Kendall's P.O.V, 12 Years Ago

I was wandering the streets; I was looking for something to eat. I don't have any parents and I didn't have money. I took a bruised apple and went away with it.

"GIVE IT BACK YOU LITTLE BRAT!" a goblin said.

"I'm hungry," I said.

"That doesn't mean that you can take this for free you stupid little girl," the goblin said and pulled out my hair.

"Oww! Let me go!" I exclaimed and I kicked the goblin in the stomach. The goblin yanked my hair and a chunk of brown hair appeared in his hand. I stared at it in dismay.

"What did you do to my hair?!" I shrieked and ran away. I was crying and I collapsed. Suddenly I saw a girl with purple hair, a girl with pink hair, a boy with the same colored hair as me, and a girl with yellow hair with pink at the end?

"Are you okay?!" the purple haired girl ran over and sat down next to me.

"No," I gasped.

"What happened to your head?" the yellow-haired girl asked.

"A goblin pulled my hair out," I sobbed.

"Aww," the brunette boy hugged me.

"Who are you? I'm Kendall and I don't have any parents," I introduced myself.

"I'm Mal. This is Amy, Sophie-Claire, and Conan. Our parent is Maleficent," the purple-haired girl said.

"Maleficent?" I asked, backing away.

"It's okay, we're not gonna hurt you. Since you don't have any parents, do you want to live with us?" Amy asked.

"Sure! Yay!" I exclaimed and hugged every one of them.

"Sure. We're never gonna leave you or forget about you," Mal said.

12 years later, still Kendall's P.O.V

I glared at the TV. Mal and what looks like her boyfriend were laughing and talking to each other. Oh, how I would love to wipe the smiles off their faces. 12 years ago she said that she would never leave me, and now she and her twin sis left us here. When Mal came back, I was ecstatic because she would probably reunite with us and maybe take us to Auradon but no, she forgot all about us. It then showed Snow White talking about the news and King Ben and Lady Mal. So that's the guy I have a crush on. You might be thinking, Tomboy Kendall has a big crush on King Benjamin? To be honest, he is dreamy. Enough about that. Just then I heard a knock on our hideout. I opened the door and it showed what looks like the Auradon guards

"What do you want from us?" I grumbled.

"This is a message from King Benjamin, Lady Mal, Miss Amy and Evie of the Isle. Is Conan and Sophie-Claire here too?" one of the guards asked.

"Yeah. Guys, some guards from Auradon are here!" I yelled.

Conan and Sophie came out.

"Here you guys go," the head guard said, giving us three scrolls. I unrolled mine.

"His royal majesty King Ben and his counselors Miss Amy and Miss Evie of the Isle hereby request your pleasure of your company, Kendall Angeline, for the current academic year at Auradon Prep! Please notify His Majesty's couriers of this request. Kendall, Mal and Amy were disappointed that you didn't get to come to Auradon with them and I wanted to make them feel better so I hope you accept this request. I've heard so much about you and I can't wait to meet you," I muttered. I rolled it back up and stared at the guards.

"I'm going. Let's pack our bags. Finally we're getting out of this dump," I said excitedly.

"Same," Conan and Sophie-Claire said.

I smiled; I was getting out of the Isle for once and for all. I grabbed my gold suitcase and stuffed my clothes in it. Finally, I'm out of here. So long suckers!

A Couple Days Later

A limo was parked in front of our hideout. I dragged my suitcase outside and I threw it in the back.

"Are you coming?" I called to my other three siblings. Conan threw his black duffel bag in the back and Sophie-Claire came out with tons of suitcases.

"What's the rest of the luggage?" Conan asked.

"All my clothes, makeup, and equipment," Sophie-Claire replied.

"Whatever. Just get in," I muttered. I opened the door and we went inside. There were sweets and I grabbed one of the rock candies there.

"These are good. I wish they had more of these," Conan said.

"You look washed out. Here let me-" Sophie said before I cut her off.

"Not the makeup today please?" I said.

You can find me in the space between. Where two worlds come to meet, I'll never be out of reach. Cause you're a part of me. We'll never be alone, no matter where we go ~Mal x. I read the note that Mal gave to me before she left. I ripped it up and threw it out the window.

"Uh guys, I think we're gonna drown!" Conan exclaimed.

"No we're not, I saw it open up when they left," I snapped. The barrier opened and I felt free. Auradon sure looked pretty. We reached what looks like the courtyard of a preppy boarding school. Ugh. Once it stopped, Conan and Sophie-Claire immediately ran out but I hesitated. I'm excited to go but I don't want to see my sisters who abandoned us.

"Get out or I'm gonna drive you back," the driver snapped.

"Shut up or I'll get someone to fire you," I snapped back and the driver looked stunned. I wore the hood on my sweatshirt and reluctantly went out.

"Hi! You guys must be Conan, Sophie-Claire, and Kendall. Nice to meet you, I'm Fairy Godmother and come to me if you need any help. By the way, the library hours are at 8am to 11 pm, I have a thing about curfews, no magic is allowed here, and go to classes on time. And that is all from me, now you're gonna meet King Ben, Lady Mal, and Miss Amy of the Isle," Fairy-Godmother explained. I stared at my purplette sister in disgust. So that's what she turned into after Cotillion.

"Hi! You must be Mal's siblings. It is nice to meet you, I'm King Benjamin and I'm Mal's boyfriend but call me Ben. Mal told me all about you," Ben said timidly. I smirked, I'm glad I scared him but he is really cute though. Don't tell anyone. He was going to shake Conan's hand but Conan grabbed him by the collar.

"If you hurt Mal, I'll hurt you, royalty or not," Conan threatened.

"Stop it Conan. You're embarrassing yourself," Sophie snapped. He released Ben and Ben immediately shook Sophie's hand.

"Sophie-Claire Thomas. Forget my last name and don't think about asking me about my middle name. Anyways nice to meet you but like Conan said, you hurt her and we'll hurt you," Sophie said. Ben nervously smiled and he reached over to me. I froze and then moved aside.

"Don't hurt me," I whispered.

"Sorry about Kendall, she's had a miserable past. Kendall its okay, Ben won't hurt you," Sophie apologized. I glared at her, so I'm making a bad impression on her?

"Like Sophie-Claire said, I won't hurt you," Ben said warmly.

I am humiliated. I made a bad impression on my crush and I thought I'm not like that. Ugh.

"Can I get Mal and Amy?" Ben asked softly.

"Sure?" I asked nervously.

Mal and Amy immediately came and hugged us.

"Sorry that we didn't come to you earlier, we decided to let Ben and Fairy Godmother introduce them earlier. Anyways I'm so glad to finally reunite with you," Mal said. I would've shoved her off or returned the hug but I was frozen and Mal's purple hair was in my mouth.

"Hi Kendall! I'm so happy to see you," Amy said and she hugged me once Mal broke away to hug the rest of my siblings.

"How about a tour of Auradon Prep and I'll show you your dorms," Ben said. Mal immediately held hands with him and I heard Mal whisper that he did well for meeting my siblings. I snorted and I didn't really pay attention on the tour. Conan had a room with Aziz, Sophie-Claire had a room with Amy, and I had a room with someone named Lonnie.

"If you have any question, please ask me or Mal. Anyways it's great to meet you," Ben smiled and he and Mal went off.

"So can you show me my dorm Cherry Blossom?" Sophie-Claire asked excitedly.

"Sure this way," Amy said and they went off.

"Good luck Kendall. You'll be fine," Conan said and he squeezed my shoulder before he went off.

I eventually found my dorm after getting lost for a while and I knocked on the door.

"Come in! I'm Lonnie and you must be Kendall," a girl with blackish-brownish hair said.

"Uh thanks. That's me," I said shyly.

"Don't be shy, I won't bite," Lonnie grinned. I observed my side, my room looks like Sophie-Claire's but Lonnie's is more edgy in an AK way of course. I noticed a fencing bag there.

"You do sports?" I asked, excitedly.

"Yeah. I wish they made a girls team for tourney and fencing," Lonnie sighed.

"That's cool. So since there's no girl's team, do you play on the boys?" I asked.

"Yeah. Everyone's been supportive of me except this dumb head named Chad," Lonnie said.

"Who's him?" I asked. I haven't seen him yet but I already hate him.

"He has curly blond hair, "dreamy", but he thinks that girls can't play tourney or fencing," Lonnie grimaced at the thought of Chad.

"Hate him already. I'll just unpack my stuff if that's okay," I said, gesturing to my suitcase.

"Sure let me help you," Lonnie said, reaching to my side.

"Do you want to be friends?" I asked nervously.

"We're already are," Lonnie smiled and hugged me. I slowly smiled back. I have my first friend here, unless you're counting my siblings.

"Ken! It's been a long time since I saw you!" Evie said excitedly and hugged me.

"Nice seeing you again K. This time I'm gonna kick your butt at sports," Jay grinned.

"Don't make assumptions, you know girls rule the world," I smirked and high-fived Mal, Amy, Evie, and Sophie-Claire.

"Hey Kendall," Carlos said and hugged me. I hugged him back and broke away to pet Dude.

"Who are you?" Dude asked.

"I'm Kendall, Mal's sister," I said kindly. I let Dude sniff my hand and he licked it.

"Nice meeting you. I'm Dude and Carlos is a wimp," Dude replied. I laughed and Carlos glared at Dude.

"How are you doing?" Mal asked.

"I don't want to talk about it. You abandoned me," I whispered. I didn't mean for it to slip out but it did.

"I'm so sorry Kendall," Mal said.

"When you came back, I thought you were gonna visit us. You didn't," I said coldly. I was acting like an ungrateful brat and I wish I could reverse everything I said. I froze and immediately ran out of Mal and Evie's dorm.

"Kendall, wait!" Mal called out.

"Save it, I don't want to hear it," I said coldly.

I mentally kicked myself; I had a terrible first day. I entered my dorm and I was crying.

"Kendall, are you okay?!" Lonnie asked.

"No," I sobbed.

A/N: I hoped you enjoyed that first chapter so far. I think I portrayed Kendall correctly, even though she's my OC. LOL. Anyways, I hope that you like it and stayed tune for more. And by the way, I hope it's okay with you PinkSakura271 that I use your OC. :)