Shit shit shit i'm so sorry i work through things so badly every month, I'll fix up this entire thing again in a bit. Everyone's having exams from my boyfriend to my cousin to my neighbour's dog and it's just not a good place to be in. Here's my try at teenage girl!rin x ceo!len, (though he's not particularly famous to maintain realism,) where she's a girl that finds it difficult to write down a novel she's planning to publish, and he really wants to touch her thighs.

Chapter warning: Big age gap, illegal(?) mentioned sex, and so forth.


summary: Trying to write a full length novel while flirting with a man nearly ten years older than you is not something she should be able to do. After all, Rin wouldn't exactly call herself a multitasker.


The evening sunset cast a lonely glow. She reaches a hand out, through the window, as if hoping to grab the clouds with only a single palm.

Many birds flock in the sky and she can't help but wonder what it'll take to get her to fly.

A gentle tap on her shoulder returns her to reality, safe on the ground, where Mrs. Masaoka looks stares her down with arms crossed to hide away a habitual kind smile. The older woman taps a foot above the floorboards, impatient, and Rin knows she's impatient for an answer to whatever it is she had asked.

Before she can apologise for being lost in thought, her teacher places a thick sheet of paper onto the desk across her.

A fine hundred mark was screaming at her through bright, red ink.

"Congratulations, Rin, you've scored another perfect grade on last week's assignment." She nodded, as if to convince herself, rather than her pupil, "I would usually forbid students from daydreaming in my class, but seeing how well you're doing, I suppose I'll make you an exception."

The young lady tilted her head to the side.

Almost exhausted, Mrs. Masaoka had to gesture back towards the paper.

"Your poem on ocean cliffsides?" She scanned her eyes through the beginning words. "I heard you say you wanted to go to the beach everyday for inspiration on it.. Just like how your friend Mikuo said you spent a night alone in a forest with only water to write an excerpt on a false war literature novel."

She does that on impulse, really.

This time, the blonde's head moved from it's position and bobbed her neck in confirmation. Her big, blue gaze stared blankly ahead. To an outsider, she would've been labeled as dreamy and lost, but someone such as her teacher knew more than to judge whatever first meets the eye.

Whoever knows what limitless thought that flows behind that plain smile that never truly reaches her cheeks.

Her thoughts must be like the ocean itself, deeper than one would ever know, and vaster than any sea.

Each taste of her words dripped on paper through pen is a blessing, and so is it a curse. The type where you must go through desperate lengths just for a drip of water to slip through the creak after decades of drought.

Again, on impulse, she reached for an open notebook to scribble down as fast as she could whatever was still fresh in mind, and her teacher stood by, guarding the door with an understanding smile.






"You mean liquorice."

There has never been anyone, in her entire life, who found enough courage within themselves to distract her whenever she's lost in work.

Rin had been planning a story. A long novel, at that, and something that came so suddenly to her mind when she was staring at the ceiling late at night refusing to get any sleep. As per usual, she reached for a notepad on her drawer and scratched down whatever she could before she would forget.

The main character worked sixteen late hours at a pub.

Like habit, she knew she had to do anything and everything to find her way into a place with the most similar setting to it.

That brings her to a pub downtown that Mikuo had strictly forbidden her to go to. Of course, she strapped on her mother's leather boots, the tightest pencil skirt from back in the eighties, and made her way in without a care in the world so she could get to research, followed with additional writing straight on the spot.

Except, well, she hadn't expected to find a conversationalist constantly sidling up to her wherever she sat.

Rin wrinkled her nose at him, "That's how all the old men say it! I bet you spell it wrongly, too, with five vowels instead of four."

Len Kagamine wasn't exactly an irregular variable.

He would smile at her one minute, and if anyone else tried to approach them other than a bartender, he'd shoot pure fire through his eyes.

And when they'd leave, he'd go back to sunshine and daisies, offering to get her a drink even when she begs him to leave her alone because she needs complete solitude to write.

He leant his cheek against a palm, chuckles blowing from between his lips. He reached a wandering arm around the table, searching in hopes for some skin. It didn't take long for him to find his target in the form of bare, freshly shaven thighs peeking from the hem of a pencil skirt.

"As if you're still young in the sack yourself, Little Miss Rin."

He noticed the blonde stiffen just a bit as he massaged her legs. One of her hands went up to twirl a golden lock around her little finger, a key habit to show whenever she was nervous, while her other hand clicked at a blue ink pen she had been holding within the grips of her palm the entire day.

Like lightning, Len forced his grasp away.

She issued a small giggle to lighten the mood before taking a sip of her drink.

Mint lemon mocktail, ignoring his many offers to get her something stronger.

A young woman sashayed towards the counter, swaying her hips as her order of whiskeys were accompanied by her thick false lashes batting lushly at him, as if she were hoping that such an action would cause him to drop dead to his knees and offer up all his inheritance to her served in a golden casket.

Or maybe, Len sighed, she just wanted money from him while he was alive.

With sex. That too.

Len shot her a wary gaze out of the corner of his eye, noticing that she didn't look half that bad. Her makeup was horribly thick, but that chest looked modest enough to his liking, bobbing pink hair framing olive skin.

When she realised he was finally staring, however, he turned away just in time to miss the dazzling wink the other woman must've hoped would enamour him. This means he also didn't catch the anger emanated when she was conflicted between storming up to him to demand attention or give it up and head towards her group of friends, already waiting for their drinks in the room corner.

Thankfully the decision ended up being the latter.

He didn't even have the energy to talk to women like that.

Right now Len had a different objective: to impress Rin Hiyama, woo her, get her in bed, get married and have thirteen children in either France or the Maldives.. or maybe should take the steps a bit more slowly, perhaps not even in the order he'd hoped.

The male rest his hands firmly in his lap.

"Our conversation isn't done here." He clicked his fingers in front her eyes when he realised she took opportunity of his distraction by going back to writing on her little white notepad. She stuck her tongue out in response, which he found himself smirking at. "You know, I've never seen you drink before."

As a retort, the lady he was vying the affection of merely raised the glass containing her mocktail in both hands and tilted it to her lips until they'd both heard of the very audible gulp.

She wiped her lips with the back of her hand as he couldn't resist a laugh.

"Aren't you cheeky? We both know it's not that. I meant alcohol," He waved an absent hand for the bartender to refill the blonde's glass with another beverage of her preference. "I've never seen you drink before. Is it a resolution to prevent you from waking up one morning on the wrong side of life? Or are you just a prude?"

"Len Kagamine!" She gasped with mock distress. "I am so not a prude! This is the fourth time I've chosen not to wear panty hose within a single month if you haven't noticed."

"I would notice if you'd allow me to stare a little longer."

"I never said you couldn't stare. Just don't touch."

Before he knew it or could even think of a response, solid weight dropped onto him. He dared himself to look down only to notice a perfect leg draped across his lap, slender peach skin contrasting against the dark grey of his jeans.

Len gulped. And it wasn't on any mocktail. Her other leg fell down, nearly touching the floor as she pressed down the material where her skirt spread beneath her fingers, not wanting to uncover any indecencies so early in the night. Even later, for that matter.

She smiled as the bartender slid another non-alcoholic glass, the one he'd paid for, straight across the counter where she was ready to drink.

"Well, isn't this a pleasant surprise." It took everything he had to speak without a stammer. "Is it an early birthday gift?"

"Well, you can think of it that way.. but still, no touching."

Easily spoken than done.

He cleared his throat, attempting to straighten his jeans.

"Not even a little bit?"

"No, not at all."

And for the next few hours they could only stay that way, with her skin over his thighs like a careless waterfall, and his back straight as he rang the bartender for a strong shot of vodka. His lady was a cruel, cruel woman, and yet he had no idea what drew him so tightly towards her as if a moth drawn to a flame.





What the hell was she doing.

What the hell was she doing.

Mikuo was still recovering from the deep bass booming through his headset when a particular blonde climbed over their conjoined balconies on the eighteenth floor of the apartment just to break through for a midnight talk.

This wasn't the first time she'd done this, no, it was a habit well developed over years of kindergarten and no matter how many times he'd pleaded for her to stop with the reminder of danger and privacy, she'd merely refused to comply.

It wasn't that bad when he finds himself not on speaking terms with his family and she flies in like a goddess with cookie dough ice cream or the apple puffs she bought for lunch, however.

In this case it's the ice cream.

The boy rolled his eyes as he accepted the spoon she handed him. They settled on the bed, inching closer until their thighs touched just to be able to share a tub of ice cream between them. "You do realise there's a door, right?"

"Mum and Dad would notice if I made any noise." She juggled a spoon of her own before staring at his monitor screen. "Oh? You're making more music?"

"Don't be a busybody."

"Get off your bum and join the soccer team like your dad wants you to do. At least you won't be cooped up in here all the time."

Childhood friend be dammed.

His patience was running thin and if there was no risk of her death (and his loneliness as a result) the boy would've happily thrown his friend out the window to watch her fall to a painful demise.

It didn't help that the only thing she cared about when she leant her head on his shoulder was to grab that little pad out of her jeans pocket and start scribbling words of no correlation on impulse. If you ever asked her what it was for, she'd tell you to promptly screw off and go back to silently writing.

It'd be a lie to say Mikuo Hatsune wasn't still offended at her judgement of how he spends his free time, so he moved forwards to some prodding of his own, "You smell like sweat and alcohol. Did you even take a bath after last night?"

Hs dropped his spoon into the tub, clinking against the blonde's before it melted onto his lips

Rin rolled her shoulders as she scooped up another bite.

She closed her eyes and kicked her little feet up in the air much like a toddler would, revelling in the taste.

This girl is so clueless it both irritates him and tugs at his heartstrings.

"I'll treat you to pineapple buns on Monday as a repayment." He ruffled her hair with moxk affection. "You don't look like crap, so I'm assuming you didn't drink anything last night either."

"I'm a good girl." She stuck a tongue out her hand moved in concentration. "All that fake ID nonsense is a pain. It's not like I'm there to do anything wrong.. plus, shut your mouth up for a second, there's something I really need to get down."

"You're writing a book on a female stripper. I think there's something that's a little bit wrong."

"Not like there's any strippers there.. the place's pretty tame. Older men, funky music, all that jazz. The only thing I can applaud it for is the ambience.. there's quite a lot of fishtanks placed around."

"I'm just saying," He dove down to grab her pen and hold it out of arm's reach. "If someone one offers a ride home, go to the toilet, call me first thing and refuse if you run into them again. You got that?"

"Yes, Mum." She knocked his shoulder with a fist, a deep glare demanding him to return it to her grasp. "Whatever you say."

But when the time comes for it, she most likely won't even remember the words he says every night.





A féminine shadow loomed over her own in the school classroom after hours.

The skies were at the peak of sunset.

She crossed her legs, then uncrossed them, looking up even as her hands never stopped moving from the paper.

"Never taking a break from writing even once, Rin?" Her teacher folded her fingers above the desk. The older woman couldn't help but smile in admiration. "Reminds me of myself at your age.. and if I took your pen away from you, there's no doubt you'd scream, hm?"

As expected, not a single word had entered the blonde's ears.

She was too focused in her own little world, and if one needed to craft a paradise, they needed every little thought and love put into it.

So until the hours ended, and the guards began to close the gates, Mrs. Masaoka stood by to make sure she wouldn't be left alone, and to shake her back to reality when the time for it came.





Rin's irritated.

She's been writing, and writing, and writing on a nonstop cycle for far too long. It never takes this long to write anything. She needs to write something on the ocean, she makes a day trip to see the view ー she needs to write about the mountains, she'll climb one before the sun even breaks through the horizon.

And that's why she's went to the club in the first place.

She needed insight, she needed to know what a young woman would smell, think, feel, as she walks through the doors for the very first time.

Mikuo dangled his legs off his bed, reading through a book as she paced across the small room multiple times in apparent search for inspiration.

"It's because you write poetry, you write excerpts ー you analyse things, but you've never felt anything else. That's why novels are impossible for you."

"Don't speak nonsense," She sat down at his desk, picked up a pen, then set it back down in frustration. "Things shouldn't work this way."

"Instead of going where your main character would go, why don't you do things she would, too ?"

Her eyes lit up with sudden flames as if his word had actually done magic.

Her friend was tackled against his bed in a split second. "Kuo, you're a bloody genius!"

"I know I am, babe, I know I am ー"

"I've gotta have sex!"

"Wait, no, I take it back I'm an idiot, why don't we reconsider our options a bit more carefully ー"

Rin was already climbing over the window to land on the balcony outside, prepared to make the small trip back to her own bedroom and get a good night's sleep for what she'll be preparing on a fixed schedule for days to come.

And she knew just the right person to help her on her way.





Len let out a deep breath as a foreign brunette relaxed against his shoulder, murmuring obscene words as she revelled in the bourbon he'd ordered for her out of respect.

She looked familiar, a bit like the other woman with big hips hoping to catch his attention the other night. One trait they had in common other than thick lashes seemed to be the tact to offer themselves a seat beside him.

He had to force a smile and go, yes, he's the son of a millionaire and that one model that showed up on all television advertisements every single day back in the nineties.

Yes, he's inheriting all the family fortune. Yes, he'd already taken over his father's company as the sole heir. Yes, his parents are still happily married.

Yes, he's married and has five kids.

Alright, the last one may be a bit of a lie, byt it never hurt to blurt out a little fib every now and then. Especially when it was saving him from a very difficult situation ー even more, an excruciatingly boring lay in bed that would only add to his number of body counts he'd never ever remember, nor find the need to.

Thankfully, a familiar presence sidled on his right.

"I didn't know you were married, Mr. Kagamine," Bright, familiar cherry lips puckered towards him. "I feel almost sorry for your wife. All these drinks you've had, and yet you still can't afford yourself a wedding ring."

The woman that was sitting with him before immediately had her matching chestnut eyes head to his finger.

Her gaze sparkled with stars. He swore it did.

Len gritted his teeth. "That's because my wife.. took it away."

"Did she?" Rin cooed, leaning forwards just enough for him to peek at the bare cleavage through the gap of her neckline. She either knew the effect she had or him, or she was too oblivious to care. "I wonder whatever it could be for."

"Me too," The brunette chirped in as if she had all the right to belong in their conversation. Both females came closer, making his breath hitch. "I'd like to know too."

So he did the only logical thing he could in that moment.

The man pointed towards the silver hoops dangling off the blonde's ear, nearly struggling to find the words to form such a weak excuse. "She turned both mine and hers into those earrings, because she feels, even at the end of the world, our love and marriage will hold on at all times."

"Are you referring to my lobes as the end of the world, Mr. Kagamine?"

"Funny you say that when the keyword we should be referring to here is how you're my wife."

Before the young lady could issue a retort, the person with them had stood up with an audible clang and walked off to another table with her brown hair swaying behind her waist. She must've gotten irritated from (what a stranger could perceive)all their flirting.

Rin issued a soft giggle in triumph before clicking the pen in her hand for some ink, then sketching down on an open notepad while the bartender made his way over.

It took multiple taps on the shoulder from her blond companion before she finally snapped up in response.

"Oh, excuse me for not hearing you," She nibbled on her bottom lip before staring at his name tag, ".. Piko."

Rin's almost sorry she never made an attempt within the entire month to find out his name at all.

Thankfully the bartender smiled just slightly warily, eying her to take an order while he wiped at the wooden counter with a damp cloth. "Not at all. Just the pineapple mocktail again, Miss Hiyama?"

"Water's fine. Or pure dragonfruit juice, if you have any of that.."

Len intervened by slamming a few large coins on the board. "On the contrary, I'd like you to get her the strongest thing you have in store. The most expensive, if you will."

Rin looked more than astonished.

"No! Absolutely not, I will not be drinking tonight."

"Oh, shush up. Give me your family's phone number, I'll let them know I'll get you home safely tonight." One arched brow of his was all it took to drive her wild. "Of course, unless you've got a bad addiction, an intolerance, or something else you should be telling me about..?"

Like how she's an underaged teenage girl hanging out after school hours in a bar just to gather information on the novel she's writing?

Rin vaguely wonders if he'd believe even half of that.

For what she knows, he's swallowed her lie of being a twenty-seven year old journalist well enough.

He did, at some point, make the off comment about how she looked twelve years younger than her actual age, but all the blonde did was to respond with a witty remark about how he himself didn't resemble a man in his early twenties, much less have the behaviour and mental maturity of one.

He's more like a cheeky kindergarten boy, honestly.

The type that would hold up a dandelion on the playground to impress his crush.

Then again he was nearly famous, even having an entire wikipedia page dedicated to himself, so maybe her hopes of this man being the same age as her was a little too far-fetched.

Unless, of course, he really is doppelganger and the real Len Kagamine is trapped in the cellar of his own mansion, doomed to isolation forever.

As silly as the idea was, a light bulb went off in the young lady's head. That.. could be something put into her seriss. Perhaps as a little side story.

Rin hastily scribbled down some more keywords on her notepad.

When she left her personal bubble, she noticed there were two glasses waiting for her on both sides of her arms. One of fresh, umbrella-tipped pineapple mocktail, and the other a small shot filled with clear liquid, alongside a smell she couldn't quite place.

Piko was gone, tending to the other clients.

He pushed away her hand when she began digging for her purse, assuring that he'd already paid for it. "They don't have dragonfruit," Len spoke up warily, "So I told him to just go along with your usual choice."

She gestured to the glass beside it. "I'm not drinking that ー whatever it is you got me."

"I know, honey. I'm not forcing you to. That's for myself."

A bead of irritation popped on her forehead when she realised he was rescinding his offer. It was almost as if he was taunting her for not daring to take on his challenge. Of course, Len would've never behaved under such a rash mindset and understood her boundaries that he wasn't meant to cross.

Except just as he reached for the glass, another hand shot to grasp it at the speed of light. Her throat bobbed as the liquid was gulped down; slowly, then all at once.

Before they knew it, Rin Kagamine had downed her own very first shot of alcohol, and it burnt.

The older male stared with his jaw agape, disbelieving.

"I'm a big girl," She cooed. He felt her drop her leg over his thighs once again. "So, Mr Kagamine, do learn to treat me as one.. won't you?"

He felt her mouth against his own before he could blink.





Gumi was going crazy.

Both she and Mikuo were aware that little Rin was trying to graduate from being a baby. In first year, she started showing the signs.

She left their usual table to hang around her own group of friends in school. Soon after that, she began walking home alone, joining clubs and extracurriculars without requesting even a slight semblance of a suggestion, input or advice from either of them.

But now it was this, and going to a place , where sixteen year old girls definitely should not be going drew the line.

Their parents didn't raise them like this. Any of them. There was a reason they went to such a conservative school with strict rules and regulations.

Call her narrow minded but flirting with a man likely twice your age was completely unethical. "I didn't sleep with him, Gumi. Gosh." And now this irritating blonde was swinging those bare legs above her bedspread, fingering one of the dangling ornaments off the wall. "Your good luck charms are so pretty.. you've got to teach me how to make one of these sometime."

The way she thinks she can change topics and dismiss former subjects so easily is frustrating enough.

Gumi gritted her teeth. She couldn't help but fume whenever Rin took her fingers away from a pen, only to pad them against her lips then look away through the nearest window with a sigh.

"Mikuo called me at two in the morning because according to him, you were flat out drunk and dialed him by accident. Or maybe chance, considering you could've been left rotting next to that club's alley! God knows who'd even find you if we didn't get there first."

The younger girl mumbled something beneath her breath about how both of her friends acted more like her parents rather than faithful companions.

She rose her voice soon after, "I know! Are you done now?"

"No. Next time you're going for your little book research, you're bringing either me or Mikuo with you ー otherwise, we're telling your parents."

How absolutely terrible.

Rin rolled her eyes entirely before nodding her head.

She may promise it, but needless was her friend aware that she can easily put on an act; smiling and agreeing, only to go against it at the first opportune moment.

After all, what Gumi doesn't know won't hurt her. Or so she had hoped, like a million times before.

"No, don't pull that look with me. You can do it with Mikuo how many times you want and he'll believe you, but I sure as hell won't."

"His lips are so soft..."






"Sex," She brought up the topic so suddenly, the man nearly stirred. "How many times have you had it?"

Only a few minutes ago, they'd waved off a woman they had been clinging to him, insisting he dance with her whilst turning a deaf ear upon strict refusal, even going so far as to flash her garters in public to gain his attention.

She was flicked off like a lint on the shoulder the instant Rin entered the bar and walked up to the booth, lazily making up an excuse about how they had to quickly plan a vacation for their baby boy's first birthday.

Len was amused, to say the least. Both about how she'd seemed almost possessive over him, and about her current wonder. .

He secretly wagered his hope on the former. "I lost count when it hit double digits. I can list on one hand the number of times they were good, though."

"How old are you again?"

He darted his tongue out to wet his lip. "Twenty-four. I'm younger than you by about three years, I think."

Right. Of course. Younger than her.

She tried to hide her dry throat by forcing a sweet tone as she looked down at her open notepad. "You're into older women..."

"Only the ones as sweet as you..."

Before either of them knew it, their noses were touching and their foreheads nearly pressed together. Rin jumped back at the speed of light, and Len returned to his former position, taking a sip of his drink to calm the tension between them or just pretend all together as if it never existed.

Thankfully his companion wasn't one to dwell in the pass, no matter how short ago the moment was.

For a minute he was about to question whether she was able to get home alright the other day,.

He hoped she did, considering the girl refused his offer to drive her home because he said he was late for a family dinner, and she insisted she wanted to spend a little more time in the bar to recover after the multiple drinks he'd introduced to her, and it'd be unnecessary for him to waste any time waiting for her to be done.

But she speaks up first, like always, and it isn't a conversation of something pleasant.

Instead, she brings his attention elsewhere.

And that elsewhere is downwards.

Rin was giggling, "Do all men your age get turned on as easily?"

"Like I said," He hissed, cheeks rapidly turning red, "I haven't had a good lay for a while."

"Could you show me?"

"Show ー show you?!"

Rin took note of his flushed visage, scratching a few words down with her pen before returning to him with a desperate look. Her face was suddenly too close to his own, and he could feel her warm breath on his skin as the blonde pressed their noses together out of their own volition.

He almost choked when he felt her hand rest on his bulge.

Her explanation wasn't a anything reassuring either. "It's for research."

She massaged him through the cloth; up, down, and into circles.

Len gulped back on his throat audibly.

It felt good.

It felt too good.

She touched him in just the right places even with restriction in the way. He was almost tempted to press down her hand, just to make sure she'd touch him more and more with those magic fingers of hers.

"Not here," He finally gained the willpower to refuse. "Not here. Come home with me tonight."

Two familiar voices rang in her head. Mikuo's worried coddling, Gumi's lectures that could last for two nights.. like the angel and devil weighing on her shoulder were both disapproving.

She could. The deep depths of greed in her stomach tempted her to.

"Tomorrow," Her voice croaked out. "I can't today."

No, no, what was she thinking ー tomorrow's a school day ー

"I'm not free after eight at night tomorrow. I won't be here," Len Kagamine whipped out his phone, hiding a successful grin beneath the shadows of his fedora. "But we can have the entire early evening together.. just give me your number so we can work out the rest."

The girl didn't speak against it.





"You will let me read your book once you're done with it, won't you, Rin?"

Mrs. Masaoka set another perfect grade on her table, and she almost smiled at the way the young lady pocketed the paper without another care in the world. As if it was just the norm, rather than an achievement, and she wouldn't mind what she got even if it was the lowest possible she could receive.

Whether that's something worthy of admiration or foolishness at it best, neither of the would know.

As the older woman tried to read through her notes, Rin quickly covered the writing with the palm of her hand.

"I'm not finished yet. It's just a million of drafts and scattered paper ー I've been meaning to write it down, for real, on my laptop.. but my head ends up getting jammed every time I try to come so close as writing five words of it."

"Writer's block. I'm a bit surprised it can come from you, of everyone else." Her teacher made a sound of understanding. "The only way I can offer advice is to take a warm sip of tea and explore what it is that you're planning to write on. But you're a smart girl, Rin, so I'm sure you've already got that figured out."

Rin let out a deep sigh.

She's not sure why she even bothered to explain it. The only person's that ever managed to help her with writing, at all, is Mikuo Hatsune, but right now he's the last person on earth she wanted to see. All he does is nag, and nag, and nag, until her head's just about ready to come together and burst.

Her sock clad feet brushed over the floor as she went back to her notes.

"Kaito Shion ー is that a character in your book?"

Rin tried not to be too disrespectful towards a teacher. "It's my penname."

"Penname?" The woman tapped her foot on the floor. "Thinking far ahead, I see. So you're planning on publishing your book?"

"Yes, Ma'am."

"I wish you the best of luck."

She ran a hand through her blonde hair, pretending to smile in gratification.

She didn't need luck.

All she needed was dedication, research, and Len Kagamine.

"And Rin? Remember the principal asked you to prepare a speech for this year's fiftieth ceremony. It's only little more than a month away, after all, and you'll be the one reading to us all."

Or perhaps a little bit of additional luck wouldn't be too bad to have on hand, either.





Mikuo took the turn to leap onto his neighbour's balcony on Monday evening, not at all looking pleased with her attire, much less behaviour.

She'd fled from classes at the speed of light before most people could even reach the gates, and now that he was home himself, he could see the girl combing through knots of flaxen hair while her pencil skirt rose up her thighs and her shirt exposed more cleavage than either of them had ever thought possible. No doubt these were her mother's clothes rather than her own.

"You're dressed up." The eldest between the two began to snarl. "Sure, just have me steal my dad's car in the middle of the night to pick you up in some deserted alleyway, pretend to apologise, then go and do the exact same thing that got you a mess in the first place."

"Relax, Mum-kuo. I'm not going to the club." She lied.

Well, it wasn't particularly a lie.

She was supposed to be in bed with Len Kagamine by now, kissing until sunrise, but she's somehow managed to blow that off by not messaging him at all. Now she's going to be lucky if she hides somewhere in the shadows of the club just so she can catch a glimpse of him from afar.

Also make sure he wasn't talking to any other women that wasn't her.

Mikuo would like to say she wasn't a woman ー but Mikuo is almost always wrong.

"Then it's alright for me to come with you."

"Oh, oh no," Blonde lashes batted lovingly in front of cerulean eyes. "A friend is going to pick me up. We're going to do some.. research on the novel together."

Mikuo narrowed his gaze further. "Who is this friend?"

"Le ー um, " She cursed herself for almost blurting out Len Kagamine's name. "Leila."

There's no way this protective mother figure of a boy would let her go out tonight had he known that she was a teenage girl willingly planning to go out with a man into the middle of god knows where, without any way to contact anybody, no less.

So she'll go with Leila. Pretty name. Sounds believable enough.

Besides, there's no point in being young if you're not living ー or so says a quote by one of her characters, Chika Mccleave, one of the workers in an uptown casino. She'd based Chika on one of the women caught flirting with Len, thus the character is far too unpleasant for her liking, but that's a story for a different time.

"Send me a picture of this Leila later."

She'll just pick off the first woman she sees tonight and snap a quick picture.

Rin forms a smile, "Of course, whatever you say."





Len Kagamine crossed his arms above her when he first landed eyes on her, rolled up in a corner seat rather than the usual booth by the counter. It's like she couldn't decide on whether she wanted him to find her, or whether she wanted to chicken out after their exchange the past few days ago and pretend they'd never met before.

Either way, he wasn't a coward, so he stomped up and took a seat next to the blonde before instantly grabbing her chin in his hands. "You said you'd call me the other night."

She began to stammer. "I did, but, um, something came up, so,"

"Just shut up and kiss me."

In one, suave moment, he'd tugged on her chin and pushed it upwards to where his own lips belong.

Their mouths met in a sweet exchange. They parted for air, and the second time was a bit clumsiee, but he managed to get her to straddle his lap and to allow his lips a latch onto her neck and it became perfect.

It became absolutely perfect.

"Mm.. that was..." Brilliant. "You... you need to give me more. Give me a second,"

It was absolutely brilliant and she needed to write about it as quickly as possible.

Before she could reach her pen and paper, however, her companion predicted her train of thought and prevented such a thing. He kept the bag out of her reach and tossed it beneath the floor until she couldn't touch anything but him, him, him.

His nether regions poked at her crotch soon enough and she let out a squeak before burying her face in the valley of his shoulder.

"I'm trying to give you more," He whispered huskily. "Are you ready?"

Morality weighed down on her so suddenly that her back stiffened, and she had to stop reveling in the way his hands massaged her arse. "I have to go home early tonight."

He made a small whine. "No, you belong to me until morning.."

"My dad's calling me back ー Len, I've got to go." She pushed him back on the chest and got on her feet. "I'm sorry, I have your number now so I promise I'll call you. I promise. Just not tonight ー "

"You're in your late twenties," The male pulled an unsatisfied pout as he latched a grip on her wrist. "Your parents shouldn't be holding you back anymore."

If only he knew.

Guilt reared it's head, ordering her to tell him the truth, all until pride stood in it's way.

She doesn't know what he'd say to her if he found out she'd been lying to him, even if it she makes it out to be as small as she wants it to be.

Her bottom lip trembled with desperation. "They aren't ー "

"Don't give me your puppy dog eyes, you're the older woman ー you should give in."

Except she wasn't.

"Len... please ? I'm telling you, I can't today."

"Then promise me tomorrow." He took a deep breath, solidifying his request. "Let me have you all evening tomorrow, and then I'll let go."

She hesitated for only one second more. "You have yourself a deal."





It's the most annoying thing in the world when your friend insists on staying in the locker room after class just to watch you shave your legs on the bench with thick cream, an old razer, and old songs about making love back in the seventies.

Yet even though she expressed her disliking towards the situation, Gumi watched her anyways, criticising every single little move she makes.

Not to mention she was nervous to the brink after promising a man to sex today.

"You can't sleep with him, you know." She lied to Gumi saying that it was only a date, but both of them knew that it wasn't true. "You said he's twenty-four, right? He's eight years older than you. If anyone found out, you're not going to be in big, big trouble, but he will."

That just means she's got to cover up better then, doesn't she?

"You could ruin this man's life, Rin. His future."

"It's not like it's yours!"

It took everything the older girl had not to break into an outburst. "You've only known him two months, Rin, you don't know him long enough to have sex with him! For all you know, he could be an actual paedophile considering he's actually found it within himself to get attracted to you! A child!"

Now the blonde was outright insulted.

Rin slammed her foot down in irritation.

"I can do what I want.." She reached for a top in her locker before tossing her shaver inside. "I won't call you or Mikuo tonight, so don't bother even thinking about me."

"Rin, I'm trying to protect you."

"I don't need protecting!" She threw boths hands up in the air. "I don't! Alright? I don't!"

She stormed out first opportunity she was presented.





She can't believe she actually spent the entire trip to a university two hours away from her home and school just so he wouldn't suspect anything.

Len Kagamine rolled down the car window as he drove up to the curb, smirking at her with twitching lips. He was gripping the steering wheel tightly, almost a little bit too much, especially when she crossed the road to reach the front passenger seat where she could calmly place a hand on his lap and pretend there was nothing wrong whatsoever with what she was doing.

His breath hitched when she leaned forwards to press her lips on his cheek.

"Good evening, Len."

"Evening. You don't have your bag with you?"

"Oh, this ?" She waved her purse up.

The sound of her pens and papers cluttered within the cloth, and he couldn't help but stare at it, completely weary.

"Not that.. your schoolbag. Books ?"

In a moment of panic, she brought up the first excuse to come to mind. "Oh, no, no, I'm not in school anymore! No, I'm currently working.. somewhere, um, else. I just come here every now and then for their yoga circles."

His eyes moved up and down her outfit.

A pencil skirt and a tube top didn't seem like fitting attire for exercise, but who was he to judge. "Right.." He shifted the gear into drive, voice disbelieving. "Yoga."

"So now.. um, dinner ?"

"Dinner," The man agreed with a hesitant smile.





Hours later he's in the shower. Her wrist is moving across every single surface she can find, an imaginary pen writing over the bedsheet, the coffee table she sat by before, and her own thighs. He'd taken her notepad and purse away, and she was forced to lean back with the top few buttons of her skirt undone.

She needs to do this.

For her research.

Forget telling him the truth for just one night. He'll know any other time. He'll understand how she isn't doing this for her own good.

She can't write about things she does not know about, and the only way to rival whatever she does not know, is by forcing herself to learn it no matter how much she feels the need to flee.

He came into the room a while after, towel slunk around his waist and beads of water running down his toned chest.

It took all her courage to crawl on her hands and knees above the mattress, sticking out a tongue and purring much like a cat would before he pounced on her wholly and completely, leaving no gaps for her to sneak away.





"Are you done?" Mikuo wouldn't look her in the eyes as she got into the car.

Rin looked down, nudging her heel-clad toes together as he tightened his grip around the steering wheel of his father's truck, clenching then unclenching, his heart threatening to pound out of his chest. It didn't help that she'd called him in tears in the middle of the night, begging him to pick her up on the opposite end of the town.

Gumi had warned him.

Gumi had told him to leave her to grow up on her own, and to suffer the consequences for any mistakes she'd made.

He couldn't find the heart for it the instant he heard her voice whispering through his ears.

The dark sky was filled with clouds, not a single star in the sky.

"Just.. let's go home," The young lady brought her arms around herself. "Can you.. turn off the AC? It's a little cold.."

"You lied to me, Rin."


"Why isn't Leila taking you home?" Despite his anger, he turned off the cooling system as per her wish, but his eyes didn't stop glaring forwards. He was so, so upset, especially with the way she made it out to seem like she was in a desperate situation when in reality she'd fled Len Kagamine's house in the middle of the night when he was still asleep, arms wound tight around her.

Sure, she can mask this as research, or say that it's just something her stupid main character would do, but you can only go so far before your bad behaviour can no longer be excused.

She leant forwards to kiss his cheek, and Mikuo caught a whiff of strong men's cologne. He immediately recoiled from disgust.

Rin felt the beat in her chest falter as she leant back in her own seat, clinging at the belts for support.

"It was only once.. I won't see him again, I promise."

"You had sex with an adult, Rin!" The older boy slammed one hand against the dashboard, forcing her to jump in surprise. "You had sex with an adult, and he is disgusting for not realising that you're nothing more than a child!"

"Don't say that about him.."

"Why? Why shouldn't I? Are you in love with him now, Rin, hm, are you?"

"Stop coddling me! I'm not your little doll, and I'm not a five year old girl ー I'm allowed to make my own decisions."

"My problem is that all your fucking decisions involve me."

She uses him like he's a puppet on a string and he's had enough.

Rin parted her lips, as if she were about to come up with an excuse, but instead she made the solid decision to stay quiet with her hands placed in her lap, her cheek resting against the glass window to observe the cloudy skies.

Her silence was the only way she knew how to apologise.

All through the night she kept her arms around herself, often regretting her choice of leaving the bed with Len Kagamine sleeping it, while at the same time hating herself for getting beneath the bedsheets with a man in the first place.

She.. didn't even leave him a note.

Rin felt her shoulders tremble and the only way to calm herself down was to take out her little writing pad out of her pouch and do whatever she always felt the need to do: write.





Gym on Thursday was the last thing she ever would've wanted to do.

Her knees felt like lead and her thighs like swollen breadsticks, and there were bruises on her hips where she'd been gripped a bit too tightly. Not to mention the bites on her neck and little crescent knicks running down her spine.

Gumi was putting on her swimsuit as slowly as possible so they would stay in the same room for longer than normal.

"I don't want to say I told you so, but.. I told you so. What did you expect to gain by seducing him?"

"I don't regret it," Rin accentuated. She looked when she heard her friend scoff. "I don't regret him. I just can't see him ever again."

"You're realising what's wrong, now?"

"I thought I'd be able to write." The blonde explained. Her eyes rapidly looked around the room to make sure nobody was eavesdropping. "I thought if I slept with him, just this once, I'd know what it is I wanted to write about."

She went to her bedroom the moment they ー her and Mikuo, that is, arrived at their apartment block. She turned to her laptop, ready to get her creativity juices pumping and push her scattered notes out in one, entire document, like she expected herself the capability of doing for the entire night.

She spent until sunrise staring at a blank document, noticing that it was a fantasy too far-fetched.

Rin absently touched her lips again, thinking of how he pried them apart with the aid of only his own.

She misses smelling like his cologne.

"I know you're antagonising him.. but this is all on me. He doesn't know that I'm a high school girl, and had he been aware, he likely would've never talked to me in the first place." As an afterthought, she left in the last words to complete her sentence, "Don't blame him when he isn't in the wrong. Please."

"Mikuo's mad as hell, just so you know." Gumi rolled her shoulders into a shrug. "You dug your own grave, and I won't help you get out of it."

"I don't need you to."

"But just so you know, if you're still on a block.. it doesn't hurt to go to that man just once. Just to free yourself from any guilt."





She didn't have to go and find him.

It was midday in February when her school held an assembly, gathering many former alumni for their fiftieth year anniversary since it's founding. She stood in the crowd, singing out the national chorus with the rest of the students until her eyes met a familiar gaze set across the room, only on her.

She had hoped to slink back in the shadows, remain to be unseen, but all that is crushed the moment the principal calls forth her name and she's forced to clamber up the stadium, written speech in hand, standing in the spotlight of the room.

She could feel his eyes on her, deeper than anything.





Rin watched the man pace back and front in an empty classroom.

She nearly couldn't believe he'd actually mustered the strength to grab hold of her wrist after the last word of her speech and navigate through the halls with the experience only a former student would have.

The only way she knew to cool the air was by starting up a conversation; even when her throat was parched and dry from having spoken up with forced confidence. But, the young lady reasoned, if she was capable of speaking in front of three thousand people, she might as well be able to talk with one person with that courage she had minutes before.

But conversations were a two-way street, and it didn't help if he chose not to partake in it.

The blonde began to unzip the contents of her bag, hoping to get her writing utensils in order to cool some nerves, "So you came to school here as well, hm?"

He glared at her, then towards her paper in hand. One move was all it took for him to grab it out of reach, and to his surprise, she didn't leap out of her way to take it back. Instead she leant into her seat with her eyes cast to the ceiling. It was as if she didn't mind even if he'd ripped it in half.

Her hard work, her months of research, all those nights she'd tease him with a kiss on the cheek even when he wasn't allowed to touch her skin.

And now she was here, and he was there, and he likely wanted to see her burnt at a stake.

"Yes," He growled in response. "Eight years ago."

".. It's a good school."

They didn't gather together for any sweet talk, if that's what Rin was expecting.

"Do you really think I'm that much of an idiot?" She whimpered when he came so close, the desk she sat by was knocked aside. "Did you think it was alright to go all, oh, why not just set this guy up, kiss him every now and then, let him take me out for a spin, then leave him alone in bed when I get the first opportunity?"

It was too risky to do anything else.

She couldn't tell him the truth, and she couldn't trust anyone but Mikuo and Gumi. She had an aim, and when she got it, she didn't find any point to linger on.

Rin wrangled her wrists uselessly. "What did you want me to do? Tell you that we can't be together? What?"

"I'd prefer that over just leaving in the middle of the night and cutting off contact!"

"It's illegal!" She pushed him backwards when he got too close. "It's illegal, alright? It's illegal!"

"Jesus," He buried his face in his palms, crouching to his knees, "How old even are you..?"

She saïd she was twenty-seven. She said she was single, that she lived on her own, that she was fresh out of university.

Len would be lying if he said he hadn't suspected anything, but of all things, it wasn't this. Vomit rose up his throat from the depths of his stomach and he was nearly in shock to feel a cool palm rest against the back of his burning neck.

"I didn't mean to trick you.. I didn't mean for there to be anything between us, I promise."

"And now there never will." The older man spat, "Congratu ー fucking ー lations. I'm just in awe that you actually told me your real name. Or is that a lie, too?"

Her voice lulled gently, "I never wanted to hurt you, Len."

It was almost as if she knew just the right way to calm the knick in his head that drove him into pain, even if she was the source of it. Her small fingers drew reassuring circles over his skin and he shivered audibly, not mustering enough energy to even push her away.

"You should've thought about that before you seduced me."

"I never seduced you," Rin was the one to tilt his chin upwards this time, a slender finger tracing the shape of his jaw. "Or at least, I didn't mean to.. and we all can't really help what we feel, can we?"

As her mouth bent to meet his, he fell backwards, sliding away.

She masked her hurt with a look of surprise, but he just turned his gaze, down, forcing away. "You're just a little girl. I can't ー I shouldn't have touched a little girl."

Rin took advantage of his words to push her tongue through his lips while the man was still speaking. She coiled her fingers into laces around his golden hair, and leant back with a familiar flashing smile. "You and I both know I'm nothing like a little girl."





Mikuo stared his teacher right in the eye when she tapped onto his shoulder.

The woman hesitated before speaking, looking back and forth from the window to the girl that sat in the corner of the classroom. "You don't suppose she's finished with her writing, do you?"

That was the last thing he wanted to be questioned after being forced to juggle multiple layers of sheets for the seventh round of class duty within a single day. It's surprising his arms hasn't popped off beneath all that weight. "She's right behind us, perhaps you'd get a proper answer if you asked the girl herself instead of someone like me?"

Mrs. Masaoka tapped a marker pen on the white board goodnaturedly. "Oh, you know how she is..."

Doesn't ever notice the world around her when she's caught up in her little notepad and her pen.

The boy didn't have to say anything for them to acknowledge that he'd understood.





Rin had gotten her hair a trim where it reached her chin, harassed her mother for allowance to buy the new bubble dress she's currently wearing, put on some of Gumi's best lipstick.. she'd done the most she possibly could to feel at her best today, and the blonde could only hope she looked the same.

She checked the location on her phone, tightened the scarf around her chin, then took a deep breath before she entered the cafe.

Nice warm heating cast a glow upon her cheeks and she spotted him with a book, sitting in a little booth by the window when she took another step forwards. Her boots tapped against the ground, more and more, and she found herself nearly irritated when she hovered right above the older man and he hadn't even done anything but trail his eyes down the page he'd been reading before.

Her retort was only by pushing her entire body downwards and aim her mouth towards his lips.

Only, well, he flicked her forehead before she could get too close.

Rin plopped down on the seat across him grumpily. "It's surprising to see you invite me to somewhere that's not a bar, Mr. Kagamine."

"Nor is it my bedroom." He rose a brow lazily, as if he hadn't done anything at all to piss her off, then promptly returned to his book. "Let me finish this chapter and we'll talk."

"I will, but only if you let me do this ー "

Her efforts to kiss him was broken once again.

When she leant forwards over the table, he leant back, and soon enough they felt multiple eyes in the shop land on them at such a unfortunate (for the young lady in this case) encounter.

Len cleared his breath.

This time, he had the courtesy to put his book away into a bag and tuck his watch beneath the hem of his cardigan. "I've been doing a lot of thinking.. and I've decided that I'm sorry, but I don't kiss little girls."

If she had any intention to start this day with a smile, it had completely fallen through the ground.

Her fingers clenched beneath the table, gaze dimming beneath the peeking sunlight.

"... Then why would you call me out here?" Her voice croaked. The edges of her teeth dyed crimson as she gnawed her bottom lip. "If you knew I was going to continue to try if you gave me an opportunity, why did you do it?"

"I'm not done."

Rin snapped her chin up. Her eyes looked into his own, blues clashing together, and she could see him mirroring her expression. There was a bit of blood on his incisors, but the man didn't seem to pay it any mind.

It took all he had to continue, "I don't.. I can't be with a teenage girl. I can't."

Not exactly the response she'd been hoping for.

The young lady crossed her arms, unsure why she'd even allowed him to run his mouth for this long when she could've gotten up and left the instant he finally cast his gaze upon her. But even she knew she was greedy, with those deep pools that urged her hands to write, even if such a habit was the curse that brought her here in the first place. "Are you done now?"

"But I wouldn't mind waiting for you to catch up."

Her mind turned to frost.

Her body, on the other hand, burnt like a radiator. Her cheeks bloomed pink even under the heat and she released the grip she had on her own figure.

"Len, you're not saying ー ?"

"After you graduate," He swallowed audibly, and she was almost astonished to see him looking at the floor and the ceiling and everywhere that wasn't her. "Maybe eight years down the lane, maybe even three, maybe, if you're ready for it,"

"This is beginning to sound like a marriage proposal."

"Stop." This time he couldn't hold back a laugh. "Ha, you're annoying."

The blonde grinned along with him, "I'm very willing, if that's what you mean."

The moment she pushed herself up on the table again, elbows supporting her weight as she moved towards him, she was disappointed to feel his palm press over the bottom half of her face. He trapped her mouth, forcing her back. Feeling a bit rebellious herself, however, she didn't think twice before sticking out a tongue to lick over his skin.

Len recoiled from disgust.

She flailed her legs beneath the table childishly once she settled back down.

"So no kisses, fine," Rin kicked him just slightly. "I'm assuming sex is out of the question, as well."

Steam must've left his ears at that point.

Obviously she was cute, but she was undeniably irritating. "That goes without saying."

"How about bars?"

"No bars. Absolutely none at all. If I catch you at one, I'll even have your parents know." He nodded determinedly before unleashing a long list of conditionals. "Our dates will be in public places from now on, so I expect you not to have any complaints with my cafe preferences. Please be mindful to wear proper clothing every time we go out together, that means no pencil skirts or shorts and basically anything that shows skin. Also don't try to lecture me on proper spelling or my poor knowledge on world geography, because now we're aware that I'm older than you, meaning I expect full respect towards me ー "

Her smile brightened like fireworks.

The pitch of her scream nearly broke his hearing, but he loved it. "We're going to have dates?!"

He taunted her with a roll of his eyes. "What did you expect?"

"Can I kiss you now?"

"Maybe in two years," This time he was the one to reach across the table, pinching at her cheeks. "And Rin?"


"Your hand's been twitching for ages. Just take out your pen and write."





The moment Rin Kagamine got home, she listed her overview of her entire drafts, opened her laptop and began typing down the very first sentence of her novel.

And this time, she couldn't stop. Not until the very end.

deep sigh. i hope to get the next one done before 31 dec..