Reviews for Kintsukuroi
Tyreikdabest chapter 1 . 12/26/2019
but I have a question. what is shinki and saradas status as on now
Tyreikdabest chapter 25 . 12/26/2019
you peace of shit. this story was so amazing. there were parts where I felt like dying and parts where it was so beautiful I almost cried, almost. I've been reading fanfiction for years now and I can honestly say that this is the best gaasaku fix I've ever read. I love your writing style. god such a good story. you know that because it's currently 4:37 am and I started this story yesterday. it's hard to find good fanfic nowadays but u defiantly outdid yourself in this one. please keep up the good work.
Narciphy chapter 25 . 10/3/2019
I love your job, please continued your awesome work.
MJKS8Akira chapter 25 . 8/31/2019
Thank you very much for this fic. It was an interesting ride. ¡Thanks for ur hard work!
Y chapter 25 . 4/23/2018
Yes news from you! Thank you for finishing this story. It's nice to have a closure and to see that Sakura got her "family" finally :)
Sakura-Fairy-Tail chapter 25 . 4/23/2018
Damn did I love this story. I broke out into fangirl giggles when they had a baby I'm like "yes". When I thought Sasuke could not get any low, he went around making babies to random women ,that bitch. And to make thing worse, ass is still alive ah. Love the alternative ending but got to love the first one because of the drame. I love all three of those stories especially "On the rocks" . Good luck XD
Nanami chapter 25 . 4/22/2018
I love your work, I hope I can read you soon, thanks for being one of the best writers of GaaSaku, I love how you do it. Thank you, I will follow you in your writings.

Live GaaSaku
jacpin2002 chapter 25 . 4/22/2018
OMG! This chapter gave me, love, happiness...YES! Gaasaku forever!
Can I say that the alternate version would have been awesome, but then would not have been as dramatic! LOL! I loved that Gaara got there and knocked his block off though.

These next 3 story ideas sound awesome and I am so glad that you are going to continue to write. I'll PM you and let you know that I am willing to be a beta. You are a great writer and I am thankful that you shared your work with us.

Looking forward to reading more of your Gaasaku awesomeness!
Sakura-Fairy-Tail chapter 24 . 4/22/2018
Hehe Sasuke got what was coming to him. I hope Sakura and Gaara have a child of there own that actually part of both of them.
jacpin2002 chapter 24 . 4/21/2018
Yes! I am so hoping that Karin did a Lorena Bobbitt on Sasuke cause he totally deserves it. And then I hope she tortures him for the rest of his life. What a bastard!1
Glad Karin finally got some sense instead of letting that jerk treat her like crap. Still wanted Gaara to sand bury his ass, but it is nice that he broke his legs!
jacpin2002 chapter 23 . 4/21/2018
Dammit...that bastard got away! I can't wait for Gaara to sand bury his ass! So glad Sakura at least got a hit off and broke his jaw!
jacpin2002 chapter 22 . 4/21/2018
OMG! I was so thankful when I saw that this fic had been updated. I took your advice and I reread the whole story all over again. Thank you for the additional content. I'll list some of my favorites:
The waterfall scene when he jumps with her. I swear that I fell in love with Gaara all over again, right then and there.
Actually providing more detail in the scene where he gives her his sand armor to protect her fall...wonderful!
When I read the more detailed conversation between the two after watching the movie...I just about died. It was everything I hoped for.
The extended flashback scenes are everything for me! I like the more detail of their romantic trysts and also more detail on the festival flashbacks, birthdays, etc. A lot happened in that one year. Even the additional scenes of detail when Gaara thought that Sakura chose words.
The moment when Kankuro and Shikamaru decided to take those pictures was a great addition.
My heart almost gave out with the flashback scene after Gaara's rescue from the Akatsuki...his proposing and wow!
The extended scenes of Sakura's torment made me hate Sasuke even more!
I swear this is what happened in canon, but Kishimoto doesn't want to own up to his mistake...LOL.
The extended conversation of Gaara confessing his love to Sakura...I couldn't take any more of the feels. I had to literally put the computer down and walk away to stop my heart from beating so fast from the adrenaline of that being the way Sakura first hears the man of her dreams, the love of her life, tell her he loves her. I wish my own husband declared his love to me in such a way! Swoon!

Current chapter..fantastic...Gaasaku baby on the way! Yes! I am so ready for Gaara to kill Sasuke! Shinki and Sarada is a ship that I am going to go down with. :)
Nanami chapter 23 . 4/21/2018
I love this Fic.
Sakura-Fairy-Tail chapter 23 . 4/21/2018
Hell yeah! You knock his are down Gaara. They such a cute family
KyloRen'sgirl213 chapter 1 . 4/20/2018
Love this awesome wonderful sweet work update soon but take your time with it
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