Karin flashed the torch in front of her patient's eyes watching as the pupils constrict as they should. "And you don't have any fogginess? Headache? Dizziness?"

"No," Miranda said, "I've told you I'm fine."

"Do you pass out often?"

Miranda let out a sigh. "I have a few times, but that was several years ago. My last doctor said it was likely stress related."

Karin pursed her lips and nodded slowly. "Given our current mission and your current... emotional state, it isn't an unlikely explanation."

"Emotional state?" Miranda scoffed with an eye roll as she hopped off the bed, "I'm fine Karin."

"Well, you should tell the Commander."

Miranda stopped mid-stride and turned to look at her. "That's not going to happen, and you can't tell her."

If Karin had a chit for every patient that reminded her of the doctor-patient confidentiality oath she had taken, she'd be a retired millionaire by now. "If there is a great enough risk it occurs on a mission I can. You're lucky you were sitting this one out."

Miranda's jaw clenched. "It's never happened in the field—well, only once in the field. But considering I was being held captive by batarians, I think that one can be forgiven."

Karin raised a brow.

"It's a long story," Miranda said with a shrug.

"Care to—"

"No," Miranda said cutting off her question.

Karin narrowed her eyes at the younger woman. "As long as this is the only incident, I won't tell the Commander. But if this happens again, she will need to know."

Miranda gave a short nod and headed towards to exit.

Moving to her desk Karin said, "EDI please monitor Director Lawson's vital signs at all times and report if she has another blackout. This monitoring is only to be discontinued by myself: authorisation C, M, O, K, C, one."

"Affirmative, Doctor Chakwas," the AI confirmed.

Karin couldn't help but smirk at the annoyed grunt from behind her. She had plenty of experience in pulling senior officers—including Captains—in line. It seemed stubbornness and stupidity were a requirement for any senior officer when it came to managing their own health.

"Have a good evening, Miranda," Karin said just before the door hissed closed.


The more Shepard spoke, the less comfortable Tali felt with the plan.

"Although I appreciate your commitment to helping capture her, Commander, I fear you are underestimating Morinth's power," the justiciar said, her forehead puckering into an uncharacteristic frown and Tali was relieved to hear that she wasn't the only one who didn't like Shepard's suggestion.

Stepping forward, Tali cleared her throat. "I have to agree with Samara, Commander, this feels like an unnecessary risk."

"A risk, yes, unnecessary? I don't think so," Shepard said, turning to look at the justiciar, "how many centuries have you been chasing her Samara? You said yourself, this is the closest you've gotten without her being aware of your presence in a long time. How many people will die at her hands if she gets away again?"

To Tali's dismay, the frown on the asari's features smoothed out, her calm, controlled aura returning. "You are right, Commander."

"Tali, once we reach her apartment, you will need to hack the door lock so Samara has no issues getting in, I have no plans of having my brain melted tonight."

"Yes, Commander," Tali said in defeat and fell in beside her Commander as Samara lead the way to the VIP section of Afterlife.

"What's up? You've been skittish since we got here."

"I feel like we should be a four-man team."

"Okay," Shepard said drawing the word out, "anyone, in particular, that would have made you feel more confident? Maybe a certain turian?"

Tali ignored the unsubtle comment and replied, "Jack."


Tali turned to look at the woman walking beside her and saw Leni's brows were raised a bemused look on her face. "Yes, ze's an excellent biotic and—"

"Um, we have an asari justicar with us, I think she's got the biotics covered."

"Well, yes but if Jack were here..." Tali paused, finding she didn't have a sound reason to explain her choice.

"Ze would call you Squidface again?" Leni helpfully suggested.

"I've been called worse things," Tali said and glanced at Leni

Tali looked at her, Leni's brows drew together, amusement dancing in her eyes. "Don't tell me you like the foul-mouthed, aggressive, and—let's be honest—slightly insane convict?"

"I didn't take you to be so judgemental," Tali said, ever thankful her helmet hid her glowing cheeks.

"I'm not. I like zir, I just didn't expect you to."

In truth, Leni wasn't wrong, Jack was the type of person Tali would usually avoid. Yet there was something that called to Tali through all the attitude and aggression, something buried deep beneath the tattoos, scars and bravado.

"Commander," the justicar said, cutting into Tali's thoughts and drawing Leni's attention away from her before she had time to say more, "we have arrived."


"Independence over submission. I think we share that, you and I."

Leni's eyes followed the asari as she rose and moved closer to her. It wasn't hard to imagine her bewitching an entire village into worshipping her. She was mesmerising; as if there was a magnetic aura that drew you to her.

"You compare us, but you're nowhere near my league," Leni said resisting the urge to push the asari away as she sat on her knee without invitation. She needed to play the role she had cast herself in, but her instincts told her to flee.

"So strong. I need this," Morinth said as her eyes blackened.

A chill ran down Leni's spine and she felt a weight pressing on the perimeter of her mind—the asari trying to force her way in. She found herself frozen to the spot, this must be what a home invasion felt like, sitting in the dark, hearing someone forcing their way into your home.

"Look into my eyes and tell me you want me," Morinth commanded.

The words echoed in her mind, searching for a way out. "I want—" Leni fought the overpowering urge to do as Morinth demanded, but she was too strong. "—you."

No! A voice in her head yelled. Her mind fogged more with every passing second. She had greatly underestimated the Ardat-Yakshi, and now she was trapped in her own mind with no way out. Her breathing became shallow and her breaths quickened as her chest constricted.

Then she heard something call to her. Something strong and relentless and she followed it. Through the fog, Leni could see the silhouette and she fought her way towards it. As she drew nearer, the rising panic lessened, her breathing slowly returning to normal. A feeling of warmth, trust and safety seeped into her mind and she realised the silhouette was a figure. This figure—this person—ignited feelings in her, feelings she was certain she had never felt for anyone else.

An arm reached out to her, and when it did, a spotlight was cast on it, revealing pale skin. The light travelled over the figure until a woman's face was unveiled: striking blue eyes, thick black hair and a smile that she somehow knew was only for her. Leni reached out for the woman's hand and with the barest of touches, the woman and the fog was gone.

Opening her eyes, Leni squinted, adjusting to the sudden light as she found herself back in the apartment.

"Tell me you'd kill for me. Anything I want," Morinth said, eyes still as black as the abyss, unaware Leni had escaped her trap.

The asari was still gripping Leni's arms and Leni jerked away, breaking the asari's hold. "Sorry, I'm not the victim you were hoping for."

Instantly, Morinth's eyes returned to normal and she focused on Leni, confusion coating her face. "But you...who are you?" Her brows furrowed, eyes flickering in thought. Then with a soft chuckle, her gaze shifted back to Leni. "Oh, I see what's going on. The Bitch herself found a little helper."

The apartment door hissed open and Morinth stood, only to be hit by a precision biotic pulse that neither Jack nor Miranda could have pulled off.




Miranda glanced at the pop-up in the corner of her terminal screen and frowned at the new message notification. There were only a handful of people on her contacts list, most of which were on the ship, and her profile wasn't public, so if you didn't have her as a contact, you wouldn't find her. Tapping on the small box she opened the chat window.

[Sender: Unknown.

Hey, my parents found out about the party, we have forty-two hours to find another location for it. How about the Eternity Bar? Let me know ASAP when you can meet.



"I'm so sorry for your loss, Samara. I'm here if you need to talk."

"Thank you, Shepard, I appreciate your assistance and the risk you took to help me complete my mission. But now I must grieve my child alone," the justicar said in a solemn tone, taking her meditative position again.

Leni bowed her head in respect and stepped out of the room. The scene that had played out in the apartment had been an astonishing display of biotic power. But more than that, it had been a sorrowful scene of pain and sacrifice.

Samara had done the unthinkable to save the innocents that would have fallen victim to Morinth's seduction should she have lived. Although Leni was certain Samara stood by her actions and would do exactly the same if she had to, the justicar would never forgive herself for ending the life of her strongest and smartest daughter.

As she headed towards the lift—lost in her own thoughts—Leni rounded the corner and crashed into Miranda, almost sending her flying. "Woah, sorry, you okay?" she said, steadying the other woman with a hand on her arm.

Miranda glanced down at the hand then met Leni's gaze. "No. Do you have a moment? I need to show you something." The tone in Miranda's voice was urgent.

Leni let her hand drop and nodded. "Of course."

As they moved through the mess hall, Leni looked at the woman who walked beside her: there was a tightness to her face. Something had her anxious, and Leni got the impression it had nothing to do with their personal situation. Although Miranda must have known Leni watching her, she made no show of it and simply stared straight ahead. The thought that it might always be like this between them formed a rock in Leni's stomach. She missed what they'd had and each time they interacted it felt like the woman she'd had the privilege of getting to know, was slipping further and further away from her.

When they entered her cabin, Miranda walked around her desk and spun the screen to face Leni. She read and reread the message three times before looking at Miranda with a frown. "The party is Oriana?"

Miranda nodded but said nothing.

"Eternity, as in Illium?"

Another nod.

"EDI, connect me to Jeff."

"Commander?" the pilot replied over the comm.

"ETA to Illium?"

"Illium? Roughly two and a half days."

"Shit," Miranda whispered with a shaky voice and began to pace, chewing on a nail.

"You have thirty-six hours," Leni replied to the pilot.

"Err, Commander, that's almost impossible."

"Almost being the keyword, Mr Moreau. This is a time-sensitive P-One; break flight laws, jump queues, hell, I don't care if you steal the Destiny Ascension's relay spot, just get us there. If anyone complains, tell them your resident Spectre will get back to them when we've done saving the fucking galaxy, again."

"Yes, Ma'am." The glee in Jeff's voice was clear, he would have fun with this journey.

Leni looked back at Miranda who had stopped pacing: although her face still coated in anxiety, her eyes had softened.

"Thank you," Miranda said and walked over to the large window.

Leni moved to stand beside her. "You have the full use of our resources. We could put a strategy togeth—"

"That's unnecessary," Miranda said abruptly, "I mean, thank you, but I've already started it."

"Okay, well we can continue it—"

"No, you have enough to focus on. I'll send it to you for review once the first outline is complete."

Leni studied Miranda's profile: she stared at the expanse, her arms folded across her body like a shield. "Okay," Leni eventually replied, "you know where I am if you want to run anything past me."

"Yes, thank you."


Miranda closed her eyes and pinched the bridge of her nose. No matter how many times she read the information on her monitor, no more details magically appeared. She had next to no actionable intel and if Lanteia couldn't get any more details before they arrived at Illium, they would be going into this mission blindfolded.

Sighing, Miranda picked up her tea and walked over to the sofa, kicking off her boots and curling her feet under her. Lately, she'd found it difficult to get comfortable on the sofa: it felt so big, so empty without Leni spreading out, taking up half of it the way she had. All Miranda wanted was to sit and talk with the only person she could speak to, the only person she wanted to speak to. Right now, Miranda missed Leni more than ever.

The worst part was that she knew if she asked Leni to come, she would without hesitation. It had been clear that Leni wanted to help, to support her when she was here earlier, but doing so would be a selfish move, unfair to Leni. No, she would deal with this the way she used to before Leni came along: alone.


Leni thought back to the vid-call with her mother, during which her mother had lovingly called her an idiot, pointing out that she'd let her personal situation with Miranda affect their professional one. She was the CO, the one that decided who planned what missions. Right now Miranda needed support and Leni was the only person that could support her in this. The final instruction from her mother had been, to get over herself and do whatever was needed.

"EDI, please tell Director Lawson I need to see her in my cabin."

"Yes, Commander," the AI replied and there was a moment's pause, "she asks if it is urgent."

Of course she did. Leni thought with a chuckle. That woman could be so damned obstinate. "Yes, it is urgent."

After another moment the AI replied, "She is on her way."

Leni read through the information on the datapad again and prepared herself for the backlash that would come when she showed it to Miranda. Hearing the ping of the elevator door, Leni stood and cracked the bottle cap off one of the beers.

When Miranda stepped through the cabin door she paused and stared at the bottle that Leni held out. "I thought this was urgent," she said, the annoyance clear in her tone.

"It is. Come on, take a seat and have a beer."

"Is that an order?"

"The beer is optional, the sitting down is not."

Letting out an irritated sigh Miranda walked down the stairs, ignoring the beer as she passed Leni and perched on the sofa. "Well?"

"You don't get to choose which missions you plan, I do," Leni said leaning against the display case and taking a swig from the bottle.

Miranda stood swiftly. "You can't stop me from having a say in my sister's rescue, Shepard."

"As if I would do that. But likewise, you can't stop me from working on it with you. Stop being so stubborn, I don't need to tell you how important this mission is. We have to get it right, so let's work together to make sure we do."

Letting out a sigh, Miranda slumped back onto the sofa. "Fine, although the information I have is sketchy, we've nothing to work with."

Moving over to the sofa, Leni handed the datapad to Miranda as she took a seat.

"What is this?"

"Something to work with."

Miranda frowned but read the datapad. After only a few seconds, her eyes widened and she looked up at Leni. "How? How could you have this information?"

Bracing herself, Leni cleared her throat. "I happen to be close friends with an information broker."

"What? You told T'Soni about my personal situation without my consent? Shepard I trusted you."

"Easy now," Leni said, trying to placate the infuriated woman opposite her, "I didn't tell her anything about you, Oriana or anything. She thinks this is a random job and none of the information she found gives anything away."

"But it could have."

"Yes, it could have, but I trust Liara with my life. If I told her to forget everything she'd found, she would. You said it yourself, you had next to nothing to go on, and this is too important to be a seat of our pants job."

Turning away from Leni, Miranda began reading the information on the pad. "Eclipse, no shock there considering it's Illium."

Leni nodded. "The client is anonymous, referred to only as N."

"Well, it's obviously my father, no one else has any reason to want her."

"It's certainly the most obvious answer, but right now that's a minor detail, knowing we'll be facing Eclipse is the most important detail. Also, a lot of money has gone into this, whoever it is has commissioned a large troop."

"He's expecting me," Miranda said, gripping the datapad.

"But he won't be expecting the other eleven of us. You saw on Horizon what our team is capable of. Eclipse troops are like ants compared to the Collectors, we'll stamp our way through them."


Leni frowned in confusion. "No, what?"

"You, me and Jacob. We can't involve anyone else."

Leni stared at the other woman for a moment. "Miranda, we need the whole team otherwise we risk being overwhelmed. Trust me to do what is best to keep her safe."

Miranda looked down at her hands. "It's not you that I don't trust. The more people that know, the more chance that she'll be discovered again."

"If I believed that, I wouldn't have suggested it. I'd do the same if it was Olivia."

"No offence Leni, but Olivia doesn't need to be hidden."

Leni winced, remembering that their recent lack of communication meant she hadn't told Miranda of recent events. "Actually, Becky and Olive got put under Alliance protection the end of last week."

"What? why?" Miranda said, eyes widening.

"The Alliance picked up chatter from an extremist batarian group. They somehow found out the 'Butcher of Torfan' has a daughter and were out for revenge."

"God, Leni, why didn't you say anything?"

"I wanted to, believe me, you were the first person I wanted to talk to after Mom told me, but..." Leni paused and let out a small huff, "we haven't been chatting of late."

Miranda shook her head, her jaw clenching, then her head snapped back to face her. "Why haven't we gone to sort this?"

"The Alliance moved fast, by the time I found out, one of their best N7 squads were mid taking them out; they did a good job too. Becky and Olive have been relocated to military housing and have had their surname changed, just to be safe. But I didn't mean to make this about me, I just want to make the point that I would have done the same for them as I'm suggesting for Oriana. Trust me to do what is best for her, for you both."

Miranda stood and walked over to the aquarium, head hanging. "I can't lose her Leni, she's the only relationship I haven't messed up. Which considering she doesn't even know I exist, says a lot about me." Her last words were said with a derisive laugh that became a sob.

Standing, Leni moved over to her and turned Miranda around, pulling her into her arms. Although Miranda buried her face in Leni's shoulder, her body was stiff, arms still crossed, maintaining a barrier between them. Ignoring the resistance, Leni rested her cheek on top of the other woman's head. "You haven't messed up every other relationship and I'm sorry this situation has left you feeling alone. You aren't." Feeling Miranda's body relax, Leni murmured, "I miss you."

As if those three words had magical powers, Miranda gave in, her body melting against Leni's, her arms wrapping around her. "I miss you too."

Smiling, Leni said, "How did you become one of my closest friends?"

A choked laugh came from the woman in her arms. "You wouldn't take no for a bloody answer," Miranda said pulling back to look at her.

Leni wiped away a stubborn tear from Miranda's cheek. "I'm sorry my feelings messed things up."

"It wasn't your feelings," Miranda said, raising a hand and cupping Leni's chin, the contact quickening Leni's heartbeat, "it was my fear that messed it up."

Leni opened her mouth to speak but Miranda didn't give her a chance.

"I love you."


The silence that followed was even more terrifying than the three words she had spoken only seconds earlier. Leni's mouth had dropped open and her eyes widened, but now they narrowed as she shook her head. Miranda's heart sank and her feet begged her to flee as they had every time before. But this time she held fast, refusing to let her feet have their way until she knew for sure.

"But you said...this isn't what you want, the mission..." Leni looked dazed as she rambled half sentences.

Miranda realised that Leni's reaction wasn't a rejection, rather that she was stunned from the revelation. "If the mission fails, I'll lose you and I couldn't bear that, but I'm losing you, anyway. I'm sorry that I've hurt you, and I understand if you can't forgive me for leading you on and then rejecting you but—" The kiss that cut off her next words was gentle, yet filled with emotion and Miranda could do nothing but yield.

When Leni pulled back, there was a smile on her face and Miranda could have drowned in the chestnut eyes that stared back at her. "There's nothing to forgive," she whispered, "I love you too."

Miranda snaked her hand around the back of Leni's neck—dragging her nails as she did—and pulled Leni's head down until their lips met again. When Leni's hand slide down her back, she deepened the kiss, sliding her tongue in Leni's mouth and Leni moved her back until she was up against the aquarium.

The hand that was on her back slid under her top and Miranda let out a heavy breath as fingers trailed their way up her body. It wasn't the first time that Leni's hands had been all over her, but this was different. Waves of goosebumps rippled over her skin with every touch and she needed the cloth barriers between them gone. Bringing her hands down to Leni's waist Miranda tugged at her t-shirt and Leni lifted her arms making it easier for Miranda to pull it off, then returned the gesture in kind, taking a moment to appreciate her as the top and bra dropped to the floor. When Leni pressed against her, Miranda inhaled sharply and pushed away from the cold tank.

"Sorry," Leni said with a chuckle as she wrapped her warm arms around her.

Looking up with a sly smile, Miranda guided Leni towards the bed and pushed her to a sitting position, straddling her lap. "Damn it, woman, you're incredible," Leni said, studying her face with a look of wonder.

"Look who's talking," Miranda whispered and then yelped as Leni grabbed her by the waist and flipped them over, lowering Miranda onto her back. Lifting her head, Miranda reached for the soft lips that hovered an inch away from her own, but they moved out of reach and Miranda let out a groan of objection until she felt them trail down her collarbone and her groan became a hum of approval. The arm that was still wrapped around her waist slid out from under her, nails dragging across her back and Miranda arched in response as fingers and lips continued to send ripples of goosebumps washing over her. When teeth grazed her nipple, Miranda sucked in a sharp breath of air and growled in frustration, she needed fewer clothes between them. Twanging Leni's waistband, Miranda almost growled, "Get these off."

She heard a snicker and then felt hands hooking her own waistband. "How about we get these gone first?"


Miranda propped herself up on her elbows. "I don't care who goes first, just get these damn clothes off."

Leni couldn't help but laugh at the other woman's frustration but didn't hesitate and began to pull the fatigues down over Miranda's curvaceous hips.

"Commander," the AI's voice said making them both jump.

"Jesus fuck," Leni hissed in exasperation and tightened her grip on the waistband which hadn't gotten more than a few inches lower, "what, EDI?"

"Doctor Chakwas is asking if you are ready to go over the shift changeover."

Dropping her head, Leni cursed, "Fuck, I have the next CO shift."

"EDI, what is Garrus doing?" Miranda asked, and Leni grinned at the other woman's cunning.

"He is calibrating the weapons systems."

"What a surprise," Leni chuffed, "put me through to him, EDI."

"Commander?" Garrus' rough voice came over the comms.

"Gar, don't suppose you could do me a favour and take my CO shift? It just started. Something...came up, and I really need to handle it right away," Leni said and had to fight not to laugh when Miranda swatted her, "I'll take your shift in the morning."

Sitting up, Miranda whispered in her ear, "He's working the next poker-night."

Not needing further explanation, Leni nodded. "And your next poker-night shift."

"Oh, you've got a deal," the turian replied without hesitation.

"Karin's waiting to give a shift handover. Oh and we have just received a time-sensitive P-One mission, so Jeff has changed our course to Illium. ETA thirty-six hours."

"Understood, Commander, I'll make sure everything is ship-shape."

"Thanks, Gar." When she was sure the comm line was closed Leni said, "Hey you."

"Hey," Miranda whispered in return and hooked a hand around Leni's neck, pulling her closer. That touch alone sent a shiver up Leni's spine, but having had the last few minutes to clear her head, there was a growing uncertainty in the pit of her stomach. "What is it?" Miranda asked, obviously seeing the change in her.

"Is this really happening? Because I'm all in, and I don't think I can take you running away again."


Sitting up straight, Miranda took Leni's face in both her hands and saw a raw vulnerability in the beautiful eyes that were locked with her own. Seeing such vulnerability in this strong woman, knowing that her actions could induce such strong emotions was both elating and alarming; if Miranda had had any doubt of how Leni felt about her, it would have been eradicated in this moment. "I couldn't run away now if I wanted to, which—for the record—I don't," she said with a smile, "all in."

As Miranda spoke, she saw the vulnerability ebbing away, and now there was a fire flickering in Leni's eyes as she leaned forward and kissed her. It was so gentle, yet expressed so much and Miranda pulled Leni closer.

Hands and lips explored her body, leaving a trail of embers in their wake. Every touch was like nothing she'd felt before—not even from Leni—it was so much more than lust, saturated with love and Miranda found herself lost in a realm of ecstasy.

When a hand on her cheek guided her back, she opened her eyes to see Leni laid beside her, with a tender smile on her face. Reaching up, Miranda tucked a stray braid behind her ear. "I love you."


The intense emotions those three little words evoked in Leni were overwhelming and she couldn't hold back the shudder when Miranda trailed her hand down her neck and shoulder, rolling her onto her back and tracing the outlines of her body with warm lips.

Leni had always been sceptical about the difference love could make to amazing sex. Before they became friends, the sex between them had been some of, if not the best Leni had had. But now, Leni understood the difference between having sex and making love.

Never, had hands touched her or lips kissed her the way Miranda's did right now, and Leni drowned in a euphoria like nothing she'd ever experienced. This time, Miranda didn't make her beg for what she wanted, instead, she was given everything and more again and again until Leni couldn't take anymore and arms encircled her quivering body.


Shivering Leni reached to pull the cover over her shoulders but met resistance, rolling over she cracked one eye open and saw Miranda sitting up with her pale bare back to Leni. "Hey," she croaked and Miranda turned to look at her with a sheepish expression.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you."

Catching sight of a datapad in Miranda's hand, Leni lowered her brows. "Miri, we've gone over the plan a hundred times, it's as good as it can be."

Sighing, Miranda put the datapad on the bedside table and laid back into Leni's arms. "I know, too much time to over think it I suppose."

"Okay, how about we find something else to think about?"

"Tell me what happened on Omega."

Leni looked down at the woman in her arms and smirked. "That wasn't what I'd had in mind, but okay."

Rolling over Miranda propped her chin up with her hands. "Don't you need any recovery time?"

Laughing Leni put her hands behind her head. "Not much it seems, which is obviously your fault considering you built me." Leni's eyes lit up as something dawned on her. "Oh. My. God. You created your own girlfriend, you're like the modern day Frankenstein."

Gasping, Miranda shoved Leni sending her rolling off the bed but caught her in a biotic-stasis field just before she hit the floor. "That serves you right," Miranda said with a laugh as she released Leni from stasis.

"That's cheating," Leni said sitting up. Before she could pull herself back onto the bed, she was once again surrounded by a blue hue, dragged up into the air and then placed back on the bed.

"No, this is cheating," Miranda said, pinning Leni's hands above her head as she straddled her.

"You really don't play fair Miss Lawson, please do continue."


Miranda revelled in the warmth of the naked body she leaned back against. She looked at their hands which rested on Leni's bent knee: their fingers were interlaced, her own pale skin contrasting with Leni's brown hue. Leni stroked Miranda's arm as she spoke and her hairs stood on end in response to the gentle touch.

"Wait, rewind," Miranda said, turning her head to look at the profile of the woman behind her, "your brilliant idea to catch the asari's version of a succubus, was to use yourself as bait and be seduced by her?"

Leni laughed. "Succubus? God, you're so inappropriate sometimes."

"Well, that's essentially what they are."

Miranda heard Leni sigh and felt lips brush her shoulder. "It's a good job I love you, woman."

The warm air intensified the goosebumps on her arms and the words ignited a flutter in her chest. With a smile, Miranda said, "You're changing the subject."

"I wasn't seduced, I just let her think I was, Samara was there as soon as she was vulnerable."

"Mmhm, as soon as she was vulnerable."

Leni chuckled, her lips still hovering mere centimetres from Miranda's skin. "Trust me, I was already yours, no one else stood a chance of seducing me."

Miranda couldn't help but smile and the flutter in her chest grew until a memory came to her, bringing nausea with it and she turned her face away.

The hand that had been stroking her arm moved to guide her chin round to look at her again. "What?"

Twisting her body away from Leni, Miranda turned until she was facing her. A frown appeared on Leni's brow and worry was clear in her eyes. "We need to talk about something because I don't want it to be an issue later on."

"Okay," Leni intoned.

"I..." Miranda paused and took a deep breath, "I know about Chambers." Whenever she thought about it: them together, Kelly Chambers in this room, in this bed with her hands all over Leni, it made Miranda simultaneously want to rip the yeoman apart and curl up in a ball. As hard as it was to hold eye contact, Miranda did, she needed to see Leni's reaction.

"Oh," Leni said, raising her brows, "I'd forgotten."

"You'd forgotten? Were you that drunk?"

Leni squinted and Miranda thought she saw an almost amused expression. "Sorry, I meant I forgot that you'd seen."

Miranda stared at Leni, mouth open unsure what to say. "How?" Was all she managed.

"I got a scolding from Karin the next day for being so insensitive. She saw you watching."

Breaking eye contact, Miranda hugged her knees to her chest, suddenly feeling exposed. "She didn't tell me she knew."

"Miri," Leni said with a gentle voice, "nothing happened."

Looking back at her, Miranda clenched her jaw, annoyance flaring at the blatant lie. "Leni, I saw you practically carry her into the lift, and I know she was up here with you, so don't even try to pretend she went to a different floor."

"Information courtesy of EDI I take it," Leni said and let out a huff, "Chambers tripped on the way to the elevator and I caught her, and yes she was in my cabin, to take a photo of the SR1."

Miranda tilted her head to the side in confusion.

"The rare model you bought me for my birthday," Leni clarified and waved her hand at the display case, "her twin brother is mad about model ships and she's been trying to get hold of the SR1 for him since they were first announced."

"You're kidding?" Miranda asked in disbelief.

Leni shuffled forward, closing the gap between them and rested her hands on Miranda's legs. "You are the only person I have slept with in this lifetime, the only person I want to sleep with for the rest of this lifetime. It wasn't a lie, no one else could have seduced me because—irrespective of whether you wanted me—I was already in love with you."

Miranda stared into brown eyes, processing this new information. She'd jumped to a conclusion, assuming Leni had added another notch to her belt when in reality, Miranda was the only person to have laid hands on this beautiful woman since her resurrection. "I'm sorry, for thinking—"

"No," Leni cut in, "don't be sorry, I understand why you'd think that. It's not as if it was out of character for old me. If I'd remembered I would have told you right away."

"If you knew that I knew, why didn't you tell me back then?"

Leni shrugged. "You went to great lengths to avoid me, I mean, we barely even communicated about work stuff face to face, and to be honest, it seemed kind of arrogant to assume it would bother you enough for me to clear it up, or, that was what I told myself anyway, it was probably more cowardice on my part."

"I'm not going to lie, I've had to avoid her after that night because I genuinely wanted to kill her."

Leni's eyes lit up, and she bit her lip, trying and failing to hide a grin. "You were crazy jealous," she said with triumph in her voice.

Playfully slapping her, Miranda said, "You're not meant to take delight in that. I'm really surprised nothing at all happened, anyone can see she fancies you."

"Well, she tried to kiss me," Leni said with a wince and Miranda frowned, jealousy flaring again but Leni continued, "but I pushed her away and suggested it was time for her to leave. I've never been interested, not even before us."

Hearing that did a lot to douse Miranda's jealousy, and she leaned in and kissed Leni. "Good," she said when their lips parted, "because I will cut her if she ever tries that again."

Leni laughed and pushed her back to laying. "Trust me, I'm all yours."

To Be Continued...

A/N: Well, that was the chapter you've all been waiting for, I hope you feel it was worth the wait!

If you liked it, I'd appreciate you taking a few moments to let me know your favourite parts and if you got any feels from it. As always, thank you for reading and feel free to share the story with like-minded ME fans! Now I should go.