Hey hey! Long time no update. Iv had this one Done (With beta) for over a week but just couldn't find the time to update, So sorry! Enjoy!

Thank you Fanfics 10, Again!

Minutes turned into hours, hours turned into days. Days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months. Before he knew it, it was the two-month anniversary of Regina joining the Merry Men. And to say she was a natural is an understatement. The Men (and Women), once they got past her snarky nature, loved her. She was smart, funny and great to look at.

There had been no movement from the Kings court. Nothing.

Robin and Regina had been doing great. But the pair had been on edge. She stayed in his room overnight. She went to the meetings. They spent the evenings together. They talked, relaxed... 'slept' and slept. They shared beautiful kisses candlelit lunches in his office. And although they lived together, it wasn't common knowledge they were together.

Everything was perfect. Until two unexpected guests found their way to the back door.

"Mel... Ursula," Regina spoke. "Can I help you?"

"Yes," Mel said before looking at Ursula. "We need your help."

"Leopold and Gold... They... They're..." Ursula tried.

"They're blackmailing us," Mel concluded.

"Blackmail? How?" Regina demanded as she crossed her eyes. That's low. Even for them.

"By using my daughter and Ursula's father," Mel told her.


Ursula cut Regina off with a hectic "Can you help us?"

"Maybe... Mel, here's what I need you to do."


"Hello, lovely," Robin said as he came to the bottom of the stairs to see Regina at the bar, nursing a glass of whiskey.

"Hello there." Regina smiled up at him before taking a sip of her drink. "How are you this fine morning?"

"I am good. Thank you. And You?" Robin came to sit next to her and waving to granny to get a drink.

"I am wonderful. Now you're here."

"You know what, I've never been so happy for my men kidnapping someone." Robin smiled at her and leaned forward, his intentions on her lips.

But just before his lips got to hers, Regina's voice rang out. "I thought you said your men don't kidnap?"

"You're right they don't... The one time they broke the rules... Was the best time."

"Oh?" Regina gave him a sweet and short kiss before continuing. "Why's that?"

"Because it brought me the woman I love..." Robin said without missing a beat. Completely unaware of what he just said until he saw Regina pull away slightly and look at him with wide eyes. Making him go over what he said and realize his mistake.

He hadn't wanted to scare her by mentioning the L word. So, he had put off. He had kept it to himself. He knew he loved her. He loved her with all his heart. His son adores her and her gang class her as apart of the family. Sure, David refers to her as 'that annoying sister'... But that's still family...

"Regina... I- I'm sorry... Wait... No... No, I'm not. Because... Regina..." Robin took a deep breath before he continued. "I'm not sorry because I love you. I have for months... And I understand if you don't feel the same way, I really d-" At his rambling, Regina cut him off with a passionate kiss.

"Don't assume things, Robin."

"What does that mean?" Robin asked as he searched her eyes for the answer.

"It means... I love you, too." Robin rewarded her confession with a kiss and a bright smile.

"Once again, I'm happy that you were kidnapped."

"Me too. Me too..."


"Do whatever the hell you want, Regina! But if I hear one more word like that... You will never... EVER... See the light of day again!" Leopold yelled as he threw Regina out the back door.

"FINE!" She yelled in reply as the door slammed shut.

He was always like this. 'Do whatever the hell you want' he would say. But then yell and threaten her when she does. But that was her life... Pushed, beaten and told what to do. With fake promises and empty dreams.

"I'll do whatever the hell I want.. In fact I'll do that right now and never come back!" She yelled back as she left the alley and onto the main street.

After a few minutes of walking, she went straight into the club at the end of the street. "Regina!" The barmaid, Ivy, yelled out. "Long time no see. Gotten bored of your bar already?"

"He kicked me out!" Regina threw her arms up.

"Your joking?" Ivy let out a bitter laugh. "He has some nerves."

"You know, my queen... If I was your husband. I would never kick you out.." A voice came from behind her. Regina quickly turned around to find the handsome Baron. S. Faciller.

"Dr.." Regina smiled at him. "How kind of you. Sadly your not my husband. My husband a ninety-year-old fart, lacking manners and doesn't know how to show a lady a good time. But hey, what can you do?"

Ivy and Baron laughed in turn and the three shared tails of recent adventures. Baron talking about the summer party he will be hosting. Anyone who's anyone in this underground world will be there. Ivy was talking about the expansion on the bar. "She wants to turn It into a club AND strip club... How tacky!" Ivy commented. And Regina told them all about... well... Nothing.

Because nothing happens in Regina's life. She tells people what to do around the base. She pleases her husband. Does as she's told. And flaunts around her fake power. But other than that? She's not told anything. She has no clue what's going on. Why? Because as far as they were concerned. She's just the wife.

"Well, Baron. Ivy. I'll be off. Have a good day."

"Going to see if he will let you in?" Ivy asked.

When Regina nodded, Baron spoke up. "If you need a place to stay... You know where I am."

"I know." Regina smiled at him before leaving the bar and heading back to the alley.

As she began turning into the ally she heard a noise from behind her, Regina turned to look but found nothing. The place was as dead as well, the dead. Regina slowly turned back to the ally. Only to be confronted with a lanky man stood in front of her.

Regina took a few steps back. But stopped when she walked into another man. Regina turned to face him. Panic overtaking her.

But before she had the sense to say anything everything went black. And a dull throbbing pain could be felt on the back of her head... Along with the distant voices of the two men talking and carrying her.

The last thing Regina thought before blacking out was... 'It couldn't get any worse...'

Thank you for reading! Please review and let me know what you think, Also, Is there any characters that you would like to see a flash back of?