sesshomaru? Do you even know who he is, what he looks like, what he feels like?"

The scowl on his face immediately turned into a disgusted sneer, "Honestly Kagura, I have no need to learn his bedroom skills. I am after power which I have now. He will acknowledge it and father and you will realize that Power belongs to us. Not them."

Kagura rolled his eyes, "I meant what his power felt like imbecile. Have you been in a close proximity to the prince, so close you could feel the power radiating from him? If you did you would understand. As it stands I am happy to be the one to see you fall to your knees."

Naraku scoffed, that right there was blind reverence. Aside from the 3 Lords and the Lady of the East, no one had the power to manifest their energies into a tangible entity. It required a mass amount of raw power and experience to do. Sesshomaru was no older than Naraku himself. In fact wasn't Naraku older than the demon prince?

"You will see Kagura. I speak the truth. Perhaps, if I am in a giving mood, I will tell Prince Sesshomaru to consider mating with you. As a gift."

The arrogant tone was hard to miss and Kagura could do no more than stare at her sibling. Naraku didn't understand because he hasn't met the prince since there were just kids themselves. It had been over half a century she was sure, since the last time the two heirs met.

There was nothing she could say to dissuade her brother. Their father was right, Naraku needed to learn what the West capable of on his own. She was there to appease them should he do something offending. If nothing else, she was confident in her skills to placate angered demons. Perhaps it was because she was the elemental goddess of the wind? Gentle when needed and harsh when warranted.

"Fine, brother. If you so wish, please give Prince Sesshomaru to me. Afterall I would not mind warming his bed or him warming mine."


It wasn't long before the carriage brought Naraku and Kagura to the Western Palace. They had spent the ride in relative silence after Naraku had insisted the Prince Sesshomaru would grovel to be Naraku's apprentice after his eyes befell a true heir. Kagura had rolled her eyes and had dismissed him. She let him ramble about his superiority. Perhaps this was crueler, for Kagura was certain that the shame and embarrassment that her younger brother would feel could very well crush him when he finally realized he was no match. However, one must learn the harsh realities of life eventually.

The carriage door was opened to reveal a footman that Kagura gave a small smile to in acknowledgement while her brother simply sneered. Sometimes his brother forgot even the barest of manners. The servant had blushed at her smile and bowed his head as soon as she turned her gaze to his face. Perhaps she didn't know the barest of manners either, for in truth she had learned long ago the benefits of being a beautiful woman. She was not ashamed to meet that every now and then was entertaining to see how many men she could fluster from only a small smile. For a moment she wished that Prince Sesshomaru was as easily pleased as these men.

Kagura made sure to stay a foot behind Naraku as they were led to the palace's front doors. It was customary but though she loathed it, she was used to it. They passed another set of guards that Kagura thought quite admirable. They looked formidable, though if that were truly the case she did not know. Kagura let her gaze shift from the guards to her younger brother. Naraku had not once shifted his demeanor, he acted and walked as if he owned the place. The only reprieve was that at least he did not order the guards, she wondered briefly what the reception for that would be.

They were led through multiple double doors and Kagura took the time to admire the artwork that littered the walls and halls. She smiled and let her eyes twinkle at the pieces that she caught her eye and and made polite conversation about the artwork with the head of servants.

Naraku, as expected, kept to himself. It was long before they were directed to receiving room where they were asked to wait. Two guards flanked the entrance as they entered and where Kagura assumed they would stay. A few more servants came through bringing tea and delicate pastries before leaving them alone with two servants. The head of the servant, whose name she did not ask for left to inform the prince of their arrival.

Naraku barely hid a scoff at that, that Kagura was forced to warn him about. This was all formality, of course Prince Sesshomaru was aware they had entered their territory, of course he was aware that they were now sitting and waiting for him, but formality dictated that he let the guests wait as he was informed by a servant that his guests had arrived.

Naraku was never one for rubbish formalities. Kagura quite enjoyed them. It was very much like playing a game that no one had a desire to play.

The two servants of the side kept the gazes trained to one spot as they waited, these were the servants that could not be dismissed, they were there to make sure that they had everything they wanted.

"This is ridiculous, how long does he intend for us to wait?"

Kagura turned her attention away from the intricate looking sculpture at the corner of the room at the hissed and question.

Had they been at the privacy of their own carriage she would not have hesitated rolling her eyes at her brother and lecturing him about formalities, however, seeing as they had company (despite the fact that they were servants) she had to keep up appearances of a docile older sister and future Lady.

"I'm sure, brother, that Prince Sesshomaru is very busy and will accompany as soon as he can."

Naraku eyed Kagura with a raised brow clearly letting her know that he supposed act was annoying and yet appropriate. He smirked. At least now, he was certain that she would not be saying anything unnecessary.


Who really knew how long they waited? Kagura sure didn't. All she was aware of was the fact that the servants had announced inevitable appearance in about 2 minutes. The announcement was made just before she finished her second cup of tea so perhaps it hadn't been that long.

Naraku was at the edge of his seat with a smirk on his face as soon as the announcement was made and Kagura truly wanted to roll her eyes. Instead she settled on a small smile. She was truly interested in how Naraku was going to react when he was faced with what could only be a a true heir.

Kagura stood from her seat after Naraku had done so. Prince Sesshomaru was about to enter the doors. She straightened her shoulders and prepared for the confrontation that was undoubtedly about to occur.

She eyed her brother one last time before she settled her gaze to the entrance that signalled where the prince would emerge from.


Naraku had always known that he would one day rule his father's Kingdom whether that be through being the man's heir or by defeating his father in battle. He even had high hopes that he would be accomplishing the impossible too. Meeting Prince Sesshomaru was one of the first to accomplishing feats that would one day become legendary. He truly believed that Prince Sesshomaru would see his worth today and if there was truly no way of owning the Western Lands then he could very well settle into being co-rulers of both the Western and Southern Land. He hadn't doubted it was possible even when Kagura had so blantantly told him that Sesshomaru was not someone worth trifling with.

However, when he stood to greet the heir today he hadn't known what he was expecting. Perhaps some young heir pampered and prideful. Perhaps a teen waiting to be dismissed to be left to his own childish devices, handsome sure, but haughty. He was even expecting a standoffish, perhaps rude young man. But surprise to say that the heir that greeted him was not one he had thought to meet today.

Prince Sesshomaru was a tall demon. It was the first thing that Naraky noticed. His eyes which had been leveled to his height had needed to roam up in order to meet the heir's eyes. Tall indeed. Far more so that he was. During the roam from the demon's chest to his eyes he took in the heir's apparel. It wasn't gaudy or extravagant. It was simple, elegant and beautiful. An adjective he had yet to bestow on the male form, whether that be on the clothes or the one wearing them.

His mind raced, proper etiquette stated that Prince Sesshomaru introduce himself first then offhandedly apologize for his tardiness despite knowing it was within his rights to make guests wait. Then, he as the guests was to brush off the wait and introduce himself first before introducing his sister. It was knowing these proper manners that Naraku survived the first minutes of their encounter.

Naraku let his eyes roam in what he hoped was a discreet manner, but at this point he neither cared to hide it or to let the others in the room think differently. He was amazed by the sheer presence of the demon in front of him. This heir was no child. No teen and in comparison, Naraku was ashamed to feel so small only to hold his head high and regard the situation differently. Prince Sesshomaru was royalty. His family has been in the position of leadership and power for a very long time. There was no doubt that his upbringing was by far more complex and rigorous than Naraku's own. His father was the first ruler in their family when in the past their family had been nothing more than disposable soldiers. In manner that Naraku hoped was not desperation he concluded that there was nothing to be ashamed of. He simply lacked knowledge, not because he was an idiot but because he hadn't had the means that sesshomaru's family had. They had experience after all.

"Naraku-san I'd been informed by my vassal that you've been wishing an audience with me. I apologize presently for the delay in our meeting. I have been busy with my own personal affairs, I hope that this was nothing urgent."

Naraku eyed the heir, the way he spoke, the way he held himself, so graceful, so controlled. Naraku was sure he couldn't emit such poise no matter how many lifetimes he tried.

Naraku shook his head, "There's no need, I assure you. My sister, Kagura had warned me several times that you must be busy, but I had insisted quite passionately to meet you. I apologize. I merely wanted to come on a more social visit and I apologize now if I am taking you away from anything important."

Kagura eyed her sibling carefully. This was not what she had expected at all. She inclined her head towards the prince when her name had been mentioned but nonetheless remained quite.

"Ah, indeed. Kagura-san, it's a pleasure to meet you again, I hope your youngest, Kanna, is doing well."

Kagura smiled, "She is doing well, thank you for inquiring about her. I shall let her know. It would please her that you remembered her from your brief encounter."

The rest of the night was spent speaking about trivial matters. Inconsequential things really. That is until the night was almost burnt out. Naraku had been thinking the entire conversation, his mind reeling and never quite settling.

"Prince Sesshomaru, I hope my next inquiry doesn't offend, but I wonder if you were looking for a companion. To be blunt someone to warm your bed without a mate by your side."

Kagura remembering his brother's promise of giving the prince to her, she spluttered, Naraku wasn't that dense was he? "Naraku!"

Sesshomaru's eyes narrowed minutely, "Did you have someone in mind or were you offering your own company?"

"I was thinking perhaps my own." It was sheer will alone that Kagura's jaw didn't drop in the most unlady like fashion at those words.

Sesshomaru eyed him for a few more minutes, perhaps questioning the sincerity of the offer before offering something resembling a smile, more of a slight upturn on the corner of his lips.

"Thank you for the kind offer, really. However, I find that at the moment I wish for a specific company."

Naraku chuckled, while completely ignoring Kagura, he knew that a positive reaction was almost impossible and he had been prepared to laugh it off. In hindsight perhaps that was better. "Courting someone Prince Sesshomaru?"

Although not visible, Sesshomaru was a bit perturbed. In truth when he had denied Naraku's offer, the human's face had flashed in his mind, "I had not planned to, but perhaps…"

"I apologize I didn't mean to cause you discontent. In truth I merely asked to have an excuse to visit you. If not to be your bed mate, perhaps you could help train me."

Sesshomaru inclined his head, "I must apologize once again, I fear that it is not within my ability to train someone. However, since this night has been filled with my rejection I offer you the night to stay so that you need not travel back in the dark of night as well as the use of any and all facilities and services designed for guests. In addition, if you wish to train, I can speak to our general about training. Although because of possible dangers King Kumo would have to give explicit approval."

"I shall endeavor to speak to our father about it. Thank you for the offer Prince Sesshomaru. But I must insist that we return home this night. Perhaps we could call it even. However, if you aren't busy in the near future there are several things I still wish to discuss with you. Nothing of import but more of a personal inquiry. Whenever it's convenient of course."

"Acceptable. I will inform your messengers of when I am next free to entertain you or your family. Until then I shall retire for the night."


The ride back to the Southern Kingdom was a quiet one. Kagura would have teased Naraku on a normal occassion, but truthfully, Naraku had acted with respect to his position. His quiet disposition now though worried Kagura slightly.

Naraku was never one for quiet contemplation and Kagura worried what Naraku's mind was coming to.

When they returned to the castle Naraku bid his sister goodnight in the same manner one would address a woman formally and Kagura had not known what to say other than repay the sentiment in kind.

She chewed the bottom of her lip as she made her way to her father's chambers. He would request his presence in his study.

King Kumo smiled as she entered taking note of the worrying lip, "Whatever Naraku has done, I am sure that we can make it work. I have not heard from them which must mean he did not offend them much." Kumo tried to laugh it off, to lighten the mood before he heard the damages that his only son had cost.

"He was respectable. Followed etiquette to the letter from the moment Prince Sesshomaru entered the room. Decline his offer to stay and requested a meeting without sounding as if he was due one. He did you proud father. Represented our land with respect and fitting to his own title."

Kumo stared at his daughter, perhaps waiting for the punchline but the continued crease in her brows told him she was telling the truth. But the frown…

"He hasn't said a word since we left father. I do not know what to think. I thought perhaps his pride was wounded beyond what I could comprehend. I could deal with him if he was loud and obnoxious. It's easier that way. But Naraku was never one to be so reserved. I'm worried about what's going on in his head."

Kumo for the first time realized that perhaps his only son was in fact in need of counsel, one that he would more than likely heed this time around, "Rest easy Kagura, I will see speak with Naraku tonight."


Kumo had gone to his son's chambers to speak with him, to the lobby, the hall, the garden and in the sitting room. His son was nowhere to be found. He even checked his studies in case Naraku felt it would be a more formal setting that his son sought. But it seemed his son didn't want to be found.

Kumo had always been suspicious of Naraku, for decades his son had been obsessed with overtaking the Western Lands. He'd tried to explain multiple times and Kumo had to wonder what was running through his son's head now. Kagura didn't mentioning any life changing events or a political dispute or even an argument. What could have made his son so subdued?

Finally giving up for the night, he decided that perhaps Naraku just needed time to himself. To organize his thoughts and put it into words.

With a heavy sigh, he backtracked and found a servant to let Kagura and Kanna know that he had yet to speak with Naraku and should they see him to direct him to the King, their father.

Having accepted that he would not see his son tonight, he was doubly surprised to see a huddled figure on his bed. For a brief flash in thought he thought that perhaps it was a maiden sent to warm his bed until he realized that such an action would have to be approved by him and seeing as he hadn't that was out of the question. As he stepped closer however, he saw a head of hair and black eyes peek from the covers.

"Naraku…" The sigh of his son's name passed his lips in both relief and concern.

Naraku didn't say a word. He squirmed a bit under his father's gaze, before avoiding it altogether. Assuming his son would speak when he wanted he went about his nightly ablutions. He readied for bed and decided wisely to not seek a servants help for dressing in his night clothes.

When he was ready for bed and the only step left was to settle into bed, Kumo let out a small sigh and sat on the side of the bed the closest to his son. With a small frown Kumo carded his fingers through Naraku's hair, it had truly been a long time since he felt like a father.

In the silence, Kumo continued to soothe his son. Just waiting to hear what he had to say. After what felt like a few hours of silence, Naraku spoke.

"Did you know father?"

Kumo straightened his posture just a bit before he asked what his son meant.

"I remember meeting Sesshomaru when we were still kids. He's...different now. Nothing like he used to be."

Kumo let out an understanding sigh, "Naraku first and foremost you must understand that you and Sesshomaru are completely different from each other. And it isn't just because he's a demon and your half spider demon and half human."

Naraku turned from his seat as he maneuvered his body in order to be able to lean heavily on his father's shoulder.

"Spider demons are aggressive by nature, but despite that we are often considered one of the easiest prey, even with our abilities for poison and hostility. We are born strong so that we are always prepared to defend. Nature has blessed us in that regard. Despite the fact that we are considered preys nature has given us a gift by making sure that we do not spend a lot of our childhood weak and defenseless. There was a time when you towered over Sesshomaru and he was nothing more than a tiny puppy that wagged his tail at the sight of something shiny. It is easy to assume then that dog demons will always remain scrawny. But there lies the difference. Dog demons remain defenseless for a long time during their adulthood, but as soon as they mature they immediately stop being the prey and then just become this predator that no one can escape from."

Naraku listened intently to his father's words. It was true. He was raised knowing that in the grand scheme of things he was nothing more than a prey in the world that they live in. It was perhaps why King Kumo was both so revered and despised. He was meant as a prey by nature and yet he had achieved the impossible - he became King.

Naraku remembered meeting Sesshomaru when they were kids. He was a scrawny little kid that often hid behind his mother. At the time Naraku was already standing tall and proud next to his father. He had always assumed that Prince Sesshomaru was younger than him because of this when in fact they were the same age.

Naraku knew now though. He knew that if ever he stood beside the Prince of the Western Lands as he was now, he would look nothing more than a plebian. There was no contest, Sesshomaru was regal, beautiful and powerful. He had a presence that exuded a leader. Someone to fear and yet at the same time respect.

That night Naraku stayed with his father. He listened, truly listened to his father. He learned about the struggles of his father, the way he used to be before he became King. He had fought hard and at times it still felt like it wasn't enough. And yet look at him now. The Southern Lands may be the smallest territory, but his father ruled over it when no one believed he could...And someday, maybe he too could rule over it.

He listened to stories his father had that night and dreamt dreams of the future. Not tomorrow and certainly not today, but Naraku was sure that one day he would be able to stand next to Sesshomaru and feel like an equal.

A/N: Alright so… I know it's been a long time, but! This time I actually have a valid excuse! I got a new job and it has been overwhelmingly stressful. However, it has always been my dream and despite the challenges, I still love it!

I will update as soon as I can, but because work may get in the way, I won't promise when.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Sorry there wasn't any Inuyasha interaction in this chapter! Next chapter though. Definitely.