Practice Makes Perfect

Author's Note: Back again! Sorry for the wait. Just as a forewarning, Samui's first time will be featured in the next update, in a chapter of Blast from the Past. I was intending on posting it as an omake at the end of this chapter, but the length of the scene started getting a little too long for an omake. Rather than heavily edit it, I'd rather include it in its entirety in the next update, which will also feature Naruto's first time. Basically, two past events in one Blast from the Past chapter.

Hope you enjoy this chapter!

Disclaimer: Yeah, I just checked. Still don't own shit.

Chapter 13: Sleepover at Sakura-chan's!

Haruno Residence, Friday, 11:25 PM

Mebuki was never one to turn in early. Indeed, it wasn't often the blonde-haired woman went to bed before midnight, staying down in the living room and lounging on the couch well into the hours of dusk. Like her daughter, she had a penchant for action movies, and always enjoyed watching the film genre while munching on some potato chips, or other types of junk food. It was a guilty pleasure of hers, and with Sakura out of the house and at the dance with friends, she had the television and living room all to herself. Not that Mebuki didn't love having her daughter around the house, but the feisty young woman had a tendency to hog the tv remote. It was unfair, in Mebuki's humble opinion. Sakura had a tablet, and both a Netflix and Hulu account. She didn't need the television nearly as much as her. 'Perhaps I should get a Netflix or Hulu account? See what all the excitement's about.' She took a sip of her soda. 'Can't be better than TV.' She sighed. 'Damn. I sound like an old prude.'

Late thirties certainly wasn't old! She was still vibrant and beautiful, as excellently complemented and noted by her younger lover, Naruto. At least, she felt younger than she had in many years, and definitely more loved and appreciated than all of the years of her marriage combined. That had to count for something, right? Mebuki certainly thought so. 'Ah, I need Naruto-kun here,' she thought, flicking the remote to another channel as the credits rolled on the movie she was watching. 'He always makes me feel so loved and beautiful.' Plus, he was a monster in the sack, and Mebuki wouldn't mind spending the rest of the night wrapped in his arms, underneath the sheets of her bed and covered in a nice sheen of sweat generated from their passionate lovemaking. But he was at the dance, having the time of his life with her daughter and her friends. There was no chance of seeing him tonight, she depressingly noted.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

"Hmmm?" She glanced from the TV to the front door, furrowing her brow. "Sakura-chan?" She asked aloud, getting up from the couch and walking toward the door. 'That's odd. I figured she'd be out all night.' Reaching the door, she opened it. "Sakura-chan, I thought you woul-Oh, hello everyone!" She greeted, eyes widening slightly as she surveyed the gathering of teenagers at her door.

"Kaa-san." Sakura smiled, looking somewhat winded and panting. "Sorry. I know it's late. Can we come in?"

"Certainly! Come in, ladies." She stepped aside, beckoning all of them to enter.

Ino, Samui, and Tenten all bowed their heads respectfully as they followed Sakura's lead.

"Nice to see you again, Haruno-san!" Ino said, smiling at the older woman.

"Ah. Hello, Haruno-san." Samui nodded, blue eyes honing in on the large bag of chips on the couch. "Would you mind if I had some? I'm starving."

"Hi, Haruno-san!" Tenten acknowledged happily.

"Well, don't all of you look stunning!" Mebuki swooned, taking in their appearances. "That dress, Tenten-chan! You look absolutely gorgeous!"

Tenten blushed under the praise.

"Thanks, Haruno-san. My friends helped me pick it out," she said, taking a seat in the chair near the couch.

"And Ino-chan…"

Ino's eyes sparkled with anticipation.

"Yes, Haruno-san?" She asked excitedly, ever the one to fish for compliments.

"Hmmm…" Mebuki chuckled nervously. "You...Ahhh…" She cleared her throat. "Um, your dress doesn't leave much to the imagination, does it?" Seeing Ino's expression deflate, she quickly added, "But you look amazing! Very sexy!"

The Yamanaka swelled with pride.

"Thank you! Naruto-kun thought so, too."

"Ah…" Samui gazed stoically at her. "Slut."

"Shut it, cow-tits!"

"And I like your uniform, Samui-chan!" Mebuki said, nipping the argument in the bud. "And you can most certainly have some chips!"

"Arigato, Haruno-san." She inclined her head, grabbing the bag of mentioned chips. Junk food was infinitely more desirable to her than riling up Ino, however humorous and satisfying it was to get under the girl's skin.

"Staying up late watching movies again, kaa-san?" Sakura teased, plopping down on the couch.

Mebuki huffed, shooting her daughter a playful glare.

"Like you don't do the same thing, Sakura-chan?" She countered, grinning.


"You look beautiful, Sakura-chan," the older Haruno complimented, beaming with pride at her daugher.

"Kaa-san…" Sakura's cheeks turned a bit pink with embarrassment. "You said that when I left earlier, kaa-san."

"And it's still true!" She remarked, giving her daughter a side hug. After letting her go, Mebuki glanced around confusedly. "Aren't you girls short a few people? Where's Naruto-kun? Or Hinata-chan?"

In response to her question, Sakura sighed, Ino groaned, Tenten giggled, and Samui…

"These are some really good chips," Samui commented. "I love barbecue-flavored ones."

"Typical Samui." Tenten giggled, eyes shining with mirth. "More concerned about her snacks."

"Does their current whereabouts have anything to do with all of you coming over here?" Mebuki asked, a concerned frown forming on her lips. "Naruto-kun and Hinata-chan are okay, right?"

"They're fine, kaa-san. We had to leave the dance in a hurry, so…" Sakura trailed off. "Well, Hinata got left behind, so Naruto-kun went back to get her. He told us to meet him here since my house is the closest."

Ino crossed her legs and folded her arms over her chest with an exaggerated huff.

"Yeah, and we know who he's talking to right now." She growled. "Stupid Shizuka and Shion…"

"Hey, we don't know that," Tenten chimed in, coming to her lover's defense. "I'm sure he made it past them no problem. He just went back for Hinata."

"And I didn't exactly see you volunteering to retrieve Hinata," Samui pointed out.

Ino's cheeks turned pink.

"T-that…It really hurt when Shion pulled my hair, okay?" She ran a tender hand through her long mane of blonde hair as she recalled the brutal assault on her hair and head. She shuddered. "That girl maybe small, but damn if she isn't strong."

"You may have lost your fight, but Sakura kicked ass." Samui looked at the pink-haired beauty with a touch of respect. "Awesome job, by the way. You had her pinned."

Sakura scratched the back of her head sheepishly. She grinned, flexing her arm.

"Yeah. That'll teach that bitch to call me 'fat ass.' The nerve…"

"And the way Ayame-san dropped Sasuke! Hilarious!" Tenten said, breaking out into a fit of giggles. Ino and Sakura joined her in a bout of laughter, with Samui merely smirking as she munched on the chips.

All of this info was utterly lost on the poor older woman. Mebuki tilted her head to the side, staring at the gathering of young ladies with a bewildered expression. "Okay...So fights and insults. You girls mind explaining the details a little bit better? I'm curious."

Ino shrugged.

"Might as well, since we're waiting on Naruto-kun to get back."

"I'll explain." Samui put down the bag of chips. She cleared her throat. "I was intending on claiming the lap dance Naruto-kun owed me. However, lots of annoying and loud people decided to make my request unavailable, so we left the dance as fast as we could, being pursued by what I presume were several parties. Now, we're here. The end." She nodded to herself, oblivious to the disbelieving stares she was receiving. "May I have some soda, Haruno-san?"

Slowly, Mebuki nodded.

"Go ahead."

"Ah, thank you."

"Perhaps," Sakura said carefully, sharing an incredulous look with her friends and mother, "someone else should explain?"

"Excellent suggestion."

"Good idea," Ino concurred.

"Ah…" Samui took a sip of soda. "You all are mean."

With a blushing and beautiful Hinata safely in his arms, Naruto once again made his way through the thick crowd of partying students.

"I'm really sorry for leaving you behind, Hinata-chan," Naruto said, apologizing for the fifth time since retrieving her a minute ago. "I came straight back when I realized my mistake."

"I-It's alright...Naruto-kun. I'm not mad." The loud music and dozens of conversations around them made it difficult for the blonde-haired delinquent to hear her soft and melodic tone, yet he could still make out the sincerity and forgiveness in her words. She shifted against his hard chest, snuggling deeper into his warmth and the strength of his arms. "This more than makes up for it," she muttered, blushing deeply as she enjoyed being carried like a princess. The curious stares they were receiving did little to affect her happiness; she was too distracted by his dazzling blue eyes and caring smile.

"Hmmm? What did you say, Hinata-chan? I didn't hear that last part."

"N-nothing!" She stuttered, embarrassment coating her cheeks.

"I think she really likes being in your arms, Naruto-kun," Amaru commented, rubbing her cheek against his face and dragging the tips of her fingers along his temples. The redhead clung to his back, wrapping her legs around his waist, and hugging his neck with her arms delicately. "Can't say I blame her. Your back is pretty comfy, as well."

Naruto chuckled. He glanced over his shoulder, staring at the comely cheerleader with amused eyes.

"Is that why you decided to jump on my back, Amaru-chan?" He had found the girl watching over an unconscious Hinata protectively. The shy Hyuga happened to awaken the moment Naruto gently placed her in his arms, and a mischievous Amaru decided to tag along. Grateful for watching over Hinata in his absence, he wasn't one to refuse her odd request, and so he now carried Amaru on his back.

"Yeah, but also…" Her breath tickled his ear. "I've really missed you, Naruto-kun. It's been too long."

"That it has. Way too long," he noted, exiting the gym and out into the parking lot. The dance had apparently resumed in full swing after his dramatic exit earlier. The loud music and hundreds of students made it easy for him to sneak in and out without arousing the attention of any chaperones still seeking vengeance for his previous departure. He did catch sight of a stunning-looking Kurenai still attempting to protect the modesty of several female students, but that was it. As fun as it would be to have another chat with his sensei/crush, it wouldn't be appropriate with Hinata in his arms and Amaru on his back. That would set off a whole firestorm of questions he wasn't prepared to answer. Plus, Ayame was still hanging around her, and the Student Council president looked eager to deal out justice on those showing any signs of rebellious or troublemaking attitude. He'd rather not have his family jewels damaged by a devastating kick, thank you very much.

Amaru placed a tender kiss on his cheek.

"I know Shizuka and Shion got a little out of control earlier, but they mean well. They just miss you...I miss you, Naruto-kun."

"And I miss all of you."

"Then why don't you see us?" She questioned, hugging his back close when the chill of the nightly breeze hit her. Hinata also noticeably snuggled closer to his chest, seeking solace and warmth from him. "I understand Ino-san isn't exactly a fan of us cheerleaders, but she didn't have a problem with you spending time with all of us before." She furrowed her brow, appearing contemplative as he carried them to the outskirts of the school grounds. "Does your recent relationship with Sakura-san have anything to do with it?"

Naruto sighed.

"It's complicated, Amaru-chan."

"Maybe, but you can't just stop seeing us suddenly. You'll break a lot of hearts." She pouted adorably. "Do you want to break my heart, Naruto-kun?"


"Or Shizuka's or Shion's? Or perhaps Tayuya's, as well?" She pressed. "You've made impressions on all of us. It says something about your charm when Tayuya is only interested in sleeping with you. A whole basketball team of cute guys can't even make a dent in the affection she holds for you. You've been her only since our fateful night in the locker room, and you know how promiscuous Tayuya was before you came into our lives."


"Or Kin?" Amaru nuzzled the crook of his neck with her face, planting kisses on the sensitive skin. "Temari-senpai?"

"Temari-chan has Shikamaru now."

"Hmmm. Rebound guy if I ever seen one."

"Rebound guy?" He questioned, glancing over his shoulder.

Amaru nodded.

"Yep. Shikamaru-san is nice, but not really senpai's type besides his intelligence. Rebound guy."

"It...does seem true," Hinata chimed-in, blushing intensely when Naruto turned his questioning gaze to her. "E-every girl knows about the...rebound guy."

"Just when I think I have girls figured out," he muttered, shaking his head. "I know it's been unfair of me to suddenly cut all of you out of my life, but Ino-chan was very insistent…"

"Ah, so it was Ino-san."

"..." Naruto wisely chose not to incriminate his girlfriend any further. "I have an idea."


"Yeah. It may sound crazy, but bear with me."

"I'm open to anything." She smiled shyly. "As long as it means I get to see you more often."

"We're having a get together at Ino-chan's house tomorrow. Why don't you and the other girls join us?" He suggested, trying to ignore the way Hinata's eyes widened comically after hearing his idea. "Let's have a chance to work this out so both parties are satisfied."

Amaru mulled over the idea.

"It's a bold idea, but are you sure Ino-san will be willing to host such a meeting?"

"Can you get Shizuka-chan to come?" He asked, knowing the bad blood between the dark-haired cheerleader and Ino.

"I'm reasonably sure. If I mention your name, she'll agree. The other girls will be no problem."

"Nice. Then leave Ino-chan to me. I can get her to agree."

"Naruto-kun…" Hinata whispered, garnering his attention. "Are y-you sure this is a good idea? Ino-san and Sakura-san can be really scary when they get mad." She shuddered, and not from the cold air. "And Samui-san sometimes gets this crazy look in her eyes…"

He gave the young woman a devilish grin.

"Trust me, Hinata-chan. Everything will work out."

"O-okay…I trust you."

"I think it's a great plan," Amaru added, peeking over his shoulder at the beautiful girl in his arms. She licked her lips, eyeing the ample cleavage her dress revealed. "To celebrate this great plan, why don't we all get a hotel room?" She grinned at Hinata, making the shy girl blush as the redhead's eyes raked over her figure. "There's one a few blocks away with some killer baths. Maybe Hinata-chan and I can wash your back? Hmmm?" She winked. "Or wash each other?"

"Huh…" An image of the two beauties naked and covered with bubbles in a bath with him between certainly did wonders for his imagination. "I promised Sakura-chan I'd make it back to her house."

"That's fine!" Amaru said happily. "The more the merrier! I always liked Sakura-san's butt. Really nice."

"It is wonderful, isn't it?"

"I've only seen it from a distance, but it looks positively magnificent," Amaru concurred, getting a dreamy smile just thinking about the pink-haired beauty's plump rear.

"It feels amazing, and looks divine without any troublesome clothing."

"Mou…" She played with his soft locks, stray parts of his hair not coated in gel. "You think Sakura-san wouldn't mind a nice massage? I've learned from the best, after all," she said, a nod to his legendary hands.

"She does love massages. It's worth asking."

"Oh, I can't wait!"

"..." Hinata, with a deep blush, stared at the two with wide and innocent eyes. "Perverts," she mumbled, snuggling into his arms.

"Don't worry, Hinata-chan." Amaru grinned. "I can give you a massage too, if you want."

"You know, I haven't had a chance to give you a massage, Hinata-chan," Naruto pointed out, hugging her close. "We should rectify that."

"I call her boobs!"

"I'll get her legs." Naruto winked at the shy beauty in his arms. "What do you think, Hinata-chan? Think you can handle both me and Amaru-chan massaging your sexy body?"

"EEP!" The thought alone brought a blush to the young woman's face that went all the way down her neck, disappearing under the fabric of her dress. It proved to be too much. As a recurring theme of the night, Hinata fainted in his arms, sporting a massive blush and cradled securely against his chest.

Naruto smiled at her fondly.

"That's my Hinata-chan." He kissed her forehead affectionately. "Too adorable and sexy for her own good."

"Can we still massage later?" Amaru inquired, resting her chin on his shoulder. "All that talk got me a little hot and bothered, if you know what I mean."

"Uh-huh. Definitely." He doubled his pace. "To Sakura-chan's house!"

Ino was happy to see her boyfriend return with Hinata safe and sound, but she was more than a little miffed when she noticed a familiar redhead clinging to his back. "You brought a cheerleader," she noted dryly, placing her hands on her hips as she eyed the girl warily. Amaru, if her memory served her, and one of those damned cheerleaders who were infatuated with her boyfriend.

Like always, he gave her his patented devilish grin.

"Yep! Her name is Amaru."

"Hello, everyone!" The redhead greeted, battling a stomach full of nerves as all eyes fell on her. She clutched Naruto's shoulders tightly. She probably didn't need to be riding his back anymore now that they were inside the house, but she felt secure and safe. She smiled nervously. "Pleased to meet you!"

"..." Sakura stared at the new addition. "Hello."

"Hi!" Tenten greeted.

"Ah…" Samui nodded. "Good to see you again, Amaru-san. I see you kept Hinata safe."

"Yep! Just like you asked me, Samui-san," Amaru said, nodding in return. "I kept a very close eye on Hinata-chan until Naruto-kun arrived."

"Excellent. I knew I could trust you."

"Welcome, Amaru-san!" Mebuki acknowledged warmly. "Any friend of Naruto-kun's is a friend of mine! Make yourself at home!"

"I appreciate that, Haruno-san…"

"Oh, please! Call me 'Mebuki'!"

"Okay, Mebuki-san."

"Aw...isn't she just adorable?!" Mebuki gushed, taking the cure redhead off his back and wrapping her in a tight hug. "You're like a cuddly teddy bear!"

Finding her face buried in the ample bosom of a hot older woman, Amaru thought the night was getting off to a very good start. She wrapped her arms around Mebuki's waist, sighing contently as she nuzzled the woman's breasts. 'This is awesome…' She glanced up from her cleavage with half-lidded eyes. "Do you like massages, Mebuki-san?"

Mebuki blinked confusedly.

"Yes, I do. Why do you ask?"

"You have a lot of explaining to do, Naruto-kun," Ino said, crossing her arms and glaring at him as he placed Hinata delicately on the couch. "Bringing her here...I thought we talked about cheerleaders!"

"Ino-chan, you look very beautiful in your dress."

"Don't sweet talk me! It won't wor-Ohhh…" In the blink of an eye, Naruto swept her up in his arms and kissed her. Immediately, her arms went around his neck, and she eagerly returned the kiss. "Oh, Naruto-kun…"

"I promise it's for a good reason," he mumbled against her lips. "Will you hear me out, beautiful?"

"Hmmm…" Kami, how she loved the feeling of his lips pressed against hers. "Okay."

"You're the best, love."

"A billion hours of massages and cuddling," she said, dragging her tongue along his bottom lip. "Nothing less for a patient and understanding girlfriend like me."

"You got it."

"Me too, Naruto-kun." Sakura saddled up his side, pouting slightly. "Don't I get a kiss?"

"Naruto-kun," Tenten cooed, pressing her breasts together with her arms enticingly, leaning forward while sitting on the couch. "Doesn't your date deserve more kisses?"

"Lap dance," Samui said, walking over to him and tugging on his belt. "I want one now!"

"Yay!" Amaru cheered, dragging Mebuki and a flustered Hinata over to the gathering of females around Naruto. "Let's all gangbang Naruto-kun!" She yelled, enjoying mashing herself between all the pairs of wonderful and full breasts.

"Eh…" Mebuki glanced uncertainly at the group. "How about some snacks and card games instead?"

Every girl besides Amaru nodded. The redhead pouted.

"You guys are no fun!"

"Hey, I'm down for it…" Naruto said casually.

"Naruto-kun's a pervert!" The girls yelled in unison, breaking out into fits of giggles shortly afterward.

Naruto nodded in agreement.

"You girls just now figuring this out?" He shook his head, smiling. "I thought it was obvious."

After a few hours of card games, snacks, and some TV, the exhausted group of teens turned the living room into a makeshift bedroom. Naruto dominated the center of the couch, with Sakura and Ino snuggling into his sides, clutching the material of his jacket as they peacefully snoozed. Samui fell asleep in one of the chairs near the couch with an empty bag of potato chips in her lap. Crumbs of the chips dotted the corners of her mouth, evidence of her late night snacking, and a pillow was held tightly to her ample bosom. Tenten and Hinata made a comfortable spot out of the chair closest to the TV, with a smiling and blushing Amaru happily sleeping between the two beauties. The redhead's face was buried firmly in their touching breasts, and a hand on each of their respective rears held them close to the perverted young woman. From the soft moans escaping the cheerleader's lips, it was very obvious she was having a pleasant dream, no doubt filled with large breasts and plenty of full body massages.

Although all of the girls were sleeping off a tiring and long day, Naruto remained partially awake. With half-lidded eyes, he regarded Sakura and Ino with a fond gaze, enjoying the feeling of their sexy bodies pressed into his sides. He kept his arms around her shoulders, holding them close to his torso, and placed a kiss on each of their foreheads. "Hmmm…" Sakura smiled in her sleep, clutching his jacket a little tighter. Ino shifted against him, draping a shapely leg over his knees and burying his face into the crook of her neck. "Naruto-kun…" She mumbled, nuzzling him.

The sight of the two had him smiling widely. 'How did I get so lucky?' Glancing at the other girls, the blonde delinquent could not fathom why so many beautiful young woman would have romantic feelings for him, but he decided to avoid overthinking the issue and simply enjoy his wonderful life. He knew some challenges were ahead, such as tomorrow's pool party and the migraine-inducing complexities of his family's old rivalries, but he tried to adopt a more optimistic outlook. Getting Ino to agree to host talks with her sworn enemies could definitely be considered a resounding success, even though he pretty much had to trade a lifetime's worth of massages and cuddling time to bribe her. Honestly, it wasn't a sacrifice on his part; he loved lavishing his hime with massages and cuddling. She deserved nothing less.

Sakura held some reservations. She had presented intelligent, realistic arguments to counter his suggestion, but he eventually won her over with a slew of compliments and assurances, along with enough bright optimism to light the entire city of Konoha. Once she had agreed, the other girls followed suit, and Amaru was confident she could convince her fellow cheerleaders to attend. With that business settled, the group continued the fun abruptly ended from their sudden departure from the dance, sharing countless laughs and jokes while playing a myriad of games.

The night had been easily one of the most fun in recent memory for Naruto, and he would always treasure every moment spent with his growing entourage of beautiful women. However, exhaustion from the long day was starting to put a noticeable dent in even his legendary vitality and energy. His eyes began feeling heavy, and his body desperately wanted to join his girls in the land of dreams. Running around the school like a maniac for hours, receiving a brutal beating from the ever lovely Ayame, intimate relations with Samui, dancing for hours at the gym, and running with two girls clinging to his body truly wore a guy out. 'Sleep sounds like a great idea,' he thought tiredly, staring blankly at the television screen.

His eyelids were nearly closed when a shapely blur entered his vision. "Hmmm?" He blinked his eyes slowly, focusing his blurred vision. "Mebuki-chan?" He asked groggily, taking in her grinning visage.

She put a finger to her lips, urging him to keep quiet.

"Do you want to…" The older woman glanced at the two snoozing girls at his side, making sure they were truly asleep. Seeing that they weren't waking up anytime soon, she sent him a salacious wink. "Wanna go upstairs and fuck?" She leaned forward, showing off a good amount of her cleavage, her breasts barely contained by a blue nightie.

His eyes were immediately drawn to her large breasts, jiggling enticingly near his face. All fatigue quickly left the young man and he nodded. Carefully extricating himself from his two clingy lovers took some doing, but he managed to succeed with slow, deliberate movements. He could barely suppress a laugh when Sakura and Ino wrapped their arms around each other, instinctively seeking out new warmth once he vacated the couch. It was adorable and sexy at the same time, attracting his gaze to the mesmerizing way their sizeable chests smashed together as they snuggled.

A hand tugging on his sleeve drew him away. Smiling teasingly, Mebuki beckoned him to follow as she dragged him toward the stairs. He could practically feel the excitement radiating off the curvaceous woman, an exaggerated and sensual sway of her hips entrancing him the whole way up the stairs and into her bedroom. Once the door closed behind them, Mebuki was one him in an instant.

"Fuck, Naruto-kun," she groaned, wrapping her arms around him and pressing her lips against his. Her hands tugged frantically and desperately at his hair as they tumbled down onto the sheets of her bed, giggling and laughing madly while she climbed atop his chest. "I've wanted this all day," she muttered against his lips, bucking her hips into his crotch.

His hands descended to her rear, cupping the full cheeks roughly. She gasped, shivering when her pushed his covered erection against her bare sex. Rather boldly, she wore no underwear, her nightie just barely ending at mid-thigh. She threw the thin and tight piece of clothing on to maintain a shred of modesty just in case one of the girls woke up during her attempt to steal him away. Now that they were alone together in the privacy of her bedroom, she didn't care if he ripped it from her body. All she wanted was for him to fuck her. Her need showed in her rough kisses and eager gropes, culminating in the erotic way she dragged her dripping sex along the outline of his prominent bulge.

"Impatient?" He asked teasingly. One of his hands gave her ass a nice slap, ending in a gentle caress which left the tips of his fingers brushing her lower lips.

"Fuck me. Don't make me wait," she whined, giving him an adorable pout. Her hands tugged impatiently on his belt, willing the offending object to yield to her desires. Finding his zipper, she pulled the small piece of metal down quickly, slipping her hand inside his pants and frantically fishing for his engorged member. She mentally cheered when she succeeded in pulling out his impressive manhood, followed by an audible and melodic moan when the hardened shaft sprung upward and became trapped between her pair of luscious thighs. She could feel it pulsating and throbbing so intensely, her pussy quivered from the sheer intensity of the heat it radiated. The sensitive skin of her inner thighs felt ready to roast from the hot contact, but that didn't stop her from clamping them tightly around his shaft and teasing it with a few slow jerks. His groan against her lips was music to her ears. "Feels like you're impatient, too," she pointed out, nibbling on his bottom lip.

"How could I not be?" He whispered huskily, sliding his tongue across her lips. "You're so fucking sexy, I'm about to blow just from your thighs."

"Mhmm…" Her cheeks flushed pink. "H-hold it in...I want all of your cum to go...inside…"

"Oh, Mebuki-chan is so naughty," he teased, making her blush more pronounced. He kissed her tenderly, in such a loving and caring way it left her momentarily breathless when he pulled away. "Wanting all my cum inside her pussy. Mebuki-chan can have it wherever she wants. I'll cum a hundred times in you, if that's what you want." His fingers lightly probed her womanhood, delicately spreading her lower lips.

She couldn't wait any longer. His skillful fingers and lewd words were turning her on. It didn't help she had been craving his touch for the whole day, even after a thorough lovemaking session less than two days ago. Grabbing his shaft with a dainty hand, she positioned the tip at her entrance. She didn't hesitate for a second, sliding about half of his length inside of her in one go. She shivered and shuddered, moaned and gasped as his girth stretched and filled her inner walls completely, digging into sensitive and quivering depths which only he could properly stimulate. "F-F-Fuck...Naruto-kun…" She hugged his torso tightly, burying her face against her neck. The top of her head rested just below his chin as she urged her walls to accommodate more of his length.

"Mebuki-chan…" Naruto closed his eyes, marveling at the tightness and warmth of her pussy. "Too tight."

"Did…did you...Oh, Kami!" She cried out, her body rocked to the core with a powerful orgasm when another few inches of his cock slid into her opening and bumped against her cervix. "Naruto-kun!" By heaven, did he get even bigger since last time? She still had several more inches to go, and his cockhead already touched the entrance to her womb!

"Can't take it." With a loud, primal growl, Naruto sat up suddenly, holding the hot MILF flush to his chest with a firm grip on her butt as he sent a powerful and forceful thrust upward, spearing his entire length through the ever-increasing tightness and wetness of her climaxing walls. She screamed against his skin, overwhelmed by the pleasurable stretching of her insides during her toe-curling release, and bit down on his shoulder. The pain hardly registered to him; his cock was about to burst from her clinging walls. "You're gonna make me cum already, Mebuki-chan," he said through gritted teeth, squeezing her ass cheeks hard. "You and this slutty body of yours. It's too much."

Licking and kissing the unintentional bite mark she left from his surprise pounding, she trailed up his neck with her tongue and dotted his jawline with dozens of kisses. His thrusts were slow and long, enough to give her a bit of a breather from her recent orgasm, but still more than enough to keep her at the zenith of mind-numbing pleasure. She immediately lamented his fully-clothed body; she wanted to run her hands over those wonderful, hard muscles of his. With all the bouncing in his lap, she could hardly attempt to fumble with his jacket or dress shirt, so she settled for a few pitiful groans and pleading tugs on his sleeves.

Despite his highly aroused state, he sensed her desires, and stopped his thrusts, leaving his entire cock stuffed inside her tight hole. When she gazed at him with half-lidded, lust-filled green eyes, a smirk graced his lips, and his blue eyes sparkled with mirth. "Oh, you want my clothes off?" He asked, using the downtime to enjoy the fullness of her lower cheeks. Not as impressive as Sakura's divine derriere, but still more than enough to warrant some thorough and appreciative gropes. The orgasm he was on the brink of only seconds ago receded slowly, yet the hardness of his member refused to soften under the unmerciful tending of her clinging walls.

She nodded hurriedly. Her hands parted his jacket, trying to slip it off his shoulders, but his unmoving assault on her rear prevented her from getting what she wanted. She huffed. "Move your hands," she ordered. "Just for a second. I need to take off your jacket."

"I don't know...A second away from this delectable ass would feel like an eternity." Her squeezed them for emphasis. He parted them briefly, making her shiver when the cold air of the room assaulted her puckered hole. His fingers circled around her dirty entrance curiously, and she bit her lip when one daring digit decided to graze it. "Maybe offer me something to convince me? Maybe this?" Boldly, the tip of his finger probed her ass, prompting her bury her face into his chest as an embarrassed blush dusted her cheeks. "I could go for pumping a few loads in here."

"..." Losing patience, she ripped opened his dress shirt without a second thought, allowing her hands to roam his bare chest. "That's better," she said with a playful grin.

"Hey! That's a...was a nice dress shirt," he lamented, but only half-heartedly.

"Suck it up. I'll buy you five more if it makes you feel any better." Removing her hands from his upper torso for a moment, she slid off her nightgown, leaving her completely naked as she tossed it away. She breathed a sigh of relief, both at the sudden rush of freedom from the clothing and the fact she was growing accustomed to his girth once more. Every inch sheathed inside of her, and she could function without being a drooling mess. She counted that as improvement, yet she knew another orgasm wasn't far away. The moment he moved, it would be back to cumming all over his dick.

Grinning at her feistiness, he kissed her on the lips. Just like her daughter, Mebuki had a fire to her that turned him on to no end.

"Forget the shirt." Using his grip on her rear, he raised her up several inches, allowing a portion of his cock to leave her hot snatch. With a wink, he slammed her back down onto his crotch, making her scream his name as her barely-restrained orgasm came undone, ravaging her body with a powerful and relentless surge of pleasurable sensations. She held onto his shoulder for dear life when he started pounding into her without rest, thrusting in and out of her quivering pussy with enough force to rock her very core. The sound of his sack hitting her bottom echoed throughout the room and, coupled with her loud moans and screams, generated far more noise than she was comfortable with, but she couldn't even muster the ability to care about such trivial things. The girls could watch for all she cared; she was more interested in his cock pummeling her pussy into oblivion. "I'll settle for having you make an adorable expression whenever you cum. Like this one," he pointed out, grinning devilishly from the sight of her full lips parted sensually, tongue sticking out through heavy pants and moans, emerald green eyes wide and full of desire, and the brilliant flush of pink coating her cheeks.

"P-Per…Pervert…" She gasped out, cheeks turning a darker shade of crimson. She lightly punched his shoulder, clinging to the fronts of his ruined shirt while he thrust his long shaft into her at a rhythmic pace.

"Hey, it's not my fault you're unbelievably sexy," he defended, planting a few quick kisses on her lips. "I have a naked Mebuki-chan in my lap right now. It's impossible not to be perverted." Deciding to spread the love to her ignored breasts, one of his hands left her plump butt and grasped a supple orb from the side, sinking into the soft flesh as he gave it an appreciative squeeze. The cute moans she emitted against his lips from his ministrations, coupled with the tightness of her inner walls, brought him back to the brink of an orgasm.

Groaning from the stirring of his balls, indicating his impending release, Naruto shoved his tongue past her soft lips. The tender and affectionate kisses from before gave way to a passionate, heavy liplock, and the lovers' lips molded against each other perfectly as they frantically pressed their bodies together. Her nipples dug into his hard chest, sending shockwaves of stimulating sensations to her core, adding fuel to the fire of her own fast approaching release. In such a romantic and appropriate way, at least in Mebuki's opinion, they climaxed simultaneously, her walls clamping down around his thrusting shaft at the exact moment the first shots of his seed entered her depths.

They kissed and moaned, basking in the rush of their shared orgasm, and continued their lovemaking unhindered by the lust and ecstasy coursing through their bodies. Naruto's powerful upward thrusts were unceasing in their intensity, and Mebuki continued to bounce in his lap, meeting his thrusts with a satisfying collision of her jiggling bum and his pelvis. His cum filled every crevice of her womanhood, bathing her insides in its sticky texture and pure white thickness. The hotness of his impressive load further stimulated her already overwhelmed psyche, leaving her mind muddled by a fog of pleasurable enjoyment for his talented penis, and a deep affection for the young man holding her so close to his chest. 'Naruto-kun…' Her half-lidded eyes stared intently into his own, containing a level of love and affection that was equally returned by him.

Just when she thought her pussy couldn't handle anymore cum, his thick shots became little more than dribbles. "Damn," he muttered between their tongue wrestling. "You milked me for a lot, Mebuki-chan."

"Naruto-kun…" She smiled prettily, nuzzling her nose against his affectionately after they broke away for some much needed oxygen. "I love you." With her orgasm subsiding, her surge of energy left her a tired mess, and she rested contently in his lap, his cock still buried deep inside her and pressing against her cervix. She could feel his hot spunk spreading around her insides, coating every nook and cranny with its potent warmth.

The smile he gave her was so sincere and caring, her heart melted at the sight.

"I love you too, Mebuki-chan." It was a word he had started getting intimately familiar with over the last few weeks, so it no longer bothered him. If he loved a woman, it was only right he voiced his feelings. Ino and Sakura helped him understand and accept this revelation, and he never felt better in his entire life. "Now…" Grabbing her sides, he flipped her off his lap and onto the bed, placing her on all-fours as he took up position behind her. Dizzy and shocked from the sudden displacement, Mebuki's head didn't clear until his shaft was pressed between her ass cheeks. She bemoaned the loss of the wonderful sensation of his girth stretching her insides to the limit, along with the loss of a good portion of his seed as it dribbled out of her quivering snatch, but quickly returned to a moaning mess when his fingers traced and lightly probed her gushing entrance. "I really like this position, don't you? I get to see this ass jiggle with every thrust." To emphasize his point, he slapped one of her lower cheeks, eyes drinking in the delectable jiggle effect which soon followed.

"Hmmm...every position is nice," she cooed, pushing her rear into his crotch impatiently. "Just stick it in my pussy already."

"Oh? But I kinda like doing this." He thrust his shaft between the soft mass of her lower cheeks, enjoying the feeling of his lubricated undershaft brushing against her tight-looking, puckered hole. "Sakura-chan's ass is big enough to engulf my whole dick when I do this."

"Don't bring that up," Mebuki said, shooting him a pout over her shoulder.

His lips curled into a teasing grin.

"Why? A little jealous of your daughter, Mebuki-chan?" He asked jokingly, continuing his thrusts into her ass crack. "You shouldn't be. You still have a killer ass of your own, and these…" He leaned over her back and cupped her swaying breasts. He squeezed the large, fleshy orbs enthusiastically, humping her rear while lavishing her chest with attention. "These are in league of their own. So big and soft…"

"Oh…" She loved it when his big, strong hands fondled her breasts. "But Samui-san's are bigger, right? I'm sure she lets you do whatever you want with them." Mebuki wasn't an idiot. She was perfectly aware of the unique situation her young lover found himself in. She had no doubt in her mind that all the girls currently snoozing comfortably in her living room held serious feelings for the blonde delinquent. She didn't exactly know how many of them he had slept with, but she imagined most of them had succumbed to his charm and sexual prowess.

Her daughter and Ino for certain were in a sexual relationship with him. Samui talked about him far too fondly and passionately to not have shared a few times in bed in his arms. Amaru's entire demeanor and attitude around him indicated a great desire to be with him physically, no doubt a telltale sign of past experience. And there was her fascination with women's breasts that left Mebuki a tad bit confused...The older Haruno woman swore the teenage redhead snuck a few discreet gropes in during their many hugs, but she didn't have the heart to call her out on it. She didn't mind terribly; Mebuki just wasn't used to another member of her gender attempting to cop a feel. It was adorable, if anything, since Amaru was the sweetest girl she had ever met, and a cute one to boot.

As for Tenten and Hinata...Mebuki hadn't the faintest clue. Tenten was certainly excitable around him. Hinata, the poor girl, blushed profusely and always looked ready to faint from just being in his mere presence. If they hadn't already done the deed with him, it would be rectified soon. Her Naruto wasn't a normal man; it was nearly impossible to refuse him. He was simply to handsome and charismatic, and the impressive manhood he possessed definitely enhanced his attractiveness. His kind personality, along with his disarming and flattering charm, could melt the heart of any woman.

Strangely, she wasn't jealous of the other girls. Even her daughter was only thought of with fondness and love. So long as she had her time in Naruto's loving and strong arms, Mebuki was fine with 'sharing,' for lack of a better term. She slightly pitied her lover; he had the daunting challenge of managing relationships with a bunch of emotional and lovestruck young women ahead of him. Unlike her, a mature older woman who knew how to keep her temper and emotions in check, they would most likely resort to a few shouting matches and threats of violence whenever they felt ignored for another. 'Yeah. I'm real mature. I'm a blushing mess whenever Naruto-kun so much as grins in my direction,' she thought dryly. And she was still prone to bouts of insecurity, but Naruto proved effective in combating these moments. His consistent compliments and physical gestures more than proved his physical attractiveness towards her.

"True, but that doesn't mean I can't appreciate a wonderful pair of breasts," he said, placing a few kisses on the back of her neck, nuzzling his face in her shoulder-length blonde hair. "And Mebuki-chan's are perfect. I could touch them all night long." She shivered as his tongue treated her sensitive skin to several long, saliva-coated licks. It didn't help his enormous sack rubbed against her clit with every thrust into between her cheeks, leaving her in a heightened state of arousal even after her powerful orgasm from only minutes ago. "Mebuki-chan is a goddess," he declared, sending a bright blush to her cheeks from heartfelt compliment.

"Mou…" She closed her eyes, relishing the attention her body was receiving and his loving words. "Then fuck me already. Stop teasing me."

"Not satisfied by two orgasms?"

"Naruto-kun…" Her tone was slightly threatening as she glanced over her shoulder with a sexy glare. "Put your damn cock back in my pussy."

Smiling widely at her dirty talk, he gave her a crisp salute.

"By your orders, Mebuki-chan!" Gripping her breasts tightly, he maneuvered the tip of his cock to her entrance and plunged it deep into her folds. "Ah, nothing beats Mebuki-chan's nice, tight pussy," he commented, sighing contently as his swollen cockhead gave the entrance to her womb a kiss.

Her fists clenched the sheets, and she bit down on her bottom lip to prevent the inevitable round of loud moans from escaping her lips. He provided her little time to catch her breath before pounding her womanhood once more, spreading her inner walls with every deliberate, precise, and powerful thrust, shaking the frame of the bed and generating the musical sound of their most intimate parts colliding. His fingers sank into her soft flesh, disappearing in the vastness of her large breasts, using his grip to further drive and guide his thrusts to their rightful target. Every time the tip of his throbbing erection bumped into her cervix, it sent shockwaves through her entire body, like mini-earthquakes shaking her to her very foundations.

The kisses on her neck became more frequent. His lips sucked on her tender flesh with his teeth nibbling lightly on the nape of her neck. She knew without a doubt that, by the end of this impromptu lovemaking session of theirs, her neck would be thoroughly covered and marked by hickies, visible signs of her lover claiming his territory. Desiring those amazing lips of his, she turned her head just in time to surprise him with a soul-searing kiss, momentarily causing him to pause his thrusts from the sheer neediness behind her sudden action. "Mmmm, Mebuki-chan," he mumbled against her soft lips. "You're also a great kisser."

"So are you," she murmured, grinding her hips against his pelvis provocatively. "Kami, I love this. You and me…"

"Me too." He smiled into the kiss. His thrusts resumed, but they were slower and more drawn out, settling well with the romantic and emotional mood which had overcame the two lovers. The mature beauty held a special place in his heart from the first time they met. And to think, Sakura initially wanted him to avoid meeting this wonderful woman. 'Ah, how things have changed in so little time,' he mused. It wasn't long ago Sakura could barely stand him. Now? He was pretty sure she was in love with him. Along the way, he fell in love with her, and also Mebuki. How he loved his two Haruno girls. "Let's do this, Mebuki-chan."

"Hmmm? What?" She asked, half-lidded eyes shining.

Placing a chaste kiss on her lips, he pulled out of her glistening entrance, earning himself a disappointed sigh from his older lover, and fell onto the bed. Shredding the last remains of his jacket and shirt, leaving his torso completely bare, and receiving a confused look from Mebuki, he laid on his side and beckoned her to come closer. Presenting him a sultry smile, she crawled over to him, scooting her voluptuous body closer to him until their bare chests touched. He interlocked their fingers, staring deep into her eyes as he kissed her. "Like lovers, right?"

Tears gathering at the corners of her eyes, she nodded happily.

"Like lovers." She draped a leg over his hips, allowing him unhindered access to her dripping sex. With the maneuverability and ease of practiced lovers, he entered her without breaking their liplock and holding hands. A gasp against his lips, followed by the tightening of her grip on his hands, announced her powerful release, bathing his shaft in the warmth and wetness of her juices. "Oh, Naruto-kun," she sighed, feeling her limbs go weak. She pressed closer, their bodies molding against each other, leaving not even a millimeter of space between them.

Naruto groaned. Her soft, squishy breasts felt amazing against his chest. The hardened tips of her nipples gently dug into the skin of his muscular torso, creating tingling points of arousing sensations. Coupled with her full lips and hot tongue assaulting his mouth and the increasing level of tightness of her inner walls from her sudden orgasm, he knew his own release was quickly arriving. It was uncharacteristic for his orgasm to hit so quickly, but Mebuki had that effect on him.

And what an orgasm it was. He was literally seeing stars as he pumped her full of several thick ropes of his seed, adding to the already impressive amount he had filled her with not too long ago. His thrusts became sporadic and bed frame-shaking, a side effect from the pleasurable and mind-numbing sensations assaulting his body. The steaming hot spunk was eventually forced to leak around the entrance of her stuffed pussy when her womb became too full to handle anymore. He watched his beloved's eyes roll into the back of her skull from the force of his thick shots, and he felt her go limp against him.

In response, he let go of her hands and wrapped his arms around her waist, hugging her tightly while continuing to fill her to the brim. He pounded her throughout the entirety of his orgasm, refusing to relinquish the addictive feeling of her inner walls milking him for every drop. The velvet insides molded around his cock, hindering him every time he pulled back for another thrust, attempting to keep him inside for as long as possible. "I fucking love your pussy, Mebuki-chan," he said, growling softly as he ravaged her mouth with his oral appendage. She was so far gone from the lust and pleasure, her tongue barely fought back, merely submitting to his dominating and exploring tongue.

"Hmmm...I love you…" She mumbled. "You and your big fucking dick. I'm addicted."

"Damn. I came so much," he said breathlessly, coming down from the high of his orgasm. He attempted to glance at his handiwork, but their bodies were so mashed and intertwined together he couldn't even see their connected sex. With the way Mebuki was clinging to his arms in a loving embrace, he didn't dare even try moving for a look. "Another round?" He suggested, grinning. The clock may have read 2:12 AM and he was tired, but how could he sleep with this naked beauty in his arms?

She blinked at him tiredly.

"Maybe…" Even for her, it was late. She was tired, but she knew it would probably be awhile until she could have him all alone again. She wanted to savor every minute. "Can I ask you something?"

"Anything, Mebuki-chan."

"Which is better?"

"Ara?" His curious expression was seriously adorable. "What do you mean?"

Smiling, she flicked his nose.

"Silly. My pussy or Sakura-chan's?"


"C'mon. Be honest." She nestled underneath his chin, sighing softly against his chest. "I won't be mad."

"Sakura-chan's is a little tighter," he admitted. "But yours really clings to me when you cum. It's wonderful. I have to control myself, otherwise I'll cum right away." His fingers played with her silky-smooth locks. She couldn't help but nuzzle the palm of his hand. "So...Hmmm...It's tough to say. Even when describing both of your other traits, it's a hard decision. Sakura-chan's big ass, your big tits. Her pretty smile, your pretty laugh. You both share the same amazing, green eyes...I could stare into them all day, I swear."

She blushed prettily.


"I don't really like to compare women, but I will say this." His hand touched her chin, pushing her head upwards to meet his gaze. He grinned. "There is something undeniably, unbelievably sexy about a beautiful older woman. Call it another fetish of mine."

"You do have many," she commented, giving him a radiant smile. "So older women?" She teased.

"Yeah...Don't tell Sakura-chan." He shuddered. "She already gives me enough grief."

"Hmmm...if you give me a massage I will."

"You girls and massages." He shook his head. "Can't get enough, huh?"

"Your fingers are pure magic," she swooned. "You can start with my boobs."

His eyes sparkled.

"Sounds like a plan!"

It was 4:00 AM. After spending nearly two hours giving Mebuki a full body massage, interrupted by several more sessions of their lovemaking, the older Haruno woman had finally fallen asleep from exhaustion. Although snuggling into his lover's soft and curvy embrace for the rest of the night really appealed to the blonde delinquent, Naruto decided to get a late-night snack before turning in permanently for the night. 'It's technically tomorrow, so does it count as turning in for the night?' He pondered, silently descending the stairs, intent on letting the peacefully slumbering girls enjoy their rest. A quick bite to eat and he would be back upstairs.

Oh, and he was naked. He divested himself of all his clothes when he started massaging Mebuki. The woman had been quite adamant he remove the rest of his clothing for the remainder of their time together. He came away from the situation with a torn dress shirt, slightly ripped pants from her frequent tugging on his belt, and his previously well-maintained gelled locks returning to their normal, spiky appearance due to her constant pulling on his hair during the more intense moments of their lovemaking. Never one to shy away from nudity, he entered the living room and walked into the kitchen completely uncaring of his bare state. If the girls awoke, it wasn't like most of them hadn't already seen him naked, and those who hadn't wouldn't care.

He expected an empty kitchen, but he was pleasantly surprised to see the awakened forms of Samui and Amaru, both sitting on the kitchen counter while sharing what appeared to be a tub of ice cream. He simply stared at the adorable sight for several seconds while they were oblivious to his arrival. They had ice cream at the corners of their mouths, were sharing smiles and quiet giggles, and looked to be enjoying themselves as they happily ate scoop after scoop of vanilla ice cream. "Good morning, ladies," he greeted, stepping into the center of the kitchen, making the two beauties jump slightly from his sudden entrance.

"Oh…" Amaru's eyes dipped to his naked crotch. A blush formed on the cute girl's cheeks. "Good morning indeed…Naruto-kun." She licked her lips.

"Hmmm…" Samui watched him walk past them and head for the fridge. Her gaze was glued to his well-toned ass. "Morning."

"I guess I wasn't the only one a little hungry, huh?" He joked, giving them both a grin as he rummaged through the fridge for something to eat. "I'm gonna make a sandwich. Want one?" He offered, already reaching for the various ingredients.

He didn't receive a verbal reply. However, a pair of arms encircled his waist, followed by a pair of large breasts pressing into his back. Stopping his search, he closed the fridge door and glanced over his shoulder at a smiling Samui. "Eh? Samui-chan?"

"You know, walking around like that, you're just asking to get jumped," she commented, trailing her hands further down his stomach, stopping just above his crotch. "A girl can't be blamed for acting on impulse."

"I guess?" Naruto shrugged. He really should get some sleep, but having Samui so close to him was having the opposite effect. Every ounce of tiredness left his body the moment her breasts touched his back. Some shuffling at his feet turned his gaze downward, just in time to see a grinning Amaru settling between his legs. "Amaru-chan?"

Placing her hands on his thighs, she regarded his impressive manhood with lust-filled eyes.

"It's been so long since I've seen this thing," she said longingly. "Hello, old friend!" Giggling, she gave the tip of his penis a gentle kiss. She giggled even more when it throbbed from her soft touch. "Oh, my. I think it missed me, as well…" The redhead grabbed the base of his shaft, earning herself a lustful groan when she started pumping it with long strokes. "Hmmm. Was Haruno-san not enough to sate your lust, Naruto-kun?"

His eyes widened slightly.

"Um. I don't kno-"

"Don't lie, Naruto-kun," Samui chided lightly, placing kisses on his neck. "While I'm slightly disappointed you decided to stray to another woman, I see it only as a challenge. This just means I have to work extra hard to make you mine." Turning his head with a grip on his chin, she captured his lips in a passionate kiss. "And when you're mine, you'll walk around our house completely naked. All the time."

"Any room in that house for me?" Amaru inquired, gazing up at them hopefully.

"Maybe. In the guest room."

"Mou!" She pouted. "You're so mean, Samui-chan!"

"You can share my bed anytime, Amaru-chan," Naruto offered, ruffling the top of her hair affectionately.

Amaru beamed.

"You're the best, Naruto-kun!"

"Thanks. Now...blowjob?" He suggested, guiding her head to his cock. The redhead's blowjobs were no joke.

She nodded.

"No problem!" Staring up at him with dazzling blue eyes, she took half of his length into her mouth. He gasped when she applied wonderful suction, her cheeks hollowing out as she began bobbing her head over his shaft.


"Ah…" Samui ran her hands over his muscular chest. "Bad future husband. Asking another woman for a blowjob." She bonked him on the head lightly.

"Sorry, Samui-chan." His fingers dug into Amaru's hair. He bucked his hips, silently begging her to take in more of his cock. "Amaru-chan gives the best blowjobs."

"Shtanks!" Amaru said, but it came out muffled and unintelligible due to his cock being stuffed in her mouth. The pleasurable vibrations around his shaft made his balls stir with arousal.

Samui nodded slowly. Glancing over his shoulder, she could indeed see why he favored the redhead's blowjobs. She looked to be enjoying herself, sucking excitingly on his cock with dreamy eyes and drooling expression. Her arms were wrapped around his thighs, allowing her to spear his cock down her throat all the way to the base without hinderance. The stoic girl was forced to admit she currently lacked the ability to take his whole length in her mouth, but her progress was improving steadily. "Then I will work on my blowjobs," she announced determinedly. "We need to set aside some time for me to practice."

"I'm sure I can make room in my schedule for you to practice, Samui-chan," he promised. "But you shouldn't worry. You're still the queen of titfucks. I'm in heaven every time you wrap those big boobs around my dick. Pure heaven." He grinned devilishly. "My sexy Samui-chan really knows how to spoil me. I'm a lucky guy."

She blushed. Smiling, she nuzzled the crook of his neck shyly.

"Okay…" Oh, she really wanted to throw him on the kitchen floor and ride him until he begged her to stop. His flattering never failed to make her heart beat a little faster, or bring a flood of desire to her core.

"Fuck. I'm cumming." Naruto tightened her grip on Amaru's head, struggling to stop himself from fucking her face. "Take it all, Amaru-chan."

Feeling the first shots of his seed rocket into her mouth, Amaru moaned happily around his shaft. She greedily drank his steaming hot spunk, gulping down mouthful after mouthful as her tongue twirled around his swollen tip like a lollypop. Her deep blue eyes sparkled with mirth; the satisfying sensation of his cum filling up her stomach blending well with the aftertaste of vanilla ice cream still lingering on her tastebuds. The slightly salty taste heavily complimented the sweetness of the ice cream, creating a delectable flavor so potent and addictive she found herself deeply lamenting the fact his orgasm had to end at some point. She was extremely glad his loads were enormous, providing her with plenty to snack on.

The last drops of cum leaking from his tip signaled the end of his release. The twitching of his erection in her mouth continued to send extra, sporadic shots, but nothing like the thick ropes from moments ago. She made sure to milk him dry, applying glorious suction to his sensitive tip while she pulled back her head. Her tongue lapped up every sticky drop on his shaft, ensuring she would not let even a single drop go to waste. Once she was satisfied his cock was cleaned, she released his tip from her mouth with an audible and exaggerated 'pop.' Seeing his eyes drawn to her, she opened her mouth and lewdly swirled the lingering amount in her mouth around her tongue, making a dramatic show of swallowing his seed with a visible gulp. She licked her lips, sending him a playful wink. "All done! Delicious as always, Naruto-kun."

"That's fucking hot," he said, making her beam. He caressed the sides of her head. "Another, please?"

"With pleasure!" She made to suck on his cock once more, but a palm on her forehead stopped her. Glancing up, she gave Samui a pout. "Samui-chan!" She whined, throwing her arms around in a tantrum. "Let me suck his dick!"

"Hmmm...You've had your turn, Amaru-san."

"Wanna suck it together?" She suggested, smiling coyly. "Naughty Samui-chan."

Samui's left eyebrow twitched.

"Bad Amaru-san." She flicked the girl's forehead.

"Ouch! Samui-chan is so mean!" Amaru said, rubbing her sore forehead.

"You behave yourself while Naruto-kun and I fuck, okay?"

"So I can watch?" She asked, stars in her eyes.

Samui sighed as she dragged Naruto over to the kitchen counter. "Sure. Just keep your hands to yourself."

"You can touch me, Amaru-chan. I don't mind," he said with a kind smile.

"Thanks, Naruto-kun!" She bounded over to them and hugged Naruto from behind. "Can I hug Naruto-kun while he fucks you, Samui-chan."

Yanking down her skirt and panties, revealing her bare rear and dripping entrance as she rested her elbows on the kitchen counter, the stoic girl shrugged. "I guess." She moaned when his fingers traced her outer lips, and his other hand massaged one of her lower cheeks. "Hmmm...Naruto-kun…"

"I'm running on zero sleep, but this wonderful sight is enough to make all my exhaustion go away," he commented, marveling at her gushing pussy. "Did Amaru-chan's little show turn you on? You're soaking wet down here."

"..." Samui blushed. "Shut up and fuck me," she mumbled.

He smirked.

"Sure thing, Samui-chan." With a slap of her rear, he plunged his cock into her folds, groaning from the sudden tightness. "Oh, I love your pussy, Samui-chan. So tight and warm."

"Hmmm. You've fucked it into your shape, Naruto-kun. It's all yours," she cooed, her covered breasts mashing against the countertop from the force of his powerful thrusts. "Oh, right there…"

Hanging onto his back, Amaru was presented with a perfect view of his cock disappearing into her pussy, only to reappear a second later, throbbing and pounding in all its glorious girth and length. It was mesmerizing watching Samui's plump ass jiggle with every thrust, and Amaru desperately wished she could motorboat those rippling cheeks. Alas, she had not corrupted the busty blonde to the wonders of the female touch...yet. "You're doing a great job, Naruto-kun. I think Samui-chan is already about to cum."

"Oh, I can feel it. She's getting even tighter." Her walls were clinging to him so tightly, it was getting harder to pull back his cock each time he thrust.

"N-no...Not yet…" Samui squeezed her eyes shut. "I'm not a quickshot." She wanted to make him cum before she experienced release. It was the proper thing, at least in Samui's mind, to make her man cum first.

"Really?" Naruto grinned. "Not even if I do this?" He pressed his thumb firmly on her engorged clit, making the blonde girl gasp loudly and shudder against him. "Still no?"


"Go, Samui-chan!" Amaru cheered, clapping her hands. "Cum all over his dick!"

"Fuck…" Resigning herself to the pleasure, she came around his thick rod with a long, drawn-out moan. "It's not fair. That big thing is too powerful."

"Complaining about my size, Samui-chan?" He teased. His ministrations did not cease on her clit, nor did his thrusts.

"Not a goddamn bit," she said breathlessly, enjoying her orgasmic high. "That thing was created by the gods specifically to bring unearthly pleasure to women. To complain would be an insult to their creation," she stated passionately, surprising him with the zeal in her voice. "I love your dick."

He smiled. Leaning over her, he kissed her cheek affectionately.

"And I love you, Samui-chan. Everything about you. From these magnificent breasts…" He cupped her breasts, marveling in their fullness. " this tight pussy. I love it all."

"Hmmm...I love you, Naruto-kun."

"I love both of you!" Amaru swooned, getting herself drawn into the tender moment.

"Thank you, Amaru-chan. I love you, too," Naruto said fondly, turning his head to give the redhead a kiss.

"Although we just met, I'm fond of you," Samui added. She was now meeting his thrusts with her jiggling rear, enhancing the pleasure the two lovers were receiving.

Tears gathered at the corners of Amaru's eyes.

"I'll take it!" She cried happily. "I knew Samui-chan liked me."

Smiling softly at the girl's antics, Naruto picked up his pace, fully intending to fill Samui up with his seed. The beautiful young woman was grinding her ass into his pelvis every time he thrust, stimulating him by coiling her inner walls around his shaft with her provocative movements. Despite having Amaru clinging to his back, his thrusts were fast and powerful. He wasn't hindered at all by the cute girl; she was light as a feather. Her hands playing with his hair and lightly massaging his scalp were a nice bonus, adding to the myriad of wonderful sensations assaulting his body.

He gripped Samui's ass tightly as his orgasm approached. She must have sensed his impending release, for the panting and moaning girl pressed herself flush against his chest suddenly, slamming her rear into his crotch with more strength and greater speed. "W-we have to keep quiet, Samui-chan," he said through gritted teeth, commenting on the very loud sound of their privates smacking together. If it continued, they would definitely wake the girls in the other room.

She regarded him with a playful smirk. Much to his groaning pleasure, his request only made the girl go faster. "Fill me up, Naruto-kun. Let's wake up the whole house. I want them to see you paint my insides white."


"Fuck my slutty pussy."

"This dirty really turning me on," he growled. His cock throbbed to an almost painful level inside her pussy.

"Maybe…" Amaru whispered in his ear. "Samui-chan would be kind enough to let me eat out her pussy after you cum inside her? I don't want all that cum to go to waste." Her hot breath tickled his ear. "Imagine us on that kitchen counter, naked and pressed together. You can alternate between fucking us."

"...damn." The thought certainly aroused him.

"N-not gonna happen…"

Amaru pouted. "Mou. You ruined the mood, Samui-chan. I was just trying to rile him up."

"It worked." Naruto's whole body tensed. "I'm cumming." Spearing his entire length inside of her and resting his cockhead against the entrance to her womb, he flooded her with an ungodly amount of semen.

Samui moaned. Her legs felt like jelly while her second orgasm of the session ravaged her curvaceous body, a response to the sudden introduction of ropes of his thick seed into her quivering snatch. "Just like that...keep filling me…"

"Wish granted." Picking her up in his arms and grabbing her breasts roughly, he continued thrusting into her pussy, shooting more cum into her with every powerful thrust. His fingers sank into her fleshy orbs, a testament to their size and fullness as they disappeared in the mass of erotic flesh. His hips became a blur. He was intent on filling her with everything he had, coaxing more and more of his seed out of his balls by seeking greater depths.

After a minute of stuffing her pussy with as much cum as it could handle, he gradually decreased the speed of his thrusts. Coming down from the high of his orgasm, Naruto still gave the limp girl in his arms a few more thrusts, albeit slow and long ones. "Ah. That hits the spot!" He said cheerfully.

Samui, still recovering from the power of two orgasms, hummed happily at the warm and full sensation of his seed swirling around the inside of her womb. Her limbs were still weak, but that didn't mean she wasn't ready for another round. "I hope you're not done yet, Naruto-kun."

"Nah. I still got a few more rounds in me."

"You can go more than that, Naruto-kun." Amaru pointed out, lining his neck with a trail of wet kisses. "I've seen you go several dozen without stopping."

"True, but I really need to get some sleep. We all do, actually." He yawned. "We have a busy day tomorrow."

"That we do, Naruto-kun." The trio froze. Gulping, Naruto turned to the kitchen doorway and saw a tired-looking Ino with her hands on her hips, staring at the spectacle with disbelieving eyes. "Doing it in the kitchen? Really?"

"Eh…" He scratched the back of his head. "Good morning, Ino-chan!"

"Morning!" Amaru yelled, waving.

"Go away, slut," Samui said, glaring at the girl interrupting her time with Naruto. "We're a little busy at the moment."

A tick mark appeared on Ino's forehead.

"I'm the slut?! You're fucking him in the kitchen! With Amaru!"

"Actually, she won't let me actively participate," Amaru said, pouting. "I can only watch." She smiled at Ino. "You'd let me participate, right? If it were you and Naruto-kun?"


"Not helping, Amaru-chan," he whispered.

"What's going on in here?" Sakura asked groggily, stepping into the kitchen while rubbing her eyes. "I heard nois-" She blinked, staring at the scene before her. "Oh."

"Sakura-chan, good morning!" Naruto said, grinning. His cock was still buried deep inside Samui, and some of his cum started leaking from the edges of her stuffed hole.

"Good morning…" She furrowed her brow. "You know, somehow I'm not surprised, but in my kitchen? Really, Naruto-kun?"

He shrugged.

"Hey, I got jumped by these two."

"You complaining?" Amaru asked.

"Not one bit."

"Good." Samui nodded. "Now, if you all don't mind, Naruto-kun was about to fuck me some more. Leave."

"This is my house, Samui," Sakura pointed out, already feeling a headache arriving.

"And for that, I'm grateful. You can stay and watch if you want, Sakura," Samui acquiesced. "But the bimbo over there can leave."

Ino glared at the stoic girl.

"You got a problem with me, cow-tits?!"

"You say something? Oh, sorry. I was too busy getting fucked by Naruto-kun."

"That's it!" Pulling off her skirt and top, Ino bolted over to the pair completely naked. She pulled him away from Samui and pressed her breasts into his chest, trapping him against the fridge. Amaru wisely jumped off his back before she could have been smashed between him and the fridge, landing gracefully on her feet and regarding the newly naked blonde with an appreciative glance. Ino smiled seductively, trailing a delicate finger down his chest "Naruto-kun, you want to fuck me instead, right?" She said huskily, running her breasts up and down his torso, engulfing his shaft between her luscious thighs. "Not that cold-hearted bitch."

"That's not nice to say, Ino-chan, but…" Grabbing her by the waist, he thrust his shaft into her thighs, causing her to moan as his length rubbed against her pussy. "I can never refuse you. If you apologize to Samui-chan, I'll fuck your brains out."

"Deal!" She turned to her fellow blonde female with a victorious smirk. "I'm sorry, Samui. I truly mean it."

"You may have won this battle, Ino," Samui acknowledged, frowning at the loss of his cock. She already felt so empty without him, despite the large amount of cum still coating her insides. "But not the war. Savor this while you can."

"Oh, I most certainly will."

"Guys, it's late. We should get some rest," Sakura insisted, thinking of the late hour. She was tired like everyone else, but she was forced to admit the sight of a naked Naruto was quickly relieving her of exhaustion.

"Relax, forehead. You'll get your turn with him after I'm done." Ino smiled prettily at him. "Unless, Naruto-kun only wants me…" She suggested, guiding his tip to her entrance and sliding in a few inches. "Ohhh...Naruto-kun's the best!"

"EEP!" Everyone turned to the doorway, including Naruto and Ino, both of whom were about ready to fuck each other into a blissful state, to see a blushing and mortified Hinata staring at the spectacle with wide eyes. "I...I heard s-some noises…"

"Hinata-chan!" Amaru greeted. "You're just in time to watch the show! Want a massage while you wait for your turn?"

"I...ummm...Naruto-kun…" Sakura quickly acted. She caught the poor girl before she could collapse to the ground, having once again fainted while sporting a massive blush and a little blood dripping from her nose.

Sighing, the pink-haired beauty patted the girl on the head.

"There, there. It's okay, Hinata." She shot the group a disappointed glare. "See what you all did? You've traumatized Hinata."

"Is there a party or something going on?" Tenten mumbled, entering the kitchen. Her eyes widened. "Did...did all of you agree to Amaru's gangbang, or something?" She questioned, blushing slightly from the naked states of several of her friends. Naruto's naked body in particular set her cheeks aflame with a crimson blush. She licked her lips at the delicious muscles on full display. "Hmmm…"

"Yep! We're all taking turns." Amaru smiled at the blushing brunette. "You can go ahead of me if you want, Tenten-san. It's only fair. I've already given Naruto-kun a blowjob."


"We're not having a gangbang in my kitchen. Sorry to disappoint, Amaru," Sakura said, shaking her head.

"Not a problem! We can go to your bedroom, if you want!" Amaru suggested. "Who's with me?"

"I am!" Naruto cheered.

"Ohhh...whatever…" Ino nodded, shivering as his girth stretched her inner walls deliciously. "Just fuck me, Naruto-kun."

"I guess?" Tenten shrugged. If it meant more time with a naked Naruto, then sure. She wouldn't be against the idea.

Sakura sighed. She pinched the bridge of her nose.

"Perverts. Every single one of you," she muttered, smiling softly.

Author's Note: And done! Another chapter completed. Again, I decided to have Samui's first time feature in the next installment of Blast from the Past, along with Tsunade's entrance into the story. Basically, the next update will feature two past events in one chapter of Blast from the Past, so i hope you enjoy!

As always, thanks for reading! Leave a review, and I'll see ya next time!