Author's note: Hey everyone, Fire Slash here and welcome to the next chapter of 'Hajime Hinata Ultimate Hero.' Before we begin, I want to say some stuff real quick. First, thanks to those who've shown support for the story. It means a lot. Second, I'm not sure if I promised the Yakuza party this chapter, but it'll be next chapter. Sorry for the delay. There was something I wanted to do regarding this arc before I get to the main event. Third, this story's first arc is almost done, with one chapter left to go. The first arc in case you were curious began in the first chapter and ends with the Yakuza party, hence why Natsumi's been a huge focus throughout the story so far. Fourth, I made another superhero Danganronpa story titled 'Ring of Hope.' Basically, Naegi gets a Blue Lantern ring and uses it to fight crime. The first chapter is out and you do not need to know much about the Green Lantern mythos to understand the fic (though a quick google search might be beneficial). Finally, if you haven't already, you should follow my IG account (Fire_Slash_Fanficiton). I tend to post when I plan on updating stories there.

Now, with all that out of the way, let's get right into the story. Review and enjoy :-)


*Hinata was currently sitting in the same white room where he tends to address the audience.*

Well, nice to know the room's still clean.

*He then turns towards the audience, having just realized the audience was present.*

Hey, it's been a while, hasn't it? Well, last time on Hajime Hinata Ultimate Hero, I think I was being hit on by Natsumi, I'm not too sure… she's a strange one."

*Upon saying this, Hinata began scratching his head in confusion.*

This time, I'm going to be fighting someone out of costume. Knowing the nature of this story, I'm pretty sure I'll have to save some ass...hopefully…

*Hinata then unleashes a loud sigh of boredom.*

Man, when's the party going to start? It's been teased since forever now…

*Voices can be heard yelling something at Hinata.*

Next chapter? Fine, but wasn't it promised this chapter.

*Again, voices yell something at Hinata.*

Ugh, whatever. Let's just get this show on the road…


Today was yet another day of walking to Hope's Peak for one Hajime Hinata. His friends were requested (and by requested, we mean forced) to come in early today by their homeroom teacher. Apparently, the woman had some 'class bonding' activity in store for her students. Why they had to arrive early was anyone's guess, but from what Hinata has heard from his friends, their homeroom teacher was quite… eccentric to put it lightly.

Now was not the time to be questioning a teacher's motives though as the boy had more pressing matters to be thinking over. The Yakuza party was coming up soon and he was quite nervous. Sure, he had near bulletproof skin and enhanced reflexes, but the Yakuza were a powerful group he wouldn't want to mess with unmasked. Each of the big branches practically owned the government, speaking volumes of their power. If he ended up pissing off a key member somehow, then it would be bad for his family. While Natsumi would be there to bail him out, one can never truly say for certain that her presence will pacify anyone who tries something with him.

'Damn, who knew I'd be this worked up about a party?' Hinata thought to himself.

'I don't see why you should be,' Izuru told him. 'You're so unremarkable that a Yakuza member would find it a waste of time to deal with you.'

'Well, good morning to you too…' As Hinata expected, Izuru didn't answer back. 'You'd think that you'd be nicer to your champion…'

'First off, you're not my champion. If anything, you're more like a lab rat to me… actually, you're less than that-'

'Ouch, tell me how you really feel.'

'-Secondly, you might want to start paying attention to your surroundings.'

'The hell are you talking about?' Having entered his school's campus, the reserve course student noticed a small crowd of students gathering near the main building. Now, such crowds weren't uncommon, they're usually the result of two students fighting, but for Izuru to point it out, it was probably something big.

'Not really. You reacting to what's going on over there will be less boring than you talking to me.'

Rolling his eyes, Hinata squeezed through the crowd, curiosity getting the better of him. He expected to see two students going at it, but what he saw instead made his blood freeze. Instead of two students, the sight of a grown man in a security guard outfit had his foot forcefully placed on a girl's head. The girl looked beat up while the security guard didn't even have a scratch on him. Though it took him a bit, Hinata eventually recognized the man as Juzo Sakakura, current world champion and former Ultimate Boxer. He remembered when the man's decision to work at Hope's Peak was announced. For three days, that's all anyone could talk about. However, who the girl was ended up surprising Hinata the most.

'Kuzuryuu!? The hell's she doing?' Yeah, he knew Natsumi was an aggressive person, but clearly she would know better than to pick a fight with a security guard, especially when they were the current boxing world champion. Then again, Natsumi wouldn't do anything that would jeopardize her chances at getting in the main course, so either he didn't know the Yakuza that well or something fishy was going on…

"Are you done yet?" Sakakura grunted at her, applying more pressure to her head.

"I… need… to give… my brother… something…" Natsumi growled despite her current situation.

The gears in Hinata's head began spinning as he began thinking the whole situation over. 'Kuzuryuu wanted to go into the main course building and give her brother something. Normally, they'd come to school together, but since he's in the same class as Koizumi and Souda, she didn't have the opportunity since he had to go to school early. When she tried entering the main course building, Sakakura stopped her from entering. That's when a fight broke out. Now whose fault is it? If Sakakura threw the first blow, why didn't he simply handcuff her? He has a pair dangling off his belt. Based on how beat up Kuzuryuu is, this can be classified as an abuse of power. I can tell Kuzuryuu was unarmed, so he had no reason to be so rough with her. It's not like she could even hurt him if she tried. Kuzuryuu may be strong, but Sakakura's on a whole other level. Now, if it's Kuzuryuu who threw the first blow, what kind of drugs was she on to think she could ever beat the Ultimate Boxer in a fight? The dude's known to knock out people bigger than her with one punch. Now, there's a good chance of her not knowing who he is, but why attack a possibly armed security guard?'

Sakakura scoffed as he lifted his foot, catching Hinata's attention. "I know kids like you... you start acting all special, just because you interact with the Main Course a little. Honestly, this is why I hate normal people. You cling to the talent of the Main Course students like crap trailing behind a goldfish."

Glancing at the girl, he saw her wince, some pain being displayed in her eyes. It was clear that what he said had affected her. 'He's said this to her before I got here. Based on his tone and posture, it's clear Sakakura was the one to instigate the fight. Kuzuryuu probably fought back out of reflex. That, and being told she was a 'nobody' definitely had an impact on her.' Looking at her eyes again, he saw that Natsumi was struggling with something inside her. It was a struggle he was all too familiar with, the struggle to find some self-worth. Despite being part of the Yakuza, it was clear the girl had some self-esteem issues about her worth. After all, in the eyes of everyone, herself included, Natsumi was playing second fiddle to her brother. He didn't know her full story, but it seems like Natsumi wishes to be someone who can support her brother as something more than a stepping stone.

'Nice job on using your brain for once,' Izuru sarcastically congratulated the boy.

'Shut up in there.' Hinata's ears suddenly caught the sounds of his peers talking amongst themselves.

"Damn, don't you think he's being a bit brutal?"

"I think this is going too far…"

"Kuzuryuu may be a bitch, but this was uncalled for…"

"Fuck… off…" Natsumi snarled back at the security guard as she did her best to stand up, attempting to put on her strong face. Unfortunately, all she could do was get back on her knees.

Knowing how Natsumi couldn't keep her mouth shut, Hinata felt like another brawl was about to happen. If someone didn't do something, then there was a high chance that Natsumi was going to end up in the hospital. Hinata was at a loss, not knowing what to do at the moment. Now, he wasn't a coward, but he wasn't stupid either. He might somehow escalate the situation. Nor was he alone. The crowd didn't know what to do. Some of them clearly wanted to step in but were afraid of getting hit by the Ultimate Boxer. At this moment, Hinata could only look on as this blatant abuse of power continued…

Well, he would've if he didn't remember one crucial detail about himself. 'Wait, what the hell am I doing? I've got powers.' Of course, he wasn't going to waltz in and play fisticuffs with the former Ultimate if he didn't have to, but a punch wasn't going to hurt him. Also, he was a hero and even when not in costume, it was his job to help others.

'I can't believe that I'm actually going to go through with this…' Hinata thought to himself as he walked forwards. "Hey, I think you've made your point."

Natsumi looked at her friend, not expecting him to be around, which was fair due to him usually being with his other friends in the morning. "Hinata? The fuck are you doing here?"

"Bailing you out," Hinata whispered to the girl before focusing on the security guard. "I'll just take her and we'll be on our way."

"Tch, get the hell outta my sight." With a mighty kick, Sakakura kicked Natsumi to Hinata's direction. Thankfully, the boy was fast enough to catch her before she could kiss the ground.

'What's wrong with this guy?' Hinata asked himself, shocked as he helped bring the girl to her feet. Turning to Natsumi, he gave her a gentle smile. "Hey, are you alright?"

"Well, I was assaulted by some dude for wanting to see my brother, but other than that, I'm peachy." Hinata could tell she was lying to him, but he honestly didn't want to push it due to him respecting Natsumi's privacy. She then coughed up some blood. "God damn fucker…"

"Let's just get out of here," the boy mumbled as he ushered her out of the way. Thankfully, the crowd began to make way for them.

"Let that be a lesson to all of you. The talentless should act as befits them. If you all have time to envy the talented, use that time to live like a gear in a machine. For people like you, who have no talent, you don't need to think. If you live life idly, groveling before your betters, nothing can make you happier."

"..." Natsumi stopped moving, her blood boiling. Staring down the security guard, the girl clenched her fists, fighting back tears. Her worth has been constantly questioned by the world and yet no matter how hard she tried, she could never seem to leave the shadows casted by her family. At this moment, her physical pain didn't matter. The fact that she was outmatched was something immediately forgotten. The only thing she wanted to do was knock Sakakura off his high horse.

Yet, despite this immense desire, someone's voice caused her to stop.

"Who the hell do you think you are?"

Natsumi shuddered as she felt a powerful presence make itself known. It was a similar presence that her father emitted; it warned that there will be nothing but pain for anyone who crossed them. However, this aura was stronger than anything she's ever felt.

"Who's this guy?"

"He's pretty scary…"

"Dude looks ready to kill someone…"

Natsumi completely forgot about her old goal as something else made its way into her mind. 'Since when was Hinata this intimidating?'

"Live like a gear in a machine? Grovel before your betters? Remind me again who the fuck you think you are?" If looks could kill, Hinata would've burned Sakakura alive by now. Like Natsumi, he was used to being in the shadow of others. His two best friends were talented, but he was an average joe. Seeing someone sprout such nonsense really ticked him off…

"Juzo Sakakura, current world champion and former Ultimate Boxer," the man replied, undeterred by the boy's glare. He then cracked his knuckles. "Now get out of here before your big mouth gets you hurt."

"No. You don't scare me. In fact, I just find you to be very pathetic." A vein began throbbing on the man's head, but Hinata didn't care. Perhaps he was angry at always being looked down upon or maybe seeing Natsumi going through what he's been through, but he was not going to let this man say such things freely. "Many 'normal people' have accomplished great things. Some have found more success than some of the people recognized here as Ultimates. You are the former Ultimate Boxer, yet here you are, beating up a reserve course student just because she wants to give her brother something potentially important. Talent isn't only what you do, it's what you do with it, and you clearly haven't realized this. Hope's Peak clearly forgot about this when the-"


Natsumi blinked, a rush of air blasting past her. Having first hand experience with fighting Sakakura, she knew he had thrown a punch at her friend. Based on the sound, she could tell he hit his cheek. Looking behind her, she expected to see Hinata knocked out in a pool of his own blood. What she saw shocked not only her, but the people surrounding them as well. Sakakura's punch had been a direct hit, but Hinata wasn't on the floor nor was he bleeding. In fact, the punch didn't even move him. He was simply standing there as if he wasn't hit to begin with.

"..." Hinata stared at the stunned man with a blank face, calculating his next move. 'If he hits me again, it counts as self-defense. I normally wouldn't be so reckless, but fuck this asshole.' Deciding to make an attempt to leave before Sakakura tried hitting him again, Hinata turned around. Tilting his head to the side, he narrowly avoided another blow. 'Well, now I'm justified to hit him. He may be a security guard, but I know he's not allowed to use force just because I told him off.'

"You little shit!" Angered at the boy who had the audacity to challenge his authority, Sakakura swung again, but due to his increased speed, Hinata was able to dodge it with little effort.

"I don't know why you're attacking me," Hinata said, a cheeky smile plastered on his face as his hero persona began taking over. Whenever he was in a fight, Hinata had to make quirps. Despite it being unoriginal (Spider-Man and so many other characters from manga, TV shows, movies, and comics did it better), it eased any tension and fear he felt. Even though Sakakura couldn't do much to him, experience as a vigilante has taught him to be calm or else he'll accidently kill someone or get himself killed. He hasn't died or killed anyone yet and it would be wise for him to maintain this status. "All I did was tell you off. I even tried walking away after you punched me. By the way, hitting a minor is unlawful."

"You think the law matters to someone who works at Hope's Peak?" Sakakura snarled.

Hinata couldn't lie, he had a point. Laws and regulations hardly applied to anyone associated with the talented branch at Hope's Peak unless they killed someone. Now that he thought about it, it might be possible for someone to get away with murder. "True, but you attacked the daughter of the Kuzuryuu clan. I don't think Hope's Peak can shield you that well from retaliation."

Either Sakakura didn't care or he wasn't listening because he attempted to hit Hinata again. Like before, all Hinata had to do was move slightly to the left. 'He's becoming a threat to everyone around us. I guess I got to take him out.' "Hey man, I tried being civil, but I guess I have to teach you that even though you're the former Ultimate Boxer-" Hinata made a fist with his left hand. Dodging another fist, Hinata retaliated with his own, slamming his opponent's nose with more than enough force to break it. "I'm in a whole 'nother weight class." Like all humans Hinata has hit, Sakakura dropped to the floor.

Dusting his hands, Hinata turned back to Natsumi, the girl being in shock as to what he had done. Even though she knew first hand that Hinata was fit, there should be no way that he should be able to knock out someone like Sakakura. "Ugh, I guess we better explain this to the headmaster. Hopefully he won't expel us…" Even if he did, Hinata wouldn't mind too much. He saw a man abuse his power and stepped in to help the victim. He felt good about what he did and no one was going to tell him otherwise…


"So, let me get this straight," Jin Kirigiri said, rubbing his temples. Being the head of Hope's Peak Academy, the man was used to dealing with many shenanigans most people would never have to in their lifetimes, but those shenanigans were usually the result from the main course. Imagine his surprise when Hinata and Natsumi (said girl not really wanting to be here) came into his office and confessed that they beat up one of his security guards. "You somehow knocked the former Ultimate Boxer unconscious because he was being too harsh on your friend here?"

Hinata nodded. "That and he attacked me when I told him off. He threw the first punch. I was defending myself." Typically, the boy wouldn't be as calm as he was right now as things seemingly looked bleak for him. There was the potential that Hope's Peak would take Sakakura's side as fear of ruining both the reputations of the boxer and the school itself. Unknown to the headmaster, he had a trick up his sleeve.



"So why the fuck are we going to the headmaster?" Natsumi asked the boy as they began walking to his office. With Sakakura unconscious, they were able to get into the main building with no problems. "I'm not sure you know this, but telling the fucking headmaster what you did will get us expelled."

"They'll find out eventually," Hinata informed her. "It's better to tell him our side before Sakakura gets to him. We'll have a better chance at not being expelled."

"You punched a former Ultimate and you're a reserve course student," Natsumi deadpanned before giving him a look of interest. "How the hell did you do that anyways?"

"He had a leg injury," Hinata lied, having thought this through before they even entered the building. "He's usually faster than what you saw. I happen to know some self defense and took advantage of his wound."

"He hit you right in the face…"

"He threw a bad punch, all things considered."

Natsumi simply rolled her eyes. Even though Hinata's poker face has improved, Natsumi could practically smell the crap he was spewing. However, there were more important matters they needed to discuss. "Whatever. You still haven't told me how the hell you plan on getting out of this."

"Simple, we scare them," Hinata declared, confusing the Yakuza. "The Kuzuryuu clan is one of the most powerful in Japan. You have a nice hold over the government. You know who relies on the government? Hope's Peak. If your father hears about this, then it could spell trouble for this school. Even if Hope's Peak survives going to war with the Kuzuryuu clan, they'll be seriously hurt. Since I don't want to be responsible for any deaths, we won't be declaring war on them, but we'll make it seem like we are. You're the daughter of one of the few who can scare Hope's Peak."

Natsumi's eyes held a certain amount of mischief in them. "Fuck, didn't know you had it in you to be a badass, especially with that stupid ahoge. Keep this up and I might fall for you."

"Pft!" If Hinata had been drinking juice, he would've either spat it out or choked to death. In the end, he decided to ignore the girl as he made his way to the headmaster's office… wherever it was located.


Jin pinched the bridge of his nose. "Disregarding how you managed to do so, you do realize that you have no proof that you're telling the truth, right? In the end, it's your word against Sakakura's, and I'm more in line to believe him when he tells his side of the story."

'Probably because he's a former Ultimate,' Hinata and Natsumi simultaneously thought.

"So I need to ask, why shouldn't I expel you two for assault on a faculty member?"

"Well, the person attacked is Natsumi Kuzuryuu," Hinata began explaining, causing the girl to smirk at the man confidently.

"And I'm not sure if you heard, but I happen to be the daughter of a very important person. We're talking about the head of the Kuzuryuu clan, brother to the heir of the clan, and his personal hitwoman. Imagine what would happen if any of them caught wind of this."

"Pray tell, what will happen?" Jin asked, an emotionless expression plastered on his face. Unknown to the two, the man was actually quite scared, knowing how bad of an idea it would be to piss off the girl's father.

"Well, for starters, my father won't take too kindly that you kicked out his daughter and her boyfriend for defending themselves-"

'BOYFRIEND?!' Hinata had to stop himself from yelling. This was not part of the plan, though he had to give her credit for the fact that she was acting quite professional instead of cursing the man out.

"-And will take actions that may hurt your school in the long run, like limiting government aid. You can expel us, but it'll cost you."

"Which is why I'm offering the following solution," Hinata chimed in, knowing that it was his turn to steer the conversation. "You let us go and we can all pretend that this never happened." Natsumi opened her mouth to protest the fact that her assaulter was going to get off easy, only for Hinata to elbow her ribs, quieting the young Yakuza. "The only thing I ask is that you tell your security guard to be less savage in his tactics and to get his leg healed. Or, would you prefer the alternative?"

"..." Being the headmaster of Hope's Peak meant the man was quite smart. Now, he knew there was a possibility that the two were bluffing and that the Kuzuryuu clan won't take action, but he understood that taking the risk wasn't worth it in the long run. From what it appears, there were two highly profiled Yakuza members in his office, two who he did not want to piss off. It wasn't like Hinata's compromise was unreasonable. Both parties won in the end. The two students wouldn't get expelled and no war between Hope's Peak and any Yakuza would happen. "Fine. However, if I catch you two doing something like this in the end, I won't be as lenient."

"You have my word," Hinata said, Natsumi nodding in agreement, still smirking.

"Alright, now get to class. I'll notify your teacher that you two were with me."

Having no reason to stay, Hinata and Natsumi left the man's office, causing him to sigh in annoyance. Sometimes he hated his job…


"Fuck, that actually worked," Natsumi said before relesing a victorious laugh. "You really saved our asses back there."

'Yes, you actually used your brain in a way I didn't think you could,' Izuru told him.

'Wow, that's the nicest thing I've ever heard from you.'

'You're still as boring as a grain of salt though.'

'Whatever.' The boy leaned towards his friend to continue their conversation. "Hey, your acting skills are what sealed the deal. Though why did you call me your boyfriend?"

"To make him think there were two Yakuza of course. If you were only my 'friend,' the headmaster probably would be more willing to fight back. As my 'boyfriend,' you'd have a high position in the Yakuza."

Hinata nodded in understanding. "Makes sense."

The two walked out of the main course building, an odd silence falling between the two friends. As they approached the reserve course building, Hinata felt someone grab his hand. Glancing at his friend, he noticed she seemed to be shy about something, which was the first time he ever saw her in this state.

"Hey, why'd you do it?"

"Do what?"

"Fight that guy. You could've walked away and left me to avoid all this trouble."

'It's because you have both a superhero and an inferiority complex,' Izuru rudely told him, only for the young vigilante to ignore him.

"Well… I saw someone in trouble and I knew I could help, so I jumped right in," Hinata explained. "It also helps that we are friends."

"Friends…" for a moment, Natsumi's thoughts lingered on that one word. The truth be told, she never had any true friends before. Sure, she had fake friends, but they were only trying to leech off her status as a rich Yakuza member. She was sure it was going to be the same in the reserve course, but with Hinata, that never happened. Initially, she only bothered him because he sat right next to her. As time went by, she actually found herself enjoying his company. Maybe it was because he could handle her sass, or maybe it was because he treated her as just another person instead of a member of the Yakuza or a person leeching off their family's success. "You actually think we're friends?"

"Uh, yeah."

"But… I treat you like shit! I bother you and insult you…" Natsumi really didn't know why she was getting this emotional. If she had to guess, it was because Hinata saved not only her pride, but her dream.

"Yeah, you can be… yourself at times," Hinata replied, earning a glare from the girl. "But there's no malice in your words when you talk to me. I'll admit, when I first met you, I didn't really like you because of how you treated one of my friends in the past." Natsumi winced, realizing who he was talking about. "But after a while, you've grown on me. I ended up realizing that you and I aren't so different." Now it was Hinata's turn to wonder why he was getting emotional. "We both have people in the main course who we wish we can stand with as equals, people we care about and are willing to do anything to make sure they succeed. But neither of us have been recognized for something extraordinary. I also realized that even under all your snark, you have the potential to be a good person. And hey, I'm forced to hang out with you everyday, so I'd say we're pretty close friends. One day though, I do want you to apologize to Koizumi for everything you've done, but for now, let's just focus on your party, alright?"

Natsumi gave him a blank look, scaring Hinata as he was pretty sure she was angry at him. Then, she laughed. It wasn't like her usual laughter though, this one felt more heartfelt and genuine. She laughed for nearly a minute, resulting in tears forming from her eyes. "You're an odd son-of-a-bitch, aren't you? But seriously, thanks. Thanks for everything. I promise that I'll apologize to Koizumi someday."

"No problem." Hinata wasn't going to lie, this heart-to-heart felt really good to have, especially with someone who understands his struggles.

Of course, all good things had to come to an end. Wiping her tears, the Yakuza member glared at him. "Tell anyone about this mopy shit and you'll be coming to my party in a body bag."

Hinata raised his hands in mock surrender. "Alright, I won't tell a soul. C'mon, let's get to class. We've already missed our first two periods."

"Aw, can't we skip?"



Eventually, the day ended and Hinata was waiting by the gates of Hope's Peak, ready to walk home with his friends. He could use it, especially since he's noticed people have been staring at him all day. Even now, both students from the reserve course and the main course were giving him looks of awe and curiosity. Hinata was honestly curious as to why this was, only for the sound of someone smacking his cheek to catch his attention. It was at this point that he noticed an angry Koizumi right in front of him. No, scratch that, she was furious.

"Hinata, what the hell were you thinking?!"

"W-what's going on? What are you talking about?"

"This!" Koizumi shoved her phone into Hinata's hands. On the screen was a video of a familiar fight.

'Crap! I can't believe someone actually caught that on tape!'

"Dude, you took that guy out with one punch!" Souda exclaimed, having shown up with Koizumi. "You have to show me how you did that! Since when were you able to do that?"

"I, uh-" Hinata tried to reply, only for Koizumi to intervene.

"Why did you go up against a security guard at Hope's Peak?!"

The rest of the walk was spent reassuring Koizumi and Souda that he was fine, wasn't expelled, and explaining why he got into a fight. Thankfully, due to Koizumi's constant questions, he never had to explain how it was that someone like him knocked out a professional boxer with one hit.