Dams: I know a lot of you might not read these au notes, and that's fine. This one is the only one what matters, kind of.

I need to get this off my chest before you continue this story.

When I first posted, It wasn't as detailed and as heartstrings pulling as I wanted it to be, this version is the closest to the one in my mind. I have so many other story ideas that I really want to start, so I have finished this story! That's the good news, bad news is. If you left off on Chapter Kekkon, I recommend you re-reading the entire story again, there is a crap ton of new content, a lot of it rated M, so you've been warned.

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto. Never will, but I do hope I can change influence enough people to make GaaSaku canon, anything is possible on paper.





Chapter 1: To Where it All Began

Two figures slowly approached the part of the world where calm lifeless sand meets lush green forest.

The tallest figure paused before the first patch of greenery staring silently at the offending shrub, in somewhat of a trance.

'..We must be close to Konoha ..'

" Vydran.. What about here?"

Viridescent eyes flicker to the left, where, hidden in a mound of sand, stood an abandoned shelter.

On closer examination, the tallest of the two recognized the shelter to be that of an old check-point. It looked to have long out served its purpose as an emergency shelter in case of any impending storms.

Sharp eyes, the color of flawless jade, stared at desert inhaling the scent of the impending storm, heading their way.

" The storm is 6 minutes out Shinki. I will check the perimeter and return with food.."

The boy now known as Shinki made way toward the entrance of the shelter.


The aforementioned boy halted his tracks to momentarily lock eyes with the taller figure.

"..Good Job" said teen grinned faintly and proceeded to enter the shelter.

The taller man then dissipated into grains of sand and reappeared 10 clicks away from the newly found shelter. He inhaled a deep breath of the fresh forest air, the familiar scent flooded his mind with memories from the past.

'... It has been a long time.. Konoha'

The man's forehead creased as he contemplated whether or not he should hunt in the forest, it wasn't until a particularity harsh wind howled through the forest, did the figure turned towards the direction of the desert. He closed his eyes, momentarily, feeling the air around him again, his eyes hardened as he felt the air moving in a oh-so- familiar pattern.

'It's almost here..'

With no time to waste the figure pumped chakra into his feet before sprinting through the forest, all the while, sending pulses of sand in every direction around him.

He paused when he felt a tug, 10 feet from his left.

He followed the direction of the tug and came upon a small sandy colored, Fennec Fox.

He ordered his sand bring the frightened animal before him, once close enough to hear its cooing and yipping, the man couldn't help a wave of nostalgia that hit him.

He brought the small creature close and then released it.

The fox made a move to run, but instead began to sniff the air around the man, getting closer and closer to the sand wielder, stopping to sniff at his exposed toes.

The man in question squatted and slowly offered his hand to the fox, it flinched at first, but then hesitantly sniffed the hand.

A faint smile appeared on his lips, but just as quick as it appeared, it disappeared.

Suddenly, several more rough winds shook the surrounding trees, only to calm a moment later.

The sand wielder was in the middle of examining the fox, when he felt another tug coming from a different direction. With two fingers he covered his right eye to inspect what his sand had captured.

Satisfied with his find, he clenched a fist, effectively killing what was captured.

He looked down at the sandy cream hued fennec fox , seeing it observing him in curiosity.

The man squatted again only to scuff the fox, it was about to protest, when an exceptionally large gust of wind blew from behind his captor did it calm down. It was tucked away in the safety of its captures' worn-torn and tattered protective sand gear.

Once the small animal was secure the two vanished in a gust of wind, only to reappear in front of the shelter door, just as the storm was touching down.

The sand wielder gripped one of the short horns of the sand slain gazelle and proceeded to drag it inside.

Shinki looked up momentarily, welcoming him as he entered and closed the door.

The inside of the shelter was simple.

There was a lit fire pit, dust covered table, a wooden chair and in the corner of the room there was a double seated chair.

The walls, on closer inspection seemed to have been made out of clay.

The air inside was stale, but bearable.

Once inside, the small fox in hiding popped his head out momentarily, only to hide once more.

"..Uh.. Otou-san..?"

The boy known as Shinki, eyed the pair of small twitching ears poking from his father's gear, waiting for an explanation as the fox was pulled out from his top.

" I found him when I was hunting.." he settled the poor thing on the floor, before removing layers of his gear. The boy stared at the fox, a curious expression gracing his features.

"...Are.. we going to eat him?" in asking, he turned his gaze toward his father, only to be answered with a raised invisible eyebrow.

".. At first.. But the gazelle will be more than enough.. "

Shinki let go of a sigh of relief. The man shook his head, emitting a soft sound that suspiciously sounded like a laugh as he removed his head piece and googles, revealing crimson hair.

" It's been a while since I've seen the top of your head .." The red head looked at his boy, noting how much he looked like his older brother. Everything from the spiky chestnut brown hair, to his face looked the same, until he came upon his ash colored eyes.

Shinki looked at the fox with an expression of nostalgia.

The man, placed a hand on his son's shoulder, grabbing his attention. A look of sympathy in his green eyes.

It was obvious that these two endured a lot on their travels, which strengthened their bond.

Shinki didn't let it show, but he felt happier at the fact he was acknowledged and respected someone like his father. He made it his purpose to make the man before him proud, and give honor to the name Sabaku.

A loud thump knocked Shinki from his train of thought as his father had now placed the dead Gazelle, on the table.

"Shinki, skin this. I will do everything else. We might be here a while.."

Shinki nodded, hearing the storm raging outside.

Shinki had long since removed his outer protective clothing and was now rummaging through his bag.

After finding a sharp kunai, Shinki got to work, skinning the dead animal.

He was midway into slicing into the belly of the gazelle, when he felt a tug on his right pants leg.

Looking down, he saw the fox pawing at him, biting and pulling at his pants leg, for piece of meat. Shinki's eyebrows knitted together.

His eyes then shifted from the fox to his father to see if he is watching. After a couple of seconds of internal conflict, Shinki, dropped a piece of meat for the fox, which it happily ate.

" I saw that..."

Shinki stiffened and turned toward his father, only to see him with his back turned towards him. It was only when he squinted his gray eyes did he see his father's infamous floating third eye, staring back at him.

Shinki stared at the eye, trying to look innocent, but he knew it saw everything, it wasn't until a large growl resounded from his own stomach did he chuckle.

" Bring whatever you have cut.. the fire is ready" he added, shifting the firewood with tendrils of sand.

Shinki wasted no time in bringing his father the pieces of meat.

Once he heard the sizzling of the meat, Shinki brought the wooden chair closer to the fire pit, for himself to sit on.

" How long do you believe it will be... until the storm dies down..?" he asked as his father reached for some carved meat, placing them on a netted wire rack to cook.

" An hour.. two at most.." he replied whilst adjusting the wired rack. Shinki's eyebrows knitted in confusion.

" ..Aren't you able to just disperse the sand storm?... I-I don't mean to speak out of place, but ..father...you've done so before.." the crimson haired man stopped adjusting the rack, once figuring out the right cooking distance away from the flames.

Contemplating how to answer.

' You are known as Gaara of the Sand for a reason..' Shinki thought.

" We must conserve our energy.. Always be ready for the worst case scenario.." he replied calmly as he got up to lean against one of the adjacent shelter walls.

He rubbed his black rimmed eyes, and absentmindedly touched the tattooed scar on his forehead thoughtfully, before continuing.

" If it is meant to be. When the storm stops, we might visit ..Konoha.."

Gaara saw a glimmer of excitement in his son's eyes while his own face stayed placid.

'Remind you of anyone?.. '

Gaara smirked and turned his attention to the sizzling meat.

" I can't wait to see Oba and Oji! It's been so long.. Itoko" Gaara said nothing and continued to stare at the fire intently as he spoke.

" We are not to bring any attention to ourselves. We do not know how far the council's reach goes, especially since they seem keen on keeping me away.I do not want to test them.." Shinki nodded and sat down once again, the fox soon hopped beside Gaara and laid next to him, snuggling against his warmth.

Shinki looked from the fox to his father.

" Why did you bring him along..?" Gaara tentatively stroked the fur of the small animal.

" ..It reminded me too much of an old friend.." Shinki nodded knowing exactly of whom he was referring to.

Shinki was about to ask his father about their adventures with the blonde, before they both became respective leaders, when Gaara stood up abruptly, startling the fox.

Fierce eyes on the door to the shelter. Shinki looked towards the door his eyes widening as he sensed what his father was sensing.

' ..Four chakra signatures?..Outside.!?.. '

Shinki looked at Gaara, then to the door again.

"..In this storm?!..It's suicide.." Shinki trailed off saying, as the door handle to the shelter started to turn...