
Law stirs in his sleep, awakened by Luffy's voice and the sun coming in from the porthole on the wall of the captain's quarters.

"Toraooo," Luffy whispers again, dragging out the last syllable. "Breakfast!" He nudges Law for emphasis on his last word.

Law groans and attempts to flex his body to wake up, only to find Luffy sitting on his hips. Law opens one eye to see Luffy staring at him with a pout.

"You're not as comfy as you might think, Strawhat," Law mumbles as he begins to sit up. As he moves, Luffy laughs and jumps off onto the floor beside the bed.

"Breakfast!" Luffy repeats, pointing towards the door. "C'mon!" With that, he bounds towards the door and out of the room, on to his much more dire need for food.

Law removes the covers from his legs and stretches. At least Luffy woke him up for breakfast, it's usually just all for themselves when it comes to mealtime. Law allows himself to smile warmheartedly at the gesture. It may not seem like much to others, but it's a huge improvement for their relationship – or, uh, should he say, alliance. He doesn't even think Luffy tells his own crew about meals, just dives in head first.

Law grabs his coat hanging on a nearby chair on his way out the door. He runs his hands through his hair to try and eliminate the bed head. The last thing he needs is the embarrassment of having messy hair after coming out from sleeping with Luffy in front of the Strawhat crew. It's not like they sleep, sleep together, it's purely sharing a bed with an allied pirate captain. Nothing wrong with that, right? It was Luffy's intrusion to begin with, anyway. Law doesn't ever really get a say in what happens when Strawhat's around, so he's learned to just go with – almost – anything Luffy's planning. That's what Law says, anyway, to avoid facing the fact that he truly enjoys every bit of Luffy's company. Especially in bed…

Law shakes his head to get rid of any impure thoughts that are trying to run through his mind. Just allies. Nothing crazy.

Law enters the dining room to find the usual chaos. He's passed trying to care about the way this crew eats, so he takes his designated seat between Luffy and Sanji, but not before grabbing a steaming cup of coffee on his way. He sips on his hot brew, feeling the hotness seep down his throat, waking his insides in the early morning.

After a few minutes of everyone fighting over the delicious display of breakfast, Nami speaks up about today's agenda.

"As you all know, we arrived on a new island today. We're gonna slip up into groups and search it to see if there's any useful supplies. There was a decently big town on the coast where the docks were. It shouldn't take too long to get there from where we docked. I didn't want to cause a big ruckus by pulling up right up to their front doors, so we're just east of the town."

"Got that Mosshead? East. Anything clicking in that green covered head of yours?" Sanji jabs at the resident swordsman.

"Whichever way takes me away from your shitty cooking is fine with me, Swirly Brows." Zoro mumbles back, crossing his arms. They exchange glares of death.

Nami clears her throat, causing Sanji's eyes to go from daggers to swirling hearts. "What groups would you like to split us up in, Nami-swan?"

Law bites down on a blueberry muffin he managed to grab in the riot and rolls his eyes.

"Well," Nami answers. "Robin, Chopper, and I will go with Zoro to get a lot of the shopping done. Then-"

"I'll go with Torao!" Luffy exclaims way too loudly for Law's liking, cutting Nami off and earning a glare from said navigator. Law tries to become smaller to hide from Luffy's constant embarrassment.

"That's fine, just don't get into any trouble, okay? Just for once I'd like a peaceful stop at an island." Nami requests exasperatedly. Luffy grins widely with a piece of bacon stuck between his teeth. He links arms with Law out of joy of having his exploration buddy. Law just grumbles, causing some of the Strawhats to giggle knowingly under their breath. "The rest of you guys can go with Sanji to get food supplies."

Once everyone know what their duty is and everything is prepared for exploring, the Strawhats go off towards the town. Luffy grabs Law's hand and starts to race off towards the nearby tree line. Law allows himself to be dragged for a short distance before he shambles himself with a stick in Luffy's grasp.

Law stands upright and watches to see how long it takes before Luffy realizes he's merely caring a twig behind him instead of Law. Five seconds. That's how long.

Luffy screeches to a halt several feet in front of Law and turns around with that adorable pout he often makes when he sees the stick in his hand. Normal pout, that is. He frowns to himself as his heart race picks up as Luffy approaches him.

"Torao! What are you doing? Come on!" Luffy goes to grab Law's hand once more, but Law takes a step back out of Luffy's immediate reach. Yeah, Law knows he's rubber so he has a long reach, but that's not the point.

"We have all day, I'd like to not get dragged around like a dead mouse the entire time. Can we take it a little slower?" Law watches Luffy's face as the inability to comprehend why someone wouldn't want to explore the entire island in one hour passes over his expressions. In the end, he smiles and grabs Laws hands in his.

"Fine," Luffy complies. "We can go a little slower." Law tries to shut his heartbeat down when it almost explodes out of his chest at this mere hand holding. Why can't he keep himself collected around Luffy? What is it about that smile and warmth that draws Law in so completely and makes him lose all semblance of himself?

"Come on, let's go, Strawhatter," Law mumbles and begins walking away. Luffy follows and lets one of Law's hands go, allowing their other two hands to remain clasped between them. Law blushes at Luffy's forwardness.

They walk for about thirty minutes into the deep forest without much excitement or conversation, Luffy merely pointing out everything he finds to be remotely cool.

Feeling an extra sense of bravery, Law looks over to Luffy beside him and then down at their hands interlocked. It takes Luffy a minute to acknowledge Law's stare, but he soon turns towards his adventure buddy.

"Hey, Luffy," Law starts slowly. "Why exactly have you been holding my hand this whole time?"

A look of confusion crosses Luffy's face before he answers. "I don't know, it just feels right."

Law snorts at Luffy's ease of honesty. Sometimes he wishes he himself could be open and tell Luffy just how right it feels to be holding his hand, but something deep within Law stops him. He knows he shouldn't get attached to the other captain, for if no other reason than to avoid to problems that will arise when it comes time for them to part ways – which is inevitable.

A sense of braveness washes over the straw hatted boy. He releases Law's hand and leans closer to the taller captain as they walk and puts his arm around Law's waist. Law lifts his arm as a reflex to Luffy grabbing him, and then lets out a long sigh as he puts his arm down – which falls perfectly around Luffy's shoulders. He meets Luffy gaze and he sees so much pureness and honesty in them.

"Don't you think so?" Luffy asks as a follow up. Being so distracted with Luffy's strong arm wrapped around him, Law forgot what they were talking about.

"Think what?" Law questions. Law blushes at his moment of confusion and tries to shake his head rid of his annoying thoughts about his lovabl – normal captain ally.

Instead of answering Law, Luffy just turns his head straight ahead while laughing. "I think you think so."

Law once again blushes at Luffy's forwardness. That bastard's always coming up with new and improved ways to make Law's heart flutter.

Two hours of exploring have gone by now, and Luffy will soon be looking for his meal. Law leads Luffy to a tall tree next to a river to set up their makeshift picnic. Law unpacks Sanji's lunch for the two of them and they eat while lounging against the tree stump. It doesn't take Luffy long to finish his sandwich and fruits, so Law soon has to protect the rest of his lunch from Luffy's hungry hands.

"Can I just have the rest of your rice balls?" Luffy pleads. "There's only one left! You're not eating it!" Luffy gets on his knees and stretches over Law, reaching for the last rice ball that Law's holding away from him.

"Strawhat-ya, leave it alone! Who says I'm not going to eat it?" Law argues back. Luffy lunges over Law in a final attempt to get it.

"You're not eating it now, so it's fine," Luffy explains, his logic flawless. He grabs Law's arm while reaching, and Law loses his balances under the onslaught for the rice ball. Law tumbles sideways to the ground, Luffy falling on top of his chest. In a last second effort, Law shambles his rice ball into his other hand and shoves the entire last rice ball into his mouth. Luffy didn't have enough time to react to the room and he stares in horror as his last chance at food disappears down Law's throat.

"Toraooo," Luffy whines, still laying completely on top of his ally. Law's eyes hold annoyance at Luffy's antics, but they soon soften when he sees the utter defeat in Luffy's eyes. Luffy's eyes meet Law's then travel down to his lips. "Did it taste good?" Luffy asks, a sudden seriousness about him that wasn't there before.

"Hm?" Law wonders. Why was Luffy looking at him like that all of a sudden? His eyes held some plan that Law wasn't sure he was going to like. Whenever Luffy gets this look, there's usually severe repercussions.

"I wonder if I could taste it," Luffy mumbles, mostly to himself. Maybe he could taste the rice ball so recently on Law's mouth. Before either of them really knew what was happening, Luffy leans his head down to meet Law's lips beneath him.

Law gives a surprised noise by the sudden contact, but soon closes his eyes in response to the kiss. Luffy presses his lips hard to Law's – not really having any prior experience with kissing at all – and tries out his rice ball theory. Luffy moves his lips around on Law's and feels Law kissing him back. Law brings his one hand up around Luffy's back above him and the other one on his neck, turning Luffy's head to the side to deepen the kiss. Luffy brings his hand that's not holding him up through Law's soft, thick hair. Law releases a low moan of pleasure from the feel of hands raking his hair.

The kiss lasts shorter than either of them want, but Luffy pulls away and gazes at Law's lips. Law is equally speechless and breathless while Luffy remains on top of him.

"You're right," Luffy says in a low voice. Law's mind almost goes to mush when Luffy licks his own lips.

"Hm?" Law can't remember what Luffy could be talking about, not with so many other things on his mind right now.

Luffy giggles at how adorable Law looks when he's confused – which is a rare sight. "The rice ball!" Luffy answers like it's so obvious. "It tasted good!" Luffy grins and points to his lips, clarifying what his plan was to Law.

Law closes his eyes and rests his head back on the ground, shaking his head at Luffy's simplicity. He grins a teasing smile.

"So is that the only reason you did that just then?" Law taunts. He knows that's not the case – not with the way Luffy was kissing him back – but he just likes to see the younger captain flustered.

"What?" Luffy's eyes widen in confusion. "No! I mean, maybe? No, I just wanted an excuse! I like kissing Torao!" Luffy is still scrambling for a way to explain how he's feeling as Law opens his eyes and puts one finger on Luffy's lips to quiet him.

"It's okay, Strawhat-ya," Law reassures. Luffy sighs heavily in relief that his ally isn't mad at him. He can be so easily tricked sometimes it's scary, Law muses.

Luffy pouts for a second about being teased, but his attention soon turns to their remaining picnic that had been partially trampled in their wrestling match. Luffy sits up and starts searching for any remaining food. Law's chest feels abnormally cold once Luffy's warmth wasn't pressed against him. He sits up and again is amused to see Luffy's short attention span.

They both clean up their picnic and set out for some more exploring. They come across caves, lakes, thick forests, a tall hills – all of which Luffy explored, searching for something interesting.

After another two hours of them searching the island, Law starts getting a feeling that they're being watched. He ignored it at first, but it didn't take him long to keep this presence the center of his attention without giving any indication that he's aware of someone around. He glances towards Luffy up ahead of him and wonders if he feels it to. If he does, he's very adept at keeping his knowledge about it hidden just like Law. Law's haki is ringing more alarm bells as they go further into this part of the forest.

"Hey, Luffy-ya," Law calls ahead. "I have something to show you." Law lies so he could get Luffy's attention without causing alarm. He quickly searches his immediate area and finds a large blue flower that sticks out among the rest of the greenery. Once Luffy is nearby, Law puts his hand on Luffy's shoulder and points to the flower, deciding that is a nice object to pretend to show Luffy.

"Whoa, that blue looks just like the ocean!" Luffy exclaims, not quite understanding that Law doesn't actually want to show him the flower. They both hover over this flower, Law's instincts raising the same alarms that someone is nearby – and now it's clear that there is a negative intention surrounding it.

"Shh, Luffy," Law begins, talking as quietly as he can so that Luffy can still hear him. "Do you-"

"Yeah," Luffy interrupts, cutting off Law's question and gaining a semblance of seriousness on his face. Law is slightly surprised to see how focused his ally became within just a few seconds. It turns out Luffy isn't so dense after all – at least when it comes to being alert. Luffy knew from the beginning that Law didn't want to show him that flower. In fact, Luffy was just about to try and think of an excuse to get closer to Law just in case something happens.

Law searches Luffy's eyes to try and see what the plan is. He's just about to speak up again when they both sense something very small speeding towards their heads. Luckily both of the captains have skilled observation haki, otherwise those bullets that just flew passed their heads and into a nearby tree would've actually hit their targets.

Law grabs his katana in the next instant and shoots his arm out, ready to create a room. Luffy crouches nearby, punching his left arm out to pump his blood into second gear. Steam emits from Luffy's body while Law tenses to see what they're up against.

They grow impatient as nothing comes out of the surrounding brush. Luffy straightens up, still keeping up his second gear. They stand there for a couple of seconds before they both jump out of the way as the suspect finally makes their appearance. They turn towards where the person had landed – right where they were just standing – and see a girl about their age with long red hair tied back in a braid. She has pretty durable-looking armor on her and she's carrying two pistols. There's also a dagger on her hip. She may not look like much, but Law definitely senses something deadly about her.

She jerks her head back and forth between Law on her left and Luffy on her right and rests her gaze on Luffy. Luffy tenses up at the attention and balls his fists, ready to attack. She lunges soon after towards Luffy, but Law is quicker. Law shambles her with himself, putting his body between the threat and Luffy.

She confused for a second, but recovers quicker than most others Law's come across. Could she know about Law's abilities? That's certainly not out of the question considering how high of a bounty he has and that fact that he was a Warlord. Does this mean she knows Luffy powers as well? Luffy certainly has his name spread across the entire Grand Line – if not the world.

"What do you want?" Luffy yells from behind Law, walking up to stand next to his ally. "I'll kick your ass if that's what you want!"

The girl simply narrows her eyes and grimaces, clearly not interested in conversation. She leaps to her right, bringing both captain's focuses with her, but then quickly dashes to the left, causing slight confusion. She takes this extra millisecond she bought with the cheap distraction and shoots right at Luffy's chest. At such close range, Luffy had a lot less time to react, but he manages to turn enough to just get him in the shoulder with the bullet. He most likely could've completely dodged the bullet, but he's rubber! He doesn't need to dodge bullets, it's more out of reflex than anything.

Little did he know, though, that this girl was not some lowly bounty hunter or pirate that doesn't know about his abilities; this girl had clearly come prepared for Devil Fruit users. Once the bullet hits Luffy, it does not bounce right out of him as both he and Law expected. Instead, it tears right into him, leaving a gaping hole in his shoulder. The impact sends Luffy falling backwards and onto the hard ground.

Beside him, Law's eyes widen and a look of horror passes over his face.

"Luffy-ya!" Law calls, turning his full attention to his fallen ally. While they were distracted, the girl shoots two more bullets at Luffy. From the ground, Luffy manages to dodge the one aimed at his head, but not the one aimed at his thigh. Law sees the second bullet penetrate Luffy's leg, causing blood to gush forward from the wound. Luffy grits his teeth and goes to grab his leg as a reaction, but his shoulder wound screams at him when he leans up. The shoulder pain wins over and he collapses back on the ground – he's certainly not used to being shot.

Thanks for reading my very first published fanfiction! I hope you enjoyed, and there's more where this came from. I'll be adding Chapter 2 soon!